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Rated: 13+ · Article · Women's · #2077553
I decided to investigate the importance and impact that women have on society as a whole.

Good day folks and welcome to the Devil’s Advocate series with me as your host and author, the MelanKoliK AlKoholiK. Today’s article was inspired by an epiphany I had while I was thinking of how important certain people were to my growth as a person, and realised that most of those people were women. So as a result, I decided to fully investigate the importance and impact that women have on society as a whole.

The MelanKoliK AlKoholiK hopes you as a reader enjoy the read and appreciates the time taken not only to read the article but to not just see things as black and white, but in the shades of grey that life is…

Aahhh women…. It really stands to reason that they do indeed run the world. From stopping wars to becoming leaders of nations, the paradigm shift from the traditionalistic views society had on women proves the commendable desire of women to prove that they are just as capable, if not more, than men and the commendable willingness of society as a whole to give women the opportunity to empower themselves. And to women’s credit, they have taken full advantage of the opportunity given to them. All over the world, you will find women in positions of power, from politicians to community builders (power doesn’t have to be synonymous with wealth, to quote Game of Thrones, power resides where people want it to reside) and power truly resides with women. There can be times when women can get a bit…. overbearing, but the intention is well-meaning. This article is one that celebrates the overall gracefulness, beauty, lovingness, and elegance of women and the many traits that they possess. I for one can say that while you might a group of 100 men and 1 woman, that group will never be able to replace the woman’s qualities combined.

One of the reasons why women are so wonderful is for their ability to be openly supportive of what you as a person are doing. There is nothing more a person would like in their lives (aside from money) than to have a wonderful support structure. Many successful men would be the first to tell you of the importance of the support that your woman brings. In my opinion, it is one of the paramount traits within a woman. I myself wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t have a woman who words cannot describe who was supporting me in what I do. That alone is sometimes all I need to help me push myself as far as I need to push because I am now doing something to justify that lady’s support and to make her proud as my appreciation for the support she gave me. I am sure that many men can attest to this but whenever we are down, a woman can cheer you up in a manner which cannot be matched by hanging out with your friends.

This leads into another point that women are generally just wonderful to have around. A woman’s ability to empathise and be sympathetic is second to none as that is the key for her to understanding and relating to people. Women can sacrifice their emotional strength to comfort and take care of those they love, which can be an exhausting task. Without that, the world would be a cold and emotionless place due to the nature of men thinking that emotions are a sign of weakness.

Women are also very beautiful and pretty to look at. Their skin is (usually) flawless and smooth as silk. Running your fingers along a woman’s skin is enough to arouse some men as their skin has a sensual feel to it. Their eyes are soft but deep, filled with intrigue, mystique and curiosity. There is a popular saying that a person’s eyes are windows to their soul and to prove this statement, a person can get lost looking within the eyes of a woman. Women are the undisputed masters of body language and depending on how the woman feels about you, their eyes are more than enough to communicate with you instead of using words. A woman’s eyes can tell you everything you would want, need and like to know about the lady. It also cannot be stated just how beautiful a woman’s eyes can be. It is not just their eye colour, but looking within her eyes and seeing her true beautiful self.

A woman’s body is also wonderful for the way it is accentuated by her curves and posture. Hollywood may try to beautify women by making them bare essentially nothing but it is sometimes within clothes whereby you truly see her for who she is. Not speaking from a perverted sense, but a person should really take the time to examine the body of a woman and really appreciate its beauty for what it is. They look sexy, graceful, elegant, smart, and beautiful (I must find a new adjective as I am using beautiful too many times) whether they are dressed up to go out, dressed down for a lazy day, or even (and especially) when they are undressing for bed.

Women naturally smell great and are absolutely wonderful to squeeze tightly, hug closely or cuddle intimately with, if just to smell her natural essence (I hope that didn’t sound weird to you). It is then when a person would truly appreciate a woman for who they are and what they do to you.

An underrated character trait that women have is their ability to be easy to talk to. This is due to the stereotype that women tend to talk a lot (which is also true) and as a result, it is easy to miss such small things due to your mind wandering because of her speaking but you perceiving it as babbling. Because of this wonderful trait that women have, it is easy to build trust and as a result, form an emotional bond with them. With this, I (and almost all men) feel able to open up with the special women in our lives and share things with them that we as men could never do with anyone else, however close. As a result, the special women in our lives know things about us that nobody else does.

Another thing that women tend to do that might not seem like much but are in truth highly appreciated is ironically the small things they do. To put this into an example, I had a special lady (despite our parting of ways, I believe all my former women are special) who was good with her hands. One day, she managed to cut an old pair of messed up jeans I had into a great pair of shorts. It might seem like a miniscule thing but she knew I loved those jeans (they were soft and comfortable and I wore them to the point where they became torn and I still wore them even though they were torn) and she took the time to repair them, which as a result made me appreciate the jeans and her even more than I already had.

The small things women do that make our lives that much more convenient such as cooking, or baking, or cleaning might not be noticed until she has left you. It is only then when you see what a catch you had. It doesn’t even have to be things of a housewife nature. Women can do small things like be incredibly cute and adorable which may seem gay (no offense meant to gay people), which in turn make your heart melt and as a result, make you appreciate her even more. Only an idiot will not see such wonderful things until the special lady has left and it is too late.

I also tend to think that one of the defining characteristics of women which is usually on show but is underappreciated is a woman’s ability to be strong and mature. It is for this that I believe that women are on another level to men. I (and surely you) have known, and met women who have endured great hardships and instead of crying, crumbling and succumbing to depression, rose from the ashes and came out an even stronger person than what they originally were. Women are capable of dealing with great pain and struggle while keeping their ability to be tender and vulnerable. Men just tend to bottle things until the bottle bursts. Their maturity is also incredible as it helps them rationalise things instead of doing what men usually do and just act without thinking of the consequences. They have the ability to recognise their own limitations without worry and fear, and as a result are able to admit when they are wrong and accept help when they need it, unlike us men who let our pride lead us to foolishness. Women can be tough without being harsh, nurturing without being smothering, strong yet vulnerable and make a person feel appreciated without being superficial. It is such qualities which make most women excellent wives and mothers.

Finally, the sex. Women are the BEST in sex. They can do things you haven’t yet heard of, can teach and are willing to learn, love to spice things up with variety and spontaneousness, can be submissive or dominant, can be ladies or freaks, demanding but respectful, aren’t afraid to tell us what to do or where to go, can be timid or demanding of things…….Jesus, I can go on forever, such is the extent of the impact that women have had on me as a person in the bedroom and in life as a whole.

Women are kind, strong, beautiful and fierce and many other things all wrapped together into a package summed up by one word: love.

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading…

This article was written by the DA BAWS GAWD, DA GAWD BAWS, the NihilisticEvangelist, and the cult of personality only known as the MelanKoliKalKoholiK of the Guild of BAWS and the Hall of GAWDS.

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