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What happens on one planet happens on all the others planets sooner or later. . |
Siblings – Tentative Title “I’m going to kill you for this.” Donel swished his hand across a small box built into his chair that turned off the Video Monitor in front of them. “You sent that contest entry in didn’t you. What lies did to tell them about me.” “If you hadn’t turned off The Daily Newsfeed you would have seen what I said about you. All I told them is that you are a good writer. I also told them that you had a million ideas. If only given a chance I’m sure you could give them a great idea for a new comedy series.” “I know why you did it.” Donel looked at Sharra with hatred in his eyes. “You did it because you thought you could get a giggle out of it. After all, it is a comedy contest this year.” “You’re right. I did do it because I thought it would be funny. But I also did it because you have always said that you could write anything.” “That’s not completely accurate. I can’t write comedy. You know that. I’ve got a great sense of humor. But I am a spontaneous humorist. I am also an old fashion slip and fall type of comedy writer. If I could write comedy. Which I can’t.” “You have a good sense of humor. There’s not a day that doesn’t go by that you aren’t making me laugh with the way you tease me and put me down.” “You’re right. I am very good at put downs. But that isn’t what the industry is looking for nowadays. They aren’t looking for slip and falls either. What they want are one liners. And I’m not that kind of a writer.” “That’s where you are wrong big brother. What they want is something new, something original, that hasn’t been done before.” “Which is impossible. There’s nothing new, or original, anymore.” “You’re probably right about that. Maybe it can’t be new or original, but maybe that’s what they are really looking for. Slipping and falling or put downs might be ready for a comeback. If so, then you are the perfect one to do it.” “You may be right about the comeback part. But even if you are I’m not the one they want. I’m not a comedy writer. I couldn’t write a comedy if my life depended on it.” “It might. Look around you.” Donel and Sharra both looked around the room they were in. It’s a mess. And that’s being kind. The room was rundown. Trash everywhere. It looked like a room, house, of horror or where death was – minus the horror and the death. Donel and Sharra stared at that joke, no pun intended, for several minutes. Finally, Sharra broke the silence. “Besides, I read the rules a thousand times. And there’s nothing in them that says you actually have to write the comedy.” “Oh, really. One thousand. I didn’t think you could count that high.” “All they really want is for you to pitch them an idea for a new comedy series. You don’t actually have to write it.” “That’s another reason why I hate you. You know I can’t talk in public. One or two Vaniusians I am good with. But any more than that I can’t do that.” “I have been thinking about that. And I think I have a way around that. All you have to do is come up with the idea. Leave the rest to me.” “Which is another problem. I’m so stressed out, thanks again little sister, I can’t think of anything to pitch to them.” “I’m sure you will figure out something. You have a month before you present it to the Network. That should give you plenty of time to come up with something great.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== Sharra stood before six individual, three males and three females, sitting behind a half-circle table. “As you can probably see I’m not Donel. He is sitting behind me.” After a few seconds Sharra spoke. “He’s not too good when it comes to crowds. So I am going to do it for him. If that’s okay. I know how some people feel about the rules. It has to be exact or you get disqualified.” Once the individuals gave their approval Sharra continued. “Donel did come up with this pitch though. He even wrote it so I wouldn’t forget it. Like I would forget something like this. He thinks I’m stupid. But he’s the stupid one. In fact, that’s what this series would be about.” Sharra paused for a few seconds for effect. “It’s a series about a brother and sister who live together. It isn’t because they don’t want to, but because they can’t afford to live on their own. They are always fighting about something – like Units, payment etc.” “One of the main characters is over protective of his little sister. He still thinks she’s innocent. Even though she hasn’t been innocent in years. She is just as bad though. No one is ever any good for her big brother. A lot of the stories will center around those, as well as Unit, problems but there will also be a lot involving their work and home life too.” “My brother has written up storylines for the first four years for this series.” After seeing six raised eyebrows Sharra answered their question. “It’s actually one year. My brother feels that if the Midday Stories can do it on a daily basis year round there’s no reason why an after dark series couldn’t do it on a weekly basis – especially since it all cost about the same.” After taking a few seconds to breathe again Sharra continued. “I could go on. But I know you have others waiting to give their pitches.” =====-=====-=====-=====-===== They waited and waited. But they never got a response from them. “Oh well. I didn’t really want to do it anyway. It was an honor to be asked though.” |