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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #2075751
A lucky little kid is given more than he might have bargained for.

Kalina's Waterslide

A Story by AzurePheonix

A feline woman emerged from the restroom feeling satisfied and empty, the only sign she was there being a large, purple egg in one of the toilets. This egg, of course, contained a young child who fell prey to the feline woman's hunger. Now, after having spent an hour in her belly, the child was now spending time in the latrine. Soon, the egg will hatch and the youngling will be free; until then, he would have to wait.

The feline woman herself went by the name Kalina, whom in her native tongue means "child-eater"; and she was true to her name. Being an anthromorphic cat having beautiful lavender fur and violet-colored eyes, she was well-gifted with a set of round and perky double D breasts as well as a firm yet plump backside. Her curves stuck out like sore blisters from the rest of her body, which was thin and sleek; these curves were also known to naturally shake and jiggle about as she walked.

Of course, the one thing she was gifted most of all was a hunger - a hunger for young children. She never knew why, but she always found satisfaction in having a child squirm in her gut, even more so she could find even greater satisfaction in "giving birth" to them, especially if done in certain places like the bathroom or the pool. In fact, Kalina's become so fond of "birthing" the children that she eats, she refers to them as her "butt babies" and isn't afraid to let her lucky victims know where they're headed. Of course, the children are never harmed in the process. Just encased in an egg and shot out her poop-chute like any other foodstuff.

A few minutes after having relieved herself of the last child she ate, Kalina was already feeling a familiar hunger coarse through her body. Her stomach moaned and growled as it wanted to be filled up again, and it would take a child to fill that hunger. She walked around for a moment, allowing her chest and rear to bounce blissfully in the air before finding herself in the middle of a waterpark. There she found a large group of kids clustered together in a pool, screaming, swimming and doing what little kids do. To the younglings, the pool was a place to have fun and hang out. But to Kalina, the pool was an all you can eat buffet. Kalina, being smart, took a step back behind a nearby waterfall to hide from an incoming adult.

It wasn't the best feeling in the world for a cat woman, but as a predator she had to deal with it. From the distance, she could see a large, obese woman walking by the pool. She obviously wasn't dressed for any pool time fun, but came by to check on the kids. Through the whole time, Kalina feared the woman might see her despite the best efforts to hide. The next minute went by painfully slow for Kalina, with each second taking the risk that someone might see her, or so Kalina had felt. Finally, the obese woman noticed nothing strange or peculiar and decided to leave the kids to their own. With a sigh of relief, the cat woman continued to hide behind the waterfall trying to pick out the perfect meal.

Among the twenty or so children that played in the pool, none of them seemed to stick out to Kalina. Some were too fat, other too thin. Some looking too pale, others looking to dark. Not to mention half of them were girls, which were disappointing since boys were much more filling. Kalina sighed to herself, and continued walking past the pool despite her stomach's commands.

Suddenly, Kalina spotted a figure in the distance, near the pool; looking closer, she saw it to be a boy who looked to be no older than ten. He was quite tall and rather cute with a hint of peach in his skin. That, and his green eyes and brown hair looked quite appealing in the eyes of the voluptuous predator. Having spotted her next butt baby, she looked around and saw that the coast was clear. "Bingo!" She said to herself as she stalked over to her next morsel.

Once Kalina was in speaking range of the boy, she called for him, "Psst. Hey kid." The child jumped up in surprise as he looked around, "Me?" he responded. "Yeah you. Come here, you lucky thing, you." The boy heeded Kalina's command as he turned around only to see a large, curvy cat woman standing over him. Of course, he was a tad young to share (or fulfill) any interests with the woman, but was amazed at her perfect female figure nonetheless.

"Wh-what do you need, ma'am?" The boy stuttered a little bit before regaining himself, still stunned that such a magnificent creature was standing right in front of him, more so talking to him. He wanted to find out more of her, and deep inside he knew she wasn't going to deny him the privilege. "I need you to tell me about yourself." Kalina asked, "What is your name, and how old are you?" The boy's eyes brightened a little before he said with a hint of enthusiasm, "My name is Simon ma'am, and I'm turning eleven next week. Mom says I'll be a big boy soon."

"Well, I'm delighted to hear that." Kalina said with an enthusiastic tone, "Want to prove it for me?" Simon then stuttered with a mixture of amazement and curiosity, "A-and how would I do that?" He said. "Easy." Kalina continued, "Rumor has it that there's a waterslide around here where only big boys take a ride. No girls or little boys are allowed." She smirked a little at the cleverness of her own lie, to which the boy couldn't help but believe. "Really!? A slide for big boys!? Get me on it!" He shouted, to which the feline woman hushed him "Ssh! You have to be quiet!" Kalina whispered. The boy said nothing but instead made a gesture that looked as if he was zipping his mouth closed. "Good! Now, whatever happens, you can't freak out or cry for help, otherwise you're not a big boy. Got it?" Simon nodded but then whispered lowly "Do all of the big boys around here do this?" Kalina nodded, "Trust me, it's a local rite of passage." She grabbed her large and soft rump for a moment to admire it, "Well, more so the 'passage' part." The cat woman thought to herself as she smiled in a naughty tone. "Are you ready?" She said as she looked around, checking that the coast was clear.

"Okay, I'm ready if you are." Kalina smiled and nodded, "Alright then, just sit back and enjoy the ride." The cat girl proved herself to be deceptively strong as she picked up the large boy with ease. Then, she relaxed her jaw muscles as her tongue began to slither out of her widening maw and wrap itself around Simon's feet. Looking down into the depths of her mouth leading down her throat, a strong part of the young boy wanted to freak out and squeal for help, but an even stronger part of him was mystified by the cat woman's peculiar talents. Seemingly paralyzed by his sudden lack of will to fight or even question what she's doing, all little Simon could do was take in a nervous gulp and watch himself be devoured by this strange woman. "Don't worry. I'm fine; I'm a big boy. I can do this!"

It wasn't long before Kalina submerged the boy's feet inside of her mouth and allowed his legs to rest upon her wrapping tongue. Feeling the moist heat of her insides emit from her mouth, Simon closed his eyes and breathed quietly to himself. Slowly, he felt Kalina's moist warmth crawl past his thighs, his hips, and soon his torso and arms with a wet "gluk gulk guk". Kalina moaned a little to herself as the boy tasted delicious sliding down her gullet, her long tail wagging in excitement and satisfaction. Soon, Simon would begin to feel something open up below his feet before they came into contact with something marshy; he yelped a little at the surprise and shock of the feeling, but it didn't alert Kalina or anyone around. Before Simon knew it, his entire head slipped into the cat woman's hungry maw as the last of him was devoured. Kalina, knowing this, closed her maw shut as her jaws popped back in place before she held her gut and with one last swallow, "GULP" her esophagus muscles clamped down on Simon as he took a straight shot right into her moist, awaiting belly, causing a bulge to jump out of Kalina's stomach.

With her hunger sedated, Kalina rubbed her huge belly to feel Simon's body trapped within her before letting out a loud "URRRRRRRAP. Ooh, excuse me!" She said teasingly. Looking down, she could see that her belly bulge was well-defined and Simon's outline could easily be seen poking out from her stomach's fleshy folds. It didn't really concern her; the bulge would smooth out before he would be sent to the next part of the "waterslide". In the meantime, Kilana would have to find a place where she could enjoy her most recent meal.

Meanwhile, Simon found himself stuck in a fetal position while he was being churned around in his wet, dark prison; the walls of the predator's stomach moving, clamping, and pushing him all around. It didn't really hurt but felt like a long, relaxing massage. There really wasn't much to say; he knew he was as good as food, and he wasn't about to fight it. His only concern, however, is if he was to make it out of this woman's digestive tract alive. "Hey, uh, cat lady." He asked, "Are you going to spit me out?" Of course, he knew the answer to that question already.

Kalina laughed at the boy's question and said, "And why would I do that? You'll be fine. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. If you've studied the digestive system, you should know the way out." Kalina giggled and slapped her large, luscious ass, causing it to jiggle vibrantly. Simon nodded and decided to quiet himself for the remaining time in Kalina's belly. Inside, he laid back and listened to the sounds of her inner workings, "Glluurp" "gloorp" "geeern" as the stomach walls clamped down on him every few seconds; every time they did, he would feel a strange, thick liquid drip onto him. Little by little, the juices accumulated until his entire body was covered with them; the fact that Kalina shook her belly around from time to time didn't help. Within half an hour of being devoured, he noticed that the juices he was bathing in weren't breaking him down like regular food, but instead hardening and molding around him with the help of Kalina's stomach contractions. Soon, it became increasingly hard to breathe as it was to move, as there was limited oxygen inside of Kalina's body. "I think... I'm getting a little... sleepy", Simon said with a yawn as he tried to stretch within his confines. The cat woman giggled, "That's it, just sit back and enjoy the ride." By this time, she was laying down on a bench and relaxing herself while she waited for Simon to pass through her intestinal tract.

"It'll be a long ride through my poop tubes, so I would suggest resting back and letting my body do all the work." Kalina said. Simon nodded once more before letting his tiredness get the better of him and dozing off into a deep, warm slumber. Meanwhile, Kalina would notice a change in the shape of her bulge. The outline of the boy became less and less defined, and started to become smoother and rounder resembling the shape of an egg; however, it was much larger. "Alright," Kalian said before standing up, "time to send you off into the next part of the waterslide". Suddenly, a hole at the bottom of Kalina's stomach began to stretch wide as her stomach walls clamped down on the meal one last time; the cat woman smiled and softly pressed her gut downward, careful not to break the egg covering which held Simon. Within seconds, the sphincter stretched over the bottom of the egg and sucked it in with a wet "SCHLORP". Kalina laughed a little as she felt the force of her last meal pass through her stomach and into her intestines, "Have a nice trip through the bowels, my butt baby." Kalina slapped her bulbous ass again before heading off to find an appropriate spot to release Simon.

The next hour through Kalina's intestines was very slow and meandering; slowly, the egg which contained Simon would begin to turn a purple hue and harden as it traveled through Kalina's innards, descending deeper and deeper into her digestive tract. In due time, and egg-encased Simon found his way into Kalina's rectum, where he was tightly packed and ready to be released. The feline felt the massive pressure in her backside and smiled, "Looks like another butt baby is ready to be born." She headed to the bathroom where Simon would soon be greeted to the outside world again.

With a sigh, Kalina walked into the bathroom and sat on the largest toilet she could find. "Alright, it was fun having you in my body but now it's time to come out, sugar." With those words uttered, Kalina relaxed her rectal muscles as they clamped down and around the egg, causing her asshole to stretch ludicrously wide around the shape of the giant object. "Ah yes, that's it. Come on out." Kalina pushed and grunted a little as the flat bottom end of the egg emerged from her bottom end. Inch by inch, push by push, the giant egg which contained Simon slid its way out of Kalina's rear; the egg was so large, the sound of it being shat out could be heard all across the bathroom. After a minute or two of non-stop pushing, Kalina breathed for a minute to give herself respite. "One last push, Simon." Kalina grunted one last time to give it her all.


Finally, the last of the egg slid out of Kalina's poop-chute and into the toilet bowl belwo with a moist "FLLLOP" sound. The cat woman sighed in pleasure as her asshole sealed back shut as it dripped with clear juices. Satisfied once more, Kalina stood up and turned around to see her handiwork; she was shocked to see what had just emerged from her hind end. A massive, purple egg the size of a watermelon that filled the toilet to its brim, one of the largest she had seen in a while. "Jesus Christ! You really are a big boy, Simon." She then looked down at her large, curvaceous breasts before squeezing tem a bit, "I can't wait to see you again in a few years so you can show me the man you've become." Kalina laughed but what she said really wasn't a joke.

A moment later, Kalina emerged from the bathroom feeling empty and happy again. This time she didn't feel her hunger return, and she had Simon to thank for that. Looking off into the sun, she began to feel her snatch tingle; she had to please it. Nearby, she could see a rather cute guy hanging out by the pool. "Hey there, cutie." Kalina said as she began to approach him. She knew she was going to have a good time with him.

Meanwhile, Simon laid comfortable within his container. He was just now waking up, and had little desire to break out yet. Thus he laid back, and would emerge from the egg in due time. For now, he would wait, for there really isn't any rush.


© Copyright 2016 Henry Mole (azurephoenix at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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