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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2075458
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land
Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Six

Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Six

They made it back from Lincolnshire to the campsite just before dawn was breaking. Exhausted and needing sleep and rest, they made room in the small wagon and slept until the noon break. The commander of the troopers called a halt near a small clear running stream so the men could water and rest their mounts and prepare a small noon meal.

Now, somewhat recovered from their long journey and harrowing escape, they joined DarDar and Elise around the small cooking fire. Geoffrey was paying a visit to the Troop Commander to see if his farrier could repair a loose shoe on his mount. Kenzy was initially frightened by the size of DarDar but soon realized he was a sweet and very gentle giant who went out of his way to make them all as comfortable as possible, his enduring smile always bright and friendly.

Although Kenzy remained alarmed and disturbed from her somewhat magical escape and the frightening dragons, she was bursting with curiosity and eager to learn more about her new champions. “I cannot understand how you managed to free me and why the dragons respond to your commands?” she asked biting into a piece of mild cheese and bread. “How you learned of my plight is also a mystery.”

“My dragon, Whiff, alerted me to your peril,” Analia replied. “We can mind-speak, which I will explain in more detail later, and which must be kept a secret. Only the four of us here and Geoffrey know of the dragons and our true identity, the soldiers and friar know nothing, were they to learn of the dragons it would put us all in great danger. First, please tell us who you are and where you are from and how you got into the situation you were in?”

Kenzy shrugged. “You know my name, through your mind-speak, I guess. I am Kenzy MacAilpen and my home is far to the north in Alba, what the Brittanics call Scottilund. I am Pictish from a town called Fortriu. We have been under the rule of the Brittanics for several years and our people are no more than slaves to them, although our Picti Lords hold estates and curry favor with the Brittanics.”

“How did you come to be in that cell waiting to be burned?” Elise asked.

“When the Britanics conquered our people, they imposed their harsh religion on us. Any person caught practicing the old religion is condemned as a witch or sorcerer by the Church. Many still defy the teachings of the Church, so the trials run constantly. I was entranced by the sacred tree and my master’s overseer caught me. From there the story is short, I was condemned as a witch and my family was condemned with me. The Church want’s to eradicate our old beliefs at all costs and anyone now caught practicing the old ways, their entire family is subject to the same punishment.”

“You mentioned the sacred tree?” Analia questioned. “Did you meet the Brittanic god at this place or was it someone else?”

Kenzy tilted her head and thoughtfully replied. “He was an old wizard. His eyes were shockingly blue, and a great white beard hung down midway on his chest. His long white hair flowed over his shoulders and blended with his robe of pure white. His face was weathered and creased from age. He held a tall wooden staff in his age spotted hands. He called himself Merlin. I thought he was the God of the Church, but he could not have been for he was kind and gentle and not harsh and vengeful.”

“Have you ever had strange dreams?” Analia asked.

“Several times I have dreamed I was in a strange land,” Kenzy answered. It was a place they called, Tír na nÓg, and the people there were called the Tuath De Danann. I remember thinking that I came from this place; it was so beautiful and peaceful. There were many people there I loved.”

Analia took the time to explain all that she had learned from Merlin, how many thousands of years ago, mankind lived in great cities. They were like gods in their abilities, and in their science, medicine, the arts, and war, they were unparalleled. They even reached for the stars in their mighty ships. Their pride and disdain turned them away from love and beauty and peace and they undertook a great war.

Most of the world was covered with fireballs like small suns, all life almost perished, few were left. The war was so terrible it split open the cosmos and released creatures and beings from parallel worlds and other dimensions, leaving them free to roam the earth. That is where the dragons and war birds came from, and many others creatures.

The horrible war also created a rift in space and time, opening a portal to the old gods who once were powerful on earth but only remembered as legends and in myth. They will also never allow mankind to become like gods again and the world will forevermore live in the dark ages ruled by kings and Lords. Even great land masses were shifted on the earth’s surface moving mighty continents.

She explained how she, then named Eirean, selected to leave Tír na nÓg, the supernatural realm of everlasting youth, beauty, health, abundance, and joy, and had herself created into a human body as a child and placed in a farmer’s field where she was found. She also explained all that had happened in the land she and Elise came from and especially how Merlin destroyed the outlawed magic weapons of the Tyberians.

“You think it’s possible that I am from there also?” Kenzy asked, her eyes lighting up. “Perhaps I even have the mind-speak power like you and your Pieter?”

Analia smiled. “There’s one way to find out. Try to contact my dragon, Whiff. Just talk to him like you would normally talk but think of him when you do so.”

Kenzy tried for a few seconds then almost fainted from the sudden shock. “He answered me,” she whispered. Your dragon talked to me.”

“Whiff is not my dragon,” Analia replied. “We are simply friends and choose to be together on this adventure.” Analia suddenly noticed Friar Huck heading towards their camp and quickly asked Kenzy to hide in the wagon. “There’s no way we can explain where you came from since we are out here in this wilderness,” Analia stated. “As soon as we get to Readingum we can pretend you joined us there. I like Friar Huck, but, he is a member of the Church.”

“Good day, Ladies,” Huck smiled a warm greeting. “I have some rather tasty marmalade brought all the way from the south of Gaul. I could eat it all myself, however, I doubt you have ever tasted anything so delightful.” He lathered a piece of bread and passed it to Elise then one to Analia.

The citrus tasting jam was wonderful, something they had never tasted before. “You mentioned a place named Gaul,” Analia stated. “Since we come from the far west and know nothing about your geography, will you enlighten us?”

Huck struggled to swallow a large chunk of jam and bread then wiped his mouth on his dirty brown robe. “Britanica is of course the only truly civilized kingdom,” he emphatically stated. To the north of Britanica we have Scottilund where the barbaric Picti live. Attached to Scottilund is Hibernica, which was once an island in itself but is now part of Scottilund because of the great upheaval. The Picti and Hibernican Scoti are close savage relatives.”

Friar Huck halted to take a long drink from his strong smelling beer mug. “To the south are people called the Gaul. Britanica was also once an island, according to the holy teachings, but the great upheaval pushed the south land north so it is now attached to Britanica and many royal provinces of Britanica are located on the great continent. The Gallic people speak a strange language but not as strange as their neighbors to the north and east who speak as if they were hacking into their mugs. I have a friend from Gaul named Jean Marcel DuBoise, a very outgoing and friendly friar. South of Gaul is another very small sea where strange speaking dark people live and the further south one goes, the darker the people become. Of course, to the far north is where the wild Northmen live, I believe you refer to them as Nordlunders.”

“Jean Marcel DuBoise is a name that the Viturians might use where I come from,” Analia stated. “Their King is Charles LaCouture and my good friend Talina Ne Galloise also comes from there.” Also, ex-Queen Denize came from and is exiled there, she thought.

“The pronunciation is the same,” Friar Huck curiously replied. “Perhaps they are a lost colony of the Gallic people. The Gauls have a formidable kingdom of their own and are our chief rival; you could say they are almost as civilized as we are.”

Geoffrey returned to camp leading his newly shod mount. He smiled at Elise and nodded to the friar then bowed to Analia. She noticed that Elise’s smile and eyes lingered on the tall handsome man much longer than was normal, and she watched as he sat and stretched his long lanky legs out towards the fire, it was the first time she had shown any special interest in him at all. Unfortunately, Geoffrey had been giving Analia furtive looks that made her feel rather unpleasant, as she had no intimate feelings for the bold cavalier other than close friendship.

As soon as Friar Huck left, Analia had a short discussion with Kenzy in the small wagon. “The Friar says that your people and the people of a place called Hibernica are neighbors?” she asked. “Where I come from the name, Hyberia, was mentioned in the Book of Knowledge. Do you think they are the same people?”

Kenzy chewed her bottom lip for a second and then replied. “They are called the Scoti by the Brittanics, but we call them the Eire and their realm we call, The Land of the Khelt. According to our sacred beliefs, we are all the same people.”

“We also have the Khelti and Sidhe back where I live,” Analia smiled. “If they are the same as your people, we are kin by right. I have many Khelti and Sidhe friends. We must explore this trend of thought further.”

Three days later they arrived on the outskirts of Readingum. It was a sprawling city nestled next to a river they called the Kenet. There were more than half a dozen large castles located around the city and a great monastery larger than any one of the castles. According to Friar Huck, the escort had orders to take them to a castle called Warwick, the home of Marquis Cornwall and Marquise Runna, the Lord who ruled the area in the name of the King. Following the traditions set down in their Holy Book, the castle had been built on the spot of an ancient castle that existed long before the downfall of mankind.

Once within the city, Geoffrey asked the escort commander to halt at a large inn so the Ladies could refresh themselves and change into decent clothing before continuing on to the castle. Although the commander did not seem favorable to the request, as soon as Geoffrey mentioned that his troop could have all the ale or beer they wanted, paid for by Princess Audrey, he smiled and agreed. The real reason for stopping was to purchase clothing for Kenzy and to officially add her to Analia’s small entourage.

As soon as the troopers were all settled in the inn, including Friar Huck who was first through the door, they sneaked Kenzy inside wearing one of Elise’s dresses as they were near the same size while Geoffrey talked with the innkeeper and DarDar watered his beloved mules. Within an hour, all three ladies quietly left the inn dressed in clean but presentable clothing. It was a good they did not take much longer as the troopers were already feeling their pints and a few had difficulty mounting their saddles.

The castle was huge but not as large as her father’s castle in Havenhall. It was a well-built fortress with thirty foot stone walls and battlements running the entire circumference. All corners were fitted with sturdy block houses with archer ports. The main gate held massive foot thick doors banded and covered with iron sheets but presently open and guarded by a squad of men-at-arms. They noted the heads of half a dozen men hanging from iron hooks to the left and right of the main gate in varying stages of decomposition. As they went through the opening, they saw an enormous iron portcullis recessed into its raised position while the guards gawked open mouthed at DarDar.

The escort turned right and followed a paved road around the wall to the back of the large keep. “You can have your man follow us to the stables,” the young officer stated. “This is the entrance to the first floor atrium where I was directed to leave you; the door sentries will call the chamberlain. It has been a pleasure assisting you, My Lady.” He then saluted and rode off down the narrow street with Friar Huck behind him. Analia signaled for DarDar to follow him. “Stay in the stables for now,” she mind-spoke to DarDar. “I will have someone see to your needs and keep you informed of our situation.”

The two sentries were very alert and as soon as they approached the door one opened it part way and called for a young page to fetch the chamberlain. They were not allowed entry and stood staring up at the bright blue sky and studying the interior of the great stone walls.

“So much for your status as an Imperial Princess,” Geoffrey spat, his face turning red from anger. “This is no way to treat royalty, sending them to the back door like lowly peasants or serfs. I shall have words with the majordomo about this insulting breach of protocol.”

“The more anonymity the better,” Analia smiled. “I am, after all, a barbarian princess. It will serve us better to maintain a low profile.” She could tell that her attitude did not please Geoffrey.

Shortly, a small balding man stuck his head out the door and waved them inside. “I am Cleos, assistant to the chamberlain,” he stated, “please excuse our poor breach of etiquette, however, we were not advised of your pending arrival.” The young page quickly returned, his face was red and he was struggling to catch his breath. He handed a note to Cleos.”

The man’s eyes lit up as he quickly read the short note, he then bowed so low his head nearly struck the hard marble tile. “Forgive me, Your Imperial Highness, I will escort you to your chambers immediately.”

“So much for anonymity,” Analia whispered as they were led through the open atrium.

They were taken up several flights of stairs to a set of sumptuous rooms which were the most luxurious rooms they had ever seen. Geoffrey was accommodated across a wide hall from them in an opulent room of his own. Analia felt as if she was back in her palatial rooms in Havenhall, while Kenzy simply stared at all the extravagant splendor with her mouth half open. A long line of chambermaids stood lined up along one side of the waiting room and Analia chided herself for unconsciously looking for Nania, who, of course, would not be there. The leader of the group was a large matronly woman dressed in impeccable attire. She was not attractive by any standards, but, compared to Nania, she was beautiful.

“His Lordship, the Marquis, has placed us at your service, Your Imperial Highness, I am called Brigett. The Marquise, Lady Ruanna, is aware of your exhausting travels and the loss of your baggage and hopes you will take this opportunity to allow our dressmaker to appropriately attire you and your Ladies-in-waiting before you attend audience.”

Analia was aware from her time spent at her father’s court that it would be very inappropriate to attend audience wearing the simple clothing they had available to them. Protocol and civility demanded they present themselves according to their proper social station. “When might we expect an audience with his Lordship?”

The matronly Brigett did not change her dour expression. “It is not possible at this time as Lord Cornwall and Lady Ruanna have other royal visitors and His Eminence, Bishop Bynum, is also in attendance. A royal dinner is scheduled three days hence when His Highness, King Athelfyrd, will arrive for a royal hunt.”

“That gives us a few days to make ourselves presentable,” Analia advised Elise and Kenzy. We may as well take proper advantage of it.”

They heard a three knock sound on the main door and Brigett snapped her fingers for one of the chamber maids to answer it. When she opened the door, Geoffrey was standing there casually leaning against the wide door sill. He smiled and bowed to Analia. “Looks as if I have been relegated to different sleeping arrangements,” he stated. “The chamberlain, having learned of my not so royal status, insists that I retire to the officer’s quarters in the barracks.”

Analia looked at him with a somber expression. “Should I say something?” she asked.

“I would prefer you not to do so,” replied Geoffrey. “I know where I really belong and it is not among these royal snobs, DarDar and I will get along splendidly.” He saluted with two fingers and merrily skipped down the wide hallway leaving small clumps of what appeared to be horse manure on the plush carpet.

Analia noticed a sad look on Elise’s pretty features. No doubt about it, she thought, she has become smitten with the handsome rogue. I hope she is not hurt because of it, despite her deadly abilities; Elise is a very warm and caring person.

“Brigitte mentioned that the Marquise knew of our lost baggage,” Analia whispered to her companions. “Someone has been feeding her information. Let’s hope that information did not include the fact that we left Chippen as a party of two, not three.”

I must keep in mind that Queen Denize and the traitorous lords of Camalund and other realms back home had a vast and sophisticated network of spies and agents, she thought. There is plenty reason to believe that this strange kingdom would surely have the same. After all, from her personal experiences, most royalty seemed to thrive on intrigue, gile, and deceit.

That evening, after being measured and prodded and finally given a sumptuous dinner meal, they quickly grew bored of their luxurious surroundings. Analia suggested they take a walk around the beautiful atrium through which they had entered and also see for themselves how DarDar and Geoffrey were doing. At first the sentries at the door balked at their leaving the main keep, they were fearful for their safety, but Analia finally persuaded them. This also sufficed to prove that they were not being held against their will.

As they neared the stables they heard what appeared to be an altercation in progress. Men were yelling and laughing and joking. When they entered a large barn they saw DarDar standing on top of a pile of hay. He was being prodded by a dozen men with the butts of their long halberds. There was little danger of hurting him, they were simply drunk and having fun at his expense.

“Are they hurting you, DarDar?” Analia mind-spoke.”

“Bad men make fun of DarDar,” he replied. “Make stop”

She watched as one of the soldiers whacked DarDar’s thigh with a particularly vicious blow causing him to cry out in pain. “Stop!” Analia yelled. “How dare you treat my man-servant in such a crude manner.”

The half-drunk soldiers turned as one and noticed people of nobility standing in the doorway to the stables. They did not recognize them, but it was obvious from their attire they were someone of importance. A beefy soldier went down on one knee. “Forgive us, Your Ladyship,” he stated. “We got carried away wit the fun of it, we did.”

One of the soldiers started to take another swing at DarDar, he was clearly much more intoxicated than the others. Analia unconsciously raised her hand to deflect the strike, but, his halberd went flying from his hand and shattered against the far wall. The same power she had used against the falling tree limb had affected the spear. The soldier looked at her with sudden fear and scrambled back to join his friends. Fortunately, none of the other soldiers had witnessed the incident as their backs were turned towards the door at the time.

I must learn to control this strange power, Analia thought. I do not know what it is, but it could get me in deep trouble if witnessed by the wrong person.

“You will not harm or make fun of my man-servant anymore,” Analia scolded the guards. “The consequences will be bad for you if you do. He is huge but a very gentle person.”

The soldiers nodded and slowly left the area. The drunkard who had held the shattered halberd was shaking his head. “You are drunk and imagined what you saw,” Analia told him as he passed her. She could say no more hoping the man would remember it as a drunken dream.

Unknown to them all, a shadowy figure dressed in a dark ground-hugging cloak, pulled back from the door before being seen and slowly walked into the night. He had been ordered to follow the three ladies, and, he had witnessed Analia’s use of her unknown power.

Lady Dragon Riders - Chapter Seven  (13+)
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land
#2075671 by Oldwarrior
© Copyright 2016 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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