Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2074438-Kian-I
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2074438
Kian likes to sleep around, Nolan's always there to pick them up afterwards.
“Harder, harder, please God harder” Kian whined, flushed cheek pressed to the wall as they dug their nails into their partner’s nape. They pushed their hips back, groaning lowly as the dick in their ass brushed their prostate. Their bedmate, some guy Kian met at a bar called Dave or Dale or Dallas or something, responded to their request with soft pants and hands gripping Kian’s pale hips tightly. He thrusted as fast as he could, his legs trembling with the effort while his hips clashed with Kian’s ass, the smack of meeting skin echoing oddly in the dingy pay-by-the-hour hotel room.

Kian’s back arched, one arm bracing against the wall as they tipped their head back to rest on their bedmate’s shoulder. They moaned appreciatively as he started kissing at their neck, rolling their head to the side so he could suck at the point where neck met shoulder.

“God yes please.” Kian cried, feeling themselves edge closer to orgasm, lifting their leg slightly and pushing against the wall with both hands to gain more leverage. “Yes yes yes” They gasped, pressing their hips backwards and whining as they came so close only to find something keeping them from reaching their climax.

Kian shifted their hips, trying to achieve the perfect angle on their prostate, and when that failed they took a hand off the wall to stroke their dick impatiently. “Fucking shit” They sighed, letting go when they realised it wasn’t enough. They stopped their hip motions and pushed off the wall, ignoring their bedmate’s questions in favour of climbing off the bed and pushing him onto his back in the middle of the mattress. “Shut the fuck up. I need to ride you.” Kian snapped, climbing back onto the bed and straddling the guy’s hips to line up and sink down onto his dick.

Twin moans echoed off the concrete walls as Kian sank on their bedmate, raising a hand to run their fingers through their wild curls as they lifted their hips and dropped down again.

“Fuck yesss” They hissed, lowering their hands to their bedmate’s chest as they started riding him in earnest. “Lord this feels so much better” They grinned, digging their nails into their bedmate’s firm chest and allowing their bright eyes to slide shut as their bedmate finally made himself useful and started stroking their dick.

With the movement under their control, Kian found themselves building back to their orgasm quickly, the lifting of their hips becoming more erratic and less certain as their nails dragged down their bedmate’s chest and their back arched.

“Yes, God yes keep going.” They breathed, settling filled with their bedmate’s dick and rutting forwards into his hand. “Yes yes fuck yes” They moaned, coming with a quiet whine and slumping forwards, satisfied.

Unfortunately their bedmate wasn’t yet satisfied, so they clenched around his dick and gave a few half-hearted hip movements until his moans filled the room and Kian felt his cum filling their ass.

Shit, I totally forgot. Kian thought, shuddering at the thought of the cleaning they’d have to do at the apartment. In the heat of their lust they’d forgotten protection. Thinking with my dick, just like Nol says.

Kian groaned and rolled off their bedmate, grimacing at the stiffness of their muscles, after just a few minutes of laying around, and the feel of semen oozing past their rim. They walked to the bathroom and grabbed a handful of toilet paper, tucking it into their underwear to avoid stains as they collected their jeans and started to wiggle into them.

“You’re not gonna stay?” Their bedmate asked as they straightened their hair and fixed their smudged eyeliner, checking their reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“Nah. Got places to be, things to do.” They shrugged, picking up a shirt from the floor and pulling it on. Whether it was theirs or not didn’t matter to them. “Thanks for the fuck though. You weren’t…. too disappointing.” Kian smirked at his offended expression, blowing him a kiss and skipping out the door.

As the door clicked shut behind them Kian slowed and leaned against the wall. They dug their phone out of their pocket and sent a message to Nolan requesting a pick up. They pulled a face as they walked to the corner of the block, feeling more cum slipping out to soak into the toilet paper when they moved.

“I really muddled that one up.” They muttered to themselves, sitting on a low brick wall and waiting for Nolan to show up. “Ah well, at least it was a good lay.” They smiled to themselves.

It wasn’t too long before Nolan showed up, a few minutes of scrolling through old photos and kicking their feet in the air before the dark red car pulled up to the curb and Kian climbed into it.

“Another trophy of a successful night?” Nolan asked when they got in, eyeing their shirt and making a u-turn to speed down the road to the apartment.

“I guess you could say that.” Kian shrugged, yawning and staring out the window at the neon signs they passed.

“Cirra’s out all night, something about meeting a friend.” Nolan said, reaching over to pat Kian’s knee.

Kian nodded, almost falling asleep against the window. “‘Snice. Reckon we’ll get a job outta it?” They yawned again, rubbing their eyes in an attempt to stay awake.

“Who knows with nir friends.” Nolan shrugged, turning into a McDonalds. “I haven’t eaten.” He says in explanation. “Want anything?”

“Caramel shake.” Kian says, grinning as Nolan chuckles.

“When do you get anything else?” He says, rolling up to the order point.

When they get their food Kian tucks their knees to their chest and sips slowly, finding comfort in the way Nolan takes the scenic route to the apartment so they can eat in the car. It’s their ritual, taking long drives and eating, and its what Kian needs to lull them to sleep after the day.

They don’t remember falling asleep, but they wake briefly as Nolan pulls them from the car, and again when he gently cleans them up with a warm cloth. They don’t remember asking him to stay, but in the morning when they wake up with a dark arm looped around their waist they’re glad they did.
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