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Christian Allegory |
The Square Peg and the Round Hole J. Lynn Lindsay Two men, one named Desire and the other named Self, were trying desperately to pound the square peg of license into the round hole of righteousness. They took turns swinging away at the highly polished peg of license. The round hole of righteousness would not, however permit the peg of license to enter. Not even a little. While its material looked soft and malleable, the round hole of righteousness was proving to be quite the opposite. Founded as it was upon the Rock, it showed itself to be quite impervious to the repeated attentions of Desire and Self. Every time Desire and Self seemed to make some headway in the driving of the square peg, the Rock upon which the round hole was founded would lend its strength and the peg would be ejected. As The Rock reigned in Righteousness, just so, license could find not a single toehold. To Desire and Self this was seen as hard and inflexible, intolerant, and even hateful. They could not conceive of Love that would dare to restrain the passions of their flesh. This intolerance they would not tolerate. Then the slithery brains of Desire and Self, hit upon an idea. Let us go and ask the great man, Evil Influence to see if he can assist us upon our chosen course. For we are determined to drive this peg and he being a great man, must surely have power in the swinging of the hammer. So they did as they saw fit and called the great man Evil Influence to bear upon the project. Evil Influence took one look at what Desire and Self had been laboring at so fervently and laughed a great and hearty laugh. You fools! He bellowed at Desire and Self. If you want that shiny square peg implanted deeply and firmly into that ugly round hole you must not pound away on it like brute beasts. You must rather cause the round hole of righteousness to accept the square peg of license with subtlety and finesse. As long as the round hole of righteousness is founded upon that Rock you will never overcome its strength to resist you. But come now, the great man Evil Influence cooed. Follow me and let us endeavor to lure them away from the Rock upon which they are founded. We must convince them that true righteousness lies elsewhere. Oh yes! I know all too well that a small number, who cling, deeply rooted in the Rock, will always inhabit the round hole of righteousness and they will never abandon the Rock. But with cunning and clever words that appeal to the flesh, many others who are lightly rooted, can be enticed away to a different gospel. They can then be made to see the Love and Righteousness of the Rock as mere "tolerance" and "accommodation" of un-righteousness. Indeed, I may be so bold as to say that some will even call the good, evil, and the evil, good. When this happens, you will see the peg of license penetrate so deep that the round hole of righteousness will seem to not only embrace the square peg of license but will actually begin to conform itself to the pegs shape. And, it will approve of others doing the same. Indeed, opined the great man Evil Influence, if you use my methods, many who now rest lightly rooted upon the Rock, will gradually abandon Him. I tell you, at that time, no hammer will be required. For they will actually begin to draw the square peg of license into themselves with their own hands and teach others to do the same. And here is the slickest, most slippery aspect of my genius. I, the great man Evil Influence will convince them that to abandon the Rock and receive the square peg of license is actually out of Love for the lost and dying world. Am I not clever? As they reject Righteousness in favor of License and the Love of the world, the Rock will be unable to impart his strength to them. Righteousness indeed continues to Reign in the Rock but no longer in those who reject Him. And you my good friends Desire and Self, will become gods to them. J. Lynn Lindsay |