Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2073660-Unprotected-sex-isnt-always-a-bad-thing
by -MD
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #2073660
Feelings about another persons mind

Unprotected sex isn’t always a bad thing….

Unprotected sex can have a variety of results. Pregnancy can occur. Diseases can be contracted. It can be very messy. It can bring a level of trusty and commitment that is more than just words spoken or put to paper. It can bring great joy to those participating. It can do all these things and more.

The reason I bring this up is because I want to have unprotected sex with you. Not with your body, but your mind. Although your body is exquisite and is very desirable, there is another part of you that I want even more than your body. Your mind. For as beautiful as you are, you mind is much sexier than your glorious body and that’s saying a lot.

Your mind is a fascinating place. It has warmth and beauty. It’s a place of love and understanding. A place of caring and compassion. It is serious, it is funny, it is determined, it is silly, it is shy, it is exciting. I don’t want a wham bam thank you Ma’am. I don’t want a one and done, or a quickie. I want a long slow passionate lovemaking, one that lasts for years and years. Because I want to be that deep into your mind. I want to touch every part of it, as I want you to do mine. I want them to be intertwined in thought and action. How just like listening to a Jazz band, every person interacts and plays and supports the others in the group with their music I want our minds to be like that.

From what I have seen of your mind already it is one of the most beautiful that I have laid eyes on. I want to get to know it more. To peel off its outer layers and delve deep into it, just as lustful lovers partake in a passionate love making session. Putting my mind deep into yours, leaving pieces of me inside you, forever, just as pieces of you would cling to me and I would take then and keep them always. The parts of your mind that have been showing are so sexy and beautiful, I can only imagine what it would be like to get deeper into you, to experience you, unprotected.

If your mind got mine pregnant I would have all the mind babies that you wanted. They would be beautiful thoughts and dreams that come out of a collaboration of our minds I am not worried about a disease getting contracted from our minds being unprotected when one goes deep inside of the other, if anything it will make it healthier and stronger. Oh it will be messy for sure, but I know I wouldn’t want it any other way. Commitment has many different shapes and forms, what ours will look like is undetermined and that’s an okay thing, it means that it has no limits or constraints on it. Your mind already brings me great joy as it is right now. The amount of joy and happiness that it has the possibility of bringing me is unmeasurable. That is something I am looking forward to exploring as our minds bareback one another, planting seeds of growth in us.

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