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by Jen~ Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Book · Contest Entry · #2073596
Blog for this groups entries~will probably be rather interesting!~
I am going to try out the Welcome To My Reality contest and this is my blog for all of my entries. Each entry will be based off of a different prompt! I am looking forward to doing this!

This may be interesting!!
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May 12, 2016 at 10:17pm
May 12, 2016 at 10:17pm
11) What were the "Hip" "Cool" and "Groovy" fads when you were in high school? Tell us about them and which ones you did too! How do you feel looking back at it?

Oh cheese and rice...this question makes me laugh thinking back to what was "cool" when I was a teenager...I was a part of the 90 fads like "pegging" your pants..teasing your hair...Garbage Pail Kids cards...Saying "Not" and "Sike" Ha Ha.....What a goofy phase and trends that go around....New Kids On The Block..Boyz To Men...looking back to music then and music now..wow...my FIRST "rap" cassette SINGLE tape was Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" and to this day...you bet your ass I know all the words still!! Cannot remember what I went into the next room for, but can remember the lyrics to songs from over 20 years ago and then some!!

I remember when I was about 15 or 16 and of course it was when I got my first serious boyfriend....we would all get together on the weekends and of course do shit we were not supposed to like drink...and back then the BIG COOL drink for us chicks was those nasty frickin Zima wine coolers...ewww...we would drop a jolly rancher into them to flavor them more....still ewww...lol

Fun times and memories that I actually have so I am thankful for that...makes me smile reflecting....ahhh the joys of when you had no bills or worries...yearning to be an adult..and now that you are...what the hell were we all such in a hurry for LOL

Gift from a wonderful friend!
May 5, 2016 at 1:14am
May 5, 2016 at 1:14am
10) Has anyone ever entered your life who has changed it drastically? Was it for the better or for the worst? Tell us about this person.

Ahhh....there have been many people who have come into my life...and many people who have left my life....one person who has entered my life and changed it drastically would have to be Patrece ~ Author Icon .....we met on here back in November.....and it was an instant bond that was so strong it was scary....the more we talked the more we realized how much we have in common...from out past...our health...out lifestyles...even our scars from surgery.....

See I was born in 2 sacs that I had to be cut out of..they say that is a sign of psychic abilities...I have gone through life always feeling like I was missing a twin...I am a gemini after all....always felt that I was supposed to have a sister....

Then I found Patrece ~ Author Icon ...and my life changed so much it is crazy.....our bond and trust and connection and everything between us was WAY to much alike and as we learned more and more about each other it was just a instant known fact that she was my soul sister(seester) and that fate had brought us together for a major reason!!

Doors have opened....new beginnings have started.....changes are happening and going to continue to do so. We were brought together for a reason and we see that...and we are not going to let that just pass us by!!

She changed my life in many ways..from cooking help...to emotional help....to encouragement to teaching and learning from her.....to gain strength from her because she gives me hope.

I could write on and on but I don't wanna give her a big head.....*Rolling*

I love you seester...to the moon and beyond!!~

Gift from a wonderful friend!
May 4, 2016 at 12:44pm
May 4, 2016 at 12:44pm
9) How often do you "really" clean appliances like the fridge, stove, microwave and such? Do you have a system on how and when you do these type of things? Tell us about it.

Ugh....I HATE cleaning appliances...I will clean out the fridge of food and things like that on a regular basis....taking everything out of fridge and cleaning it...well let's just say if my son wants to make 5 bucks he does it...lol....the stove needs cleaned but......Microwave is an easy clean...put a bowl of water in there and heat it for several minutes and everything just wipes off easily! It is a great hint that I was told by a friend a few years ago and it truly works!! I love that tip!! The stove has a self cleaning on it that I really should try using lol....I wipe down the outside of the appliances when I clean the kitchen but to actually get in there and clean the inside...ugh....save me from the insanity! I hate it!! I DO love it when everything is clean but there are just certain things I am NOT ocd about and cleaning the appliances is one of them. I hate having to empty the fridge...I have scrubbing the stove...the microwave isn't hard so that is ok but dang it man....when my son acts up that could be a great chore....lol.....instead of paying him make him do it as a punishment....is that against child laws...lol he is 15 so should be good...Ha Ha *Rolling*
May 4, 2016 at 12:07pm
May 4, 2016 at 12:07pm
8) Do you prefer to use paper plates over having to wash more dishes? Or do you always serve on non-disposable dishes no matter how many you end up having to do? Tell us about it.

Ahhh well I must say that I am a avid paper plate person if possible....If I have a dinner that is heavy or requires lots of meat cutting I will use regular dishes....but if at all possible I will use paper plates...I hate doing dishes so using paper plates make it much easier for me on the nights that we can use them. I always keep paper plates in the house, especially since I have kids....easier for them to grab a snack or whatever on a paper plate and toss it rather then dirty dishes on a simple little snack! It just doesn't make sense to me to waste a glass plate or bowl for a small snack.....even if it is a dinner that is not heavy or requires cutting alot then hell yea I will use paper plates in an instant. To make my life easier, yeppers....sure do!!! I see nothing wrong with after cooking a big meal to use paper plates because after cooking that big meal....washing dishes is just a UGH thing to do....so if I can limit or reduce the amount of dishes that are used each meal. It just makes more sense to me...plus it is easier for everyone! They are happy...I am happy....what more can ya ask for~ Ha Ha
May 3, 2016 at 11:04am
May 3, 2016 at 11:04am
7) Have you ever met any of your friends from WDC face to face? Tell us about the experience? Would you want to meet others from WDC?

I have been very lucky to have met some amazing people face to face from WDC....Patrece ~ Author Icon came and stayed with me for a week...we went and met Fyn - 20 WDC years old! Author Iconand JaceCar Author Icon at a Cracker Barrel and also Ren the Klutz! Author Iconjined us for lunch via facetime...It is so amazing to meet friends from here...it is like meeting a family member that you have not seen in years but pick right up where you left off at....even though you have never met!!

It is a sense of belonging and happiness when we all met up and I would love to do it again soon with them and others!! I think that a 1-2 hour drive to a central location would be awesome to meet up with people close enough to do that!! It is so great to have that time with each other and talk and catch up....I look very forward to meeting even more friends from here...as many as I possibly can!! That would be awesome.

Hey Patrece ~ Author Icon I say after we swim with the dolphins we take a round the US trip stopping to meet and great WDC family members!! Heyyyyyy Road trip!! Bahahah {e:CarP

I wish we could have meet and greets often with other wdc family members!! It would be so uplifting and encouraging and help to get me outside my comfort zone!! Because that meeting that day sure helped me in many ways!!
May 3, 2016 at 10:51am
May 3, 2016 at 10:51am
6) How do you get through writer's block and get back on track? Does this happen often or not?

Ahhh the joys of writer's block....ugh...*Headbang*

I am one of those people who get things done better by breaking them down....so I will work on here...go do dishes...come back here and work more...then go do laundry....and so on and so on...so that I don't just sit and stare at an empty screen that seems to be yelling at me to write something.....

When it happens I do the above...I will also call a friend and talk with them to get my mind off of what I am writing....making myself NOT think about the writing helps me to clear me head for the words TO come through.....I will take a hot bath...I will sit outside...I will organize something....I will eventually get back to what I am trying to write and somehow it will work out. After Dad died in November I have been struggling writing however doing the Seasonal Construct Cup and so far I am loving it....writing every day from a prompt..there is NOT time for writer's block....and I LOVE it...cannot wait to do the next round of it as well!!

I get out of writer's cramp by NOT thinking about it for awhile...then coming back to it here and there till it just pours out!! And normally it happens just like that...once I take my mind off of what I am supposed to write...it just comes to me after I walk away from it for awhile!!

I cannot get writer's block during the Construct Cup....therefore I will not allow it lol
May 3, 2016 at 10:01am
May 3, 2016 at 10:01am
5) Are you friends with your neighbors or just "friendly" Do you have cook outs or only speak when in passing? Why? (Tell us about it.)

Well...where I live at there are 3 houses and then on the one side of the last house is a dollar general...so it is dollar general...house...my house...other house...

We of course utilize having dollar general so close and can walk through our neighbors yard to get there...where we live there is no sidewalk..it is a 55mph main road so we are used to people cutting thru sometimes...

We are civil with both neighbors but we all keep pretty much to ourselves...would we all cook out? hmmm...that is to be seen but as of right now...I like the casual hello when we see each other and the sometimes brief convos that we may have about kids...the yards....flowers....whatever....we can and will carry on polite conversations when we happen to have them.

I like it this way...I am a homebody and prefer to not have to mingle if I do not have to.....I like the way we all keep to ourselves...it makes easier living for us all!

It is known to us all that if ever any of us need something that we can go to either neighbor for help or whatever. It is nice to know that we all get along in a civil and friendly manner and can all co-exist together in harmony! Much better then hating your neighbor and having problems for sure!
May 3, 2016 at 8:39am
May 3, 2016 at 8:39am
4) If you HAD to pick one food and one drink ONLY to consume for 1 whole month what would your choices be and why?

Well what I would drink would be an easy choice....Fountain Mountain Dew...I live off of it and yet my bladder and kidneys and sugar is just fine!!

As for ONE food....hmmmmm I would have to go with bagels and cream cheese....or plain white rice with soy sauce....I one went on this "MY OWN DIET" diet...where I drank my dew and ate only white rice or bagels for 30 days and I lost almost 20 pounds! Probably would have lost most if I did use alt butter and soy sauce in rice and cream cheese on the top of the bagels..lol

But I know that if I HAD to....I could for sure handle these...honestly as long as I have my fountain mountain dew...I am good...I was out at 7am this morning to get one to start the day...lol....it is MY coffee I suppose...lol..Since Patrece ~ Author Icon was here I have learned a lot of ways to make dinner and cooking easier and it has helped out alot!! I am broadening my cooking and meals...so let us hope this doesn't happen while I am doing this new cooking thing Ha Ha...I do not think Steve would be happy with rice and bagels every day Ha Ha

BUT I know I could do it....I probably have the weirdest choices of food and drink but hey..I am kind of a weirdo Ha Ha but a cool weirdo *Cool*
May 3, 2016 at 7:41am
May 3, 2016 at 7:41am
3) What is the most incredible thing you have ever witnessed an animal do in person? (not on TV or the computer...live) How did that affect you? Did it change your opinion of that type of animal?

I would have to say that the most amazing thing I ever actually witnessed was when I swam with the dolphins. To tap the top of the water and these magical and amazing creature popped right up and let me rub all over him and played with me...it was the most amazing, awestruck thing I have even seen. To be that close to a animal that I adore and always have....was unbelievable to me! Like a dream come true!! I could not believe that this wild animal craved and loved human interaction so much...there were about 25-30 dolphins in the pod we found and there was like 3 or 4 that really liked me and wanted to play lol It was heart pounding butterflies in the stomach type of excitement and I so hope that I can do it again so time...

Hey Patrece ~ Author Icon I think that since we are planning all these trips we should plan a girls only trip to swim with the dolphins sometime!! Hells yea!! What an amazing trip that would be! A week in the sun and fun..no men or kids...nobody to take care of or listen to...just ahhhhhhhhh girl time!! It would be a blasty blast!!

Dolphins are a mystical creature to me....smart and beautiful....allowing us to see them play and jump in the water...it does nothing but bring happiness to your heart and soul to see. And to experience it...omg...it makes you feel like you are in a dream!!
May 3, 2016 at 5:43am
May 3, 2016 at 5:43am
2) What does it take to get you going in the mornings? Have you tried other methods? Why do you think your current method works?

My method is a method of madness LoL....I wake up and of course have to pee...who doesn't...lol....Then I grab me a mountain dew and take all of my morning meds....then I wait for them to kick in as I work on here catching up or writing....I am always the first one up in mornings so that is kind of like "ME" time.....I enjoy sitting here waking up at my own pace and letting my fibro meds kick in so I can start to move...then I normally start laundry and sometimes, (trying to cut back) I will work on my list of the things to do for the day!

It works for me...it may seem crazy but as I get older it is not just a hop out of bed thing as it used to be lol Now it is like I am the tin man and need oiled before I can get my joints moving and working LoL

Ugh....but you know what...no matter what or how I get going in the mornings...I get up and that in its self is awesome...To wake each day and have another chance at life!~ So weather you drink coffee...mountain dew or a tall glass of juice....be thankful that you have another day on this earth with the ones you love!

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2073596-Welcome-To-My-Reality