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A story with randomly generated charactrs |
We're going to do things a bit differently This is the anthro animal generator http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=anthro When your turn comes click the link set the amount to generate to 1 result (You're free to use any category you wish be it Fantasy, Modern, Science Fiction, Steampunk, or any of the above with the 'Mythical' label if you ant a mythical creature) With set to 1 result click the generate button and the first thing you get that will be your character, your first addition will be you copy and pasting your result that that will be the character you play |
The world-weary male anthropomorphic Prarie dog starship captain who fears people think he/she is a fraud. His wardrobe is plain. |
The dispirited, playful, seasoned male anthropomorphic Boar. He has a graceful build. His wardrobe is plain. |
Mr. Squeaks, the Prairie Dog Captain of the starship Forest Field was drunk again, he lay in his cabin surrounded by bottles and dirty magazines |
The introverted, experienced male anthropomorphic blue-feathered Bird mage. His wardrobe is elegant. Philandro the Magnificent admired himself in the mirror. He was wearing his new blue velvet cloak with the black silk lapels and subtle silver embroidery of a mountain scene. He tucked his spellbook under one arm and held up his favorite wand with the hand. "My gawd! I do look magnificent!" |
Mr. Squeaks head a knocking at his cabin door, he was too weak to get up Melissa, he Human First Mate came in "Captain!" She said sternly "We're nearly at Philandro's Planet! And you're drunk!" |
The unfriendly female anthropomorphic white-feathered Bird police chief. Her wardrobe is simple. |
Det. Lou McTruffles is busy working on a case, it seems that the cheetah entertainer of the Watering hole nightclub has been murdered and right now he's questioning the staff of the club to ferret out the killer. "Mr. Jumbo," He says to an elephant pianist, "Where were you when Mr. Spots sang his swan song so do speak?" |
"I don't know nothing' 'bout no killer, boss!" said the elephant. "I just tickle these here ivories and mind my own business." Philandro the Magnificent happened to also be in the Watering Hole Nightclub and he couldn't help but hear Det. Lou McTruffles question. "I think I might be able to help you with this case, detective." "You?" said Det. McTruffles. "You're Philandro the Magnificent, aren't you? Is the planet named after you?" Philandro laughed. "I wish! Exactly the opposite, I'm afraid. I'm named after the planet. My mother had a wicked sense of humor." "So how can you help me?" asked the boar. "There is a starship due to land here soon. It's called the Forest Field and it's captain is a prairie dog by the name of Mr. Squeaks." "So?" "So his first mate is a human named Melissa. I think you will find an interesting connection between her and the dead cheetah, poor Mr. Spots, God rest his soul." The boar detective snorted. "How do you know all this?" Philandro grinned. "I'm a bit of an amateur detective myself, McTruffles." "Are you implying that I am an amateur?" "No! No... I garbled my words." Just then a waiter came by. "Philandro, that starship you were asking about is coming down at the spaceport now." Philandro grabbed McTruffles elbow. "Aha! The game is afoot!" |
Melissa force fed Mr. Squeaks a sobering pill to get him able to function When they reached the Spaceport they we're greeted by a Wild Boar and a strange blue feathered bird whose species they could not ascertain "Are you Mr. Squeaks?" Asked the Strange Bird "I am." Said Squeaks "Captain Perseus Squeaks, friends call me Percy." |
Back at the police station, the police chief is screeching her head off. "Someone better find me a lead on this case! I've got the mayor and half of the upper society breathing down my neck feathers!" |
Harry, the Moose secretary says "I took the liberty to send, Lou McTruffles to the club to investigate the murder case. If anyone can solve this, he can." The Chief says "Why him? There are other people on the force more experienced then him." Harry says "Remember the Lyons kidnapping case? He was the one who successfully interrogated the suspect." |
"Fine," says the chief. "I trust your judgment about these matters. How long have you been with the force, Harry?" "Thirty-seven years, sir." "That's a long time." At the spaceport Percy was surprised to see a welcoming committee. "Now look here, what have I done? Nothing. I'm a law-abiding spaceship captain. All my papers are in order." "Relax, Captain Squeaks, it's not about you. We wish to talk to your first mate, Melissa." Percy spoke into his collar com. "Melissa? Come to the main hatch, please." He turned to the magnificent blue-feathered bird that was Philandro. "And what species might you be, mate?" "I, sir, am a Victoria Crowned Pigeon." ** Image ID #2073571 Unavailable ** |
Percy then saw the Spaceport Men's room, he quickly realized that sobering pill that Melissa gave him was going to make him need to take a very long leak. He quickly rushed to the urinal, and unzipped his pants and quickly let loose, he wobbled on his feet a bit |
"How long is this going to take?" Philandro asked. "Oh, about as long as the 'Evacuation Complete' scene in Austin Powers," said Melissa. "How long was that?" "At least a minute, if not longer." |
Melissa says "Okay, as long as I have time to meet my old friend Mr. Spots later on." Philandro says "It's about that, I'm afraid I have bad news about him." Melissa asks "What did you do? Cheat on his wife?" Det. McTruffles says "He's been found dead in his dressing room, I'm assigned to find out who killed him." |
"Dead!?" Melissa said, putting her fist to her mouth and biting it. "Oh no! That can't be possible!" "I'm afraid it is possible, ma'am," said Det. McTruffles. "Every day there is at least one murder here on Philandro's Planet." Melissa looked at Philandro. "The planet is named after you?" "No," he said. "The other way round." "I couldn't help but notice your deep emotional reaction, ma'am," said Det McTruffles. "Was Mr. Spots a good friend of yours?" "I guess you could say that. We met n a planet called Spirogyro. He was performing at the Spaceport Club. I was stuck there while the ship I was assigned to underwent major repairs. We became close friends." "Perhaps more than just friends?" suggested McTruffles. |
Percy was just about done doing his business when he overhead Melissa lamenting the death of Mr. Spots. Percy edged near the door so he could listen in "Mr. Spots....I always called him Ginger...Spent a few years cruising the Universe but we were never more then friends then one day he met a Pig Woman named Nona." |
Percy says "If your implying that she did it, then your jumping to conclusions. Nona lives on Fitzback 12 not here." McTruffles says "Sorry, just want to solve this case A.S.A.P." |
"Well, we couldn't possibly have had anything to do with it," Percy said. "We were in space when it happened." "But you do admit to knowing the deceased?" said Det. McTruffles. "Of course we admit it. It's not a crime to know someone. If we aren't being charged with anything we would like to be on our way, detective." "Make sure you remain available for questioning." After Captain Squeaks and Melissa left, McTruffles turned to Philandro. "What do you think?" "I think they're hiding something. There is more here than meets the eye." "I can't arrest people for invisible things, Philandro." "What about the pig woman named Nona?" Philandro said. "It would mean a trip off planet to Fitzback 12. I'd have to get it approved by the new chief." "That unfriendly, white-feathered bird? What's her name anyway?" |
"I can't remember." said Lou McTruffles "It had something to do with her white feathers I think." Meanwhile Percy and Melissa went to a fancy restaurant Percy ordered a three bean salad and a glass of water (Melissa made sure he didn't order anything with alcohol) Melissa ordered a slice of Sicilian Pizza. "I can't believe Ginger is dead." Said Melissa "I can." Said Percy "That Cheetah was always too reckless." |
Mc Truffules was scratching his head. He was looking at one of the other patrons when it hit him. "Ah, now I remember the Chief's name - Ivory Whitetip. Last guy that got yelled at by her called in sick for two days afterwards, with a busted eardrum." |
Lou McTruffles and Philandro went to the police station and talked to Chief Whitetip, "Unless Philandro the magnificent there is the killer," the Chief said, "I hope you got good news about the investigation." Det. McTruffles says "He's not the killer, but he's helping me with it and I got a lead, but she's on Fitzback 12." The Chief then bellows out "Are you expecting me to give you a pass to Fitzback 12 Out of the question, that's out of our jurisdiction." |
"But chief," McTruffles began. "No buts!" said Whitetip. "You're not going to Fitzback 12." "What if I pay for the trip?" Philandro asked. "You? Why would you do that?" "Because I am magnificent?" Chief Whitetip looked disgusted. "Pshaw! If you want to spend your money that's fine with me. Why don't you buy me a ticket too?" "I'll do that," Philandro said. "A roundtrip ticket to Fitzback 12 for you and McTruffles and myself." "But we can't stay there more than 24 hours. I've got a lot of work to do here. Lucky it's the weekend. You don't mind working on the weekend, McTruffles?" "No, ma'am." At the Persimmon Garden restaurant, Percy and Melissa were sipping their after dinner coffees. "Poor old Ginger," Melissa said. "I wonder who killed him." Percy shrugged. "He had at least a dozen enemies. Could have been any of them." "You don't seem very interested in finding out who did it." "What difference does it make?" Percy said. "Dead is dead. That's one cheetah who won't be making any more trips to Walmart." |
"You've been incredibly Grumpy these past few days Percy." Said Melissa "And also drinking a bottle of ale every alternate hour." "I'm slowing up..." Said Percy as he adjusted his spectacles "...Feeling my age." "You're only 40." Melissa said "You're not even turning grey in your muzzle." :I guess I'm tired of the same old, same old." Percy sighed "I've been doing this job for 20 years and..." Just then breaking news appeared on the TVs in the Restaurant "This just in! A portal to another universe has suddenly opened!' |
"And that's news, how?" Percy asked. "There's always some strange hole popping up, and it turns out to be nothing. I remember one such hole - lead to the Space Pope's bedroom, and another to his bathroom." |
At the Darwin Arena, there is a hype going on. Pop star Charles Howler is appearing in concert and the ticket booths are swamped with long lines of devoted fans chanting "Howler! Howler! Howler!" while the pop star himself is preparing for his concert when suddenly his dressing room door opens "Almost ready," Charles says but as he turns around he sees a hooded figure, then he says "Look, I don't have time for autographs now. I have a concert to perform but I'll be happy to sign after it's over." Then the figure pulls something out of it's sleeve of the robe then closes the door with the scenery panning out the dressing room, the last words heard is "No. No. NO!!!!" then a yelp is heard. Short time later Brenda, the peacock stagehand knocks on the dressing room door "Charles, it's showtime." No response. She says "Charles?" Then she unlocks the door and opens it then screams as she finds Charles Howler dead slumped over his chair with his throat slit. |
At the spaceport, Chief Whitetip, Detective McTruffles, and Philandro the Magnificent are waiting to board the moon express flight to Fitzback 12 when the chief takes a call on her cell. "What?!" she says. "When? ... OK." she turns to McTruffles and Philandro. "We'll have to postpone our flight, boys. There has been another murder." A half hour later they are at the scene of the crime... "First thing I want," said the chief, "is find out if Fowler knew that cheetah Mr. Spots or that Captain Squeaky and his human mate. And also if he had any connection to pig woman Nona." |
Percy and Melissa were on their way to their Spaceship when they got stopped by Ivory, and McTruffles |
"We need to talk to you," said Ivory. "Downtown, now!" "Can I call my lawyer?" Percy asked. "If it's about that Parking incident, I can explain-" "I'm not interested in that, though since you've asked for your lawyer, make sure that they get here quick," said Ivory. |
Melissa asks "What this all about?" Lou McTruffles asks "Do you know pop star Charles Howler? He's been recently murdered." |
Just then the Giant TV in the Times Square like Area they were standing in brought the breaking news "We have just found out who is behind the Deaths of two singers and who opened the hole in our universe..." Said the Anchor "The Hatemongers! Horrible Beings who can only be killed by music! They have in infiltrating our universe for weeks...I don't know how much more time I have in this studio...OMG!" Stay tuned for part 2...Maybe. The End! |