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Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2073414
A Star Trek story I started Writing for a friendly contest between some Trekkie friends.
The Selachai

The Constitution Class USS Enterprise, in orbit around Regulas IV, just outside the Romulan Neutral zone.

The red alert klaxon continued to blare as the crew of the Enterprise struggled back into some semblance of order. Captain James T Kirk pulled himself into his chair and quickly glanced around the bridge. Chief engineer Scott was using a portable extinguisher to put out the flames that had started when the shields feedback disrupted his engineering station. Spock was standing close by and ready to help if a second extinguisher was needed. Chekov and Sulu both resumed their positions with a groan. Uhura quickly checked her instruments and began handling the numerous report calls coming to the bridge. The turbo lift doors flew open and Dr. McCoy practically ran on to the bridge quickly scanning for possible injuries.
"What the Hell was that all about?" he said as he stepped to the captain's chair.
"Not now Bones, Damage report." he said turning to Uhura.
"All decks reporting in sir, minor damage and a few bumps and bruises."
"Mr. Chekov, where is that ship?"
"Sair, the enemy wessel is leaving the system at maximum impulse." Chekov reported as he furiously ran his fingers over his console. "Shields are at 50%, all Torpedoes and Phasers are armed and ready."
"Mr. Sulu, break orbit and pursue at maximum impulse."
"Aye sir." replied Mr. Sulu as he glanced up to see Regulas IV swing away to the left. The Enterprise quickly swept out of orbit and began to pursue the alien vessel that had suddenly appeared and fired upon them without warning.
Captain Kirk swung around in his chair, "Mr. Spock, analysis?"
Spock had returned to his station and the blue light that reflected off of the science stations monitor almost gave him a satanic appearance. Without a word Mr. Scott left the bridge with extinguisher in hand.
"Scanning Captain, the alien vessel is of no known origin. Although significantly smaller than our ship, the vessels weaponry is comparable. We were hit with the equivalent of type two Phasers and at least one Plasma weapon."
"Could it be Romulan Mr. Spock? We are near the Romulan Neutral Zone."
"That is a possibility, though unlikely. The ship design appears to be totally unique to any race we have encountered at this time." said Spock turning toward the Captain. "There is a possibility that this race may have encountered the Romulans. The plasma signature, though different has similar characteristics to the Romulan plasma weapon.
"Hell of a hello," muttered McCoy "You'd think they would ask questions before shooting."
Kirk ignored McCoy and turned to face the main view screen as a crimson burst of light leaped toward them.
"Enemy firing a plasma torpedo!" yelled Chekov, "Impact in seven seconds!"
"Reinforce forward shields," barked Kirk, "Fire proximity torpedoes, Evasive Mr. Sulu!" Kirk grabbed the arms of his chair as the ship shuttered violently from the torpedo's impact.
"Shields at 24% Kepten, Impact from two of our proximity torpedo's." said Mr. Chekov as he tried to calm himself down, "Phasers locked on Sair."
"Sir," said Sulu briefly looking over his shoulder. "The enemy vessel is slowing, we may have damaged it."
Kirk touched a switch on the left arm of his command chair, "Engineering?"
"Aye, Captain." replied Mr. Scott.
"Keep it together Mr. Scott, I need shields."
"Aye sir, I'll see what I can do." replied Scotty as he terminated the communication.
"Kepten! The enemy wessel has entered the Romulan Neutral Zone."
"Fire Phasers, can we get a tractor beam on it?" asked Kirk.
"Negative Captain, It's too far away." answered Spock. "Our Phasers have had little effect."
Kirk slammed his hand down on the armrest of his chair in frustration. He knew he could not risk entering the Romulan Neutral Zone. The enemy Vessel was going to get away. Lt. Uhura pressed the communicator module tightly into her ear and closed her eyes concentrating on a sudden burst of static.
"Sir," said Uhura as she turned to the Captain. "I have received a burst transmission from the Neutral zone. I am also receiving two very faint distress beacons."
"Source?" barked Kirk.
"Sir the distress beacons appear to be from a pair of Romulan vessels. They are on auto repeat that they have been attacked. The burst transmission is from the vessel that we are pursuing. I am attempting to translate now."
"Captain," said Sulu, "30 seconds to neutral zone."
"All stop." commanded Kirk. "Uhura, anything?" asked the captain as he stepped over to her station.
"The distress signals are very faint; I believe they are coming from Romulan space, not the neutral zone."
"Sair, The wessel has disappeared!" said Chekov in amazement. "It was there and suddenly it disappeared! No warp transition Sair!"
"Spock?" asked the Captain turning to his science officer.
"Analyzing." he replied. "The enemy vessel is no longer on scanners, there appears to be a disturbance in the sub warp field. It has similar characteristics to a Wormhole. It was brief and has already dispersed." Spock straightened up and turned to face the Captain. "There is no longer any vessel in the range of our sensors Captain."
Kirk turned back to Uhura, "Anything yet?"
"Sir, it is an unknown language, I have run it through the translation filters several times."
"With what results?" asked Kirk?
"Sir, it just says 'Selachai' over and over."
Kirk sighed and sat back down in the Captain's chair. "Sulu, get us back to Regulas IV, Maximum speed. We're picking up that Archaeology team until we know what's going on. Uhura, flash traffic to Starfleet, complete logs and records of everything that happened since the attack, notify that we are abandoning Regulas IV and I recommend this whole sector be placed on yellow alert pending any Romulan response. I'm pretty sure they will be blaming us for the Romulan vessels in distress."
A chorus of 'ayes' from the crew and the Enterprise spun around on its axis and speed toward Regulas IV and possible war with the Romulan's.

Captains log 4872.25, we are en-route to the Regulas system in response to a distress call from the recently reopened archaeology dig on the fourth planet in the system. We have lost communication with the science station there and Starfleet fears a Borg incursion. We are the second closest vessel to that system and the best equipped to deal with the Borg threat. Starfleet has promised more vessels will be sent but the closest is eight days away. To complicate matters we have lost contact with the USS O'Breen, a science vessel that has arrived an hour ago. The O'breen is an Oberth class vessel that regularly supports the archaeologists on Regulas IV.

"We are entering the Regulas system Captain." said commander Data as his fingers flew over the console before him.
"Yellow Alert, One Quarter Impulse Ensign Crusher." Picard said as he readjusted himself in the center command chair.
"Captain," bellowed Worf from the security station. "Incoming communication from the O'breen, they are under attack."
"Red Alert, Battle stations all decks. Full shields and weapons Mr. Worf. Full Impulse, Ensign Crusher, take us in."
"Captain there are two vessels attacking the O'breen." said Data.
"Identify Mr. Data." said Commander Riker rising to stand next to the Captain. "Is it Borg?"
"Unidentified sir, the O'breen has taken severe shield damage and is attempting to maneuver behind Regulas II."
"Mr. Worf, open all communications channels, warn those ships away." ordered Picard.
"No response sir. All weapons ready, we are entering extreme weapons range now." Worf tapped the controls and a low growl escaped his lips. "The O'breen's shields are failing sir.
"Lock on to the closest vessel, fire torpedoes, full spread."
Six torpedoes fired in rapid succession and streaked toward the first alien vessel. It attempted to maneuver away but the third and fourth torpedo penetrated the vessels shields, detonating it in a bright ball of light. The remaining vessel fired what appeared to be a plasma weapon at the retreating O'breen and pivoted on its axis and streaked out of the system.
"The O'breen has been hit, moderate damage to superstructure, warp engines and impulse offline." said Data calmly. "Life support holding on auxiliary power, they are using thrusters to establish orbit around Regulas II. The second vessel is attempting to leave the system."
"Pursue Mr. Crusher, Maximum Impulse."
"Yes sir," gulped Wesley Crusher as he adjusted course and speed. He looked at his controls, glanced at Data and turned toward the Captain. "Sir, at this speed and course we are fifteen minutes to the Romulan Neutral zone."
"Thank you Mr. Crusher. Worf, lock on phasers targeting engines and shields, fire."
"Firing Phasers." said Worf. He quickly made several adjustments as the whine of the Phasers faded. "We are unable to penetrate the shields at this distance Captain."
"We are gaining on them sir." ventured Crusher.
"Engage again as soon as we are close enough to fire Mr. Worf, we need to disable them."
Riker turned to the Captain. "Could it be Romulan?"
"Commander," said Data turning from his controls "Although the plasma device is similar to Romulan devices it is not the same. The plasma frequencies are not correct."
"Firing Phasers," interrupted Mr. Worf. "A direct hit sir. We are registering shield failure and minor structural damage."
"Sir, the vessel has decreased its speed. It is in the Neutral Zone, two minutes until we also enter." said Ensign Crusher.
"Do we proceed sir?" asked Riker. It was obvious by his tone and inflection that he wanted to do exactly that.
"Secure from Red Alert. Maintain Yellow Alert. Ensign Crusher, get us back to the O'breen as quickly as possible." Picard tapped his communicator, "Picard to doctor Crusher, prepare for possible medical assistance and rescue." Picard turned to Lt. Worf. "Are there any communications coming from the O'breen?"
"Auto emergency beacon has been activated. Attempting to raise them now." growled Worf.
Riker walked toward the Captain who stood just behind Data. They both looked at the view screen and the rapidly approaching planet of Regulas II. "What the hell is going on sir?" Riker motioned toward the view screen. "That was definitely not a Borg vessel and it sure didn't look like anything Romulan."
Picard shook his head slowly, "Wish I knew number one. But until we find out we maintain yellow alert."
"Sir, I have the O'breen." said Worf.
"On screen," said Picard.
The view screen switched to show the O'breen's bridge. The scene on the view screen was not encouraging. The view was full of smoke and sparking flashes of energy from broken conduits. The emergency lighting had been activated, adding a reddish hue to the scene. A young man was waving his hand in front of him trying to move the smoke to get a better view of his view screen.
"This is Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the Enterprise. What is your status?"

"Enterprise! This is First Officer Williams of the O'breen; we have stabilized our warp core. Impulse engines are coming online. We have casualties captain, we need medical help right away."
"Where is Captain Henderson?" asked Picard, dreading the answer.
"He is helping in engineering; we took a big hit there. Our medical team has suffered casualties as well. We could really use the help."
"Right away," Picard said glancing at Riker.
Riker nodded and motioned for Worf to follow him. Riker tapped his communicator, "Doctor Crusher, medical away team to transporter room five for immediate transport to the O'breen." Not waiting for a reply he continued. "Geordi, I need an engineering away team to transporter room three." He stepped into the turbo lift with Worf trailing behind him.
After the turbolift doors closed behind riker, Capt Picard turned from the view screen.
"Mr. Crusher, set up a matching orbit." Picard sat back down in his chair. "Mr. Data, send a complete log and report to Starfleet. Let them know we have engaged unknown vessels, destroying one while the other fled into the Romulan Neutral Zone. We are rendering aid to the O'breen." As an afterthought he tapped his communicator, "Picard, Number One?"
"Transporter room five, Sir."
"Will, when you get everything stabilized please let the Captain know I would like to see him as soon as it is convenient."
"Yes sir, beaming over now."


Picard entered his ready room and saw that everyone was in their customary place. He took his seat and nodded toward the only new comer in the room, Captain Henderson. Henderson wore a blue uniform which designated him as one of the few Scientist/Captains in Starfleet. It was an accomplishment that few had attempted or been able to obtain. Picard observed that Henderson definitely looked more the Scientist than Captain. He stood a little over five foot. He was bald, except for a thin band of hair just above his ears that went around the lower back of his head. His bright blue eyes shined from under bushy white eyebrows.
"Welcome aboard Captain, though I wish it were under better circumstances." said Picard.
"Thank you Jean Luc," replied Henderson with a smile, "You couldn't have chosen a better time to arrive. My crew and I thank you and your crew for all of its help."
Picard studied Henderson with a knowing smile, "We are glad we could assist. Can you tell us what happened?"
Henderson leaned forward, "We have been assigned to Regulas IV to support the archaeological team there. When we arrived in response to their distress call; we detected no sign of the team. Before we were able to send an away team down to investigate, we detected a subspace burst from the Romulan neutral zone. It registered for just under three minutes and then vanished. We were suddenly attacked by two ships. All attempts to communicate went unanswered. We had taken damage and were attempting to flee when you arrived."
"Data, did you detect any life signs from Regulas IV?" asked Picard.
"No sir, I was unable to conduct a thorough scan of the fourth planet. Preliminary indications showed standard Class M conditions with only sparse vegetation showing. We would need to do a complete scan for further information."
"I can assure you," said Henderson, leaning back with a sigh, "there was no sign of them. Not a single trace."
Riker stroked his light beard and asked, "Captain, how many members of the team were on the surface?"
"There were twenty-seven, Commander," replied Henderson.
"I think we need to go to Regulas IV if we are going to get some answers." advised Commander Riker.
"Agreed Number One." said Picard. He looked over to Geordi, "What's the status of the O'breen?"
Geordi fidgeted in his seat. "Well sir, we were able to get the warp engines back on line. The Impulse engines are also online, but the engine room took a lot of damage. I think we can maintain the shields at half strength and there will be limited Phasers available. The Ships systems otherwise appear to be functioning ok. I would recommend getting her to a Star base as quickly as possible for repair."
Picard turned to Beverly Crusher, the Ship's Doctor. "Beverly?"
"Well, out of the eighty crew complement, seven are dead and thirteen were seriously wounded and are being treated here. There were another twenty or so injured, but they are able to return to duty right away."
Geordi interjected, "The seven dead and most of the seriously wounded were from engineering sir."
"Very well, Geordi I want you to assign twelve members of engineering to the O'breen immediately. Captain Henderson, I would recommend you proceed immediately to Star base 13 as quickly as possible. We will proceed to Regulas IV to continue the investigation and to monitor the Romulan Neutral zone."
"Captain, I believe our extended long range sensors would be of benefit to you. I would like to remain as long as possible." said Henderson quickly.
"I'm not sure that is a good idea." Replied Picard thoughtfully. "If the alien vessel appears again I'm not sure if you can withstand another attack."
"I understand your concern Captain, at the first sign of trouble we can warp out and proceed to the star base. I need to stay Captain; my daughter was a part of the team on Regulas IV. "
"I see." said Picard thoughtfully. He glanced to the ships Councilor, Deanna Troi, who was intently staring at Captain Henderson. She detected the Captains glance and made brief eye contact with him and nodded her head ever so slightly.
"Captain," said Data. "The O'breen has advanced sensors that we can link to our ships sensors. In essence it would turn the O'breen into a very powerful survey scanner. We would be able to probe several sectors into the neutral zone."
"Very well, set up the link as quickly as possible. Captain Henderson, I recommend that you place your vessel on alert and remain in orbit around Regulas II. The moment, the very instant," empathized Picard, "You detect an incursion of any kind by any vessel not from Starfleet, you are to warp out of the system and head to star base 13 At maximum speed."
"Thank you Captain. I will return to the O'breen at once." Captain Henderson stood and shook Picard's hand and nodded to everyone else as he left the observation deck.
"Thoughts anyone?" asked Picard. He looked around the table for a few seconds and then stood. "Dismissed, Commander Data please get the data link setup with the O'breen immediately. Number One set course for Regulas IV and prepare an away team."

Riker quickly looked around as the effects from the transporter ended. He motioned for Data and Worf to follow him. There was a light breeze blowing that kicked up some dust and dirt. They had transported a short distance from the archaeology dig. Riker hoped they would find some of the missing scientists, but initial scans had shown no higher life forms. Riker stopped as he reached the top of a small hill overlooking the compound. He was not impressed. There was mountainous terrain all around them. He stood on a small hill that over looked the valley of the main dig.
"Commander," said Data as he scanned the valley with his tricorder. "There are several low power readings coming from the compound. It would appear that their fusion reactors may still be producing power."
"Ok, stay close." Riker looked to see where Worf was and slowly walked and slid down the sandy hill to the valley floor. Once they were safe all three began to scan the area again.
The compound was separated into two parts. The first and smallest part was the laboratory and resident huts used by the scientists to live and study. The second part of the compound was the actual dig site. It was a large rounded building with no windows or doors except for an opening that was cut by the initial scientists. Worf quickly searched the various resident huts without results. Data stood before the entrance to the dig and studied his tricorder with puzzlement.
"Data, what's wrong?"
"Commander, I have found something rather remarkable. The tricorder shows no readings from this dig, except when I stand directly in front of the door made by the archaeologists. When I stand here I detect power readings and-" He looked at Riker in surprise. "and I'm detecting some indications of life. They are limited readings, they are either farther away than I can detect or there is something causing interference."
"We read none of the life signs from the Enterprise. I double checked the scans personally." said Worf. "That doesn't make sense."
"Well, why don't we just go see what's going on, shall we?" asked Riker as he turned on the small flashlight light he brought with him.
He stepped around Data and went into the opening. The rest followed closely after, each activating their emergency lights. Worf put away his tricorder and drew his phaser, checking to make sure it was on maximum stun.
Once inside they saw a rather large chamber, with stairs cut into the stone, spiraling downward. There appeared to be faint light coming from down the stairs and they all could hear a faint humming sound. Data paused at the head of the stairs and scanned with his tricorder. He looked above and around himself before turning toward Riker.
"Sir, I can no longer detect the compound outside. Except when I scan directly through that opening." Said Data pointing to the door they had passed through. "It appears that the material in the walls is blocking any and all sensor scans."
"No wonder they couldn't find anything. What are you reading now? My Tricorder is scrambling, not getting much from It." said Riker turning his scanner off.
"I am still getting power readings and some life readings, however they are indiscernible. I believe we are going to have to go down there to get better readings." replied Commander Data, motioning to the descending stairway.
Commander Riker's communicator suddenly beeped startling him.
"Enterprise to away team, Number one we need you back on board." came the voice of the Captain. "We are detecting a large sub-space disturbance similar to the one that occurred earlier."
Riker motioned to the away team and tapped his communicator. "Understood Captain; Riker to transporter room, three to beam up now." They vanished as the transporter coalesced around them.

The turbolift door opened and the away team resumed their positions on the bridge. Captain Picard turned to Riker, "There are five vessels that have entered the outer rim of the system. I have ordered the O'Brien to Star Base 13. They should be warping out shortly, we need to give them time."
"Are they the same as the one that left the system earlier?" asked Riker.
"Four of them appear to be the same. The fifth is considerably larger."
Picard motioned to Ensign Crusher, "Intercept course, quarter impulse Mr. Crusher. Let's go see what they want. Mr. Worf, Red Alert all weapons ready and shields on full. Battle stations all decks."
The Enterprise swept out of orbit to intercept the unknown fleet. Data adjusted the view screen without being asked and the five ships appeared as small bright lights.
"Magnify." said Picard.
The five bright lights turned into five sleek rectangular vessels, four of them of the size that fled the system earlier. The fifth was at least the size of the Enterprise or a little larger. Riker and Picard exchanged a glance. Although not a Borg Cube ship, it had striking similarities.
"Open hailing frequencies, Mr. Worf. All channels let them know we come in peace."
"No response sir. I'm detecting energy build ups on all vessels. They are arming weapons and raising shields. Their weapons are inferior to ours, but they have many more than we do. They are more than a match for us."
Laser bolts lashed out from the enemy vessels and reached out toward the Enterprise. The Enterprise shook violently and the bridge lights dimmed.
Picard barked "Initiate the Grou Tal Manuever, minus 60 on the Z axis. Target the largest vessel, fire at will, Mr. Worf."
"Firing Phasers and Photon torpedoes, full spread."

The bright red photon torpedoes streaked out and struck the vessel. As the ships shields buckled, The Enterprises Phaser raked its side as the ship suddenly turned away from the Enterprise. The Enterprise began to shake and shudder after repeated hits from the other vessels. Most of the hits were glancing blows as the Enterprise rolled and dipped in the maneuver requested by Picard.
"Damage report!" roared Riker as he struggled to maintain his balance.
"Front Shields at 38% sir, all other shields at 60% or higher. Minor structural damage to the right warp nacelle." Replied Worf as he continued to target and fire Phasers."
The shipped was rocked by a very strong blow that shook the bridge, throwing everyone standing to the floor. The light noticeably dimmed and did not brighten like it was supposed to. Geordi pulled himself back up to the engineering console and grimaced at what he saw. "Captain, whatever that was; it got through the shields. I have a reactor leak in engineering, they are bypassing the best the can and are evacuating. We will not have Phasers sir; Impulse is dropping as well I can get at most."
"Initiate Dal Cons Pirouette Mr. Crusher, get us some distance."
"Captain, our last four torpedoes damaged one of the smaller vessels, they appear to be drawing off."
Data turned toward the Captain as his fingers flew over his console. "We cannot take much more of this Captain. All five enemy vessels maneuvering to pursue."
"Mr. Worf, Alpha strike the closest of the vessels." Said Riker. "Overload torpedoes."
"Firing." Said Worf as he doubled the charge to six torpedoes. He waited for the briefest moment and then fired the torpedoes in a single massive launch. The torpedoes struck the closest vessel and did visible massive damage. The force of the blast shattered parts from the ship causing it to tumble slowly. Several separate internal explosions could be seen and all lights went out on the vessel.
"Direct hit sir," said Data. "However the Largest of the vessels is firing, the other three are trying to cut us off."
Picard glanced at the tactical map on Rikers screen, then he turned to face the main view screen as several more lasers slammed into the Enterprises crippled shields. The ship shuddered violently and audible alarms began to sound."
"Warp core breach! I'm shutting down the Warp engines!" Yelled Geordi.
"Front and Aft shields are down!" roared Worf. "Transferring auxiliary power to Aft shields and batteries to the front shields. We have suffered structural damage and have hull breaches on decks forward, twenty one and twenty two. Reports of casualties."
"Sir! The O'breen has just appeared from behind Regulas II. They are engaging two of the smaller vessels and are taking damage. Limited scanners have detected another vessel exiting warp at the edge of the system." said Data.
"Continue evasive best as you can Ensign. Keep us away from those ships!" ordered Picard.
"We need warp power Geordi." Yelled Riker. "We need it now!"
"It's gone sir, it'll be atleat three hours to repair, we can't even get into engineering because of the coolant leak, we are venting as fast as we can."
"Sir," interrupted Worf. "We are being hailed by a Federation vessel identifying itself as the USS Fitzgerald, commanded by Admiral Silverman."
"On screen." Ordered Picard.
The view of the battle was quickly replaced by the image of an Admiral with short cropped blonde hair and fiery blue eyes, seated on a command bridge unlike anything Picard had seen before. The captains chair was like Picard's, except the arms formed a console in front of it's Captain. There were three stations in front of him, similar to the two on the enterprise. There were also four more behind the captain, all facing forward.
"This is Admiral Silverman of the U.S.S Fitzgerald, Enterprise maneuver toward us. We have already contacted the O'breen to disengage and do the same. Keep it together Picard, we are almost there. Silverman out."
"Sir," said Data. The ship was rocked heavily by several more blasts from the smaller vessels. "There is no record of any federation vessel listed as the Fitzgerald."
"I don't care what he's called. He couldn't have arrived at a better time."
Worf fired another trio of torpedoes at the farthest smaller vessel. It turned sharply and only one torpedo hit, doing only a little damage. "Captain, It appears that the Fitzgerald is broadcasting on all frequencies, audio only."
"On speakers." said Picard.
There was a quick burst of static and then they heard the voice of the Fitzgeralds Captain; "This is the Federation Battleship Fitzgerald, cease all hostile action or be destroyed."
Riker turned to Picard in amazement. "The Federation doesn't have a Battleship? Do they?
"The enemy vessels are converging on the Fitzgerald sir," said Data. "She's coming in range."
"On screen." said Picard.
The enemy vessels had formed up again. The bridge crew was silent as the Fitzgerald came into view. The Fitzgerald was about the same size as the Enterprise. It was built along the lines of an Galaxy Class Starship. The biggest visual difference is that it appeared to have 6 warp nacelles instead of two. There were two pylons like most federation ships; however their two pylons were much larger and appeared to be several times thicker. The reason for this was obvious. There were three warp nacelles on each pylon. Two paired on either side of the Pylon like a standard configuration, the third centered between the other two extending slightly higher than the paired grouping. The saucer section was more ovoid then round, where the Enterprise was wide and majestic, the Fitzgerald was narrow and deadly.
The enemy vessels began to spread their formation. Data blinked suddenly and his fingers rapidly began adjusting his scanners.
"Captain?" said Data turning in his chair. "Massive energy readings off the scale on the Fitzgerald."
"They are arming weapons!" Exclaimed Worf from the weapons station. Detecting multiple Phaser banks and torpedoes, power is higher than any i have ever seen on a Federation vessel!"
"They are opening fire sir." Crusher chimed in.
The enemy vessels all fired in unison, bolt after bolt of Laser fire splashed against the Fitzgerald's screens.
"No degradation in the Fitzgerald's screens, they are holding steady. It appears that the Warp Engine configuration is providing more than enough energy to maintain Integrity." Data stated calmly. "Fitzgerald returning fire."
They watched as Quad Torpedo tubes began rapidly spewing torpedoes. "My God!" said Riker, "Those are Enhanced Quantum Torpedoes!"
There were three torpedo's targeted on each of the smaller ships and eight on the larger ship. Dual Phaser banks above and below the saucer section began slicing through the enemy ships shields. The torpedo's, large white hot glowing orbs, reached their targets. The resultant detonations were spectacular.
It was over in seconds, all of the enemy ships had been vaporized.
the Enterprise Bridge crew was silent in their shock at the awesome display of power from a previously unknown class of Starship.

© Copyright 2016 Bedrock - The Lurker King (bedrock459 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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