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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #2073196
A male Dragon and the Princess he serves.
Warning! This is a soft vore story with some romance involved. So if you don't know what vore is then look it up before you read this story! Those who know what it is, I want to know what you'll rate me on a scale of 1 to 10 on how well you enjoyed the story and if you want me to tell me what I can do to make it better, please comment. Thank you and enjoy!)

A teenage girl was running for her life through a forest as bandits chased her.

"Get her!" One of them yelled while chasing her. The girl was 17 and the reason the bandits were chasing her was because she is of a Royal bloodline. She has blond hair that extends to her mid back and her eyes were a light blue. She was wearing a pair of brown trousers and a green shirt. She didn't wear dresses because she didn't care for them and they won't help a princess escape from trouble. Her father agreed and had her trained with all types of weapons. She had a dagger that was strapped to her left arm because she is mainly right handed, but it was laying, broken a half mile back the way she came from. She looked back to see how far behind they were and slammed into something. She started to fall, but didn't get more than a few inches away before being caught by something. She placed a hand to her head and groaned as she got a headache for a second.

"Princess Kale?!" A voice that was male came from her front. She looked at its owner and hugged him tight. A 17 year old boy had her in his arms to keep her from falling after colliding with him. He had dark sapphire blue eyes with a strip of silver cloth that covered his right eye, a scar that started a inch above his right eye brow and ended a inch below the same eye. He had silver hair and a longsword handle poking over his right shoulder and short sword's over the other. He had on a pair of white trousers and a shirt of the same color.

"Silver!" She said, hugging him more.

"Princess, are you okay?" He asked her and she nodded as the bandits encircled them. She released him and he drew his swords and handed the short sword to Kale. She took it and they went back to back as a roar echoed around them. The bandits took off running through the trees.

"What made them run?" Kale asked and turned to Silver as a monstrous troll of 12 feet in height knock over several trees. It looked at Kale and smiled as it licked its lips. It took a step towards her and reached down to grab her, but a deep growl that trembled the earth stopped it. It looked around in fear as it looked for its source.

"Run princess!" Silver yelled and sliced off one of its fingers. It roared in pain and looked at him as it now just realized he was there. Kale nodded and turned to run, but stopped as four more trolls came out of the trees. These ones were bigger then the first by their height of 18 feet! She put her back against Silver's as the new additions surrounded them.

"Damn, now what do we do?" Kale asked and her answer was Silver taking the sword from her and sheathed both swords. She was about to ask him what he was doing, when he turned to her and removed the cloth over his eye.

"Zu'u fen unstiid jaaril hi, dii lokaal." He said in a whisper and blinked away tears from his 'eyes'. The troll directly behind him started laughing.

"Dragon?! He dragon!" The first one said and they all started laughing. Kale heard and looked Silver in the eye with fear in hers.

"What do they mean-!" She started screaming as it grabbed her from behind and lifted her straight up. It was smiling as it brought her higher and above its head.

"Stupid human, I eat you!" The troll that held her said and started to laugh, but was interrupted as a white blur went across its belly. It released her as it fell over dead and into two half's, which both slid away from each other in opposite directions.

Kale started to fall towards the ground and she closed her eyes as she expected it to be her death, but she landed on something that was only a few feet into her fall. She kept her eyes closed tight as held onto the object that she landed on and cried onto it.

"I told you, I will always be there to catch you, my Princess." Silver's voice said from below her. She opened her eyes an saw that she was laying on top of white scales that were only about 3 inches long and they were quite warm and soothing to her.

"What?" She said as she traced the outline of one with her finger. A growl of pleasure came from beneath her and vibrated her body. She looked forwards and saw a pair of dark sapphire blue eyes that were surrounded by the white scales. The eye on her left had a scar going across it. She froze as she saw their cat like pupils and knew what they belonged to.

"A dragon..." She whispered as tears slid down her face more. She shook her head in denial as she remembered the stories that her father, Nurse maidens, and teachers told her about there love of eating young women. Then she remembered when she saw her own mother get eaten by a dragon when she was a child and it was a male dragon that had white scales who ate her.

"I won't harm you princess. I promised you that." The dragon said and it's voice was male in tone,.but it sounded familiar to her. She looked the Dragon in it's eyes and saw that it had a deeply saddened look in its eyes. She broke her eye contact with its and looked at where she was on its head. She was laying on her stomach with her knees going between the dragons nostrils and its eyes were another foot away from her's.

"Why did you eat my mother?" She asked it with tears still streaming down her face. The dragon remained silent for a moment, then it spoke.

"Your mother-!" The dragon started, but was interrupted as one of the trolls roared and all of them started swinging their clubs at the dragon. The dragon flicked its snout and head skyward and sent Kale flying into the air. She didn't scream, didn't close her eyes, but she did watch what happened below her in slow motion and as more details about the dragon became visible.

The trolls only came to the dragons shoulders and its head was another 9 feet above them. The dragons length was about 54 feet and it had a pair of silvery-blue horns that grew out of the back of its head, but they curve slightly away from it's body. It had a line of curved spikes running down its spine, starting from the base of its skull and ended at the tip of its tail. Its wings were like a bat's, but were easily twice the dragons length.

Two of the trolls swung their clubs at the dragons wings as one when for its head and the other for its chest. The club that went for its head shattered as did the one going for its chest, but the biggest shock was when the dragon extended its wings and the edges of them sliced through the troll's clubs like a knife through butter would.

But they didn't stop there. They continued till they hit the trolls that went for its wings and split them in half. Kale then started to fall to towards the ground as the dragon swiped it's right forelegs clawed paw at the troll that hit its chest and sliced it into multiple parts with just one pass. Then the dragons tail came from behind it and shot through the last trolls chest, killing it instantly. The dragon then flicked its tail and the troll's corpse flew off.

"Silver!" Kale yelled as the world sped up to normal speed and she started to fall at a faster rate. The dragons head snapped up to see Kale falling quickly and it jumped into the air towards her as it opened its jaws and angled it to be in the path of her descending form.

"Kale!" The dragon roared in Silver's voiced and as it came closer to her, she noticed something that only 5 people have in the whole kingdom that she lived in. A ring made of a precious stone was around the dragons right ring finger, the stone was a sapphire and it had a white diamond in the shape of a white dragon head. The ring was similar to the other 4 rings by the stone they were crafted from, but this one had a twin. The rings twin was worn by Princess Kale and the other belonged to her best friend... Silver. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of the ring on its finger.

{Silver's a dragon? The very same dragon that ate my mother and now is about to eat me?} Kale thought as she fell into his mouth and he closed it instantly around her, locking her inside his jaws, but she never once touched his teeth. She was pressed into his tounge by the roof of his mouth in a semi darkness as his tounge wrapped around her waist in a gentle grip. She cried even more tears as she punched his tounge, teeth, and the roof of his mouth.

"Let me go!" Kale cried out as she punched more and started to kick her legs to the best of her ability in the confined space of Silver's mouth. She continued to struggle till she ran out of energy and just cried. Silver could taste her tears as she hit him, inside his jaws.

Silver didn't land when he caught her in his jaws, but continued to fly as he headed to a certain place. He knew that he had lost her trust and could possibly never get it back, but there was one thing he could do for her still. He continued to fly for a few more hours as he felt her fall asleep and his destination came into view. A ancient castle that was built into the side of a cliff was the destination he was going for. He banked slightly to the left of it and flew into a cave that was at the top of the cliff.

The cave opened to a chamber and in the middle of it was a firepit and a flame was within it which lit up the cave easily. There were 3 tunnels that branched off from the main area, but he didn't need to go down any of them at the moment. The reason he was there was just on the other side of the flames.

A human women with blonde hair and dark, blood red eyes was standing on the other side of the fire. She was wearing a cloak of bear skin and underneath it was a faded blue dress that seemed to have belonged to a Queen of a ancient kingdom. She looked at the dragon confused as to why he was here. He lowered his head as he opened his mouth to reveal his passenger. The women brought a hand to her mouth in shock at seeing Kale.

"Kale..." She whispered as she came running around the fire and took Kale out of Silver's mouth. The women accidentally sliced her forearm to the bone on his teeth, but it healed instantly and left nothing of the cut, not even a scar! She looked at the dragon as a few tears fell from her face and landed on Kale's.

"Why did you bring her here?! You promised me that you would-!" The woman started, but was interrupted by the dragon.

"I lost her trust..." The dragon said calmly, but the woman looked saddened from his words and looked back to her daughter.

"He did it again...didn't he?" The woman asked as a few more tears fell from her face and onto Kale's. The dragon remained silent for a moment before he answered her.

"Yes. He tried again, Queen Elexis." Silver said as he nuzzled her and her daughter gently. Kale started to wake up and Silver gasped and quickly hid in the shadows of a tunnel. The darkness hid him from view, but allowed him to see Kale wake up in her mother's arms. Kale slowly opened her eyes and noticed the woman kneeling over her.

"M...m...Mom?" Kale asked and Elexis nodded. Kale sat up quickly and hugged her mother.

"Mom!" Kale cried out in joy, but then she quickly looked around in fright as she looked around for Silver.

"He's not here sweetheart." Elexis said to pacify her daughter's fear for the moment as she stroked her hair. Kale looked at her mother and she nodded.

"He told me what he did and he didn't want to cause you anymore emotional harm to you, so he left before you-!" The Queen started, but was interrupted by Kale.

"Why did he eat you?" She asked as she looked her mother in the eye. Her mother sighed and moved the bear skin on her left shoulder an revealed two, little, puncture scars that seemed-no! It was a bite from a vampire...

"I was bitten by a Vampire Lord when I was only 28 years old and that was 40 years before I meet your father. About when you were 6 years old that I meet Silver. He was posing as a bounty hunter that was claiming the bounty on a bandit leader who had been killing people who knew how to cure vampirism." Elexis said. "The bandit was looking around and noticed that I was vampiric an said to James, your father that he was a vampire's pet and that his Queen was the true ruler of this kingdom. Naturally your father ordered him executed, but the bandit was also a vampire and broke his bindings to charge your father...I got in the way and knocked the bandit way from James an said 'Don't you touch my husband and King!' The bandit then charged me, but he was decapitated by one of the people who was with Silver when he brought the bandit. Your father ordered the guards to seize me and then he took one of their swords. He didn't hesitate and tried to behead me..." Elexis started to cry and Kale was shocked. She hugged her mother and started to rub her back.

"Dad tried to kill you?" She asked and her mother nodded. Kale opened her mouth to ask another question, but her mother interrupted her.

"Please," Elexis started, "don't be angry or scared, Kale." Elexis then wiped her eyes and looked down the tunnel that Silver was in.

"Please come out here, Silver." She said and a few seconds later, Silver walked out of the shadows in his dragon form. He was crouched down to appear less terrifying to Kale and with his head hanging down as he looked at the cavern floor in shame. She got up out of the hug she gave to her mother and walked around her to be between Silver and Elexis. He stopped an closed his eyes and as he expected her to yell at him or something like it, but she didn't. She hugged his muzzle as tears of happiness came from her eyes.

"Thank you, Silver." Kale said and kissed his nose.

"I thought that you were a monster that killed my mother to satisfy your craving and was about to eat me too, but you actually were protecting us from danger." She said as she cried happily. He was surprised by her reaction, but he started to growl in pleasure as she hugged him. He chuckled as he nuzzled her.

"I never wanted to harm you, but I will tell you this, Kale." Silver said.

"Ever since I saw you, I knew it was you that I must protect at all cost! Because I fell for you and will always be there for you." He said as tears built up in his eyes. Kale looked him in his eyes and smiled and looked at her mother. She was smiling as well. A growl came from her mother's belly and hers did too.

"I'll be back in a moment with some food...if you will let me get it..." Silver said with a smile on his lips. Kale laughed and released him. He licked her cheek and took off out of the room. He returned a few moments later with 3 deer, two in a claw and one in his jaws. He hid his head an neck from view with a wing to swallow the one in his jaws. He placed one of the deer near Elexis and her prepared the other for Kale.

"Do-oh! Never mind." Kale started to ask her mother if she needed Silver to cook that for you, but her mother bit into it's neck and drained it of blood. Her mother winked at her as she licked away some blood from her lips.

"I helped your mother change her blood cravings from humans to animals." Silver said as he roasted some meat for her with the fire in the room. Her mother nodded and Kale smiled as Silver handed her the meat. She took it with a thank you and started to eat it. Silver took the deer that her mother drained and swallowed it, but a belch escaped him.

"Excuse me ladies." He said and lied down behind Kale as she finished eating. Elexis came over to her daughter and picked her up an carried her next to Silver. She placed her on her feet a curled next to his side and quickly went to sleep. Kale went to his head and leaned against his jaws as she looked him in his eyes.

"I love you, Silver." She said and kissed his muzzle. He nuzzled her with a smile on his face and said.

"And I love you, Kale." She shivered as it suddenly got cold near them. He felt this and placed a wing over her mother, but slowly opened his jaws and Kale looked slightly frightened by the sight of his open jaws, but she sighed as she felt his his warm breath blow across her. He wrapped his tounge around her body and lifted her over his teeth and into his mouth. He closed his mouth gently and growled in pleasure as her taste filled his jaws.

"Please, don't be scared, Kale." He said around her and licked her cheek to calm her fear. She sighed as her building fear faded and started to pet his tounge. He moaned in pleasure as she did that.

"Please don't eat me." Kale said and Silver said.

"I won't and even if I did, you would be safe within me." He then continued. "I have two stomachs, one for food and one for storage or holding of things I hold dear. I don't have any acid in the holding one because it only creates air if what I put in it is living and if I ate you, you'll always be within it." He said. She was surprised and stopped petting his tounge for a moment. She felt a strange feeling and then realized what it was. Trust and longing. She trusted him and now wanted to know what it felt like to be within him. To know what it feels like to be within a massive, protective, and loving dragon.

"Um... Silver?" Kale asked.

"Yes, Kale?"

"Can you...a," she gulped, "eat me?" She asked. He was surprised by her question and didn't answer her for a few moments, but then he felt more love for the human within his jaws and at his mercy. Because she trusted him to not harm her and to keep her safe within him.

"If you wish me to." He said as a smile lit up his muzzle. She smiled and hugged his tounge.

"It is." She said and petted his tounge more and had her whole body vibrate from his growling. He was enjoying her petting as he lifted his head up and tilted his head back slightly, but didn't release her from his tounge. She felt him lift his head and tilt it slightly to his throat. He held her that way for a moment before he released her as he swallowed her down in a single swallow. She was enjoying his throat muscles as they massaged her from all sides. He placed a claw on the bulge that was sliding down his neck. She soon disappeared into his chest as he felt her slip into his storage stomach and a murr of pleasure escaped him. Kale was feeling incredible comfort and the feeling of safety he was giving her as she looked around within is belly. It was a dark red color and was quite roomy to her since she was laying on her back, but a soft-pulsing blue glow was coming from one side of his stomach. The pulsing was in time with his heartbeat. She sighed happily as she sank into his stomach flesh.

"Are you feeling okay, Kale?" He asked as he rubbed the spot where she rested in him. She rubbed his walls.

"Yes and I am enjoying it immensely. Thank you, Silver." Kale said as she started to get sleepy and a yawn escaped her. He chuckled as he rubbed her from the outside.

"Sleep my princess. I'll let you out in the morning." He said and lied his head down as she felt her fall asleep within him and he joined her a few moments later, but not before a question raced through his mind.

"Should I tell them what I truly am or should I not tell them that I'm a god?..."

(End of part one.)

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