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i saw you through your bedroom window.. |
ACT 2 > (the school bell rings loud and shrill) > (highschoolers are everywhere in the halls busily talking,searching and fooling around) > girl#1: i know what you did this summer. > girl#2: what? > girl#1: i saw you with my brother. > (scene quickly moves to 3 boys) > boy#1: (laughs) spike finally decided to find a new owner?(laughs) > boy#2: quit laughing. he was a great bulldog. we were best of friends. > boy#1: he's your friend? then,what am i supposed to be? > boy#3: a bitch. > (scene quickly moves to a boy and a girl) > girl#3: (hugs the boy) i missed you. > boy#4: ..yeah. > girl#3: (breaks apart slowly) what's wrong? > boy#4: during the summer,i , i...(looks at the floor) i met a girl. > girl#3: (face falls but forces a smile) so what? friends..i've got some too. > boy#4: no,it's different. we're not just friends. > girl#3: you're not telling me- > boy#4: i'm sorry,jane..i've been thinking a lot too. > girl#3: thinking of what? > boy#4: of, of us. what else? > girl#3: so, what have you come up with,dawson? what were we? > boy#4: we're still friends, you know that. > girl#3: there's a difference between love and friendship. > boy#4: jane.(tries to get hold of her) > girl#3: (screaming) get off me! > (people quiet down and start staring) > boy#4: (darts nervous glances) please,jane. i don't want to end it like this. > girl#3: you're the one who's trying to end it. don't make me the bad guy. > boy#4: i didn't know it would be like this. > girl#3: (tears swelling) i would have never guessed. > boy#4: i'm sorry. > girl#3: no,you're not. you just want to get rid of me. you expected and wanted our relationship to crash. i bet you never loved me at all. > boy#4: jane,there is no such thing as 'everlasting love'. > girl#3: (frowning) what? > boy#4: there's always an end to everything. > girl#3: ..(trembling) i, i understood. you're completely fucked up! ( turns around and dashes off) > boy#4: (quietly) you're right. i'm completely fucked up. > (girl#3 bumps into stella) > stella: sorry, are you ok? > (the girl rushes off without a word or a glance) > (stella goes to her locker and takes off her bag) > -do you want to die, stella? > stella: (doesn't turn around) jack, i thought you would get better during the summer, you only got worse. > jack: i don't know what you're talking about. > stella: i got your letter. i almost cried of joy. > jack: was i supposed to write to you? > stella: 'pass this 5 people. if not sent within 1 week, you will die. i practically memorized the letter. so,how will i die? are you just gonna stab me with the butcher knife or do i get to pick, or is it just some kind of 'forces of nature' thing, like a bolt of lightning? > jack: no, i want to get my hands on you, first. > stella: can't wait. > jack: i know. i want to hear your screams loud and clear.(leans close to her) > stella: playing stupid jokes is your specialty.(moves away) > jack: actually, it's more of a mission. > stella: you know, to tell you the truth, nobody really enjoys them, except you. > jack: it's a pity. > stella: (nodding) i know. > (suddenly people crowd around something, noisily) > boy#2: spike was my, my life. he was my hero! > chelsea: um,do you have anything else to share,besides the fact that your dog ran away? > boy#2: ...no. > chelsea: did anybody do something memorable over the summer? > (people start talking at once) > chelsea: uh..you have to raise your hand. > girl#4: (raising hand) over here. > (chelsea motions the boy holding the camera to start recording) > chelsea: can you please tell us what you did during the summer.. > girl#4: britney spears.(flashes a dazzling smile at the camera) > chelsea: britney-uh-britney spears. > girl#4: well, my boyfriend and i (pauses to smile and wave).. > (chelsea rolls her eyes) > girl#4: we shared something really special and i will never forget it. > chelsea: so, britney, could you talk about what you guys did? > girl#4: we did it. it was hot! i love you justin! > (the people around them applaud and cheer) > chelsea: (to the camera boy) cut the recording. (to girl#4) look, christina. > girl#4: britney. > chelsea: whatever. this is not the latest issue of 'seventeen'. keep the gossip stuff to yourself and your sweetheart, justin. > girl#4: wait, i just wanna show you my new outfit.(displays her black leather miniskirt and pink tube top) how do you like it? > chelsea: it's really you. roger, let's do this later. > roger: (puts down the camera) but, this is our chance. we can't do it, later. > chelsea: don't worry. there's always people around. see you later. > (walks to where jack and stella are) > (roger and girl#4 watches her go) > girl#4: (to roger) do i look ok? > roger: is your boyfriend's name justin timberlake? > (scene moves to chelsea, jack, and stella) > chelsea: britney spears, over there, acts and talks like the soda pop princess,herself. the tiny skirt,the tiny top,she's got the clothes. > (imitates her) i love you justin! (rolls eyes) > stella: (laughs) she's quite cute, you know. > chelsea: her?(looks at the girl) well, she has the cute face and sugary voice-but, definitely not the body. that girl is as flat as a pancake. > jack: maybe she needs to pump them up and get 'stronger'. > chelsea: since when did you become interested in britney spears? > jack: from time to time, i watch 'mtv'. > chelsea: that explains it. so, how did it go,over the summer? > stella: as usual. trite and boring. > jack: ditto. > chelsea: (narrows eyes at jack) someone had fun looking into someone's bedroom, last night. you arrived home safely, jack? > jack: yes, but you just have to teach me those funky dance steps, chelsea. my god, i thought it was jennfer lopez that dyed her hair to blonde, last night. then seconds later, i realized it was just chelsea love with blonde hair. > chelsea: hey, i'm on sexist overdrive as it is, let's drop this. > jack: sorry. i wasn't the one that commented on some chick, about her flat body. > stella: what are you guys talking about? > (chelsea and jack's eyes meet) > chelsea+jack: nothing. > stella: ok. look, it's almost time for class. see you later.(leaves) > chelsea: (in a low voice) thanks. > jack: don't mention it.(smiles mischieviously) > (bell rings) > > THIS IS THE END OF ACT 2. MORE PEOPLE, MORE SILLINESS. > THANKS FOR READING. PLEASE RATE THIS. |