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This part of the story it's takes place right after the first part so read that one first. |
As Kurama wiggled around in his bloated self with joy he noticed his five tailed brethren Kokuo standing there with a very worried expression. She was at a loss for words as she could only stare at Kurama with his entire balloony like frame. Kokuo didn’t believe the rumors of the virus were true but with Kurama’s state now she had no choice but to accept it. All she wondered was how to cure this, or if there was even a method to fixing this at all. Not only that, but also how Kurama became such a foxy balloon at all, and boy did he have the story to tell her! He just hoped that she would understand his new change that occurred to him this day. Or was it several days? Kurama wasn’t sure since his sense of time is skewed from falling asleep earlier. "Kokuo! What are you doing here?" Kurama replies with a faint blush upon his face, surprised that she had suddenly appeared before him. "Kurama?! What happened to you?!" Kukuo bursts out in surprise, starting at the nine tailed balloon. "Well, I’ve become what I’ve always wanted to be, a balloon!" Kurama answers in pride as he bounced about his air filled body with a smile. "What are you crazy?! I mean you shouldn't even be at that size!" she responds in shock at hearing what Kurama says. She didn’t think that the virus was capable of altering his own mind as well, which only made the situation worse in her perspective.”Seriously Kurama get ahold of yourself! You’re not a balloon!" "Of course I’m a balloon! I mean just look at how round and full I am! Better yet, it feels so natural to be at this size!" he laughs quite happily, being jolly about his current self. She could only look at him in worry as she approached Kurama’s bloated self. She began to feel around the large orange fox's belly in curiosity, just to see why he’s enjoying his huge self. At the same time however, she couldn’t help but grow more weary for her nine tailed brethren as he continued to grow in size. “His growth isn’t stopping at all. If what I heard is true then the more he just breathes the more the air will fill him up.” Kokuo thought to herself as she stared at Kurama while poking his inflated belly. Kurama couldn’t help but giggle from her pokes since they felt nice on his tight yet soft body. The more Kokuo felt his body the more she noticed how it seemed quite comfy, almost like it was the perfect air mattress. “Though his body is so...soft.” she muttered to herself as she couldn’t stop herself poking it, slowly starting to squeeze Kurama’s body. Soon she was almost cuddling against the large behemoth’s body, never seeming to let go in this strange hug. “I can’t let go…it’s just so...so...” she muttered as she leaned against it more as Kurama grew little by little against her. Kokuo felt funny as her mind went into a strange state, as if her getting closer to feel Kurama’s round inflating body was somehow indulging to enjoy. As she breathed deep with her eyes closed she couldn’t help but nuzzle the foxie balloon, sending Kurama into more happy giggles from the sensation. “Oooooo ahehehe, you see Kokuo? You love it too don’t you?” Kurama said with a wide smile. But as she breathed deep she smelled a strange aroma, an aroma of...latex? She sniffed once more while raising an eyebrow as she began to worry once more, noticing that Kurama’s body was strangely smelling like a balloon! She thought his body was only inflating but was it truly turning into a full fledged balloon? Kurama was so much larger than her now, almost looking like he covered half the forest with his swelling size as he was still growing at a fast pace. If what she thought was true he was going to turn into a balloon in no time! With her thoughts snapping back to reality, Kokuo shook her head as she stepped back from Kurama. "Kurama you shouldn’t be happy about this! Just look at you, you’re looking overripe and full of air that you could explode at any minute!" she responds in worry while resisting the strange urge to rubbing all around the kitsune's large gut. "Oh no, it’s fine! If anything I feel better than ever!” Kurama said with a wide smile. Kokuo couldn’t help but grow furious as she lashed out saying “You idiot, how is any of this better?! Just look at yourself! You’re an overly round fox who thinks he’s an inanimate rubber object!” Kurama couldn’t help but grow annoyed at Kokuo for lashing out needlessly like she is now. If anything he was rather disappointed at how Kokuo was getting uptight with him since he thought this was completely normal to him. “Jeez, I thought she’d be happy that I found something to keep me in a good mood that WASN’T fighting.” Kurama thought to himself “I mean I have a hobby of becoming a balloon and now she’s acting crazy towards me. Maybe we can both have fun but how?”. As he pondered on while ignoring Kokuo’s ranting, Kurama suddenly had an idea on how they both could enjoy this moment as he gasped in excitement. “*Gasp* Kokuo, you should try and inflate me even more! Then we can both have fun with my new balloon body!” "I...uh...what?” she responds in complete confusion, gazing at him as if he had gone insane. “Did you even…” “Yeah! Heck, all you have to do is just puff me up like the balloon I am right in my mouth!" he encourages Kokuo, completely unaffected by the worry that she’s expressing. Kokuo could only grow more speechless at the words coming out of his mouth as she blinked slowly. “Kurama...that doesn’t seem like a smart idea. In fact, that’s about the worst idea you could have said.” she responds in disappointment, gazing at him while being flabbergasted. "It's a great idea! I mean I would get even wider!" he responds quite happily, giving her a cute adorable look with his round puffy cheeks. "Forget it." Kokuo responds with no hesitation. “I’m here to help fix this, not make it worse”. Kurama could only pout as she looks at her, suddenly smirking as he breathed deep once more, swelling out his round frame as his massive belly was pushing onto Kokuo. “Wha--?!” Kokuo could only stagger in surprise as she suddenly flopped on her back from being pushed back. As she lays there from the shock, her back legs were squashed by Kurama’s inflated belly as she found it hard to move them as she tried wiggling them out. Suddenly, Kurama began rocking his body back and forth as he lunged himself forward towards Kokuo, causing his ball of a belly to move and engulf most of Kokuo’s body as her head was the only thing sticking out. From his lunge, Kurama’s face was up in front of Kokuo’s as he stared at her with a big smile. Kokuo could only grunt and try to move her body but she was completely trapped underneath Kurama’s large squishy frame. “Nggh! What the hell are you---?!” Kokuo lashed out in anger but was interrupted by Kurama nosing her with his own muzzle, completely flustered from his out of nowhere affection. “Seeeee, doesn’t it feel good to be squished up like this? Feeling my expanded self press onto your slim body as I grow more and more as I become the balloon as I was meant to be with no end?” he grins as he wobbles his frame onto Kokuo’s body, making it seem like he was massaging her slim self onto her. She could only blush in embarrassment as the massages felt amazing on her frame, but tried to stay focused even though it was hard as she looks away from Kurama while closing her eyes. “I won’t admit defeat, I won’t admit defeat, I won’t admit defeat” she muttered to herself over and over as she was beginning to feel like she wanted more. Kurama chuckled as he leaned in more, whispering into her ear lustfully. “Don’t you want this balloon all to yourself? Just making it grow and grow forever as you sink into it’s squishiness? Don’t you want to see how big this balloon could get with your help?” Kurama grinned as he was trying to get Kokuo to fulfill his personal wish. She tried hard to not give in to his needs but just being close to him was starting to weaken her own sense of judgement, feeling like something in the back of her mind wanted to give into his desire. She tried to fight it but the temptations for more were too much for her as she could only sigh in defeat “Al..….Alright….I’ll...puff you up....”. “Good~!” Kurama giggled in excitement as he kissed her on the cheek for gratitude. “I’m all your’s~” he said as they were nose to nose with each other. “C-can I at least move first?” Kokuo said blushing while wiggling under Kurama’s bloated girth. “Oh, hold on.” Kurama wiggled back a bit as her front legs became visible again “Just wrap your arms around my head and I’ll hoist you up~”. Kokuo raised an eyebrow as she reached around Kurama’s neck and held onto tight. With that he rocked himself forward and all the way back, carrying Kokuo with her as she was hanging on for her life trying not to fly off. Back to laying most on his belly Kokuo could only look down at how high up she was from the ground, gulping to herself as didn’t want to fall off as she looked back at Kurama. The two beasts were head to head as she could only blush from how close she was to him. She could clearly hear how deeply Kurama was breathing deeply, and rather amazed at how fascinating it was to feel his body continuously expand below her. Kokuo could only sigh with regret “I can’t believe I’m doing this…” feeling like she was truly going to regret this as Kurama only smiled at her. “Oh this’ll be great! Trust me!” Kurama wiggled about with anticipation, as Kokuo takes in at how deeply in bliss he was now. With another sigh she could only wonder the worst outcomes “It better be…” Slowly, Kokuo kissed Kurama on the lips, deeply making out with him as she starts to inhale deep to puff him up largely like a balloon. The action itself was still bizarre to Kokuo as she never expected to go with the desire to blimp Kurama up. Each puff of breath really filled him up vastly, even more than his breathing as her air expanded him greatly, slowly turning Kurama's shape into an oval than a sphere. With each kiss of air Kurama truly embraced her kisses as he relaxes into himself, letting the air push out and squeeze his frame in and out. He was so relaxed he let his own paws become mere dimples on his form as his limbs round out more into inner tubes, having his hands and feet sink deeply into them to look like craters of air. With his paws deep inside of his expanded limbs, his movement was restricted to just wobbling around his oval like body. Even Kurama's tails couldn't escape all of air as they began to stretch out vastly, slowly turning into large blimps that would stick out aimlessly. They soon became large and rounded out to where they were restricted to even wag them or fro them about. Just the sheer size and girth of his body was glorious to Kurama's mindset as he felt like he was fulfilling his purpose of becoming a grand balloon. Nothing was going to stop him as he enjoys each puff of air bellowing through him from the beautiful beast that was helping him achieve his life goal. Purring deeply his entire body would wobble and vibrate about like ripples on water, just to clearly show Kokuo how much he was enjoying this. "I’m a balloon… I truly am a balloon and always will be," he murmurs to himself silently in-between the puffy kisses from Kokuo, who was strangely starting to enjoy making Kurama bigger by the second. “I’m making him so large so fast. Just puffing him up into a soft lovely balloon. I...I could just puff him forever.” she muttered to herself as she felt sheer joy from expanding her own personal mountain, but didn’t catch the mantra that Kurama was whispering to himself. Closing her eyes she could only breath deeper to puff him up larger, wanting to give her foxy balloon the time of his life. Puff after puff Kurama grew, growing up to the size of a mountain or two as he could only purr deeper. The two were lost in bliss from their expanding fun, whiffing deeply as they seemed somewhat drunk from the aroma emanating from Kurama as he began to smell like latex. His own body was starting to change slowly as the latex like smell was all over his frame, almost as if he was entirely covered in it. Although his fur was still present on his body with no balloon like material on him, the soft noises of squeaks and creaks began to emit from his ripe frame as he grew. The sounds of rubber began to grow louder and louder with each puff of breath as they became the only sounds that filled him and Kokuo’s ears,causing them to relax more deeply, like soothing rain that lulled them into a deeper trance. “I’m a balloon. A big big big balloon.” Kurama whispered to himself as he sank into his bloated body more. That mantra itself began to act as a timer as Kurama was starting to repeat it faster and faster with each puff of air, feeling like he was getting too full or reaching the climax of his growth as he was swelling up deep within his chest. Soon his expansion would cause his head to collapse slowly into his bloated self as it would sink into his ball of a body, feeling like his face was the only thing sticking out with his ear being trapped. He could even feel himself covering the entire forest below him as the tree’s tickled his belly lovingly. Kurama couldn’t see this due to having his head so deep within his ballooning an expanding body. The only thing he could see was Kokuo holding on for her dear life, not wanting to fall off of her large mountain since it was quite the spot to relax on. But what happens next sends her into a tizzy as she didn't expect this out of her foxie ball. With his breathes pacing faster and faster a large scream suddenly erupted from Kurama as he couldn't hold in the pressure anymore, feeling like the accumulation of air finally set him off. It didn't sound like a scream of pain, more of an impressive large moan, one that might be from him experiencing such a life changing orgasmic phenomenon. "Kurama are you alright?! I-I didn’t mean to-!" she replies in worry, all of her tails sent into a tizzy of motion as she snapped out of her delusional fantasy. "Ooooh yes, yes, yes, yes, yeeees!!!" the fox happily roared out in glee as he feels all over his rather impressive round body. He could only giggle high pitched as we wiggled about in his tight balloony self. “Ooooooh thank you, thank you thank you so much Kokuo! Look at how large I am now! I’ve finally become a real balloon now with your help~!!” Kurama said with a smile, giving Kokuo a deep kiss of gratitude on the lips for all she’s done for him. Kokuo could only turn red with embarrassment from Kurama’s affection for helping him fulfill his life goal as she could only look away from him. “Uhh y-y-your w-welcome?” Kokuo replied in a jumbled way. She noticed that for some reason her mouth was tasting like latex after she was done puff kissing him as she spat out some saliva to get rid of the taste. Meanwhile, Kurama was very happy and impressed at how quickly Kokuo helped accelerate his air consumption as Kokuo could only silently watch Kurama in worry. He just wobbled about all over while screaming or yipping loudly in rapture as the pressure inside of him took over his sense and made the fox quite happy. In return he would be welcomed by euphoric sounds of rubbery squeaking and creaking as it flooded his ear, enhancing the pleasurable nirvana he was in. Kokuo was still holding onto him, only hoping he was happy with his new self as she couldn’t tell just why this had occurred to him of all beasts. But as his self enjoyment went on she only grew less worried and more enraged at him for causing her to develop undue stress over, believing he was about to burst into a million pieces from the pressure. Not to mention that he practically made her puff kiss him, causing this to now truly believe he was an actual balloon. "Are you done now?" she stared at Kurama while folding her upper arms with a temper. "Hm? Oh um, yeah…I think the pressure went away. But I wish it lasted longer, a lot longer. I felt like I was in heaven. But now I might never feel it again." he replied whimpering in sadness, truly feeling like it was a once in a lifetime sensation. "Damnit Kurama you had me completely worried right there! I truly thought you were a goner and about to explode from all that air in you!" she stammered, completely ranting about her concern for Kurama as she finally raged into a fit.”I tried to come out here to warn you about some weird virus that turns people into...this, and now you decided to jump on the bandwagon?! Well guess what, now you're part of that wagon, and you look like a complete fool! I mean look at you, you're just about ready to be part of some giant’s volleyball game, which I’m suuuuure you’d love to be part of since you think your a decoration for a birthday party. What do you think Shukaku or our other brethren would say if they were here? What if gramps were here?! I think they’d consider you to be the laughing stock of the millennium at this rate because your selfish title for the strongest fox alive has gone right out the window!!” Kokuo ranted on as she couldn’t stop herself. The large fox could only grunt as she continued on ranting at him about the dangers of his new form, only listening to his inner thought he didn’t care about his condition.”Ugh, even after she helped me get bigger she’s still mad at me.” Kurama thought to himself “I mean she was having fun helping me become a balloon and now she does this to me? Why? I thought she’d be happy that I’ve finally found a true calling so why is she so upset?” Kurama was still unsure about why she was still so infuriated, even though she was clearly having fun before. “It’s like she doesn’t understand why this is the best experience of my life but, how can I show her that if she’s not a ballo-” As if a floodgate had opened inside his mind Kurama thought of a brilliant idea. “Wait a minute. I’m a balloon but, she’s not a balloon. Can...can I turn her into a balloon?” Kurama said as he stared at Kokuo while she was still going on her frantic ranting, completely ignoring her. “Of course! That’s why she’s so upset! She wants to be a balloon like me! She was so curious at how big I could be because she wanted to be as big as me!” Kurama chuckled silently as he realized his mistake “If all she wanted was to be a balloon all she had to do was ask. Then again she never tends to tell her true feelings. But wait, if I puff her up will my air go away?” Kurama wondered to himself. “Weeeell, it hasn’t gone away whenever I exhale so, I guess it’ll all be ok.” he reassured himself as he smiled wide “Oh Kokuo, you really did see my true nature and now you want to share it with me. You’re such a thoughtful woman.” he proclaimed as he could only imagine them both bloating up vastly. “I can see it now. The two of us becoming the biggest of balloon’s as we grow forever, filling our bodies with nothing but pure rich air. The experience of us just forever growing larger and becoming the balloons we were always meant to be! Yes! That is the true purpose of our lives ever since I took this journey of being a real balloon, and now you’ll be on the same bod as me”! With his revelation in mind Kurama began his plan as he already knew what to do. “Uh, Kokuo? I hate to interrupt you but could you come closer to me?" he asks sincerely to the rather nagging creature she was as she somewhat snarled. "Grrrr…alright, but what is this about? I’m trying to tell you how dangerous this is you know!" she replies fiercely, climbing closer to Kurama's rather bloated head and cheeks. "Well, I’m starting to see what you mean and, I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner.” Kurama said with a sad expression. Kokuo was rather surprised that he was realizing the error of his ways as she lets out a sigh of relief “Oh, you’re finally starting to get it. Good. Now that you do let’s try to--” But before she could finish Kurama interrupted her saying “And that’s why I wanted to make it up to you….with this"! Suddenly he lunged his face forward, giving her a deep affectionate kiss as her locks lips with her. Before she could react Kurama breathed deep into his nose and began bellowing vast loads of air inside of her as she flustered about in confusion. She could only open her eyes wide in shock at the sudden intake of air gathering inside of her, turning her thin belly into a firm round sphere. She felt it expand as she began to panic, already feeling she was going to turn into a bloated ball just like Kurama. Kokuo tried to push herself away but her own front legs were caught in Kurama’s squishy body, causing her to lose any momentum as she was practically trapped. She could only lie there, unable to deny Kurama’s gift as her belly continued to grow and swell into a rather impressive belly of air. Between the breaks she gasped for air, allowing Kurama time to replenish the air he needs to continue inflating his friend endlessly as he continued. With each whiff of air, his body is creaked all over as he takes deep breathes that would make his squeaky hide rub against itself. Hearing those majestic sounds only made Kurama believe he was becoming quite the balloon now, with nothing stopping him from transforming his friend into the same state. Kokuo couldn't fight back as she greeted each kiss from the fox embarrassingly, almost drinking in the air as he blows it right into her body. Her belly ball was expanding by the second, as it enlarged at such a fast rate from becoming a giant beach ball to a large boulder. She tried to struggle with moving back but her stomach became so large that all her fours were starting to be slowly lifted her up, putting her into an immobile state. To make matters worse, she slid closer to Kurama’s face as his kisses became deeper, making the fox purr with love as he relished it with a smile, unlike Kokuo would could only grow more embarrassed. She pushed onto her expanding self, feeling at how outright soft she felt from all that air as the lustful temptations for more would slowly corrode her mind. It was strange to feel her body just take in all of the air without a struggle, almost as if something inside of her body was slowly transforming it into something different entirely. Kokuo knew she was infected by the virus at this point as she tried to fight off the unneeded thoughts in her head. All she knew was that her body was continuously expanding with her feeling helpless given her movements was becoming restricted. "Kurama stop it! I don’t want to be like-" she whimpered against Kurama's muzzle as he keeps on inflating her deeply through his kisses. "Now now, don't struggle a bit. Afterall, this is what you wanted to be, what you were meant to be." the large fox whispered gently against her, almost seductively lulling her into giving into her expansion. "N-no! This isn’t what I wanted! I never wanted to be this!" Kokuo further protests as she squished her hooves against the surging midsection that was growing from Kurama's puffs. “Oh but you did my dear Kokuo. You wanted to feel the air coursing throughout your body, pushing your frame out more and more as you succumb to the tightness of your new rubbery self. Sinking deeper and deeper as you push and squeeze by the minute, feeling every moment to be better than the last.” Kurama responded as he gazed deeply into her eyes. “No I...y-you’re wrong...I-” “Don’t worry Kokuo, I will gladly grant your wish.” Kurama said as he inhaled deeper, slowly kissing her passionately to give bigger puffs of air he believed she desired. Kokuo tried to resist but couldn't argue anymore as the effects of feeling so large started to really overtake her senses, feeling the air rush into her body as it starts to fill her arms slowly. Her limbs began to slowly round about into large suction cups, pushing them outwards as they become useless to move the slightest. The sensations would enhance further as the hides of the two swollen beasts would squeak against one another, with Kokuo's belly starting to rub against Kurama's large stomach as it sends waves of orgasmic pleasure throughout both of their bodies. With the soothing sensations it only proved how they were becoming balloon animals from their inflatable shenanigans. Kokuo’s mind began to scramble more into confusion as she couldn’t escape the rubbery nirvana that she was trapped in. The thoughts of her always being a balloon began to slowly invade her mind from the virus, making her believe she was destined to become a balloon. Due to Kurama's large tanker of a body, he easily inflated Kokuo to an impressive size at such a fast rate, getting around half of Kurama's current height and width just from the amount of air he’s puffed into her. Leaning down as her ball of a body slowly touched the ground, bouncing from the fall as she felt herself spread out on the earth. Even though it’s an unnatural feature, her senses began to betray here, thinking that her whole body was meant to become such a grand balloon like Kurama’s. She was indeed expanding to a very impressive size and was still going as she breathes in all the air that Kurama is bellowing into her, almost welcoming the air into her as she started to softly moan from it all. Kurama notices her soft moans as he stopped for a moment "Well Kokuo, how are you feeling?" he asked with a grin upon his blimp face, believing she was accepting her new form. "I…. I’ve never felt something like this before. This size, this tightness…..b-but I’m-" she mutters softly as her body slowly relaxes upon itself. “There there my dear.” He kisses her bloated cheek with comfort. “No need to worry, you’re almost there.” Kurama smiled as he continue to kiss her, puffing her till she was his size. From those kisses alone, there wasn’t a single fold or crease upon her body that wasn't super enriched with air. From head to toe her body was truly an overiped air stuffed balloon, as the tightness or restricted movement began to set her off slowly. The size was truly exceeding that of her original size, almost unbelievable that she was once so small but now she’s almost as big as two mountains like Kurama. “I can’t fight this. I want to but it’s just too good.” Kokuo thought to herself “I can’t be this big. I don’t want to be so big.”. It was hard for her to accept the reality before her. Almost as if this whole thing was just a dream that she was never waking up from.”I can’t be a balloon. I know I’m not a balloon. But…but....” Even though she fought hard, she couldn’t run from the truth anymore, finally accepting the truth. “I just want to feel myself get bigger. Just outgrowing everything with no end, constantly sinking into my tight body. All things come to an end, even this, but I don’t want it to. I just...I don’t want it to stop. I want to keep growing, I want to feel bigger, tighter, and all the air trapped in me. I don’t want it to end with my body in a million pieces, I just want to be stuffed with more air!” she opens her eyes slowly as she finally realized something. Despite being too big to move now, with her arms now mere dimples around her frame, and no matter how many times she’s denied it, the thought began to surface from deep inside of her mind, making her question something. Throughout this entire bizarre experience the truth is laid bare before her as she realized why this was possible. "I’m…a...balloon?" she spoke aloud in thought, as Kurama finally stopped puffing her up all over, grinning the biggest smile. "That you are my dear. You’re quite the balloon indeed. Look at you, you who have taken to hoarding all the air I breathed into you quite greedily. Now you’ve reached my glorious size thanks to me. And to think, you were so puny before." Kurama coos against his fellow macro sized blimp, rubbing his air filled muzzle all against Kokuo. Kokuo couldn’t help but giggle from Kurama’s nuzzling as she blushes a tad bit. "Oooo ahehe, th-this...this is beyond my wildest dreams. I can’t believe I’ve become so large!" she giggles in joy, trying to move all of her limbs to hug her new impressive size body. Her own movements caused a variety of creaking to be heard, with her own body becoming that similar to Kurama’s. Her own breathes could fill her up vastly, as her own body began emanating the rich aroma of latex like her fox companion. The sounds she heard, the smells she whiffed, even the tastes in her mouth all began to have a rubbery sensation to them. However, like Kurama, they were at the limit as their bodies couldn’t contain any more oxygen with their fur and frames are overtax. Over stuffed with air as they are, Kokuo has begun to slowly accept the state of her body and how they are now, finally about to fully embrace it. All that was left was the final push for her to go beyond it, as the pleasures of feeling so round and bloated just felt absolutely natural to her. "Are...we really balloons?" she asks once again at Kurama. "Yes my dear. I am a balloon. We are balloons. All are balloons," Kurama's answer as he fully and truly believes in that statement with every fiber of his being. "Yes, I am a balloon. And a balloon I will always be." Kokuo states quite proudly, puffing up in joy against her fellow mountainous blimp. "That’s a good girl. Feel the wonders of what it truly means to be a full balloon," Kurama would pant as he starts to rub and sway against Kokuo's face against his, with her returning the affection. The squeaks would grow quite louder as the pair divulged into the moment, with what was practically being a tender loving between two balloon animals together. The thought of no longer enjoying the experience alone was sending a warm feeling deep inside of Kurama's chest as he continued to lovingly rub his round bouncy cheeks against his lovely companion. In return, Kokuo would lick all over Kurama as she never once stopped showing affection. The two beasts were truly happy to be with one another and thoroughly enjoying each other's company. Their minds fully embracing the thought of just forever taking in more air and letting it fill them up even more as they began breathing in sync sent both of them shivering in euphoria. As their minds fully embraced of being a balloon, their own bodies began to truly change as they grew by the minute. In each of their breathes their fur and skin would only creak louder, with their fur beginning to slowly transform from hair into latex as each strand turned into a rubber like thread. Even their own insides began to be coated with pure rubber like materials. Their whole bodies would soon be nothing more but rubber itself, as if they were truly made out of pure latex as the moonlight shines off of them brightly. But it wasn’t stopping them now as Kurama only wanted one wish. "Kokuo? Do you want to become the biggest balloon of all, and grow with me?" Kurama asks as he gazes into her rubbery eyes. "I would love nothing more my foxy balloon," she answers back so enthusiastically, with her chest almost swelling larger than that of Kurama's. "Then my dear, let us drink our air together, forever." he replies with a warm smile. (To Be Continue?) |