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After the murder of thier parents. Michelle, Todd's kids move to South Carolina |
Chapter One: She crunched behind the sofa just as a hand came through the window. Glass shattered falling to the floor looking like diamonds. Warning bells went off in her head. Danger, run, danger, run now, the voice in her head. She saw man dressed in total black. Black ski mask. Black shirt. Black gloves. Black pants. Black boots. The walls seemed to vibrate. The man stepped into the living room. The glass broke into more smaller pieces. The sound bouncing off of the walls like gun shots going off. She jumped at the sudden sound as blood pounded against her ears. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as fear clamped his hand over her heart. A scream forced its way through her throat. Clamping a hand over her mouth, trying not to make a sound or movement. He glanced around the room pausing at the sofa. A smile slowly appeared on his face. It was like he knew where Michelle was hiding. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the fire mantel. Pictures lined the mantel, Michelle and Todd’s wedding day. Colby and Maria’s birth. Colby and Maria’s first day of school and their birthdays. The birth of Carmen, Jordan, Casey, Jamie. To her horror, he walked over to the mantel and picked up the picture of Maria on her twelfth birthday. “I have to say Michelle, Maria looks exactly like you when you were twelve,” He said as he turned the picture towards the sofa, “Don’t you agree? So why don’t you come on out. That way I will not have to tear up your house looking for you.” Michelle almost giggled. But, she held the giggle in. She could not believe that he found her. Jeff Howell actually found her. The last time Michelle saw Jeff was in high school. When they went to Carrie’s annual Christmas party. Three days later, she found out she was pregnant. Jeff tried not to freak out when Michelle told him. She told Todd about Jeff and what happened at the party. Or what Michelle remembered about the party. She never mentioned the party or Jeff to Colby and Maria. Jeff replaced the picture back on the mental. Michelle shifted on feet as Jeff walked over to the sofa. But, before he or she could do anything, a cry drafted down from a bedroom. A second cry followed the first one. Jeff let out several course words. Michelle’s heart dropped into her stomach. As Jeff climbed the stairs, Michelle leaped over the sofa. “Don’t you dare touch my babies.” Michelle heard herself say as she ran to the stairs. Jeff ignored her as he made his way up the stairs. Michelle caught up with Jeff as he was opening the bedroom door. She grabbed him around his waist, pulling him from the door. Step by step. Inch by inch. She dragged him from the bedroom. Michelle shifted her hold on Jeff as they went down the stairs. She notice that she was breathing a little hard. Accidentally she let go of Jeff. Binding over on her knees, Michelle focused on her breathing. Jeff stood still waited and watched Michelle. He wanted to see what Michelle was going to do next. Finally, Michelle caught her breath. She stood up turned and stared at Jeff. Or whoever was in her house. “Didn’t you have any fun at Carrie’s party?” He grinned at her, “I sure did have fun. The main question is did Michelle have fun at the party. Did you, you did Michelle?” Michelle barely remembered the party. All she remembered was loud music and lots of drinks. People were drunk, including her. After the party, everything changed. That was when she found out she was pregnant. Shaking her head, Michelle chased those thoughts away. Anger took hold of Michelle. She refused to not be a victim of robbery. Leaping, she grabbed him and slammed her heel on his feet. Then she slammed her fist as hard as she could in his stomach. He let out several course words. That gave her enough time to pull off his mask. As if in slow motion, she gasped and let her hand drop. “Michelle, didn’t expect to see me here did you?” He grinned at her. She opened her mouth, then closed it. “No, no I didn’t.” Oscar twisted her hair around his hand. He pulled her to his chest and began to climb the stairs. “I was hurt Michelle, when you didn’t tell me. That I was going to be a Dad. And to think, you never told my children about their Dad.” Michelle fought back with all her strength. But, Oscar was too strong. He dragged her into the doorway and shoved her into the room. She stumbled tripping on a teddy bear. She reached out and grabbed the crib from falling. Hearing a click, Michelle swirled around and found Oscar leaning against the door. Her eyes went from him to the door knob and back again. “Yes, Michelle,” He smiled at her, “I did lock the door.” Michelle shivered as he continued to smile at her. He walked over to the crib and peered in. Her sons were looking at him grinning. Her daughters on the other hand were fast asleep. He gripped her arm and turned her around. He reached and again wrapped her hair around his hand. “Look at your precious babies,” He tighten his hand forcing her head down, “It would be a shame if anything happen to them. But, I decided that you will suffer the same fate I did. I just want you to feel what I felt when I found out when you were pregnant and didn’t tell me.” Michelle started to speak but nothing came out. A shiver traveled down her back. She stared at him waiting for him to say just kidding. Soon reality set in on what he said. Michelle know he was serious. He grabbed her hands placing them behind her back. With his other hand, he received his pocket knife. With a flick of his finger the blade slide out. He placed the knife on her check. The cold metal made her flinch. He laughed as he watched her. Pressing the blade into her skin, watching a drop of blood appear. The blood rolled down her check. A thin line of blood appeared as he slide his knife down her check. She hissed as the cut began to burn. “Here’s the deal Michelle,” He hissed at her, “Your kids here will find out what it is like to grow up with a parent. Or in their case both parents.” She hissed as the knife sting her as he thrust the knife in her side. She knew that you should never remove an object that’s stuck in your body. He squeezed his hand over her mouth and nose, cutting off her air supply. Michelle started to panic but counted numbers slowly in her head to calm down. Her eyes fell on the crib Oscar dragged her from the bedroom. She was not going down without a fight. Her family needed her. Her students needed her. Struggling to get away, she found out that Oscar was stronger then her. A trail of blood followed them as they stood at the top of the stairs. He let her go as he swiped her legs out from under her. Pain registered as she fell on her back. Staring at the ceiling, she saw stars burst before her eyes. She rolled on her legs bent her knee and pushed herself up. A hand griped her elbow to keep her from falling. He pulled her to his chest and pulled the knife out. Michelle hissed through the pain. He looked at the knife for a few minutes. He swirled it in his hand. Oscar had this all planned out. Ever since high school. When he found out that she was pregnant. He found out where she was attending college. Who is she married. How many kids they had. Where they lived. He shoved her down the stairs and followed watching her as she tumbled down the stairs. He stepped over her staring as she laid there pathetically. Slowly Michelle lifted head as pain registered. Her eyes fall on the front door. Neither Michelle or Oscar moved a muscle. Then Michelle bolted for the front door. She unlocked and opened it then ran outside. The silence shocked her as she stopped short on the sidewalk. There was no cars. No voices. No adults. No kids running around the street. Even though there was dead silence Michelle still hoped no prayed that someone would drive down the street and see that Michelle was in danger. “Michelle, Michelle, Michelle,” A shadow fell over her, “Do you really think that someone or Todd is going to swoop in and save you?” Michelle curled her hands into fists. Anger flooded her. She narrowed her eyes and swirled around to face Oscar. Oscar wore a smile as he slammed his fist in her stomach. Michelle doubled over in pain. He pulled her back inside the house and locked the door. Oscar throw her to the ground and began to kick hard in her stomach. He grabbed her hands placing them behind her back. She immediately kicked with her legs. Sadly, the blows were not doing any damage to him. “Why don’t you stop kicking me,” He again his hand around her hair, “I’m going to make sure you suffer like I did for all these years.” He pulled her up and dragged to her sons and daughters’ room. As if they could sense their Mom’s discomfort, cries filled the room. Oscar walked Michelle over to the crib. He swirled the knife then plunged it in her side over and over. A small puddle of blood appeared on the floor at her feet. He continued to stab Michelle all over until she stopped moving. He eased her to the floor as he was catching his breath. Walking out of the room, he headed towards the kids’ bathroom. It took him a few inmates to rinse the blood from the knife. He pulled out a large garage bag from the inside of his jacket. He put gloves on as he headed back into the bedroom. Unrolling the bag on the floor, he stepped over to Michelle dragging her on the bag. He rolled the bag over Michelle. He stood up and searched the room for tape. Spotting the tape on the changing table he grabbed it and tapped up the bag. He threw the bag over his shoulder and walked out of the room. He paused at the front door. Watched the street for a few minutes before heading towards his car. Popping his trunk up he placed the body inside. Oscar grabbed another garbage bags then closed his trunk and headed back into the house. Oscar walked to the stairs and climb them. He would wait for Todd in the babies’ room. He was counting on Todd to hear his babies cry and see the blood every where and come to investigate. He made it to the bedroom just as the front door opened. A gasp could be heard from downstairs. Silently laughing to himself, Oscar walked to the closet and slide in closing the door behind him. Just in time. Footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. “Michelle, where are you? What happened baby, are you okay?” Todd asked as he approached the bedroom, “Why are the babies crying?” Todd stood in the bedroom doorway just staring at the scene in front of him. His eyes fell on his sons and daughters as they continued to cry. At that intent Todd knew that something bad terrible went down. He ran to the crib and peered at his babies. He sighed when he saw that they were fine. “Thank God, you guys are okay.” As he reached for his kids, his knees buckled. Almost falling he caught himself on the railing. Pain registered in his legs. He rubbed his knees to ease the pain. Out of the corner of his eye, Todd saw a shadow. Before he could react another blow was delivered to his knees. This time Todd fell to the floor clutching his knees. Todd rolled over and stared up into a face that was pure evil. Okay, a face that evil looking. The man that stood over Todd grinned at him and lifted up the club he used. Oscar slammed the club against Todd’s stomach. Over and over the blows came. Todd tried to fight back but he was becoming weak. Like with Michelle, Oscar stopped the beating when Todd stopped moving. Setting the club aside Oscar placed the garage bag and dragged Todd on it. Then he rolled the bag over Todd. Lifting the bag over his shoulder, Oscar calmly walked down the stairs and outside to his car. Popping up his trunk he placed Todd beside his wife. Oscar spotted his cleaning supplies. Grabbing them he headed back into the house and started to clean. Two hours later, Oscar was finished with cleaning every inch of the house. He locked and closed the front door got to his car and dumped the cleaning supplies in the backseat. Got into the driver’s side and drove to a favorite fishing area. Where he dumped the bodies of Todd and Michelle. Oscar knew that it would be hours before the bodies would be discovered. ****** “I looked out at the black sea. The waves come in like angry roars from lions. Only to be broken. Like my heart.” Broken by Heroes of the Heart alerted Kate Cross that somebody was calling. She opened her eyes glanced at her husband James who was sleeping away. Her eyes found the alarm clock. 4:30am. Rolling over she reached for her cell on the night stand. “Hello.” Sleep lined Kate’s voice. “Kate, two bodies were found.” Her boss Demon answered. Kate sat up alerted. “Found where sir?” “They were found at Fisher’s Paradise Valley in Pittsburgh by a Mr. Ramsey,” Young flipped through some papers, “Apparently at 4:30 this morning. I want you to head up the case and so does Jeffery Howell the FBI agent in charge at the Pittsburgh field office.” Kate pulled the cell from her face peered at it as she put up an eyebrow. “Sir, no offense but that’s a fourteen hour drive. Can’t Howell give the case to an agent that actually lives in Pittsburgh?” “Kate before I go on I think you need to hear this,” Young said his voice almost catching, “Howell believes the bodies found are Todd and Michelle Jones.” Kate couldn’t speak. Her mind wondered. Michelle and her are…were best friends since Michelle came to South Carolina in senior year for senior week in high school. They remained friends to this day. Kate and Michelle attended the same college in Hilton Head. Kate was the maid of honor in Michelle’s marriage to Todd. Kate is also Godmother to their younger kids. James is also the Godfather to them too. “James wake up, James,” Kate was trying to wake her husband, “I have to tell you something important.” James murmured and rolled over. With one final shove, Kate looked into James’s green eyes. “Kate,” James looked at the clock. 6:15am, “What’s wrong?” Kate felt a tear roll down her cheek, “Demon just called. The FBI found two bodies. In the Fisher’s Paradise Valley in Pittsburgh. You Remember Jeffery Howell, Demon’s best friend? He’s the agent in charge. He said that the bodies found are Todd and Michelle’s.” Kate burst into tears as James pulled her into his arms and talked to her in a soothing voice. “Okay, here’s what we’ll do. You go to Pittsburgh and if you need me I’ll come down. Don’t worry Kate.” Kate nodded got out of bed grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. James hopped out of bed got dressed and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Kate turned the water to the hottest setting. Stepping in to the shower, for a minute Kate let the water wake her up. All the while Kate wondered who would kill Todd and Michelle. As Kate was washing her hair her mind wondered to Michelle’s friends. Friends that Michelle made here in South Carolina. No friends’ names came to mind. That would want to hurt Michelle or Todd. Five minutes later, Kate was dressed. She put her hair into a ponytail and headed down the stairs. In the kitchen James was at the counter making coffee. Adam was at the stove making eggs and sausage. Peter was at the table setting it. Kate paused in the doorway and just watched her family. Spike their dog, a German Shepherd greeted her. The smell of coffee filled the room. Kate closed her eyes and inhaled. She walked over to the cabinet where the cups were and pulled one down. The coffee maker finished brewing. James filled his cup and Kate’s cup. He handed Kate her cup and she wrapped her hands around it. She took a sip and the coffee warmed her up. Adam placed the food on the table and everyone sat down. Adam and Peter talked about what was happening to in school and at their after school jobs. “I looked out at the black sea. The waves came in like angry roars from lions. Only to be broken. Like my heart.” Laughter filled the room as Kate reached for her phone. Young was calling. Even though Kate, James, and Demon went to school and college together, Kate felt weird calling by his first name. Even through he was her boss. So she called him by his last name. “Young, what’s up?” Kate shoot Adam and Peter a look. “Kate, I already booked and paid for your fight,” Young said, “Your fight is at eight this morning. I got the same fight so I’ll pick you up. Take your time packing. By the way call me by my first name. See you soon Kate.” “I know Young, I mean Demon,” Kate laughed, “But, it’s weird since you are my boos. See you soon Demon.” Kate and Demon both hung up their phones. “Which one of you guys changed my ringtone?” Kate looked Adam first then Peter. Adam and Peter looked at each other and pointed at the other person. “It was him.” They said at the same time. “Okay, okay, the song sort of grew on me,” Kate then turned serious, “Demon and his friend Howell believe that Todd and Michelle were murdered and dumped at Fisher’s Paradise Valley in Pittsburgh.” Kate told Adam and Peter about the phone she received from Demon Young early this morning. That she was going to Pittsburgh to help with the investigation. That she’ll be home as soon as the killer will be caught. Peter and Adam their Mom’s job. Even when they were little. They understood. They also understood that Kate’s job was unpredictable and very dangerous. While Kate talked to Adam and Peter, James cleared up the table and started to wash the dishes. Kate hugged Adam and Peter. Then she walked out of the kitchen up the stairs to her bedroom to pack. Demon didn’t mention how long they would in Pittsburgh for. So Kate pulled out several clothing. Five pairs of jeans. Five long sleeve shirts and t-shirts. PJs. Bras, socks and underwear. Sneakers. A jacket. She placed them on the bed and walked into her closet. Kate pulled down her favorite 31 bag. She used for weekend trips. Placing the bag on the bed, she unzipped it. Just as she was placing the jacket in, the doorbell rang. A male voice drafted up from the front door. A second voice joined in. Great. Demon is here already and I am not ready. The thought ran through Kate’s mind. Kate placed the bag over her shoulder and went to her safe. Where she kept her guns. Opening the safe, she grabbed her guns and holster. “Kate, Demon here.” James hollered up the stairs. She closed the safe and hurried down the stairs. Adam and Peter were talking to Demon about their after school. James smiled at her and walked over. He pulled her into a hug and took her bag. Laugher filled the room as Demon laughed at what Peter and Adam said. “You all set Kate?” Demon asked as he looked at her. “Yes sir, I’m already.” Kate hugged her Adam and Peter. “You two be good and please don’t get in trouble while I’m gone. Or I’ll know if you do.” Kate pointed to her eyes then at Adam and Peter’s. They laughed. “We don’t get into trouble Mom. We make trouble.” They all walked out door and gave Kate one last hug. Adam and Peter jumped into his car and drove off. They were on shift this morning. At the Seaside fire department. Demon opened the driver’s side and got in. He started the car and rolled down the windows. Even though it was Springtime, the temperature outside was 70 degrees. He settled back into his seat smiling as he watched James and Kate. They had their heads bent towards each other and were talking in low voices. The only person who knew why Demon took this case was Howell. At the age of twelve Demon witnessed his parents murder. Young picked up the file from the passenger seat and read the e-mail from Howell. To: Demon Young From: Jeffery Howell Demon, I received a call from Mr. Ramsey at 4:30 this morning. Two bodies washed up on the shore of Fisher’s Paradise Valley. He told me he thinks that the bodies are Todd and Michelle Jones. I thought you would be great for this case. Todd and Michelle have four kids. The kids ages range from thirteen, twelve, two, and one year olds. Two twin baby boys and girls. I was hoping you would accept this case. Because of what happened to you when you were twelve. Here are the kids’ names and ages. Colby- age 13 Maria- age 12 Carmen and Bailey- age 2 Jordan And Sage- age 1 Thanks Jeffery Howell Shit. They have a daughter age twelve? No. No. I won’t do it. Demon sighed as he closed the file. He closed his eyes and said a prayer. A prayer for him. And a prayer for Maria. He really just hoped that she didn’t witness her parents murder. Like he did. Demon jumped as the door opened and Kate slide in. Demon opened his eyes and smiled at Kate. “Sorry Demon,” She said, “Are you okay?” “Yeah. I’m fine Kate,” He smiled at her, “Why you ask?” “You look sad Demon,” Kate started to take his hand then stopped half way, “This case doesn’t have to do with witnessing your parents murder does it?” Demon felt his mouth open. How the hell did Kate find out? That thought ran through his mind. Warm air blew through the open windows. Demon cleared his throat, “Kate, I never told anyone abut my parents murder. How did you know why I took this case?” “I saw the man run from your house,” Kate said softly, “And you were cursing.” Demon started the car saying nothing. What could he say? What she said was true. He pulled out of the driveway and the road. He handed Kate his phone. “Could you pull up my music? “Sure.” Kate took his phone pulling up music. The very first song on this phone was Broken by Heroes of the Heart. Kate almost snorted. But turned it into a cough. She hit the Bluetooth and the song came through the speakers. Kate watched cars and trees go. Soon the exit for South Carolina International Airport appeared. Demon exited onto the airport lane. He parked his car in the A area. He and Kate go out. Demon opened his car trunk and they grabbed their luggage. Kate closed the trunk and Demon locked his car. He followed Kate into the airport. Stepping to the side, Demon pulled out the tickets. “The fight is at gate 30A.” He put the tickets back into his pocket. “What did Howell say when he called you about the case?” Kate asked as they were walking. “That Mr. Ramsey found two bodies that washed on shore at Fisher’s Paradise Valley. At 4:30am. He called Howell who responded. Howell thinks the bodies are Todd and Michelle Jones. We won’t know Howell until he ID them. How they died the ME will need complete the anatomy.” Demon said as he dodged a little boy struggling with his suitcase. “Fight 110 will now board at gate 30A.” A voice over the PA system. Demon and Kate joined the line at gate 30A. The line moved rather quickly. Kate and Demon stepped up to the ticket counter and handed their tickets over to the woman. They board the plane and found their seats. Demon placed his bag and Kate’s bag in the over compartment. “Why don’t you take the window seat,” He said pointing to the seat, “I don’t do window seats.” Kate giggled as she took the seat and buckled up. Demon took his seat beside Kate and also buckled up. She elbow him and pointed out the window grinning. He shocked his head griping the armrest. Demon never liked to fly. If was up to Demon, he would drive every where. The fight attendants went through the pre-fight check list and the plane begin to taxi down the runway. The plane efficiency lifted into the air. Demon and Kate bounced ideas off of each other. Both Demon and Kate fell asleep. They did not wake until the captain came on over the intercom. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport,” Captain Mitchell said, “Please fasten your seatbelts. And remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop. Thank you and hope you chose to fly with us again.” Demon sighed in relief and unbuckled. He made his way to the aisle. Kate followed him and they made their way off the plane onto the terminal and into airport. “Jeffery said he would meet us at the unloading area.” Laughter filled the air as people greeted each other and made their way outside. Immediately, Demon spotted Jeffery as they stepped outside. Demon pulled Jeffery into a hug. Kate smiled. Kate knew Jeffery from spending his summer in South Carolina. Jeffery had family from South Carolina. “Kate, how are you doing?” Jeffery hugged Kate. “I still can’t believe Michelle and Todd are gone.” Kate burst into tears. “Kate, we’ll get who ever did this to them.” Jeffery rubbed her back. Kate nodded and Jeffery stepped back. “My car is this way.” Demon stepped beside Jeffery as they make their way to his car. Kate followed behind him. She listened to Demon as he filled Jeffery on what was happening in South Carolina. Jeffery unlocked his car and opened his trunk. Demon took Kate’s bag and his putting them in the trunk. He closed the trunk and they hopped into the car. Jeffrey started the car and rolled down the windows. “You guys will be staying with us instead of a hotel,” Jeffery said as he pulled onto the highway, “Now onto the crime scene. Michelle died from several stabbings. That we could see when the ME was checking her. Todd on the other hand, have several bruises on his body. So, my guess is that Todd died from blunt trauma. From being hit repeatedly. Evens the ME will let me know what Michelle and Todd died from. We know the killer wears a size ten sneaker.” Kate peered out the window at the shops they were driving by. Parents dragged their kids screaming into shops. Teens laughed as they talked to each other. Welcome to Shadyside. A sign said that sat in the middle of the square. Jeffery turned left at a little café then drove up a third of the street. Jeffery turned right and Kate got a glimpse of the street name. Oak Avenue. He turned into a driveway of a two story house. He turned off the car and they all got out. The door opened and Jeffrey’s boyfriend stepped out of the door. Kate and Demon grabbed their bags from the trunk and followed Jeffery up to the porch. Jeffery introduced Simon to Demon and Kate. “Kate, you will be in the bedroom on the right,” Simon said as they walked inside, “Demon, you will be in the bedroom on left. Just go up the stairs and you guys will see them.” Kate and Demon went to their bedrooms to dump their bags put their hostels and guns on. Meanwhile Simon and Jeffery stepped into the living room. They sat down on the couch talking about how the kids when they find out about what happened to their parents, how they will react. “Jeffery, you didn’t go to the house,” Demon asked as they stepped into the living room, “To collect evidence yet?” Jeffery shocked his head. “Not yet. I was waiting for you and Kate.” “Jeffery, I mostly do child cases. Kidnappings, abuse, runaways, missing,” Kate sat down on a chair, “Rarely, do I do murder cases.” “Michelle and Todd lived across from us,” Simon said, “Colby and Maria are at their friends’ houses.” Simon looked at Jeffery. “You ready to go to their house?” Jeffery stood up and nodded. Kate and Demon stood up also. They followed Jeffery and Simon across the street to Michelle and Todd’s house. Simon unlocked the door. He handed Demon and Kate paper slippers to put over their shoes. They put on the slippers. Just as Simon was going to talk the Harry Potter theme song drafted from a cell phone. Jeffery pulled his phone front his pocket and peered at it. “It’s Evens.” He turned away and answered the phone. Simon already handed Demon and Kate evidence bags. They took the bags and clipped on their badges. “Evens wants to see us,” Jeffery said as he rejoined the group, “He completed the anatomies on both Michelle and Todd. He wants to discuss what he found,” Jeffery looked at Demon and Kate, “Are you guys good here?” They nodded. Simon and Jeffery walked back to their house. Simon walked back into the house to check on the babies. Jeffery jumped into his car and drove off. Meanwhile, Demon and Kate walked into Michelle and Todd’s house. Kate and Demon exchange a look as they stood in the foyer. Not once did a killer leave a crime scene clean. Completely clean. Kate want up to the second floor. Demon stayed on the first floor. The attic and basement, they decided to go look together. Kate and Demon want through each room twice looking for evidence. No blood spatter on the wall or floor. No torn clothes. No bloody weapon. Attic and basement was clean also. “You know Michelle called me a couple months ago,” Kate said as they walked back to Jeffery and Simon’s house, “She said she written a letter. She mailed it to me and gave me intrusions not to open unless something happened to them.” “What did Michelle mean when she said don’t open it?” Demon asked as they stepped into the house, “Did Michelle think something was going to happen to her and her family? Did she think someone was following her? Did something happened to Michelle when she a child or a teen? Something that she wrote in the letter to you?” “I don’t know. But, something in my gut says yes,” Kate said looking at Demon, “She sounded weird when I talked to her. I think I put the letter into my bag. I’ll go see if I did.” Demon nodded and Kate headed to her bedroom to found the letter. Kate stepped into her bedroom and noticed the window. The bedroom she was in faced Michelle and Todd’s house. Stepping up to the window, she peered at Michelle and Todd’s house. A tear rolled down her check. Another tear followed. Michelle, Todd, if you guys are looking down from heaven, I promise I’ll catch the killer and promise to protect your kids. Kate changed into her pajamas went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She search everywhere for the letter. In her purse. In her suitcase. Maybe I folded the letter and put it in my jean pocket. As she searched through her jean pockets a knock sounded on her door. She peered up and saw Jeffery. “Hey Kate, we didn’t have a chance to talk,” Jeffery said stepping in, “Until now. I just talked to Demon and Simon. Told them what Evans found out how Michelle and Todd died.” “How did they die?” Kate asked as she seat on the bed. “Michelle was stabbed several times with a knife,” Jeffery said, “Todd died from blunt blows to the knees and ribs. Evens said that he died from being hit over and over again.” “There was nothing at their house,” Kate sighed, “No blood splatter. No bloody clothes. I think the person who did this clean up what he did. The house was spotless.” “We need to find the murder weapon,” Jeffery said, “We know the shoe size but not the type of shoe the killer wears.” “We’ll find the murder weapon,” Kate looked determined, “Then we’ll found the killer.” Jeffery just nodded. He was thinking the same thoughts. |