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A boy walking away from a breakup and thinking about what is next. |
Lenard walked from the gymnasium out into the cold night air. He took a long drag of that sweet cold air, so cold it felt like the smallest of daggers stabbing at his nostrils. He let it out powerfully, finally his heart slowed down. Lenard was finally free. He had looked her in the eye, he knew the tears were coming before the small pools began to form. It can be hard for a man like Lenard to stand there as a woman cries; knowing what he had stuttered out was the cause. Lenard was a sweet boy, scratch that a free boy. So Lenard looked left and he looked right, he had no idea which way to go. And this excited him beyond belief. The hard part was over, he had his reward. Lenard started in a direction, shoving his hands deep into his coat. Lenard picked up the pace. He sailed across the street, holding back. A tune came to him and he couldn't help but sing it out. A sublime wave crashed over our protagonist. He was having the time of his life. Time was now a copious luxury. Before he had had to share it with the girl, and she had taken plenty. She had gotten fat on Lenard's time. His own portions had been taken by her, worse yet even more to pay for everything she wanted. She hadn't asked but he felt obliged anyway. Time was his. He chuckled aloud. Lenard didn't even have to hide when he checked out the other girls now either. Captain of the ship, master of destiny! Looking straight up Lenard saw how the stars shone brightly in the night sky. The cold air cleared their brilliance. He became transfixed with one that flickered right into his face. It was there and so was he, and he owned that moment! He could finally play all those video games he wanted. He had his, his mind clinched tight to that new and bright idea. A bounce infected his step. A list came up in his head, this made him laugh again. Million realizations came to him. At the top of course was the video games (needed to up his rank), and no more hanging out with someone's family, now he could eat anything he wanted¦ the laugh simmered out. They used to cook; she dragged him around the grocery store piling things into a basket. Lenard would split off and walk down the frozen isle. Bent over in a brisk search he would. There found it! Pulling out the breakfast corn-dogs and he tossed them in their basket. They had been his favorite since him and Allen had used them to fuel all-nighters in high school. She would tell him that they wouldn't need them. He would object, she would caved. They both rushed home. Lenard popped his corn-dogs in while she started to crack eggs. The smell of the dogs sizzling in the microwave was harmonious with Allen mopping the floor with him at Left for Dead. Till four in the morning their eyes were glued to the, his concentration broken by her shouting. The first couple of times the eggs would burn. This first time he put down the corn-dog and walked over to help her. After a while they became quite good at burning eggs. He smiled. He picked up the laugh again. He knew the corn-dogs were still in the freezer. Lenard turned toward home. There eggs had evolved into more challenges. From eggs they cross over to omelets, to pancakes to crepes leaps and bounds landed them at eggs Benedict. When he got home he pulled out the corn-dog, heated it up and drowns it in syrup. The soggy corn-dog sagged as he brought it to his mouth. Lenard put it down. He wasn't hungry anymore. |