Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2069948-A-Secrect-Meeting
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2069948
A secrect meeting between some of the great minds of the world
Secret meeting: 1:34am
Erik Hopp
Do you know where my thorazine is the man inquired, Better yet my Paxil, oxycontin and Haldol,im feeling shaky. The dosages are written in blood on that wall, Bring me my JD as I might wash everything down at once.Dont be rude and don't talk so loud replied the other man.Youll wake my wife ya know,Shes a light sleeper and suspicious anyhow, OH he replied. You promised to tell me your story tonight, so shut up, don't hurry it along,alright alright,my medicines workin,I feel in control, ill now begin.
It happened just the other night,
I was invited to a secret meeting of the great minds of this generation,
So, excited I lay there in bed, waiting for my wife to fall asleep,
She finally did, I crept out the back door, saddled up our horse and started up the trail.
Destination,Wui Tai Shaw,the Holy Mountain,Ridin hard, I arrived in half an hour, just in time,
I saw many other horses, sports cars, two jeeps, bycycles,a worn out wagon wheel within the gate.
Just outside the gate I saw four armed guards, smiling, smoking and joking as I approached,
Getting close I recognized all four, Charlie Mansion,Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway and Lee Harvey alswalt,They saluted me, shook my hand,telling me where to tie my horse,
Once inside,I was asked to take my shoes off, by a young Indian girl, I found my way to the meeting room, and took a seat near the back, Feeling somewhat nervous, my first meeting and all.
Soon afterwards, the room began to fill, there were no empty seats, My heart raced, my mouth was dry,I reached for my medicine,whew,better
The room became quiet, looking to my right, I saw Ginsberg,Bukowski,Burroughs,Soloman,Kerouac,ferlinghetti,Snyder,Whitman,Stalin,Marx,Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping, The Gang of Four, Hugo ,Chiamg Kai-Sheke,Prince Takamatsu,Herrera,Abraham Lincoln, Bedford Forrest, William Simmons, Hugo Chavez, Bernie Murdock, Mother Teresa,Gandi,Robin Williams, Mike Oldfield, Fidel Castro, Earl Warren, William Douglas, Oliver Wendell Homes, Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen, Yuri Gagarin, Gus Grissom and John Glenn.
Looking to my left I saw,Cohen,Burdon,Zappa,Lennon,Martin Luther King Jr.,BB King, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker,Robert Johnson, Brian Wilson, Jan and Dean, Elvis Costello,Dylan,Johnny Lang, The Hollies, Paul Butterfield,Joe Walsh, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,Manuel Roxas,Elpidio Quirino,Howard Hughes, Teddy Roosevelt, Howard Stern,Saddam Hussein. The Reverend Richard Allen, Nat Turner, Isabella Baumfree,Dred Scott, Alfred Hitchcock and so many more unrecognizable,
In back of me Bobby Kennedy looked at me and winked, Princess Diana smiled, Sylvester Stallone flexed his muscles, Janis Joplin offering free falatio to whoever might cum, Tommy lee Jones,Mick Jsagger,Earth Wind and Fire, Jerry Garcia, Jim Morrison John Wayne Frank Sinatra, and too so unregnizeable.
Each of us was required, to simply state one passion in our life, I listened with great intensity as each guest spoke with utmost honesty,
Some spoke of Democracy, others spoke of revolution, While Marx informed us he had amended his Manifesto, others spoke of mystic orgasiams,Train Wrecks and razor blades,Equailty,cheap sex and Mexico city, The power of the blues, no walls, meeting jeasus,hiv and political ambitions, Future Wars,Fellatio,Freedom,Racecism,White Supremacy, and on....
My turn finally came, I nervously stood up and meekly said, I want to be a communist,Lenord Cohen was sitting next to me, he pulled at my arm, and said, say it again with feeling, Taking in a deep breath I then screamed, I WANT TO BE A COMMUNIST,IM NOT SORRY, The whole room cheered, I felt so relieved, I started weaping,Mother Teresa quickly came to comfort me, She pulled me close to her breast, but I felt a stickness,a wetness, I inquired, why are you so sticky and wet, to this Mother Teresa replied, I and Janice have been performing the art of Fellatio on both Hitler and Hugo Chavez,Blushing,she said what big cocks these naughty boys have.
Leaving the meeting, I rushed by Joplin, who was being fucked in the ass,I was helped onto my horse by Charlie Manson, I thanked him, he and his companions smiled and waved,
Riding hard, I reached home by dawn, creeping in the back door, back into bed, my wife stirred, and asked why I was breathing hard; I just smiled, kissed her on her cheek, saying nothing.

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