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Diana Darling has been a thorn in the side of Rebb Taylor since ever, but it ends now. |
"MMmmmmph!" Amy Connors cried, muffled under Sophia Tower's ass. "Shush, Slave." Sophia snapped, before turning to her boss, Rebb Taylor, or Mrs. Taylor, as everyone calls her. "So, Mrs. Taylor, what is it you want from me? Mrs. Taylor was an old lady, though no-one would say it directly to her face. Well...one would, but she didn't like to talk about her. The RWL Boss began to speak. "I'm sure your aware of Diana Darling, correct?" That was the girl. She paid no attention to the authority of Mrs. Taylor, trying to bring an end to Taylor's rule. Rebb had made it a goal to eliminate her from the competition, but nothing worked, and she had a contract that kept her in the buisness for at least 5 years. Sophia's eyebrows lowered. Much like Taylor, Sophia hated Diana. Darling had been going after Sophia's championship, which normally, would have been fine. Sophia WAS a good wrestler, and she was willing to take on all comers, for a price. Darling, on the other hand, had shown an incredible disrespect to the women's champion. Sophia was appalled, and rejected the offer out of spite. Due to one of the few rules in the Ruleless Wrestling Leauge, Sophia couldn't fight Diana in a match unless the title was on the line. She cursed her lack of planning. Now she couldn't fight Diana without giving her a shot at a title she doesn't deserve. She rubbed her ass on Amy Connors, her slave since she tried to beat Sophia for the title and failed terribly, like she was crushing a stress ball. She farted for good measure, giving every bit of suffering she wanted to give Diana to Amy. She felt Amy's tears on her buttocks, but Sophia didn't care. Amy wasn't a person to her anymore, and in a perfect world, neither would Diana. "Yes, I know her. The bitch who's after my title, and your job. What about her?" Sophia angrily asked. Diana smirked. "Ah, you hate her too. Good, then you'll have no problem with what I want you to do. You see, I've booked Diana in a #1 Contenders match for your championship..." Sophia jumped out of her chair, giving Amy some much needed air. "YOU DID WHAT?!?" Sophia cried. As Amy Connors fell off the chair, lying face upwards, Mrs. Taylor continued. "Undoubtfully, she'll find some way to fluke herself a victory, and when she wins, I want you to come out and attack her. Torture her however you wish, but you should take 5 minutes maximum, we've got a timeslot to abide by." Sophia sat back down, smirking. She realized that Amy was no longer on the chair, and looked down. "Open." She commanded. In response, Amy opened her mouth while Sophia took off one of her boots, sticking her bare foot into the mouth of Amy Connors. She looked back at Mrs. Taylor, and replied. "So you're giving me a chance to show that bitch her place? I like..." Mrs. Taylor wagged her finger. "That's not all, I also want you to announce the stipulations of You and Diana's championship bout. They're on this paper right here." With these words, Rebb gave Sophia a piece of paper that looked like a lot of time had been spent on it. As Sophia read the paper, she licked her lips in excitement. She couldn't wait to see Diana Darling's face when she revealed these stipulations. Oh, she wish she had brought her camera to the arena tonight. "Oh, this looks great. I'll do this for you, Boss, no problem. Could I keep the paper, I need to memorize it." Taylor nodded. "Of course, just do what you need to do tonight, and win at the PPV, and you'll get a great bonus in your salary." Sophia laughed. "Oh, I appreciate that, but with what I'll be getting, money isn't necessary. Feel free to give it to me anyway, though, I won't say no. Come now, Slave." Sophia began to walk out of the office. Amy was confused. She hesitated to speak for a moment, she hadn't been given permission to yet, but in the end she spoke anyway. "No Torture on the way, Mistress?" Sophia laughed again. "Oh, no, Slave. I'm in far too good of a mood today. Now, come on, before I change my mind. Later that night... Ryan Williams was on commentary, and, like most of the employers of the RWL, was obviously against Diana Darling. The woman in question was dominating a random jobber in this one on one singles match, and Williams was not happy about it. "Diana's got her opponent down...oh no, please don't tell me...Chick, get up! Get up! NOO! Diana hit's her signature springboard moonsault, the Death Wish, and let me tell, you, she's got one if she thinks she'll be fine if she wins this match. Speaking of which, there's the pin...1! 2! 3! No! Diana's got a shot at the title! Darn it!" While Ryan was angry about Diana's victory, the crowd was eating it up. Diana was a huge fan favorite, tired of the rule of Mrs. Taylor, and was all for Diana overthrowing the boss. Diana grabbed a mic and began to speak. "Well, look at that! Diana Darling in the new #1 Contender. Sophia Tower, I know you're out in the back with that title of yours, and I say, if you have any guts, you'll come down to the ring and face me like a real woman!" Sophia's entrance music began to play, and Ryan began celebrating. "Careful what you wish for, Diana! Here comes Sophia, the best wrestler in this business!" However, despite the music playing, Sophia never came out. Diana laughed, and turned to the other side of the stage and spoke again. "Figures, I knew the champ wouldn't have any guts. She may be a good wrestler, but she knows I'm FAR better than her!" Diana said quite a few other things, but the crowd noticed that Sophia was coming down to the ring. She had asked for the Entrance Music to stop playing when she came down, and she didn't want Diana to have a fair shot at her right now. Diana didn't deserve a fair anything, and Sophia was going to prove that to the world. While Diana was still speaking, Sophia made her way to the ring, and creeped up behind her. Suddenly, she locked her in a sleeper, and pulled her to the ground. Diana was tired from the previous match, and caught off guard from the attack, so she was helpless against Sophia's onslaught. Sophia held the hold till Diana fell down to the mat, allowing her to breath. While Diana struggled to get to her feet, Sophia grabbed the dropped mic, and started taunting Diana. She had planned out exactly what her torture would be. "So, Diana, you think your better than me? Well, I'll give you at least one thing there. When it comes to hygiene, you're a heck of a lot better than me. For example, I forgot to brush my teeth today." With those words, she lifted up Diana by her dark hair, and burped right in her face. Diana gagged from the smell, while Sophia laughed, dropping the gagging enemy back down to cry, while she removed her boots, revealing her toe jam filled foot, the one that Amy HADN'T cleaned earlier. "One minute down" She reminded herself. "And these feet, I haven't washed them all week! Here, taste!" Sophia said as she forced the terrifying foot into Diana's mouth. Diana tried to escape, but Sophia caught her in the turnbuckle corner. She rubbed her foot all over Diana's tongue, laughing all the while. She removed the foot after awhile, and dried it off with Diana's hair. As she puts the foot back in her boot, she removed her pants, showcasing her underwear, where there seems to be a brown stain on the back. "And my panties, which I've worn all month! I even had a little accident, as you may be able to see." She shook her butt to prove her point. She then thrust it into the face on Diana, and shook it some more, giving a stinkface. If her butt was clean, then a male might actually enjoy this move, but it's current state is hell for anyone, and double hell for Diana. Sophia enjoyed herself, and even lost tract of time. "I've only got 30 more seconds...better make it count." Sophia removed her ass from Diana's face, and pulled down her underwear, placing her ass back on her face, and letting out a fart she had been holding in all night. PPPPPPPWAAAAT! "Ah, that's nice..." Sophia mocked, leaving the face of Diana, who was now knocked out, and pulled back on her clothes, and began to explain the rules for the match at the PPV. "Diana, if I beat you at the PPV, then you don't just have to kiss my ass, you have to kiss Mrs. Taylors. If you refuse EITHER of those, then you can kiss YOUR ass goodbye, cause you'll be my slave, and I WON'T be kind. However, if YOU win, unlikely as it is, I have to kiss YOUR ass, and Mrs. Taylor loses her job as the boss of RWL." Sophia sat down on Diana's face, continuing. "...but we both know that won't happen. See you at the PPV, Diana..." |