Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2069484-The-Vision-or-Lack-Thereof
Rated: E · Poetry · Educational · #2069484
Lacking truth and desire, don't over-plan - a tribute to winning - a prose poem.
Scientific know-how and sage planning
Seem to have the most apropos
And appreciated worth;
They reward their valued users and customers
In all the grandest and cleverest ways,
And are viewed as professional, tasteful,
And beneficially acceptable by all.

But truth and conduct bear little resemblance
To the enormous powers of one's faith
And one's sheer, undying willpower,
As exemplified by the world's great ambassadors
And tested leaders.

For facts and numbers
Cannot explain the gusto
And patented drive of the majority of the earth's
Most esteemed actors, servicemen, and entrepreneurs...

For these able-bodied doers and architects 
Answer the bell with great determination,
A much heralded heart,
And a gregarious aura
That only few can match...

And when respect is matched
By only calculations and designs,
One's obligatory fall is the end result. 

© Copyright 2015 Tim Chiu (mirtx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2069484-The-Vision-or-Lack-Thereof