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Santa writes a letter to the children on the planet of Korm. |
Dear Children of Korm: I am writing to you today to tell you I am very disappointed in most of you. Every year for the past five thousand years I have been giving you toys and gift for your Holiday Festival. But in the last one hundred years or so more and more of you have been becoming naughty. I don’t give to bad children. If it was just that I wouldn’t be so upset. There are a lot of you that are still good. And this letter isn’t really meant for you. But I have been told that I have to give this letter to every child on Korm. It doesn’t matter if it’s one or a hundred in a household everyone gets one. If you are one of the good ones, you can just throw away this letter. But if are a naughty one you need to read on. After what happened last year I really consider cancelling the Gift Giving this year. The only reason why I probably won’t be doing it is because of the good boys and girls. It doesn’t mean I could still do it to the naughty ones. I usually give everyone something each year – even the bad children. But it’s always something they don’t want like cloths. This year they might not even get that. It’s all up to them. There is still a couple of months before the Holiday Festival begins. If you can show me that you are nice now, then I will put you back on The Good List. And if you can’t then there is no one to blame but you. I don’t mind a little disbelief in me. That happens to everyone as they grow up. It doesn’t mean they are right. All it means is that they no longer need me. What makes me so mad is that you are telling the other children that I don’t. And it’s the way that you told them too. You went on World Wide Media and said it. It went into every house and business with a Media Connection, which is pretty much everyone nowadays, and told them what you believe is the truth. They claim I can’t be real because I couldn’t have lived for that long. But that isn’t true. You can live that long if you are Frozen in Time. Only to be unfrozen for one night each year. My Helpers change over the years, and they work year round on toys and gifts, but I only work one day a year. Another claim against me is that I could get to nine billion children in one night. That also isn’t true. It can be done if you use the Time Doors that surround all planets. Each door leads to a different part of the planet. You just have to know sequence of doors you need to go through to do it. The only thing I have ever wished from you to me is for you to be good boys and girls. Can you all do that for me? I hope you can. You only have a few months to prove it. Don’t believe those naughty children who don’t think I exist anymore. I do exist. Have a Happy Holiday, Santa ======================================== Santa leaned back in his chair and re-read the letter, he just finished, on the large Data Monitor in front of him. “It looks pretty good. I know that my sentence structure isn’t very good. But this is the first letter I have had to write in over five thousand years.” After reading it again three time, mumbling each word that he read, Santa pressed a button on the arm of his chair – without leaning forward again. “I have finished the letter you insisted that I write. Do you still want me to send it to Legal before I delivery it? I’m not going to have to sign all of the letter am I?” When Santa leaned forward he did it too quickly – and almost fell out on his chair. Just then three people entered that large room: two females and one male. All three of them looked to be in their mid to late thirties. And they all had attire that said they were Executives. They rushed to and caught Santa before he fell. One male and female helped him back in his seat while the other female went to the Data monitor. Once there she pushed a small button under the big screen. And a few seconds later paper came out from underneath it. She took the paper and headed for the entrance. “I’m taking these up to Legal.” “It would be better if you took them to Letter Sentence Structure instead of Legal,” said Santa. “I had more trouble with that than I did with anything illegal.” “We can do both,” said Baskim. “Halline, you take those to Legal.” Baskim turned to face the other female there. “Efina, you take another copy to LSS.” “I’m on my way Baskim.” Halline said as she walked out of that room. Efina went over to the Data Monitor. And within a minute she had left too. “Have we checked for new letters today yet?” Santa asked Baskim. “We have,” said Baskim. “There was about a million today. They have already been sent down to Scanning to be scanned into the Master Data Monitor.” “Good. As soon as Legal and LSS get finished checking out my letter I want it delivered to every boy and girl on Korm. The sooner we leave here the better. We still have three other planets to visit today.” When Halline and Efina returned about an hour later, Efina first then Halline a few minutes later, Santa was looking out a small round window – at the planet of Korm below them. “LSS found a few minor structure problems. But they have been fixed.” Efina said to Santa as she gave his letter to read. “The only possible problem that Legal had was with what you said about being frozen and the time doors,” said Halline. “But they don’t think that’s going to be a problem either. They just want us to monitor it - just in case.” “What does that mean? How long are we going to have to stay here?” Santa asked. “We don’t,” answered Baskim. “Santa’s Helpers can stay behind and monitor the situation while they are making the toys and gifts. If a problem comes up they will contact us.” “Legal did have one question for you though,” said Halline. “Why did you write that in your letter?” “I had to tell them something. And that was the best way to do it,” said Santa. “After all, we can’t tell them the truth about me can we.” The Word Count, including this line, is 1138. |