Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2068049-The-Adventures-of-John-and-Travis
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2068049
The story is about two people who try to save their town.

John and Travis are still looking for a way out of the cave to go back to their town. Everybody in the cave has now been destroyed, so nobody stands in their way to stop them from leaving and going back home. John and Travis have been walking down a hall that they feel is continuous because of how many doors there is.
âWhat are we looking for?â asks Travis.
âA black cane with a skull that the king of the demons used that contains all of his powersâ says John.
John and Travis get to the end of the hall and find the cane in the kingâs secret room, which was in his library behind one of the shelves.
âHow do we use it to go back home?â asked Travis.
âWe need to smash it and a wizard will appear to help us get back homeâ.
John grabs the cane and smashes it against the wall as hard as he possibly could.
Once the cane breaks a wizard with a long white beard, a huge hat, and bright white clothing appeared to help them. John and Travis tell him that they are heroâs that ended up in there while they were looking for things to build better weapons.
The wizard says, âSince you guys are heroâs I will help you get back home.â
With a snap of a finger John and Travis end up back where Travis was captured.
Travis asks John âdo you think we should take some of the diamonds and gold with usâ?
âWhy? You know what happened last time.â
âYeah but all of the demons are destroyed.â
John thinks about it for a while and says, âFine but if anything happens we have to return it as fast as we can deal?â
They both take as much diamonds and gold as they can carry back to their small town. When they arrive to their town they see some pirates attacking the innocent people in the town with sharp metal swords and cannons with huge bombs in them because they want their property back from John and Travis.
â We need to help them out and take back what we took,â says John.
John decides that heâll go left and that Travis should go right then meet in the middle to regroup. John starts fighting a pirate that has a sharp hook on his left hand, and a sharp gold sword in his right hand. The pirate manages to hit him and cut him but itâs not a super bad wound, that he wonât be able to do anything. Travis is on the other side fighting other pirates and moving pedestrians out of the way so that the other pirateâs donât injure them. When heâs done with that, he starts going at everybody with his new sharp sword being reckless.
John is still fighting the same pirate but he doesnât know how long he can go. Feeling exhausted and being in pain is not something thatâs helping him. Travis notices that he needs help so he heads towards him to help him out. When he arrives towards him, the pirate focuses his attention towards Travis. They start to fight and Travis doesnât know if he can beat him by himself so he yells at John to hurry up and get his energy back so that they can both fight together like they planned to.
A couple of minutes after Travis yelling that he needs help, John comes and starts swing his sword at the pirate and cutting him like the pirate did to him. The pirate gets furious and starts going at John once again but this time both of them are trying their hardest.
While theyâre fighting John tells Travis âgo check on the pedestrians.â
Travis starts running to where he took all of them and makes sure that none of them are dead or hurt. He sees that a little boy has a broken arm so Travis runs to him and tells him that heâs going to take him to the hospital so that the doctors can fix his arm. While on the way to take the little boy to the hospital the pirate that was fighting John comes to Travis and tells him
âYour friend is weak and I will destroy him to get my diamonds and gold back.â
Travis is in complete shock that somebody has hurt John. Travis tells the little boy to go to the hospital by himself so he can take care of the pirate. The both of them stare at each other.
The pirate says âI will destroy you like I did your friend and take back whatâs mine.â
âYouâre not getting anything back and you will pay for what you did to John!â
They both start running towards each other and both hit each other with their swords. Again they run and attack one another but this time the pirate sliced Travisâs arm and blood started to run down. Travis keeps on fighting and cuts the pirates left hand off with a lucky swing. The pirate yells super loud from the pain he is feeling. While the pirate is yelling he drops his sword and grabs his hand off the dirty floor. Travis notices and runs towards him to shove his sword right through the pirateâs stomach to kill him.
When he makes sure heâs dead, Travis runs to John to see if heâs ok.

         âAre you ok?â
         âYesâ says John.
         âThank godâ
         âDid you take care of the pedestrians?â
         âYes and Iâm taking you to the hospital.â
         When they arrive to the hospital the doctorâs check out John and when theyâre done Travis goes in to see him.
         âIâm proud of you Travis,â says John.
         âFor being such a good hero I want you to have my gold.â
         Travis accepts Johnâs offer and then they start to head home after a long day of fighting to get some rest before their next fight.

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