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Something I wrote nearly a year ago when I was going through a hard time... |
The days get to you It’s hard to keep moving The nights aren’t long enough Lassitude becomes the norm I don’t sleep well at night These memories haunt me I toss and I turn Till morning comes I’m on this new medicine It’s supposed to help I don’t think it is But what do I do? I cry constantly The pain never lessens Sorrow becomes routine All strength is gone The more I cry The more they yell With no one to mediate The quandary gets worse I drown in my tears Yet somehow I smile Put on a mask Hide it all My mask is slowly breaking The pain is seeping through People are starting to notice What do I do? I’m no longer jocular I’ve become a pariah No longer convivial Nor as affable My family is susceptible And oh so disputatious Each one polemical And all contemptuous Tonight she came in, An ominous silence filled the air Then she spoke The din was horrible This bellicose woman With her lavish ways Always so cruel Truly not congenial Her animosity surprised us We had done something wrong What happened? What is this debacle about? Why is she so cantankerous? I don’t know what I did I know I screw up But, I try to be good I have no words So I give a stoical stare This only makes her more nefarious What am I to do? My words mean nothing Her mind is set So she rebuffs everything I tell her She assumed the truth Her assumptions were wrong She acts anyways Her actions cause me pain Made worse by my devious cousin He tells her these lies I don’t work I am mean All lies This is really upsetting me I was nonchalant Working on homework Relaxed and out of the way Then she came in, Maliciously she takes my computer That is when I yell “I was working on homework” She yells at me and tells me i’m insolent The next thing I know My computer is thrown It lands on my bed Although it is fine, I can’t contain my anger She didn’t buy that She doesn’t pay for me My granny does everything for me How dare my aunt throw something like that? She never bought it How does she have that right? I understand taking something as punishment But barely, She still isn’t my guardian or anything The contemptuous woman Now I am crying and confused Angry and upset We fight for a bit Then she gets in my face She brings up every bad thing I have done Can she not forgive? All these banal events She is so pretentious My cousin says something She castigates him then comes back More yelling at me It’s hard to take When she finally leaves, I sit on my bed The tears fall down My eyesight is blurry I hear her censure my cousin and sister There is nothing I can do Ranting she picks up the decorations Letting Roscoe out, I want to go after him but my granny tells me no He will come back So I go to my room, Sit on my bed, Lay down, And cry My breathing gets fast My chest closes up It’s getting harder to breath I feel like I’m suffocating I try to make it stop I try to breathe slowly It’s so hard I’m fighting to breathe Slowly but surely, I win the battle Once I am better, I decide to myself He can’t be out there alone I have to go get him My cousin and sister are sitting on the steps I tell them where I am going Walking out I look around, There he is He takes off running, So I follow suit I start to realize how cold it is Barefoot and freezing I continue after him Finally, I have caught him My feet are numb It’s like they aren’t even there Goosebumps cover my arms Once in the house, I go to fold clothes Somehow it helps I’m slowly getting better Tears still fall But not as badly My granny comes in She helps me finish We both go inside It is past time for bed Crying and whimpering, I enter my room How can I sleep? I have homework I want to be complacent Does she not realize how detrimental this is? I sit myself down Stare at the screen As tears fall down, I begin… “The days tend to get to you It’s hard to keep moving” |