Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2066131-The-Lovers
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #2066131
A short story inspired by a misty river in upstate New York.
Looking across the canal in beautiful western New York, Linda turned to her lover, Robert, with concern on her face.
“I hope this goes well, Robert. So many times we have talked about my leaving Darren; perhaps this time I will be able to make it happen.”
“We can, Linda. I am sure we can convince him to move on without you. You have spent too many years with him at your side, keeping you from doing what you need to do. You should be with me, you must become my wife as it is destined.”
“I know, but it is so difficult. I feel conflicted about this decision. He has been my husband for so many years. I hate to hurt him like this. I hate that we have been deceiving him for so long.” Linda looked at the swans, with their young ones, making their way across the canal. “When we are together, I fear that he will discover us. I know he will hate me for this, however I know there is no way to spare his feelings.”
“There isn't.” Robert said bluntly. “The only way is to tell him the truth. We must let him see, today, that we are lovers who are made for each other, and he must let you go. He must move on and let you be with me.”
Linda took a deep breath of the morning air. She knew her lover was right. For the past seven years the two of them had been hiding their affair from Darren. When her husband returned from the war it became apparent that he would be with Linda almost every hour of the day. He no longer smiled or spoke. In his eyes she could see the pain of a lifetime gone wrong. Every day he follows his wife around like a lost puppy. Now, the only way she and Robert can see each other is to travel outside of the sleepy village of Olean and sneak into a hotel for a romantic getaway. Today Linda told Darren to meet her here at the bridge, over the canal, at eight in the morning.
“Are you sure he understands the importance of this meeting?” asked Robert.
Putting her hand on his, Linda softly said, “Yes, he knows.”
In the distance a barge moved along the canal, as other lovers walked across the bridge. It was a beautiful spot, their favorite in all of New York. Robert thought it reminded him of Paris and Linda felt it a perfect setting for a Monet painting. Romantically surreal, the perfect spot to show Darren how much his wife loves another man.
As the morning haze cleared Linda could see her husband walking toward them. He was slowly limping along the cobblestone walk. When he saw his wife, he waved and smiled. Then he saw Robert and stopped. He stood silently, considering what he was seeing, not sure how he should react.
“The time is now.” said Robert, as he took Linda's hand and turned toward Darren. Robert pulled her toward him and kissed her lips slowly, so Darren could see their coupling. He was sending a message to her husband about his intentions.
“Kiss me hard, Linda. You must make him understand how much in love we are. I want him to know that he can no longer stay with you. I want him to be aware of our intentions.”
Linda kissed Robert with passion and commitment. Their love would not be stopped, destined to be one, no matter what Robert wanted.
Looking toward Darren as his kissed Linda, Robert could not believe his eyes. Darren was smiling. This was the first time he had seen him smile since he had returned from the war.
“Can you see him?” Linda asked. “Is he angry? Tell me what he is doing.”
“He is smiling and coming this way. Damn, Linda, he looks happy.”
Linda turned to face Darren. On his face was a huge grin showing utter happiness. She couldn't believe it. Her husband had seen her kissing her lover and he was happy.
He came within fifty feet of the two and stopped. He turned to his left as the figure of a beautiful woman in a sweeping white gown formed. She was at first partly transparent like Darren, but she soon was completely visible. She too was smiling. He turned to her and gave her a hug and passionate kiss.
“My God, he has a lover too. My husband has found a mistress. Why didn't he tell me?” Linda cried.
“Perhaps like us, he was afraid.” Robert said as he continued to watch the misty figures across the canal. The two ghosts smiled and then began walking toward a beam of morning sunlight streaming between the trees. As they entered the light there was a brilliant glow and they disappeared.
In awe, Linda turned to Robert and began to laugh. Laughing and hugging the two danced around on the bridge.
“Robert, we are free. My husband has found a lover to spend eternity with and now we are free.”
“Yes, Linda. Darren must have been waiting for you to find someone to love before he would move on. If only we had known, we could have been together many years ago.”

© Duane Wurst

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