Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2065213-Title-Unknown-For-Now
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Adult · #2065213
A campfire with size changing and tickling elements.
(12/9/2015: This campfire originally belonged to author Dr. Shrink but he transferred it to me.)

Alright everyone, this is the campfire you've all been waiting for. For those of you who either are new or don't remember what this campfire is all about, here's a quick intro.

The world in which we live is much like our real life world, except for the noticeable fact that every single person is never taller then five feet. Unless you count the giant men and women of course. In this world, when a person turns 18 years old, they gain a strange power over their own height that allows them to grow up to 100 feet tall, or even shrink themselves to an inch in height.

In addition, all people born on this planet are also unnaturally ticklish, and depending on the person, when they change their own height they may become less ticklish, or even more ticklish than before.

And that's pretty much it, for now anyway. All that's left is character creation and the rules.



Age: No younger than eighteen.




History: Optional

Anything else: Optional.

Ticklishness: On a scale of 1/10 on each height of normal, tiny, and giant. Example: Normal: 5/10 Tiny: 2/10 Giant: 9/10. Normal height must always be 5/10 though.

Now for the rules of the story.

First: The point of view for this story is set in the first person.

Second: Death of any characters is not allowed.

Third: Please use decent grammar and punctuation and keep the story in English.

Forth: The time limit for this campfire is three days. (12/9/2015) I'm changing the limit from 3 days to 5.

And I do believe that's all the information I can think of at this time. If I come up with something else in the future, I'll let you all know as soon as possible. So for now, enjoy.
Name: Duskero

Gender: male

Age: 22

Appearance: Dark blue hair with purple tips that covers one eye. Dark blue eyes. A pale complexion from a lack of sun. An athletic build from countless runs. Though a little bit of muscle is more present in some areas more than others. Normally wears a dark purple t shirt, dark blue arm warmers that stop at the elbow, black jeans, purple hightops, and light blue knee high socks underneath.

Personality: Though I love peace and quiet, I tend to feel a bit too lonely. Yet when I'm socializing people only see me as a flirt. Truly it takes a while before I flirt with anyone. Let alone someone I truly like. I'm normally too shy when talking to my crush. But if they start then I won't stop. Now to make an enemy with me is a different story. To be my enemy means you will suffer. Be it to my pleasure or others. And trust me. I can hold a grudge longer than Zues.

Sexuality: homosexual

Ticklishness: normal 5/10 tall 10/10 small 10/10
A Non-Existent User
Name: Lia Neterer

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: I have pale skin, straight blond hair and light brown eyes. I'm thin and rather small in bust size (at normal height anyway). Oh, but I'm not sensitive about that my breasts. Anyway, my fashion preferences include pink sleeveless midriff tops and striped green miniskirts with sneakers and long socks (by which I mean, ones that almost go up to my knees).

Personality: I'm generally an outgoing person, but I tend to get nervous and stutter a bit around guys, particularly guys I like. I generally don't flirt with anyone... well, not on purpose anyway. But having said that, I do like to tease my friends a lot in other ways. My main non-sex-related hobby is playing games, mainly board games and card games, although when I get bored, I'll play anything.

Sexuality: I think may be bisexual. I'm a 'lee who loves being tickled by guys, but if I tickle someone else, it feels sexier to tickle a girl.

History: There's not much to tell. I had a good childhood with the stereotypical "perfect" family, including two non-divorced parents and several siblings, most older than me. I was the goofball child who got tickled a lot as punishment for being silly, but I didn't mind: I liked being tickled. Tickling never really felt "normal" to me though, and when I went through puberty, I realized I had a fetish for it. I never told my family about it, although I did let it slip to a few boyfriends. I've definitely never told anyone that I sometimes get aroused by tickling other girls--that's too embarrassing. I'm currently a sophomore attending Sizetech University hoping to get a degree that will help me get a job in the gaming industry. I'm also looking for a boyfriend that won't dump me because I stutter around guys.

Anything else: Well... I'm most ticklish under my arms and on my... privates. DON'T ask how I know that. My one and only fetish is tickling--I don't like being spanked, foot worshiped, licked or anything else other than tickling... although I don't mind being tied up if it's for tickling. Um... what else... My favorite games are Dominion and Risk, and... yeah, that's more or less everything important about me.

Ticklishness: normal 5/10, small 10/10, big 2/10
A Non-Existent User
Name: Sarah

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Appearance: Tanned skin, long blonde hair with hazel eyes. Athletic, toned but curvy body. I'll admit that my breasts are slightly larger than most but at least I don't flaunt them off........okay so sometimes I do that........alright I like to show off my body but I work hard for it. Preferably my clothing choices usually involve sports bras seeing as I like to workout a lot but at the moment I'm wearing a white cut off tank top with tight jeans.

Personality: Shy when I was younger but I've become more confident around people. I can be a flirt and tease toward anyone really. I can really cut loose when its time to party.

Sexuality: Straight but I'm willing to experiment.

History: Started modelling when I was 18 and gradually got into fitness. Having spent most of my life basically half nude for photo shoots, I have no problem getting naked.

Anything else: The subject of tickling has eluded me to be honest. I've never really been tickled....I actually don't know if I'm ticklish. Come to think of it, I don't know why someone hasn't tried to tickle me seeing as I barely wear enough clothing to start with.

Ticklishness: Normal 5/10 Tiny 1/10 Giant 10/10
A Non-Existent User

I jumped out of my bed and nearly knocked over my roommate as I started changing clothes at double speed.

"Whoa," my roommate said, "where's the fire? You know there are no classes today right? The whole campus is being used for that FSCO festival."

"I know that," I replied with a sigh as I compared two sleeveless shirts in front of a mirror. "There's an event I want to be in that starts at 10:30. I thought I reset my alarm to wake me up at 9:00 so I'd have plenty of time to get ready-"

"Did you accidentally turn it off after resetting it again?"

I stopped and thought and sheepishly replied, "I... might have." I returned my focus to my mirror, selected a shirt and threw it on. "The event's on the other side of campus, but if I hurry, I think I'll get there before it starts."

As I headed out the door, my roommate called after me. "What is this event? Maybe I'll come too."

I highly doubted it would interest her, but I paused long enough to answer her question anyway. "A tickling-themed tournament."
A Non-Existent User
Jogging down a quiet street, I pass house after house with a smile on my face because I know that no one would be up this early in the morning. Since it was unlikely I'd pass another jogger, it gave me an excuse to wear nothing but a purple sports bra, black shorts and white running shoes. My jogging route would take me through parks and streets until I'd circle back to my home.

It was around 8:45am when I approached the local campus where I was expecting students walking off to classes but oddly enough there was lots of activity. Large tents, stalls and even a stage was being erected. I slow down to a stop as I was not sure what was going on "did I miss something in the news?". I soon got someone's attention "excuse me" the female student holding a box stopped and smiled "yes?".

"What's going on?" she gave me a look like I was from a different planet "have you forgotten what today is?" I stare at her before shrugging my shoulders "its the 10th anniversary of the FSCO". My eyes widen "its today?" she nods "yes we're just setting up for the festival" I couldn't believe I had forgotten about such an event "jeez I better get home and change". The girl smiled at me "make sure no one finds out that you forgot otherwise you could get punished" she giggles before looking at my body "and don't wear too much".

Giving me a cheeky wink, she walks off giving me a view of her butt as she strides away. "Wow flirt much?" getting focused on the event, I decide to skip my jog and head back to my home. "I need to find the right outfit for this" jogging back, I knew this would be something I wouldn't forget in a long time.
I couldn't help but growl in frustration as I pressed the ice pack to the ever darkening bruise on my head. I sat behind the stage as a medic checked me out. One little accident and you get an entire section shut down.

"You should watch it next time. Could have brought the building down." The medic chided as he looked over my head once more. I was holding back a comment. But gave the man a death glare regardless. He just laughed and poked dead center of the bruise. I tried to resist but ended up letting out a yelp of pain.

No doubt everyone knew about the fetish area shut down. I mean it is one of the biggest attractions. And what did I do? Oh just got a tad out of control and practically knocked myself out on a cielling beam. If it wasn't for me shoving the beam back up, the building would've caved. But no one realized the good things. Just the bad.

"Hey kid! You gonna listen or what?" The medic was clapping in front of me to get my attention. I snapped out of my self loathing day dream to see what he wanted.

"A couple of the managers want to talk to you Mr. Breaks a lot. Something about making sure you're ok." The medic smirked and walked off. I rolled my eyes, quickly fixing my hair to hide the golfball sized bruise. I looked up just in time to see a normal sized male. An older gentleman. He seemed worried. But probably more for if he was going to be reimbursed for the busted up roof.
A Non-Existent User
Having changed my outfit from my jogging attire to a black sleeveless crop top that shows off my belly and a generous portion of cleavage, tight fitting jeans and black leather knee boots, I was feeling good and ready for fun. As I entered the campus area, I made my way toward the fetish area as it was my favorite part of the festival. Getting a few looks from passers by, I saw the fetish area's entrance was blocked off "what's going on, shouldn't this be open?". A girl of a similar age stopped beside me "sucks doesn't it.......one person can't control when changing their size and almost knocks the entire ceiling down".

I look at the girl "so its closed?" she nods "yeah......this was only reason I came today" the girl sighed before turning toward me. "Seems like I'm wasting my time being here" I was going to say something to her but the way she was looking at me made me think otherwise. "You was looking forward to it as well, I could tell when you walked straight over to here". "You was watching me?" she smiles "with an outfit like that, how could I not". I smiled inwardly seeing as my outfit had did the trick "I'm Jess by the way" she holds out her hand "Sarah" shaking her hand, I sigh.

"Well I guess I'll find another area" Jess nods "you could do that or if you want to.....we could have some fun together". I bite my lip "what sort of fun?" she grins "the sort that will have us laughing......and depending on what you like more, either being a giant or tiny". "I prefer to be big but not a giant" Jess nods "I like being small" her eyes travel down my body "so what do you say.......care for some fun". I couldn't stop myself from smiling "sure, why not" Jess grabs my hand "follow me".
Name: James

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance:5', green eyes, brown hair, white. A little tubby and pale. I usually wear jeans, a t shirt and a jean jacket. Silver framed glasses and a black fedora.

Personality: Relaxed most of the time, though my temper can get a little out of control when I'm pissed. Goofy and always ready with a bit of snark or a healthy dose of sarcasm. Friendly most of the time and always up for some fun.

Sexuality: Straight

History: Just your average everyday Joe. Personally, I enjoy being tiny most of the time and I make a living by testing out new transport methods for tinies. Recently I was asked to test out a tiny sized jetpack for flying around and got to keep the model they gave me. The job comes with a lot of free time so I usually just fly around town here and there, messing with woman when ever I get the chance. I like to experiment with the tickling side effects of our new world order, and that includes testing just how ticklish the female body is. I've never actually gone giant sized before so I'm not sure what would happen.

Anything else: I like experimenting with woman every chance I get but I really love when I find one such woman in giantess form. It makes it easier for me to slip inside their bodies to see just how ticklish the insides are.

Ticklishness: Normal: 5/10 Tiny: 2/10 Giant: ?/10 (uncertain as I've never grown over my original height)
I was shocked when the man knelt down and brushed my hair out of the way. His face went from worried to extra concerned. I tried not to act stunned. But come on now. I just got an entire section shut down, half the crowd was probably after me, and yet this guy was still concerned about me? Where's the catch?!

"You going to be able to participate today?" He asked calmly, not taking his eyes off the bruise. I nodded lightly. But the look of shock was more than enough to make him smile. His next little comment put the icing on the cake.

"You really think you're alone on that? Heck I've done it twice. Once was even on purpose!" I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. So I wasn't the only screw up when it came to size change. This guy just admitted he'd done it twice before.

The man eventually helped me to my feet. I quickly fixed my hair once again before brushing myself off. I was about to apologize when he butted in.

"Don't worry about the fetish area. We will be moving it outside so it won't get cancelled. Just watch out next time alright?" I nodded my head quickly. The man smiled and headed off, no doubt to take care of business. I was about to head out as well when I got stopped.
A Non-Existent User
As Jess leaded me away, I was starting to have second thoughts about going with her. I mean I had just met this girl and now she was leading me away from everyone. "How far are we going?" she didn't answer me until she stopped under a large tree "here we are, away from prying eyes". I look around seeing in the distance the festival and the only sound was some chirping birds "so.......what kind of fun are we going to have here?".

Smiling, she looks above us "see that branch?" looking up, there were quite a lot of branches seeing as it was a tree. "Which branch?" she points up "the thick one" seeing the branch in question, I nod "okay I see it.......what about it?". "Its going to be part of our game" looking back at her, I was going to question her on how a branch could be part of a game. "Grab and hold onto it" staring at her blankly, I tilt my head up again "how exactly?".

She sighs "grow of course" I bite my lip "we only supposed to use our size changing responsibly". She rolls her at me "do you really want to be the sort of person that follows the rules" she steps toward me "break the rules just this one time......I'll make it worth your while". After a few seconds, I nod "alright, lets do it" Jess grins "excellent now just give me a moment to explain what's going to happen. First you're going to grow until you reach that branch then I'm going to climb up you" I nod as she talks. "Next while I stand on the branch, you'll hold onto the branch and shrink back to your normal size which will leave you hanging from the branch. I however will shrink down until I'm tiny".

She must have thought about this game for a while "What will happen then is I'll climb down onto you and......have fun" I gulp slightly "fun with me I'm guessing?" she nods "that's right.......lets just say we'll find out how long you can hold on for". Seeing as I've already agreed to this, I couldn't back at now "alright then, I guess we should get started".

© Copyright 2015 MidnightWolf, xx-xx, xx-xx, J. M. Darkly, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2065213-Title-Unknown-For-Now