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It's not what you think it is. No, It's not another vampire story. |
New Bloods Most ships didn’t have Personal Haircare Professionals anymore – even smaller ones like The Researcher. The Researcher had about five thousand individuals on it. And two PHPs: Herlic and Monai. “Hi, everyone.” Everyone in there shouted back “Noriam.” “You aren’t supposed to be here yet. Your Cutting doesn’t start for another two hours.” Herlic didn’t stop cutting the hair of Thim while he said that. “It was either this or going back to my Quarters. I went to the Entertainment Room. But it’s being used to welcome the New Bloods.” Noriam took one of the seats along the wall next to the entrance he just entered.” “I forgot about the New Blood Ceremony. Our Commander is probably in his long boring speech right about now.” CalCain was seated a couple of men down from Noriam. “How many did we get this time?” Herlic was working on the back of Thim’s head. “I’m not sure. But I heard it’s about a hundred and fifty this time.” Delon was seated next to CalCain. “Does anyone else have a New Blood in their department?” That was Thim who asked that. “I have one in Security.” Rovin was seated between Noriam and CalCain. “I’ve two of them in Weapon Management.” Viem was the next one to be Cut. “Every four months we get a new batch of New Bloods.” Delon gets up for a second. “Unfortunately, we lose about twice as many as we get – usually to death.” <<*>>*<<*>> “I hear we are on a secret mission to the planet of Kleiv.” Avvit also was seated between Noriam and CalCain. “I’m getting tired of talking about the past, present and future missions. That’s all we ever talk about here.” That was Rovin who said that. “We don’t always talk about that. But we do talk about it a lot though. Just like we do about the New Bloods.” CalCain wasn’t Human. He was a XaTum. But he had hair like Humans. In fact, he had a lot of hair. “Speaking of New Bloods. I think one of my New Bloods is from Kleiv. Maybe she’s the reason we are going to Kleiv.” Viem was getting impatient. The way he was acting in his chair said that. “Where is Kleiv? I’ve never heard of it.” Delon was a Pacer. Everyone on The Researcher knew that. That’s why no one was surprised when he got up to pace. “Kleiv is a War Planet. What kind of a mission could we have there?” Thim was getting the hair on the back of his neck brushed off. “Stop doing that. It’s a good thing I wasn’t cutting your hair. You move your head when you talk.” Herlic finished brushing the hair off his neck. “I don’t know what kind of a secret mission it is. But I should have been told about it. I’m Second-in-Command after all.” That was Avvit who said that. “I’ve heard that even our Commander doesn’t know what it is.” Rovin Should have been told about it too. <<*>>*<<*>> “Speaking of our Commander have you heard the latest about him and Brena?” Delon just sat back down. “Everyone knows they are seeing each other. That’s not new.” Herlic started cutting Thim’s hair again. That time the sides. “But did you know Brena is with child.” That shocked everyone there. Some said something about it. The others had shocked looks on their faces. “I didn’t know that. But I did know about Luman and Effi though.” Rovin got up too. Only he didn’t get up to pace. He went to get him something to drink. “Luman and Effi. Everyone knows about them.” Delon also got something to drink. “Then you haven’t heard the latest. Luman and Effi have broken up. One of the New Bloods is an old flame of Effi’s. And he wants her back.” Avvit thanked Delon for bringing him something back to drink. “I don’t blame Luman. I’d be worried about Effi too.” Thim talked again. But that time Herlic was cutting him again. Luckily no one got hurt. “There are several cute New Bloods this time. I wouldn’t mind getting to know some of them a lot better.” CalCain was acting like he was thinking about one, or more, of them. “Aren’t you involved with someone else right now.” Herlic stopped cutting Thim’s hair – to brush it off his shoulders. “You forgot, he’s a XaTum. They can have as many Loves as they want.” That was viem who said all that. <<*>>*<<*>> “Maybe we are going to Kleiv because of the Texums. I heard one of them is among the New Bloods.” Avvit got up to get another drink. “Now that’s something new to talk about.” Thim said that. But he made sure Herlic wasn’t cutting him first. “That can’t be true. There’s no way a Texum is among the New Blood. I would know if there was. We have been in a secret war with them for years.” All that was said by Rovin. “It could be true. The Texums could be going to Kleiv for help. They have been losing this war for years too.” Delon started pacing again. “I think it’s true. Maybe that’s why you got two New Bloods while everyone else only got one.” Avvit said that directly to Rovin. “You think I have two New Bloods because one is a Kleiv and the other is a Texum.” Rovin thought about that for a few seconds. “They are both from Warrior Races.” <<*>>*<<*>> “You’re all done Thim.” Herlic took the Hair Cloth off of Thim. And Thim got up out of the chair. “Viem I think your next.” “It’s about time.” Viem got into the chair – just as Monai came into the room next door. “You guys have to stop all this talking. We can hear everything you are saying.” As Monai headed back she said loud enough for everyone to hear. “And everyone calls us Talkers.” The End? |