Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2063126-The-Royal-Maguss-Apprentice
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #2063126
Required Assignment 24 and Entry for Contest 4 of NaNo Prep.
Morgan Terrashaper stood in front of the open doors of the Trellion Tower of Magi. She arrived at the tower on the sixth anniversary of her birth and was placed in the young girls' dormitory with Evelynn Stormsong and Lyra Oakwood. Nine years later she stood with the two other young women awaiting the carriage that would take her to Trellion Palace. After returning from her year of seclusion at the Elemental Coast the Grand Enchanter informed her she would be serving as apprentice to the Royal Magus until such time she was ready to fill the position. Evelynn was named apprentice to the Grand Enchanter. Lyra was offered the position of apprentice to the Mistress of initiates. This would put her in charge of all the young girls brought to the tower to hone their magic skills. There was also a Master of initiates for the male students but the three women were not aware of who would be next to fill that position. All three spread the hems of their robes and offered deep curtsies to the Grand Enchanter, Alexi Stormwind, as he approached.

"Rise," he said in a deep steady voice. "You are all one step down from being my equals. The curtsies do not have to be as deep as if you were initiates."

"Forgive my impertinence Grand Enchanter Alexi," Evelynn spoke up. "If we were initiates we would be prostrate on the ground kissing the floor."

"Only because some older student tricked you into thinking it was expected," Alexi reminded her.

The three women suppressed giggles at the memory of playing the trick on initiates that had been played on them when they arrived. Morgan schooled her features into an indiscernible mask when Alexi's dark brown eyes fell upon her. She pushed her shoulders back when he rested his hands on them. Her green eyes held his gaze.

"Morgan Terrashaper," Alexi spoke her name with surprising reverence. "From the moment I laid eyes on you in the initiates' hall I knew you were destined for greatness. The name Terrashaper suits your base element of earth. You will be a firm guiding force as a Royal Magus."

"Yes, Grand Enchanter Alexi," Morgan affirmed. She shifted under his gaze. "I mean, I hope you are right about me."

"If I did not believe it," he leaned forward and pressed a fatherly kiss to her forehead, "I would not say it."

The sound of clattering hooves on stone broke through the moment. They looked to see a carriage crossing the stone bridge leading to the tower grounds. The carriage was drawn by to large brown draft horses. The turned so the carriage door faced the tower entrance. When they halted an older elven footman jumped down from the back bench and pulled open the carriage door.

"Presenting his Royal Highness Prince Jarrod Hallowfang!" The footman announced.

The women's breath caught as a tall, handsome youth with black hair and deep blue eyes emerged from the carriage. He wore a blue coat embroidered on the sleeves and collar with silver scroll work over a white shirt, tucked into a pair of black linen pants, which were tucked into a pair of black shiny boots. A sword hung from the belt around his waist. The pummel was a snarling wolf's head with blue sapphires for eyes. As he approached the three women remembered their manners and offered him curtsies just a degree deeper than they gave Alexi. He honored the Prince with a courtly bow.

"Welcome Prince Jarrod." Alexi stepped aside and motioned to the three women. "May I present to you my apprentice Evelynn Stormsong, the apprentice to the Mistress of Initiates Lyra Oakwood, and Master Byron's apprentice Morgan Terrashaper."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, ladies." Jarrod offered each of them a slight bow to acknowledge their positions. Becoming an apprentice to such a prominent position was not easily achieved unless you were born into it. He straightened and motioned to the young man who climbed out of the carriage behind him. "May I introduce my close friend and brother in arms, the apprentice to my father's Master of Arms and Horses, Alistair Maneherder."

Alistair stepped forward and offered Alexi a deep bow. He honored each of the women with a bow slightly deeper than the one Jarrod offered. Morgan could not help noticing how the sun caught on the red and gold hews of his curly hair. She looked away when his soft brown eyes met hers.

"He is a handsome one," Evelynn murmured to her flustered friend. "Perhaps you will enjoy yourself at the palace after all."

Morgan answered her friend's teasing with a light elbow in her ribs. The armor provided by her corset made the elbow seem more like a gentle nudge. Evelynn stifled a chuckle as the two young men approached.

"Is this the only trunk you have?" Alistair inquired gesturing at the modest sized trunk beside Morgan.

"Yes," Morgan answered. "It has everything I own in it."

Alistair nodded and hoisted the small wooden box onto his shoulder. He was used to trunks which would require two people to lift. This was a trunk a child would use; a poor child. The footman took it from him and secured it to one side of the back bench, leaving just enough room for him to sit.

Morgan hugged each of her friends and wished them well in their studies. Lyra wished Morgan well. Evelynn held her for a moment longer and encouraged her not to "do anything she would not do", which Morgan knew was a very short list. Evelynn's base element was fire, and like it she was wild and unpredictable. On impulse she hugged Alexi. She knew it was inappropriate but this might be her one and only chance to do so. He embraced her lightly and ran a soothing hand down her long dark hair.
"You will do well," he whispered in her ear as she stepped back. "Give my best to Master Byron."

"He sends his best to you," Jarrod spoke up. "He wanted to make the journey himself but my father needed him at court."

"Of course," Alexi nodded. "A safe journey to you all."

"Thank you, Grand Enchanter, Alexi."

Jarrod offered his arm to Morgan. She took it, and he led her to the carriage. He assisted her up the small steps, and Alistair took her hand and guided her to the plush seat against the back wall. He settled on the bench across from her and Jarrod joined him. Morgan watched her friends and her teacher wave as the coach rolled into motion. They disappeared from sight as it turned toward the stone bridge. She blinked away the tears blurring her vision before turning her attention to the two young men sitting across from her.

"It is hard to leave everything you know behind." Alistair leaned forward and offered her a handkerchief. He smiled when she took it and dabbed her cheeks. He took the cloth back from her and tucked it into the breast pocket of his own coat. It was a plain brown coat, over a lighter brown shirt, tucked into a pair of brown pants, which were tucked into the tops of scuffed brown riding boots. He slid his fingers through his red-gold curls when he saw her staring at his boots. "They are the nicest pair I own."

"They are no worse than mine," Morgan assured him. She lifted her skirt enough to reveal a pair of scuffed black ankle boots.

"You will be fitted for a new wardrobe at the palace," Jarrod stated. He was trying to sound reassuring but it came off as a bit haughty. "Not that yours is not lovely, just that it is a bit um..."

"Plain," Morgan finished. "I understand your highness. I knew being the apprentice to the Royal Magus might require more elegant attire. I just was not sure how I would go about acquiring it."

"Master Byron will see that you have what you need," Jarrod stated. "After you succeed him as Royal Magus you'll be given a monthly stipend for your clothes and whatever else you may need or want. Your room and board will be provided."

"And the ingredience for potions?" Morgan inquired.

"You will have to ask Master Byron about that," Jarrod answered. "As for books, he has his own collection, and there is not a book in existence the Royal Library does not have."

Morgan nodded. The hand that held her staff caressed the dark shiny metal. She laid it across her lap and folded her hands over it to keep it from rolling off. They rode the rest of the way to the palace in silence. The carriage pulled into the palace courtyard just as the sun was dipping below the horizon. Jarrod climbed out first and offered Morgan his hand. She took it and he assisted her to the ground. Her boots thudded softly on the paving stones of the courtyard. Alistair climbed out and assisted the carriage driver with unhitching the horses. Another young elven servant removed Morgan's trunk from the back of the carriage and hauled it into the palace.

"If you will permit me," Jarrod offered. "I will escort you to the Royal Magus's tower."

Another tower, Morgan thought. She felt a sense of familiarity as Jarrod paused at a staircase lead up into a dark hall. The stairs twisted as they ascended to a pair of large oak doors. A large pentagram was carved into the doors. A symbol for one of the five elements was carved into each point of the star with spirit on top; symbolizing the pentagrams association with good magic. Spirit on the bottom would indicate an association with dark magic. Morgan was familiar with dark magic but never practiced it. Jarrod knocked three times on the left door. It slid open into the room splitting the pentagram in half. Jarrod led Morgan into a sparse sitting room. The furniture consisted of a couch and two arm chairs. A round wooden table sat in front of the couch and the chairs sat on either side angled toward the couch. A female elf servant closed the door and curtseyed to them both. More elven servents, Morgan thought. Lyra would hate this place. The Tower of Magi did not have servants. The initiates and apprentices did the work of the servants.

"May I get either of you something to drink?" The elf asked.

"Nothing for me, thank you," Jarrod decided. "Morgan?"

"Tea, please?" Morgan asked.

The elf turned the flame up under a stand holding a metal tea pot. When steam rose from the spout of the pot she removed it from the flame and poured the steamed water into a cup contain crushed tea leaves.

"Honey, m'lady?"

"No thank you," Morgan took the saucer the elf handed over with her cup in the center.

"You have an hour or two to settle in before dinner," Jarrod informed her. "If you like I can come and show you the way to the dining room."

"Do apprentices normally eat with you?" Morgan asked.

"Of course," Jarrod stated. "As do the various Masters and Mistresses."

"Very well, then," Morgan nodded. "I will wait for you."

"Wonderful," Jarrod left as the elf opened the door for him.

When he was gone Morgan turned her attention to the elf. "What is your name?"

"Makeala, if it pleases you."

"Would you change it if it did not please me?"

Makeala stifled a nervous laugh with her hands. "My apologies, m'lady. What I meant was you may call me what pleases you."

"I like your name, Makeala. You may call me Morgan. I am just an apprentice."

"As you wish, m'lady, I mean Morgan."

"Which of these doors leads to my room?" Morgan asked, gesturing to the doors on either side of the room.

"This one," Makeala answered, moving to the door on the right side. She pushed the door wide open as Morgan approached.

This room was also sparsely furnished. There was a bed along the far wall, a wardrobe in the corner, a small chest of drawers, and wooden selves covered in leather bound magic tomes. Makeala entered the room and pulled back a large thick curtain to reveal a large floor to ceiling window that bathed the room in the reddish gold of sunset. It reminded Morgan of Alistair's hair. Through the window she could see the courtyard. Morgan opened the window and leaned out to see further. She caught sight of what she was sure were the stables. Her breath caught as Alistair emerged in his shirt sleeves. He shielded his eyes and looked up at her. Though she could not see them she could envision his brown eyes darkening. Her fingers curled at the thought of sliding through his thick mane of reddish gold curls.


Morgan jumped as Makeala's voice pulled her from her day dream. He is not why you are here, Morgan chastised herself. She turned away from the window and moved to the center of the room.

"I apologize for disturbing you," Makeala said. "I wanted to tell you I took the liberty of hanging your dresses in the wardrobe. Would you like to change into one before dinner?"

Morgan eyed her reflection in the full length mirror beside the wardrobe. Her dress was rumpled from traveling, and her hair could use brushing. She opened the wardrobe and surveyed her choices. There was not anything very fancy. She looked over her shoulder at the elf.

"What would you suggest, Makeala?"

Makeala approached the wardrobe and examined each of the dresses carefully. She pulled out a deep green dress with a long pleated skirt and a heart shaped bodice. She hung it on the mirror and bent down to examine the shoes on the bottom of the wardrobe. She chose a pair of soft leather slippers. Morgan allowed her to remove her traveling dress and to assist her with pulling the other dress on. Makeala unbraided the intricate braid of Morgan's hair being careful not to damage the pink silk ribbon entwined in the braid. She proceeded to drag Morgan's brush through the long dark strands of hair until it shined. She was reconstructing the braid when Jarrod arrived to collect Morgan. He let himself into the sitting room and leaned in the open doorway of Morgan's room.

"She will be ready in a moment, your highness," Makeala stated.

"Do not rush," Jarrod assured her. "I am early."

Once Makeala finished with her braid, Jarrod led Morgan to the small dining room. It consisted of one long table with several chairs. Jarrod guided Morgan to an empty seat beside an older man with streaks of grey in his full beard and hair. He studied her with brown eyes. His face showed the lines of premature aging magic could cause. Morgan spread her skirts and curtsied before the man she assumed was the Royal Magus Byron Sandshaper. He inclined his head and motioned her to sit. Once she was settled Jarrod moved to the head of the table and sat in the seat to the right of the man who sat at the head. Before seating himself Byron waited until he had everyone's attention. He spoke in a deep aged voice.

"Your Grace, King Jonathan Hallowfang, may I present my apprentice Morgan Terrashaper."

Jonathan raised his goblet and acknowledged Morgan with a smile and a nod. "Welcome Morgan. I hope you will find your time here comfortable and educational."

"Thank you, Your Grace."

Morgan bowed her head and raised it as the first course of food was set before her. She found herself staring into the smiling face of Alistair. He sat across from her between an older man who introduced himself as the Master of Arms and Horses and another who was the Royal Cleric. The young man to his left was his apprentice Owen Holyroot. As they ate the apprentices remained silent while their Masters and Mistresses discussed various matters of their fields. When he seemed to have had enough of food and conversation Alistair excused himself and stood. He moved around the table to Morgan.

"My Lady, if you are finished, and Master Byron will permit, will you join me for a stroll in the garden?"

"I am finished," Morgan affirmed. She looked up a Master Byron.

"I have no objection," Byron stated. "However, I would advise you do not stay out too late. I like to get started early."

"Yes, Master Byron."

Morgan stood and excused herself to the table at large. She accepted the arm Alistair offered and allowed him to lead her out of the dining area through a set of open double doors, leading out onto a terrace. Alistair led her down a set of stone stairs into a small garden of roses. Morgan breathed in the sweet scent through her nose, and sighed with content.

"Not many roses in the Tower of Magi?" Alistair inquired.

"Most of our garden is dedicated to medicinal herbs and vegetables." Morgan stated. "Some of the higher ranking mages have plants in their rooms but roses are a bit more high maintenance."

"Do you miss the Tower?" Alistair asked.

"I miss my friends," Morgan sighed. "But I am looking forward to becoming the next Royal Magus."

"Master Byron seems eager to teach you," Alistair observed. He paused at a stone bench. He sat and guided Morgan to sit beside him. "I felt something when I first saw you."

"As did I," Morgan said nervously. She was surprised by his forwardness. She did not pull back when he cupped her cheek in his hand. His name escaped her lips in a soft whisper as he lean in and brushed his mouth over hers. Morgan pulled back. "Alistair, we should not. We are here to be trained to serve the crown."

"Even those who serve the crown need someone to share their lives with." Alistair drew her close and pressed parted lips to hers. She allowed him to deepen the kiss. He pulled back after a few moment, breathing ragged. "Something to think about before you rule me out."

Morgan smiled at his impertinence. After a few more stolen kisses Alistair walked her back to the door leading into the sitting room of the Royal Magus. He waited until she was inside before turning and descending the spiral stone steps.

Word Count: 3,086
© Copyright 2015 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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