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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Fantasy · #2062516
Required Assignment 20 fo NaNo Prep
Chapter 1
         Scene 1:          Wedding of Jarrod of Trellion and Diana of Adoren
         Scene 2:          Marcus of Adoren and Demona of Reaven share a bed
         Scene 3:          Two months later Demona discovers she is pregnant. She informs Marcus via letter in the hope he will propose marriage to her. Marcus sends a response denying her child is his, and she responds by cursing his family with infertility

Chapter 2
         Scene 1:          Evelynn, the Grand Enchantress of the Trellion Tower of Magi, and Vigo the father of her unborn child remain at Trellion Palace until she gives birth
         Scene 2:          Master Owen, the Grand Cleric, performs a C-section on Evelynn to extract her half-human half-Minotaur son from her womb. Morgan, the Royal Magus uses blood magic to keep Evelynn alive during the procedure.
         Scene 3:          Morgan and her lover Alistair have an argument over her use of blood magic, and he leaves her bed swearing he will not lay with her while she engages in such taboo magic.

Chapter 3
         Scene 1:          Diana expresses concern to Evelynn and Morgan that she did not conceive on her wedding night which was during the peak time of fertility. Morgan encourages her to be patient, but to seek Master Owen's counsel if she has not conceived before the Fall Equinox.

         Scene 2:          After the Fall Equinox Diana consults Master Owen regarding her inability to conceive. Master Owen is able to determine something supernatural is preventing Diana from conceiving and refers her back to Morgan.
         Scene 3:          Morgan prescribes a fertility potion for Diana, which she must consume every day until she conceives.
         Scene 4:          Demona gives birth

Chapter 4
         Scene 1:          After consuming the fertility potion for almost three years, Master Owen confirms that Diana has conceived
         Scene 2:          In light of the joyous news Alistair and Morgan begin sharing a bed again.
         Scene 3:          On the twenty-seventh day of Pisces, Diana gives birth to Prince Matrim.

Chapter 5
         Scene 1:          During the following period of Aries Morgan discovers she is pregnant
         Scene 2:          Evelynn receives the news of Morganâs pregnancy and request for a substitute Royal Magus. She asks Virgo to accompany Taurus and her to the Trellion Palace during the period of Virgo.
         Scene 3:          On the third day of Scorpius Morgan gives birth to Gwen, with assistance from Master Owen, Lyra, and Evelynn.

Chapter 6
         Scene 1:          Diana dies during Aquarius, and Jarrod asks Morgan to nurse Matrim until he can be weaned
         Scene 2:          Matrim is presented to the Kingdom of Trellion on the first anniversary of his birth as the heir to Jarrod's throne

Chapter 7
         Scene 1:          Evelynn and Virgo return to Trellion Palace with four-year-old Taurus in toe.
         Scene 2:          Morgan allows Taurus to hold Gwen while Evelynn tests her for magical aptitude. Taurus is enamored by the baby girl in his arms, who does not cry or squirm to get away from him.

Chapter 8
         Scene 1:          At age five Matrim is given chambers of his own and a nanny
         Scene 2:          Jarrod explains to Matrim and Gwen why they can no longer share a bed
         Scene 3:          Four-year-old Gwen slips down to Matrimâs room through a secret passage, which connects their rooms.

Chapter 9
         Scene 1:          Alistair notices Morganâs efforts to divide her attentions between being the Royal Magus and mother to Gwen and Matrim taking their tole. He suggests taking the children to the Elemental coast to the season of Litha.
         Scene 2:          Alistair challenges King Jarrod to a sparring match with practice swords. During the match he acquires Jarrodâs permission to take Matrim to the Elemental Coast.
         Scene 3:          Jarrod assures Morgan of his trust in her abilities as the Royal magus and his faith in her as a care giver to his son.

Chapter 10
         Scene 1:          Morgan, Alistair, Gwen, and Matrim meet Virgo, Evelynn, and Taurus at the Elemental coast
         Scene 2:          Matrim spends the season of Litha with Taurus, Alistair, and Virgo, learning basic survival skills
         Scene 3:          Gwen spends half of her days during Litha with her mother and Evelynn learning her magic and the other half with the men learning basic survival skills

Chapter 11
         Scene 1:          During his ninth year, Matrim is trained to use a sword by Alistair
         Scene 2:          Alistair and Morgan argue about whether or not Gwen should be trained with a weapon. Eventually, Alistair gets Morgan to agree to allow Gwen to be trained with a quarter staff
         Scene 3:          Matrim trains Gwen to use a sword in secret.

Chapter 12
         Scene 1:          Jarrod gives Matrim and Gwen horses to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Matrimâs birth. The stallion meant for Matrim does not take to him. Gwen unknowingly uses animal empathy to calm the horse and inadvertently becomes the only one he will allow to ride him.
         Scene 2:          Jarrod catches Matrim in his bed chamber holding his sword in a position to strike. Father and son bond over the weight and responsibility of wielding the King's sword.

Chapter 13
         Scene 1:          During Litha of her tenth year Gwen is abducted by a young merman named Pisces.
         Scene 2:          Gwen resists Pisces attempts to be friendly
         Scene 3:          Alistair, Morgan, Virgo, Evelynn, and Matrim sail to the rescue.

Chapter 14
         Scene 1:          Morgan presents Gwen with a pink ribbon on the eleventh anniversary of her birth. She is to spend the next year doing something to this ribbon to make it her own.
         Scene 2:          On the twelfth anniversary of his birth, Matrim awakens to find a young dark eyed dark haired elven servant in his bedchamber.

Chapter 15
         Scene 1:          Gwen spends Litha of her eleventh year at the elemental coast without Matrim and forms a closer bond with Taurus.
         Scene 2:          Matrim remains in Trellion Palace to learn how to handle matters of state.
         Scene 3:          On the twelfth anniversary of Gwenâs birth Morgan entwines the ribbon Gwen spent the eleventh year of her life embroidering into a thick braid of her hair. This signifies Gwenâs eligibility for courtship.
         Scene 4:          On the thirteenth Anniversary of Matrimâs birth Gwen spends the entire evening of the celebration ball on his arm.

Chapter 16
         Scene 1:          After the ball Matrim shares his bed with a woman for the first time.
         Scene 2:          Morgan and Gwen argue about the appropriateness of her behavior toward Matrim the previous evening. Morgan informs Gwen of her plan to send her to the Tower of Magi if she cannot restrain herself from Matrim.
         Scene 3:          Matrim finds Gwen in the palace garden crying over her fight with Morgan. He attempts to comfort her and ends up kissing her for the first time.

Chapter 17
         Scene 1:          Marcus arrives at Trellion Palace unexpected and requests soldiers from Jarrod and Mages from the Trellion Tower of Magi for an important rescue mission in Reaven.
         Scene 2:          After Jarrod refuses him, Marcus turns to Virgo who has connections with mercenaries and Mages who are not affiliated with any towers. He promises talks of treaties with Bastian if Virgo is successful in retrieving what he wants from Reaven. Virgo agrees but states he will not be able to complete the mission until after the Fall Equinox.

Chapter 18
         Scene 1:          Gwen spends another Litha at the Elemental Coast without Matrim.
         Scene 2:          Taurus reintroduces her to recreational swimming, and confesses his feelings for her under the stars.

Chapter 19
Scene 1:          After the Fall Equinox Virgo, Taurus, and a group of mercenaries and rogue mages attempt to complete the mission for King Marcus. They fail when Taurus accidently triggers the trap set by Demona. Virgo blocks the rest from the trap and is captured by Demona and her counsel of blood mages.
Scene 2:          Virgoâs body is found on the Bastian side of the border between Reaven and Bastian.
Scene 3:          Word reaches Trellion Palace and Jarrod makes plans to attend the funeral for his friend and ally.

Chapter 20
Scene 1:          Matrim finds Gwen alone in her room on the anniversary of her thirteenth year. She informs him their parents have left to attend Virgoâs funeral.
Scene 2:          Matrim cheers Gwen up by helping her celebrate the anniversary of her birth, and they share a bed.
Scene 3:          Virgoâs funeral

Chapter 21
Scene 1:          Jarrod receives a letter with Marcusâs seal stating no hard feelings about his unwillingness to give Marcus troops to march on Reaven, and proposing a union between Matrim and his daughter by marriage the Lady Brianne.
Scene 2:          Jarrod presents the letter to his counsel of Masters including but not limited to; Alistair, Morgan, Owen, Guard Captain Conner, the Royal Librarian and Secretary Master Quill. After hearing their opinions and advice Jarrod decides to pursue the union.
Scene 3:          Gwen begins her year of seclusion at the Elemental Coast the day after the fourteenth anniversary of her birth.
Scene 4:          Jarrod announces Matrimâs betrothal to Lady Brianne at the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of his birth.

Chapter 22
Scene 1:          Matrim attempts to reason with his father to call off the betrothal and let him marry Gwen.
Scene 2:          Matrim finds Gwen and seduces her into letting him share her tent for the entire season of Litha.
Scene 3:          At the end of Litha Matrim tries to convince Gwen to build a home with him on the Elemental Coast. Gwen convinces him he must return to Trellion Palace and fulfill his duties as the Crowned Prince.

Chapter 23
Scene 1:          Gwen returns to Trellion Palace on the fifteenth anniversary of her birth.
Scene 2:          Gwen shows symptoms of a stomach sickness, which lasts longer than it should. Morgan insists that Master Owen delve her. He discovers Gwen is eight weeks pregnant.
Scene 3:          Morgan, Gwen, and Alistair discuss their options. They agree to keep the pregnancy a secret and to make arrangements for Gwen to leave the palace as soon as possible

Chapter 24
Scene 1:          Lady Brianne arrives at Trellion Palace on the eve of the Winter Solstice.
Scene 2:          King Jarrod is compelled to take Lady Brianneâs Lady in Waiting, Ella as a lover
Scene 3:          Gwen remains secluded in her quarters until she is able to get her nausea under control
Scene 4:          Matrim sets plans in motion to whisk Gwen away on the eve of the sixteenth anniversary of his birth.

Chapter 25
Scene 1:          Matrim and Gwen talk while he sits for a portrait on the anniversary of the sixteenth anniversary of his birth
Scene 2:          King Jarrod confirms his suspicions of Gwenâs pregnancy and agrees to keep it from Matrim as long as Gwen follows through on her plans to leave Trellion Palace.
Scene 3:          Matrim and Gwen attend their last ball together.
Scene 4:          When Brianneâs hand maid Ella catches Matrim and Gwen kissing she uses her magic to curse them and destroys their physical bodies
Chapter 26
Scene 1:          Ella reports the disappearance of Gwen and Matrim directly to Jarrod.
Scene 2:          Jarrod commissions wanted posters for them and declares Gwen a suspect for kidnapping the crowned prince.

Chapter 27
Scene 1:          Morgan, Lyra, and Evelynn site where Matrim and Gwen were last seen together to determine what happened
Scene 2:          When the three mages attempt to explain to King Jarrod what truly happened he accuses them of being the ones who aided Gwen in kidnapping Matrim
Scene 3:          Morgan pleads guilty and absolves her friends of any guilt
Scene 4:          Morganâs execution

Scene 1:          Lady Myrell is appointed to be Trellionâs new Royal Magus.
Scene 2:          In order to spare her from returning to Adoren un-married and to continue good relations Jarrod proposes marriage to Lady Brianne.
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