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'The Day the Dead Return' is celebrated every year at the end of this month on Purin. |
The SpaceGhosts are Coming It used to be a large vacant lot. But suddenly one day a real haunted house appeared there. Everyone in the small village of Havon called it a haunted house because of the way it looked. It appeared about a hundred years ago. And that house and the property around it haven’t changed at all. The property surrounding the haunted house looked as dead, or dying, as the haunted house. A wood looking metal fence surrounded the property. And it was falling apart just like the rest of the property. There were over a thousand haunted houses on the planet of Pirun. And they were very popular year round - especially by teenagers. But they were even more popular this month of the year. That’s because the last day of this month was celebrated as ‘The Day the Dead Return’ on Pirun. Eight teenagers from the age of thirteen to seventeen stood in front of the Vacant Lot Haunted House. Which was what everyone in Havon called it. “You’re not afraid to go in there – are you?” Thirteen-year-old Karollina was talking to fifteen-year-old Owenam. “Of course I am,” responded Owenam. “Normally I wouldn’t be, I have been to this house hundreds of times, but this is ‘The Day the Dead Return’ isn’t it? And it’s after dark too.” “Aren’t you afraid, Karollina?” Sixteen-year-old Fio asked Karollina. “I know I am. For the same reasons Owenam is.” “I’m afraid,” said fourteen-year-old Tandus. “But it’s not because they are Purin ghosts. It’s because they aren’t Purin ghosts.” “We all know the myths about them not being Purin ghosts,” said sixteen-year-old Glauc. “But no one has ever seen what they really look like.” “At least no one who has seen them has lived long enough to tell anyone who these none-Purin ghosts really are,” Said seventeen-year-old Anick. “There have been a few who have escaped that house. But when they did they soon became insane – then died several days later.” “There have been a lot of Purinans who have gone in there over the years,” said fourteen-year-old Sariane. “But they have never come out of there.” “That’s just another myth,” seventeen-year-old Nalli said. “There have been quite a few Havons who have disappeared over the years. But none of them have been connected to this house.” “Isn’t that why we are here? To prove that these myths aren’t true,” said Glauc. “We are here because Karolinna accepted a challenge,” said Owenam. “And it has nothing to do with any myths. It’s because my she can’t say no to a challenge.” “It’s because they said we were afraid to spend the night there – especially tonight,” said Karolinna. “I had to accept the challenge.” “If we are going to do this,” said Anick. “Then let’s get it over with.” ******* The eight teenagers were now in the Vacant Lot Haunted House. They have been there for a few hours. And so far nothing had happened. Of course, they hadn’t left the living room since they got there. “We were challenged to spend the night here,” said Fio. “The challenge didn’t say where in here we had to stay.” “That’s why I suggested the living room,” saud Saraine. “It’s big. And it’s not all that scary.” “The challenge also didn’t say we had to stay awake all night either,” said Tandus. “I think we should get some sleep.” “That sounds like a good idea to me,” said Glauc. “But I think one of us should stay awake – just in case.” “You all get some sleep,” Nalli said. “I’ll take the first two hours.” ******* Two sets of small white dots were up in the corner of the living room. They were so small they couldn’t be seen by the teenagers below. And several of the teenagers had looked up toward them. Those dots belonged to two SpaceGhosts. The teenagers could hear what they were saying to each other. “We should wait until they are asleep,” said one SpaceGhost. “Then we will scare they out of our house.” “They are teenagers,” the second SpaceGhost said. “We might not be able to scare them out so easily.” “Adults are easier to scare,” said the first SpaceGhost. “But teenagers can be scared too.” “The worst are the Younger Ones,” said the second SpaceGhost. “They can see what we really look like.” “We are lucky this time,” said the first SpaceGhost. “There are only teenagers here tonight. And we can scare them.” “What if we can’t scare them out of the house?” Asked the second SpaceGhost. “If we can’t stare them out,” said the first SpaceGhost. “We will get rid of the like we have the others.” “I don’t want to make any more people from this planet disappear,” said the second SpaceGhost. “No more killing.” “I’m tire of making them disappear forever too,” said the first SpaceGhost. “But if we have to we will.” “Contact the other SpaceGhosts here,” the second SpaceGhost said. “And tell them to wait for these teenagers to fall asleep. They scare off a lot easier when they are scared awake first.” ******* What the Havons didn’t know was that wasn’t the first haunted house to suddenly appear on Purin. It was about the three hundredth one. There was now over five hundred haunted houses on Purin. “Only a few more years,” said one of the SpaceGhosts. “And we will be able to take over this world too.” The two sets of white dots were still above the eight teenagers. They were still sound asleep on the living room floor below. But were they really asleep. The teenagers weren’t in the same position they were in when they first laid down to get some sleep. And the one who was going to stay awake wasn’t. Either that teenager fell asleep when they were supposed to stay awake. Or they were replaced by someone else – who was now asleep. If any of them were asleep. The End? |