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Based off of the 1945 - "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations" Article. |
On This Day for October 16 Wikipedia had this Article: ‘1945 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ When I saw this Article, and read it, it reminded me that something similar happened on the planet of Yenion. This was what happened to that planet.1 World Hunger There were four classes on the planet of Yenion. They include the Upper Class, the Medium Class, the Smaller Class and the Smallest Class. Each class was represented by an island. The Upper Class consisted of four very large islands with about two hundred million Yenionians on each one. And the Medium Class represented fifty large islands and about thirty million each. Then there’s the Smaller Class. And they consist of about seven hundred and fifty islands and about one hundred thousand Yenionians. Last but not least was the Smallest Class. They represent about two thousand islands – and fifty thousand Yenionians. The Upper Class lived better than the rest of the planet. And the Medium Class were almost as bad. Each island had one representative in the World Government. And each representative had a say in the Laws of Yenion. But it was only the Upper and Medium Classes that could actually make the Laws. Every month the Lawmakers met to discuss problems, possible problems and future problems. And each discussion lasted about one week. Then another week for any Final Decisions. Which meant new Laws. The biggest problem that came up almost every month in all three problem categories was World Hunger. Both the Upper and the Medium Classes didn’t have that problem – especially the Upper Class. But the Smaller Class did. And the Smallest Class had it even worse. Most Upper, and Medium, Class Yenionian didn’t think it matter if the lower classes were hungry, dying from hunger or couldn’t stop the hunger from happening. The watched The Stories on the Video Monitors. But they didn’t care. As long as it didn’t affect them. And it didn’t. But not everyone felt that way. There was a large group of Yenionians, mostly the young ones, who tried to help them. They would go to the monthly Lawmaker Meeting – and protest. Usually that meant Detainment. And sometime they got hurt. But they were always there. Two of those Yenionians were Claunon and Jesica. Claunon and Jesica was at every one of those meetings. And most of the time they were Detained. But the Detainment only lasted a week or two – three at the most. Which meant they had three to five weeks before the next monthly meeting. And when that next month came around so did Claunon and Jesica. They weren’t going to stop until World Hunger stopped. It took them over twenty years of protesting, but they finally did it. In the year 2235 The World Hunger Commitment became a Law. The World Government even held a Video Story Meeting so the world would know about this new Law. Both Claunon and Jesica were there. So were Story Seekers from the Upper Class, the Medium Class, and a lot from the Smaller Class too. There were quite a few from the Smallest Class also. The room they were in was huge. Above everyone else at one end were that room were the Upper Class Representatives. Just below them were the Medium Class Representatives. And both side was where the Smaller Class Representative. At the opposite end of the room was where the Smallest Class Representative were. In the center of all those Representatives was where the Story Seekers were at. That same room was used for the monthly meetings – except the Smaller Class took up the center of the room facing the Upper and Medium Class Representative like the Smallest Class Representatives did, and the Story Seekers, were doing now. “What is this new Law really all about? It’s probably a Law to feed their fat bellies even more food,” said a young man that looked like he was from one of the Smaller Class islands. “And who is going to have to product that food. The Smaller Class and the Smallest Class are of course.” “That isn’t true,” said the Representative from one of the Upper Class islands. “We all gave you Information Disks when you came in here.” “Information Disks you created,” said someone from the smallest Class island from the look of her. “How do we know the information in those disks are true?” “We just got finished telling you everything that’s in those Information Disks,” said one of the other Upper Class Representatives. “Those Information Disks tell you what The World Hunger Committee is, what they are going to do, how they are going to do it and who is going to be in control of it.” “Who is going to be in control of it? The Upper Class – right? Or is going to be both the Upper and the Medium Classes?” It was one of the Story Seekers who said that. But the Upper Class Representative couldn’t tell which one it was. “No, we are going to be in control of it,” yet another Upper Class Representative said. “It’s going to be the Smaller and Smallest Classes who are going to control it.” “The Upper Class will provide the funding. And we will teach you better Production technics,” said the fourth Upper Class Representative. But that’s all we are going to do. The rest is up to you. It’s all in the Information Disks.” Claunon and Jesica were suspicious like all the other Story Seekers were. But they looked over the Information Disks. And they had to admit what they said at that meeting was on the Information Disks. They didn’t know if it was going to work or not. But they did know it was Yenion’s best chance to end World Hunger. If they had lived another two hundred years, they would have known it did. The End? 1From the PureSciFi Blog – that hadn’t been created yet. |