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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Adult · #2061399
Yuno and Yumi discover Yuno's secret desire.
For anyone reading,this is kinda NSFW so i suggest not leaving your computer for anyone to see.

It has been a few months since Taro came pleading for help from Mio,the self proclaimed Godess.Today was a normal torture-filled afternoon at the Second Voluntary Club.Screams were echoeing all over the school,but thankfully for the club,and even more thankfully for the school,the club activities always started after the lessons ended.Mio as always had somehow deviced a machine for Taro to be tortured by.This time it was a carousel-like contraption,only there was one horse...well,pig....and rather than being just a sit for someone to sit on,he was tied up hanging upside down,blindfolded,tied up at the ankles and wrists and gagged by what looked like some kind of cloth.The carousel would spin at abnormal speeds,Taro's face facing only one obstacle,and that was Mio's fearful baseball bat.Swinging at full speed,she hit,again...and again....and again occasionally giving the bat to Yuno who reluctantly swang,aiming at Taro's face just like Mio.
Even tho she learnt from before that Taro doesn't want Yuno to change for him,she secretly learnt to enjoy hurting Taro,even if it was just a bit.She of course held that secret,she didn't want to challenge Mio again,not yet at least.She would fake disgust and fear when asked to pummel Taro,but she did enjoy it deep down and would often smile as she heard Taro's moans and plea,completely ignorant of who was the torturer,he wasn't ready to learn about Yuno's new...hobby.
While Yuno was full of joy thinking about finally enjoying giving Taro what he wants the most,when Yumi learnt about it she wasn't as pleased.

-At Yuno's house,9pm,a few days ago-
It was a rainy day,and the whole club was unprepared to face the wrath of the clouds.Mio was as usually "curing" Taro's masochism.
Mio's session started a bit later than usual because of Yuno surprisingly taking the innitiative and starting with him first,anknowingly to Taro.

Yuno :Mio,i really think we should head home,i know you are in the mood for...curing Taro but this if the rain becomes worse,we might end up stuck in here.

Mio:Oh are you kidding me?I was just getting started with this worthless pig,i didn't even notice the rain.I will show the god of rain not to disrespect me one day.

As she was talking,she stopped training with her favourite punching bag,taking him down and sitting on him,much to Taro's delite.

Yumi was glad the session was over,more time to spend with Yuno without that excuse of a man to take the attention off of her.
With excitement,she leapt onto Yuno,fondling her sides and cuddling Yuno's neck with her neck seductively.
Yuno had become a bit more hardened thanks to her becoming a sadist,so she was actually able to fight back,albeit amateurely by just pushing her slightly away.This surprised Yumi and she immidiately became concerned.

As they disbanded,without any umprellas,Mio used Taro's shirt and undershirt to shield herself from the rain,leaving Taro shirtless and freezing cold,which pleased him to no end.Mio convinced Taro to come with her to her home,saying that she wasn't done with him and that he wont get a free pass just cause of some "light rain".Yumi then proposed to Yuno that she sleeps at Yuno's house as she lived a lot further and she had nothing to protect herself from the rain.Yuno accepted and they all took off.

As the two girls went on,they became soaking wet,Yumi of course would sometimes grab Yuno's butt of breasts knowing that Yuno wouldn't be able to defend herself due to the cold.As they arrived at Yuno's house,they removed their shoes and socks,that stayed surprisingly dry on the inside.Yuno attempted to turn on the heat in order for them to dry themselves,but even before that,as she flipped the light switch,they were shocked to realize that the storm took out the electricity.Yumi saw this as an opportunity to feed her naughty side but first needed a distraction to take Yuno by surprise.Yumi grabbed Yuno's normal school shoe and jokingly took a sniff.While Yuno expected the joke to go to a general "stinky feet" anti-joke,Yumi surprised her by saying they smelled "sexy".She obviously faked that response but it nevertheless did its job and she was caught off guard as Yumi asked with a very seductive low tone voice.

Yumi:You know what our ancestors did in the past to keep warm dont you?

Yuno already knew but she tried to act stupid.

Yuno:They gathered around a fire!

Yumi:What the did is cuddle together,rub their bodies together.

Yuno immidiately started to think about a good excuse but she wasn't fast enough as her thoughts clouded her vision and didn't notice that Yumi had completely removed her clothes,only keeping her bra and panties,but otherwise she was butt naked.Yumi then started slowly walking towards her,an inviting smile on her face,as inviting as it was seductive and suggestive.Yuno at this point had no idea what to do,but she thought that maybe if she gave in and took it seriously only as something to do in order to warm themselves up,it would put Yumi off.Yuno removed her top and her skirt.She was the one who grabbed Yumi by the hand and told her to sit.At this point Yumi was dumb-founded,she didn't know how to proccess what was happening.Yumi eventually sat,Yuno soon following,however she sat touching her back with Yumi's,much to Yumi's dissapointment.Yuno was relieved that she got away from a disturbing and embarassing situation,however Yumi wouldn't have it,she started with small things,like starting to hold Yuno's hand,rubbing the back of her arm with hers,and turning her head and breathing on Yuno's neck.She was beggining to be embarassed,and Yumi knew that soon she would show the sign of weakness,a soft moan.Soon enough Yuno gave in to this embarassing situation and moaned,more out of shame and awkwardness rather than excitement.At this very moment Yumi turned around and pounced on Yuno,making her fall on her belly.She began rubbing her legs and feet on Yuno's,pressing downwards so that she could feel Yuno's breasts squeezing on the floor,as well as feeling her own breasts squeezing on Yuno's back.She grabbed Yuno's breasts from the side and squeezed as much as she could,she even sneaked a finger under her bra and teased her nipples.Yumi was so arroused at this point that she started dry humping Yuno's butt as a joke (or so she said to Yuno).Soon she pushed herself off of her and turn her around.Yuno was too confused to act at this point,she was ready to be licked and "probed" by her own best friend.Yet suddenly,she remembered that she wants to lose her virginity with the one man she trusts,Taro.She took a deep breath and managed to do something that she has never done before,she pushed Yumi away quite hard,you could feel the respulsiveness in her action.Yumi wasn't used to this,so she was shocked and a bit scared that she went too far this time.Fear became anger,anger became sadness,and sadness became fear once again,but a different kind of fear.She was afraid to lose her,she thought Yuno changed,and wouldn't you know,she was right.Yuno's look was no longer timid,scared,vulnerable.It was determined,dominant,full of demand.Yumi was afraid of this look.This glare.

Yumi:What was that just now!?You never fought back that hard,it was just a joke.We always had days like these and you would always allow me to have my way.

Yuno:I....I am tired of being at the bottom.I.....Haven't you noticed lately how i am different in the club?

Said Yuno,still maintining eye contact.


Yuno:How could you not notice?For the last two weeks i have been participating in curing Taro.

Yumi:So what?I tend to ignore anything that has to do with that...that....bunch of rotten flesh.You always think of others first anyways.

Yuno:It isn't like that.Haven't you notcied that for the last two weeks,everytime you.....attacked me,there was something different...

Yumi:Different?I didn't notice anything.

At this point Yuno hasitantly spread her legs,revealing her panties,that to Yumi's surprise were soaking wet.

Yumi:What does that have to do with anything?And what does this mean,did...did i turn you....

Yuno:no,that isn't the case.This has been going on from earlier today,remember what i did before we came home?

Yumi then slightly remembered watching Yuno sweating,admiring every bit of her figure,fantasizing what she would do if she had a chance right now to do what she wants with her.But she just realized what Yuno was doing during that moment of pure fantisizing.She was punching and kicking a punching bag,beating it to a pulp.It was then that she came to the realization.Yuno's previous training to become the best sadist in the world managed to turn her to an actual sadist!

Yumi:That disgusting little prick,why does HE get to have you....have you....turn like this....and without him even doing anything!
Why can't i have you?!

Yuno:I turned him into a masochist,he turned me into a sadist,i guess it was only fate.However i am not telling you this to give you answers,i have a favour to ask.

At this point Yumi was tearing,thinking how that piece of trash had taken the heart of her childhood friend.

Yumi:I know what you will ask for,forget it,i am done training you,i wont help you become his mistress,he doesn't deserve to even eat the food you stepped on!

Yuno:He is the only man i trust,the only man i have managed to touch,i ruined his life,I turned him into the "piece of trash".If you love me as much as you say you do,wont you help me get the only thing i want?I know you since forever,you still have Tatsukichi to turn to...i have noone,i am not like you,i don't like girls the way you do.And the only man i can even touch is Taro,you may call him a piece of trash,but he is my piece of trash and i wont let Mio take him away from under my shoe!

Yumi,angry at the realization that her friend has felt like this since she entered the club,finally understood that her friend had no choice wether she wanted it or not,and she had to help her.Yuno has let her basically molest her for years,and never asked for anything in return,so it was only normal for her to finally give her back something.

Yumi:Okay,i will accept you as an apprentice in the ways of stomping fools to dust,but under one condition....I will be your dummy,you will train your skills on me,if you wish to be better at it than Mio,then you will need the best,pin point critisism there is.Plus,i guess being on top gets boring after a while.

Yuno's face was filled with feelings she would need hours to explain.She immidiately leapt on Yumi and shed tears,thanking her over and over again.Yumi shed a tear,since she knew that at this point it was official that she wont ever have Yuno for her own forever.



Yuno:I guess i should start my first lesson,don't you think?

With that she pushed Yumi onto the floor,and stood up,with her feet at the left and right of Yumi's face.As she looked down upon her,she slowly and seductively removed her panties,letting them fall from knee height straight onto Yumi's face,still soaking wet.Yumi was absolutely overloaded with pleasure,this was the one place she never saw or touched on Yuno's body,and now she was the first to see it.She immidiately grabbed her panties and starting sniffing,pushing them on her nose in an always maniac way.Even tho she already was in absolute bliss,Yuno suddenly went on her knees and soon enough,Yuno's pink,soft and delicate pussy lips were touching Yumi's lips.

Yuno:Wait....start when i tell you.For now admire me.

Yumi now was trying her best to hold back,she didn't know if she would survive from the sheer excitement.Yuno's pussy was hairless,the kind of pink that no model every achieved and smelling like peaches.The smell was so intoxicating that she started moaning and dripping juice out her own pussy in only a few seconds.

Yuno:Please me.

Yumi,already with tears on her eyes from the sheer torture that was waiting for the signal from her new mistress started immidiately making out with Yuno's pussy,kissing,licking and even nimbling gently on Yuno's clitoris.Yuno on the other hand knew that it would take a while for her to get completely arroused,as she wasn't into girls that much,and Yumi's often harassment made her immune to erotic feelings while she is around.However,she thought of an idea,she started thinking of Yumi as Taro,under her pussy,squeezed between her thighs,pleasing her,with nothing in return.She grabbed Yumi's hair and started pulling,already beggining to get immensely arroused.
Yumi gave it her all,grabbing Yuno's butt and pushing her harder against her face in order to reach deeper in Yuno,then letting go to focus on licking and tongue-slapping her clit.Yuno meanwhile started literally humping Yumi's face with her pussy.The house was filled with moans.Yuno accidentally reached back and touched Yumi's panties,that were still on as she was too busy enjoying her servant's services to care how she felt.Yumi was so absolutely deep into pure pleasure that her panties were wetter than a paperoll thrown into the ocean.Yuno removed Yumi's panties trying not to disconect her pussy from her talking sex toy.She started sniffing and even sucking on it in order to get even more arroused,and to her surprise,it worked and it brought her to new heights of ecstasy.As she looked down upon her new found slave,she looked upon the sexiest thing she ever witnessed.Yuno was dripping so much pussy juice from the arrousal that Yumi's whole face was covered in it,a think layer of juice covering her whole face as she tried her best to please her mistress.Yuno grabbed her hair one last time as she felt she was about to climax,and what she found out made this orgasm the strongest she ever felt,and the strongest she will feel for years.She was dripping so much juice on Yumi that her hair was soaked in her juices.At that moment as she fantasized about Taro being in Yumi's place,she screamed so loudly that her neighbours could hear it,her body shivered and a wave of juice poured out of her completely covering Yumi's face ten times over.Just as Yumi was about to pass out from exhaustion,Yuno pushed her pussy on her mouth once again and whispered with a face full of lust.


That was all that Yumi needed,as she once again went down on her friend,she didn't even orgasm herself,but she was told to make her mistress orgasm again and that was all she needed.Yuno was so absorbed in her lust,that she forgot about helping Yumi finish,after her 7th orgasm,or maybe it was 9th?She didn't know anymore,Yuno was spent,she had no more strength to go through another orgasm,on the other hand Yumi was now laying,heavy breathing,every bit of her face covering in a thick layer of pussy juice,with a pool around her head deep enough to dip 1/3 of a pinkie finger in it.Her body ached,she could no longer move,her clit was throbbing,it hurt her so much,hours of being on edge,just a tiny touch would make her cum,but she got nothing,so she was now in tears from the pain,but she loved it.


She whispered so lowly Yuno almost didn't hear her.

Yuno:What is it,my cute little dildo?

Yumi:Just one time.....please.

Yuno:Oh do you want to cum?

Yumi:Yes....i beg of you.

Yuno:Okay but i will do it with just one finger

She said as she raised her index finger and hovered over Yumi's red,throbbing.swolen clit.And then gently tapped the tip of her finger just slightly on the tip of her slave's clit and whisperred.


With that,Yumi's pleasure levels were through the roof as she had an orgasm that matched no other in the history of manking,waves and waves of juice spilling out,a moan and scream so load that Yuno had to drown it by placing her pussy on her mouth again.
Then the two of the stood frozen,in pure bliss and relaxation.In a pool of their own juices in Yuno's room.

To be continued.....

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