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Three young adventurous undergraduate female friends, finally see the real world as it is. |
Chapter 2 The round faced taxi driver slowed to a halt before the gate of a massive edifice. He glanced at the female passengers behind him and jutted a fat finger towards a signpost. The sign was a projected pylon on which the inscription 'Olympics Hotel and Suites... your five star reality was boldly written. Another sign was fastened to the hotel's gates, it read "Painted Taxis Not Allowed Inside". The driver parked in the cab area. Abasi looked at her watch; and as Safy reached for a purse in her bag she said "Hmm, it’s still a quarter to six, we are here on time". Ignoring her friend, Safy paid the driver, collected her change and opened the passenger door. They both stepped out of the yellow cab, and the taxi drove away. "Be careful, you know these drivers are rough" Abasi cautioned her friend mischievously. Safy turned to look at her, made a face and said "So what do you mean now?" "I mean, stop adjusting your dress and shawl on the road as if you are in for a fashion show" Abasi responded almost curtly. "You are in a front of a posh hotel for goodness sakes; stop before people start getting confused" "You look take away already, so don’t bother" Abasi concluded with a smile. "What is your own miss complainant? Were you not the one who just dabbed her face of sweat, and arranged a purse strap?" Having reminded her, Safy hissed and said "Please leave me alone". As they walked briskly towards the hotel lobby, a sleek CGM saloon car veered off the road close to them. The vehicle had left off the straight road leading to the car port and was now clearly its way to the lobby's pick up point. "Pretty car!" Abasi exclaimed covetously as they both move aside for the flashy car to pass. Safy nodded in agreement. "Cute car, yes; but is that why the oppressor must run us off the road?" she hissed again as they walked on. At the drop zone that leads to the lobby, the car’s front passenger door swung open and a pretty but serious looking lady dressed in a gray skirt-suit alighted. Right about the same time, the car's back door also opened. A handsome young man in his late thirties stepped out graciously. He was decked in a beautiful checkered shirt over a pair of leather trousers. His wet looks and black suede sneakers was a delight to watch. The girls stopped abruptly, suddenly becoming self conscious at the sight of the young man's imposing height and ebony skin color. As the man's female companion reached behind him to retrieve a briefcase, Abasi gasped excitedly with recognition and said in a hushed voice "Girl friend, do you remember this dude?"Without waiting for a reply, she made to walk on. "Hurry Safy, we must meet him; We must not miss this opportunity". Safy looked obviously confused, there was not a tinge of recognition in her face. She pulled back her friend admonishingly and warned "I don’t want any embarrassment oo". Prompting her friend forward, Abasi said "Let's go, no time to waste". "This is Sabina’s brother" Holding back firmly safy looked questioningly at her friend and said "Explain to me very well first, who is he?" "Which Sabina?" Abasi practically dragged Safy as she said "Sabina now, our friend at Federal Girls". Unsure of herself and not still getting her friend’s drift, Safy grudgingly tagged along. As they approached the man, Abasi deliberately slowed their walk pace. The car had driven off the porch leaving the man talking on his cell phone. His companion waited patiently beside the water fountain site by the lobby doors. "Sabina my friend" Abasi now seemed disposed to provide Safy with more enlightenment. "Don’t tell me you have forgotten already". Looking imploringly at Safy as if begging her to remember, Abasi continued "Sabina the science girl who hosted our after-WAEC party at the Federal Government Girls College". Suddenly, the glow of recognition dawned on Safy and she exclaimed with a gleam in her eyes "Oh! You mean Sabina Ibori". Nodding her head in full remembrance now, Safy added "Okay, this is the one in whose house we held the party, right?" "The very one" Abasi agreed with a smile and concluded "This Saturday evening holds lots of promise". Sounding unsure again, Safy asked "It's more than four years now, are you sure he will still recognize us?". "I don’t want any guy to embarrass me here, please". As they walked up to the young man, Abasi said confidently "Nobody will embarrass anybody, you too fear sef". Seeing the smiling duo before him, the man first smiled back then signaled politely to them to wait out his call. As he made to conclude his phone conversation, he took in the sight before him. They were lovely looking ladies dressed in alluring evening gowns that complimented their varying skin complexions. He could almost swear he had seen them before, but he couldn't place when or where that had happened. He hung up the call, smiled at the ladies again and asked in English with a tinge of an American accent "Yes ladies, what may I do for you?" Determined to take advantage of this opportunity, Abasi put a hand forward and said "Good evening sir, I know you don’t remember us; but we know you well". Taking her hand in his, the man looked first into Abasi's eyes and then at Safy before shaking his head "No I can't recall". Sensing the ladies' obvious disappointment, he added "But seriously your face do look familiar". He was a bit busy right now and was not going to crack his head unnecessarily. His first impulse was to give some excuses and then move on, but suddenly recognition dawned on him. The man's smile widened and he pulled Abasi's arm a little closer "Oh yes, ...yes; Sabi's friends right?" he asked. The relieved young women nodded their heads almost excitedly. "You are the one who arranged that exquisite decoration" he continued "I remember you Abasi, I couldn't possibly forget". The young man looked towards Safy and scratched his head. He smiled again and continued "And your friend here, I remember her too..." "Her name is Safy" Abasi proffered upon his hesitation "Yes! Safy; I remember her better now. I actually opened the gate for her". He hesitated again and added "But you were late that night". It did not come out as a question. Feeling a lot more relaxed now, the young man pulled Abasi a bit closer to himself and reached out his right hand to Safy. Smiling back, Safy put her hand in his and replied "Yes sir I was actually late; I had to run some chores for my parents before coming". He held on to both girls momentarily, then left Safy to glance at the expensive looking Rolex watch strapped to his wrist. "I'm meeting some clients in a couple of minutes and really have to run" he said. The man paused to study each of the clearly disappointed girls before he asked "So what do you girls do now?" he paused again and added "Hope you're in school?" The question was referred to Abasi who replied in an almost cosmetic voice "Yes we are; we're studying at the Federal University of Technology". Abasi flipped back a strand of truant hair off her face and then asked excitedly after her friend "Where is Sabina now? We've not talked to her in quite a while, hope she's fine". "She's okay" he said and glanced at the wrist watch again. "She's been in the United States three years now studying engineering". "In fact, she's expected home this Christmas, perhaps you girls will see her then". Without waiting for them to say anything else, he continued rather hurriedly "You know what? I will give you my card". He smiled at his female companion who clearly looked the smart personal assistant type. She promptly presented him with a gold plated card case. He slipped out two calling cards and gave to each of the girls. "I'm in town for a week Abasi, why not call me on Monday and let's see what we can fix up". He returned the case to his assistant, then asked "What are you girls doing here?" Abasi looked at the printed words John Ibori Esq. on the card before she replied "We are here to see Safy's uncle; he's one of the managers here". John Ibori looked understandingly at the girls, turned to his assistant and said "Give them twenty grand for provisions, they are students". His companion elegantly complied, counting out money from a wad of notes as Sabi’s brother continued "You girls take care". He hugged Abasi first and whispered "Let's run things next week". He let go of Abasi and turned to embrace Safy. As they drew apart, he complimented "You have beautiful eyes". Safy looked shy when she murmured her thanks. She tugged Abasi's frock like a blushing teenager and the trio laughed. The assistant had given the money to Abasi and she said thanks. John Ibori gracefully walked into the hotel lobby and towards the lounge with his assistant following closely behind. Abasi and Safy headed directly for the hotel's elevators. It was a happy Abasi who spoke first "I told you he will do something, I told you". As they disembarked the lift on the sixth floor Safy asked her friend "Are you sure of the particular room?" "Yes now it's actually Suite 3" she said. Looking down the corridor she pointed and said "That’s the door down there". On getting to the door, Abasi knocked gently "Yes, who is that?" A voice from inside asked. "It's me Chief, your shericoco" was the reply from outside. "Okay, hold on, I am coming" the voice from inside again said. The door was soon opened by a dark pot-bellied man in his late fifties. The bearded man flashed his tobacco stained teeth as he saw the ladies and said excitedly "Welcome, welcome! Come in ladies". He led them into the sitting room and continued "Sit down, relax, make yourselves comfortable". As they made to take their seats, Chief tapped Abasi's behind and said lustfully "My shericoco, make yourself comfortable. Order for anything to eat or to drink; this is Chief talking" Abasi laughed heartily and sat down. The Chief sipped from the glass already in his hand and continued "You ladies can start with the Moet on the table, it is all for you". "No sir, I can't do that now" Abasi pleaded "I have to leave soon, so I can go prepare for my tests on Monday". She paused and stood up before concluding "But my friend Safy here will join you". Chief giggled boyishly and went into the bedroom. Abasi winked at her friend who smiled back before Chief returned with a wad of notes in his hand. Abasi winked again at her friend and said "Safy, we will see tomorrow" "Okay, that’s alright" Safy replied. Chief put down the glass in his hand on the table and pulled Abasi to himself. The young woman was taller and the pot belly proved a barrier, but he still managed to nibble at her ears before burying his head in her revealed cleavage. Abasi who had been laughing, suddenly tickled Chief's sides and pulled away from him. "Chief, Chief, my friend will take care of you". The Chief smiled and pushed the money into Abasi's hand as he said "Here is twenty thousand for your transport". Hugging him tightly with glee, Abasi said "Thank you Chief, I appreciate." "I will see you later". She kissed the Chief lightly; and as he grinned from ear to ear, Abasi made a face and said daringly "Chief, I know you will take good care of my friend". "You know me, you don’t need to worry". "I will spoil her, that is if she spoils me too" he said as he collapsed his bulk in the settee beside Safy. "Ah Ah Chief" Safy said wriggling close up to the man "I will make sure you get the best of what you want". She pulled the Chief's beard gently and added "I hope say you no go run?" They all laughed, and Abasi then left the suite without another word. ©Amaka Chidozie Duru (2015) |