Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2061207-Amys-Gift-Part-2
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by BeeBoo
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2061207
A young girl discovers she has a gift and must come to terms with it.
I wake up. I'm in a room, tied to the bed. The lights are very bright causing me to squint.

There's music in my ears but I don't like it and I hear the hum of human voices in the background.

Where am I? I think.

My eyes adjust to the light and I turn my head around. There are toys, dolls and stuffed animals, on benches and a small bookcase. Animal prints on the wall.

On one wall is a full width mirror and I can "see" and "hear" the people behind it. They have noticed that I have woken and there are machines measuring my heart beat and vital signs.

I look at my arms, tied to the bed, with wires and tubes strapped to them.

What's going on? I think

"Oh good, you're awake" someone says over the intercom.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"where am I?" I demand.

"Somewhere safe, it's OK, just relax" says the voice.

Anger and rage fill my mind. The fight or flight animal reaction kicks in and my mind becomes very focused on the person behind the glass whose voice I hear.

Glass shatters.


I feel so sleepy.

What's hap.....

I awake again. I feel different. Still strapped to the bed, but the room is different somehow. I let my eyes adjust and see that the room is all white. No toys or animal prints. No table or bookcase. Just white tiling on the floor, walls and ceiling.

There is still the mirrored wall to one side but I can't sense if there is anyone behind it.

I move my head and feel that there is something on it, perhaps a helmet of some kind. I begin to tense up.

Another voice comes over the intercom "Good Morning, baby girl, it's your Mom, how do you feel."

Mom's voice. I begin to relax.

"Mom where am I?" I ask "and what's going on?"

Mom says "Just relax, it's OK, we've a lot to catch up on. I'll be in there soon."

There's no music and yet no headache. What's going on? I think to myself. How am I going to control my abilities without music.

"Mom I need my Ipod and earphones" I shout instinctively.

A door opens, outside of my vision and I hear two people enter.

"Hello Amy" They both say together.

It's Mom and Dad. I burst into tears.

"it's Ok, Baby girl, It's OK" Mom says as she sits on the bed and holds my head.

"what's going on?" I sob

"It's OK, we have much to talk about, but first eat and drink, you must be starving"

I notice Dad's holding a tray with fruit juice and something wrapped in plastic.

Mom undoes my straps that tied me to the bed and helps me sit up.

"Mom what's this thing on my head, it's very itchy" I say and move an hand up to scratch my noggin.

Mom catches my ascending arm and says " I'm sorry Amy you can't scratch you head for the moment. This is important. The head apparatus that you're wearing must stay where it is at all times. Don't scratch."

"Why" I ask

"Because it's muting your abilities"


" It's switching off those parts of your brain that give you your unique abilities"

"Oh" I say

"and one more thing we had to cut your glorious locks off to fit it ,I 'm so sorry" Mom Says.

'Come on, time to eat" Dad says as he places the tray on my lap

Then I notice I have Boobs and turn my face to Mom with an inquisitive 'What the' look on my face.

"yes darling, that's the other thing. When you first to this facility you caused quite a few problems." Mom starts explaining as Dad unwraps my food and puts the straw in the fruit box.

I start to eat and Mom keeps going " So the decision was made to sedate you until we could understand and modify your gifts and make things safer for everyone."

"How long was I asleep?" I ask

"just under three years" Dad pipes in.


"Yes and you're fourteen now, Congratulations!" Dad continues not missing a beat.

"But??" "Fourteen??"

"just relax" Mom coos "it's going to be alright"

"But MOM" I demand

"we had to do it sweetie, we had no choice, especially after what happened at the farm" Dad says and then suddenly realising some mistake.

"What happen on the farm?" I ask "Is Grandad and Nan OK?"

Moms face hardens up "No, Amy, they died along with a dozen or so other people. It was awful."

"I don't understand, what Happened?" I ask.

"You lost control of your ability.." Mom says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so SORRY MOM" I burst into tears an hug Mom real tight.

We hold each other for several minutes then I pull away still sobbing "I.."

"It's OK, Amy, They're with GOD now, it's time to focus on you" Dad says softly and Mom nods her head in agreement, still teary eyed.

"Can you cut this thing out of me? " I say totally ashamed.

"No we can't" Dad says "It's part of who you are"

"But if it's just in my head..." I say

"We looked at that, the doctors and I" Mom starts explaining again" but it seems that your abilities are not just in your head, they seem to flow through your body in someway and we just don't now where to start and anyway I just don't want to hurt my baby girl" she says wiping away the tears.

"What happens now?" I ask

"Well we have some good news on that front" Dad chimes in " With a lot of hard work the facility and I have come up with the apparatus that you're wearing on your head that let's us control, to a degree, what power the abilities you use have." "It's ground breaking technology. You see..."

"Dad and Mom, thanks!" I say "I'm so scared"

Mom squeezes my hand " Now the hard work begins. Now you have to learn how to control your gifts and maybe one day save the world while you're at it"

Oh Crap.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2061207-Amys-Gift-Part-2