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Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Fantasy · #2061130
Required Assignment 9 for NaNo Prep
Full Name: Demona Blackreaver
Meaning of Name: Demona means South. Her father gave it to her in memory of the land he was driven from.
Birth Date: Capricornus 3, 32
Astrological Sign and Details: Capricornus
Birth Place: Reaven Palace
Age: 41
Race: Elf
Hair Color: Platinum blonde
Hair Style: Long; straight; just beyond her butt
Shape and Features of Face: Heart shaped face with high cheek bones, full red lips, an aquiline nose, thin eye brows, and pointed ears.
Eye Color: Ice blue
Skin Tone: pale white
Build or Body Type: Tall; slender; curvy
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 135lbs
Speech Patterns: Sultry and seductive
Gestures: Elegant and fluid
Weakness: Desire for power
Special Abilities or Powers: Able to manipulate and conjure all five elements without using a Mage's staff. Able to use blood magic to manipulate life and death. Able to enslave the dead through necromancy.

Family and Childhood:
Mother: Unknown
Father: Darius Blackreaver
Mother's Occupation: Unknown
Father's Occupation: Emperor of Reaven
Other Close Family: Lady Brianne Blackreaver
Enemies: All those who sneere at the use of blood magic and who wish to keep Reavenians sequestered to the northern lands of Penterra.
Pets: The dead she reanimates and enslaves
Home Life During Childhood: Raised by her father and his counsel of Blood Mages to take his place on the throne of Reaven.
Town or City Name(s): Reaven
Details of Town(s) or City(s): A desolate, dreary place, spread before the palace. Home to the criminals of Adoren and Trellion.

What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like: A large bedchamber with a dark wood four-poster bed set on a crimson rug. The bed curtains and linens are also crimson. A Dark wood wardrobe sits in one corner and a floor length mirror stands beside it. These are partitioned from the rest of the room by a silken screen.

Schooling: Taught to read and write by a Royal Librarian. Taught the magics by her father and the counsel of Blood Mages.
Favorite Subject: Blood Magic and Necromancy
Popular or Loner: Loner
Important Experiences or Events:

First Anniversary of her birth; she is named successor to her father's throne

Eighteenth Anniversary of her birth; she ascends the throne

After the wedding of King Jarrod of Trellion and Diana of Adoren she seduces King Marcus of Adoren into her bed. Two months later she discovers she is with child.

Capricornus 27, 53; she gives birth to Brianne Black Reaver

During Brianne's sixteenth year she thwarts an attempt organized by Marcus to kidnap Brianne.

When she learns King Jarrod is seeking a suitable wife for his son Prince Matrim she orchestrates a plan using spies in the Adoren palace to pass Brianne off as Marcus's daughter and arrange a betrothal of Matrim and Brianne under Marcusâs name and seal.

Religion and beliefs: Worships the Great Spirit of Chaos and Discord.

Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits: Over indulgence
Good Habits: Committed to her goals
Best Characteristic: Strong; Dedicated; Disciplined
Worst Characteristic: Conceited; Selfish; Proud
Worst Memory: Reading Marcus's refusal to take her as his Queen and denying her child as his.
Best Memory: The night she spent with Marcus
Proud of: Her plans to take over the other three kingdoms of Penterra.
Embarrassed by: Her hopes of marrying Marcus
Strong Points: A very powerful mage in her own right. Intelligent and dedicated to accomplishing her goals.
Temperament: Easily roused to anger. Passionate in her belief of the superiority of blood magic and necromancy.
Attitude: Superior
Weakness: Desire for power
Fears: Being stuck in Reaven until she dies.
Secrets: Brianne's true parentage
Regrets: Not killing Gwen Maneherder as soon as she realized the girl would be an obstacle in her plans to marry Brianne to Matrim.
Feels Vulnerable When: She loses control of a situation.
Pet Peeves: People who get in the way of her plans.
Conflicts: Keeping Trellion's nobility unaware of Brianne's connection to her.
Motivation: Power
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Keeping the knowledge of Brianne's existence to limited to herself and her inner circle until she is ready to use her.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Wed Brianne to Matrim. Once Brianne is Queen use her to influence Matrim to invade Adoren. Once Adoren and Trellion become part of Reaven she will wipe out the populous of Bastion.
Sexuality: Bi-sexual with a preference for young women. She consumes their youth during foreplay and intercourse.
Day or Night Person: Night Person
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist

Likes and Styles:

{size: 4}Music: Dark evocative melodies that encourage the body to move in a seductive way.
Books: Tombs on Blood Magic and Necromancy; Tragic tales in which "good" loses and "evil" wins.
Foods: Exotic and expensive
Drinks: Wines dark enough to resemble blood; the life force of beautiful young women, especially virgins.

Color: Black and Crimson red
Clothing: Form fitting gowns, which accent her sexuality
Jewelry: Precious metals inlaid with onyx, rubies, and garnets
Greatest Want: To rule the land of Penterra
Greatest Need: Young lives

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home: Reaven Palace
Favorite Possession: Brianne Blackreaver
Most Cherished Possession: A large ruby which dangles from a gold chain; given to her by her father on the twelfth anniversary of her birth.
Married Before: No
Significant Other Before: No
Children: Brianne Blackreaver
Relationship with Family: Distant
Career: Empress of Reaven
Dream Career: Empress of Penterra
Dream Life: Ruling all of Penterra for all time. Enslaving all those who appose her.
Love Life: None. Sex is for pleasure and nourishment
Sexual Turn Ons: Being in control
Sexual Turn Offs: Being dominated
Hobbies: Playing with people like pawns. Toying with a servent until she is hungry enough to devour them.
Guilty Pleasure: Engaging in and witnessing acts of depraved debauchery, which inevitably lead to her devouring someone's life force.
Talents or Skills: Seduction; Persuasion; Manipulation
Greatest Strength: Her magic and allure
Greatest Weakness: Impatience and temper

Your Character's Life Before Your Story
Past Lovers: Every member of the Blood Mage Counsel
Biggest Mistakes: Killing while practicing her blood magic
Biggest Achievements: Reanimating the bodies of those she killed

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