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a retelling of the famous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Hamato Yoshi Almost everyone I know has either heard of or knows the story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Everyone is familiar with the crime stopping turtles that make us laugh. But everyone is not as familiar with Master Splinter and his story. Not a lot of people know he was Hamato Yoshi and that he was human. Hamato or Master Splinter is a martial arts expert and uses his y talents to teach four young mutant turtles so they can take down Shredder. "Brother I am practicing, leave me alone" said Hamato who was working on his martial arts which he took very seriously. Hamato's brother was there to drop off a package that was delivered for Hamato. Hamato did not recognize the name it was from. It was sent from Oroku Saki who was another martial artist who heard about Hamato and how great he was. It was a challenge. A challenge to see who the real champion is. At the bottom of the letter it said "Loser of this duel is banished." Hamato did not know what that meant but it did not bother him at all because he was so confident in his skills. He was sure he would win. "I never lose, and I don't plan on changing that." Today is Friday and the match was to take place at Oroku's dojo at nine in the morning on Monday. This meant Hamato had all weekend to train for this match. Hamato woke up on Saturday morning feeling great. He got out of bed and made his morning tea like he does every morning. He slipped on his fighting robe his great grandpa gave him when he was a little boy. Hamato walked out his door and ran to the beach nearby which was about 4 miles away. When he got there he did his normal workouts he does. When he was all done he ran into the water and took it in. Hamato and his older brother would always come to this beach to train, and when they were done they would run into the water and play like kids should. Hamato's brother does not fight anymore because of an accident which injured his leg so he is unable to fight. Hamato headed back to his house. On the way back he never ran. He always stopped by this small market to get his four tomatoes that he eats before every match. About one mile away from his house, Hamato was confronted by three men. Two of them looked like security. The man in the middle spoke. "Hamato, I am Oroku, some people call me Shredder. I hope you're ready." Then they walked away. Hamato just smirked and went on his way. Hamato made veggies and pasta for dinner. Then Hamato started to think about what Oroku said today. He started to get a little nervous which never happens. After he took a shower he put on his pajamas and crawled into bed. The only thing on his mind was the match and how great he would do. Sunday was meditation day. Hamato woke up drank his tea, and put on his robe. He walked to the backyard which was decorated well. He layed his mat down and began mediation which he does for about three hours. Hamato made soup for lunch. He always eats light before matches. Hamato is undefeated and he plans to keep it that way. "Hamato, quick come read this!" yelled Hamato's brother. Hamato came quickly to where his brother was. "What is it brother?" "'It's him...Oroku." Hamato looked at the front page of the newspaper that his brother was holding. The headline was "Martial Arts Expert Oroku Saki Challenges Local Superstar." Hamato read the article and quickly got nervous. Hamato did not realize how good Oroku was. "Are you worried Hamato?" "No brother, I should be fine." Hamato said with a worried look on his pale face. Hamato drank some tea and went to bed. He had a big day ahead of him. Today is the day. Hamato woke up at six in the morning to go on a light jog. When he got home he made a light breakfast and had his tea. "Hamato, no matter what happens I will love just the same." "I know brother, thank you." "We should get going though Hamato." "Yes I know, one second I need to grab something." Hamato went to the attic and looked for a special box his great grandfather gave him and told him to open it when he thought he was ready. Hamato was more than ready. He found the box and headed downstairs. Hamato and his brother walked to Oroku's dojo which was about two miles away. When they arrived there was a ginormous crowd chatting and laughing waiting for the match to begin. Hamato was calm. He knew he would do great. Hamato knew this match was to see who's best. Hamato had his brother in his corner. Oroku had the best trainers around the world in his. The match was about to begin. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to witness a great e between two great warriors!" the announcer yelled. Hamato blocked out all of the noise and began to focus. He took out the box which said "??,????"which meant "Focus, and be the best." In it was a black headband which said the same thing. Hamato put it in and stood up. Oroku stood up right after. "Okay men, watch the low blows, no biting, scratching, pinching, eye gouging." the ref said in his loud voice. "Shake hands." Hamato offered his hand to Oroku, but Oroku turned around and ignored him. "Ding ding!" The match has started. Punch after punch and kick after kick these two men were tired. Hamato seemed to be winning the whole match but Oroku would not go down. This is it. The final round. Hamato now knew in order to win he would have to fight his best. Both men had blood running down their faces and were breathing very heavily. Hamato landed a great kick on Oroku's ribs which clearly injured him. Hamato landed another kick on his other ribs which were even more injured. "Finish him brother!" Hamato went to punch Oroku in the face to finish him. Hamato's fist was inches away from Oroku's face when Oroku landed a punch on Hamato's face. This punch was not hard at all. Hamato went to the ground. The crowd went silent. "The winner by knockout...Oroku Saki!" Hamato's brother ran over to him to see what was wrong and why he was so hurt by this small punch. "Hamato, what's wrong?" "His fist, there was something on it. Something very sharp." Hamato's Brother went to go tell the ref that Oroku cheated and that he does not win. The ref confronted Oroku about this. Oroku's trainer hid the small sharp weapons Oroku used to knockout Hamato. "Looks like I'm the best around Hamato." Oroku said with an evil smile on his bloody face. "You cheated and you know it." "I did not and now this means you are banished!" Hamato forgot about that. He still does not know what that means. Everyone is clearing the dojo. Hamato is walking out with his brother and Oroku stopped him. "Hamato I wasn't kidding when I said you're banished." "What do you mea-" Before Hamato could finish Oroku took out a shiny silver can of green goo and poured half of it over Hamato and threw the rest of the can into the sewer nearby. Oroku and his clan laughed. Hamato and his brother ran home to get this goo off. "What is this stuff?" Hamato asked his brother. "I don't know but just wash it off and come help me cook dinner." "Ok." Hamato was not too mad about the fight because he knew Oroku cheated. "That Oroku guy is a real jerk." "I know Hamato he was just being foolish. Don't worry about him and his silly pranks." Hamato and his brother ate dinner and did the dishes. "I'm going to bed brother it's been a long day." "Okay Hamato, I'm very proud of you. Goodnight." In the middle of the night Hamato starting getting a really bad itch all over his body. He woke up and went to the bathroom to regroup and get a drink. He looked into the mirror and his face started to turn bright red. His skin started to burn. Something wrong was happening. He ran the bath and got in. The burning did not stop. Hair started to grow all over his body. His teeth started to change. His ears grew larger. The burning had gone away. Hamato looked in the mirror again and did not see himself. He saw a hideous rat. "Brother, come quick something has happened!" "Oh my, what has happened to you?" "I think it was the green goo Oroku spilled on me." Hamato went to Oroku's dojo to confront him but he was not there. He ran away. Hamato was embarrassed. He would not leave his house for weeks. His brother could deal with it so he moved away. Hamato was alone. Hamato made his way to the city during the late night and looked for a hiding spot to live. There was nothing. Hamato tripped over something in the street. It was a sewer. Hamato saw that it was loose so he opened it. He crawled down into the sewer and made his way through the tunnels. He came up on a large open cement area. He fell asleep down there. When he woke he realized this is where he would spend a lot of his time. Hamato went to his house which was for sale because no one could pay for it. Hamato could not get a job so he could not live there anymore. He took all of his furniture down to the sewers and made himself at home. A couple days after he moved in he decided to go for a walk through the tunnels. "Ouch." Hamato cut his foot which seemed to be a broken bottle. He picked the bottle up and examined it. He could not believe it. It was the goo Oroku dumped on him. It was still jalf full. Hamato took the bottle and threw it out of anger. He started to walk back to his "home" and then he looked down at his feet and saw something. He saw four tiny pairs of goo footprints making their way down the tunnel that lead to Hamato's home. Hamato knew these were animal footprints. He finally caught up with these four creatures. He picked all of them up and wiped their goo covered bodies up. "How come these four baby turtles don't have a mother or a father?" Hamato whispered to himself. Hamato knew that this goo made him go from human to animal, so this means that these turtles will turn human or into a mutant of some sort. Hamato decided to watch over these turtles because he knew they were special. He did not know what name them. Hamato a saw ripped up painting magazine and it clicked. "Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael...welcome home." |