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Regina and Robin come back from New York. I dont own any of the characters (disclaimer) |
They were back from New York, Robin, Roland and Regina in one car and Emma, Zelena and Lilith in the other after Zelena was safely locked away in her cell and the hospital Regina took Robin and Roland back to her house. She had initially wanted to give Robin some space because of what he has been through finding out his dead wife who came back from the dead is still actually dead, and this woman in front of him was Regina's sister was hard enough to swallow. But she's also pregnant with his baby and there is no clean cut way to solve this one, no spell or potion to that could make this problem go away, nope they had to really deal with this. So Regina set up the guest room for him and Roland because even though he said they would be fine going back to camp because he didn't want to impose, Regina wanted them close. She knew it was selfish but she didn't care she gave him some excuse about it not being an imposition and how they have already had a long car journey so she didn't want him walking all the way to the middle of the woods. She knew it wasn't the best excuse but she hoped it would work. After a few minutes he agreed he got his son ready for bed and tucked him in. While Robin was doing this Regina was getting herself ready for bed also except she kept getting distracted by thoughts of Robin and how upset and deceived he must feel, all the while wanting to go and hug, kiss, and comfort him, but she knew that he was delicate right now and that maybe what he needed was to be alone and process everything, so she decided against it. After she was in her pyjamas she went down stairs to check on Robin and Roland. As she walked into the room she saw something that made her heart melt. She saw Roland cuddled up against his fathers chest both of them asleep, both of them slightly snoring. She'd missed these quiet moments they had before everything got turned upside down. After a few more moments taking in the most adorable sight she had ever seen she decided that she should sleep too because she had her sister to deal with in the morning and she would need all the energy she could muster. So she made her way back up the stairs and into her bed. A couple of hours later she heard a noise it was quiet so she thought it was part of her dream, but then she heard it again louder this time, she realized that it was her door and someone was knocking on it. She arose from her bed. When she opened the door Robin was standing on the other side, they didn't say anything for awhile she just opened the door wider for Robin to enter. When he did he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in the crook of her neck. " I'm sorry" he said barely louder than a whisper. Regina knew why he was apologizing but she didn't understand why he felt the need to. " Robin its not your fault you had no idea who she really was and how were you to know" she says trying to offer some kind of comfort but it doesn't seem to work. He moves his head from the crook of her neck to look into those beautiful chocolate orbs that he adores. " but if I hadn't..." She cuts him off because she told him to be with his wife and to make things work, and yes of course she wished he hadn't but they weren't together and as far as they knew they never would be, he was trying to fall in love with his again and part of that involves sex. " you thought she was Marian you were just doing what any husband would, hell you were just doing what I told you, yes it ended badly but we just have to deal with this together we'll make sure that we make the best decisions for this baby and we will get through this together" she paused waiting for Robin to respond to say something that showed he understood that he wasn't to blame, but instead he just lifted her chin and pressed and gentle kiss to her lips one that conveyed so much love and apology. When he pulled back she asked jokingly "what was that for not that I'm complaining" he takes in a breath " I just admire how you deal with everything that life throws at you, it would be so easy to just give up and resort to going back to the old you, but you have this strength that makes me love you even more that I ever have because, I know how hard this must be for you yet again another obstacle on you way to your happy ending, but the way you are dealing with it is extraordinary and I just can't put into words how proud I am of you" her heart swell and her eyes become damp she blinks back the tears she know will fall if she doesn't. She doesn't really know how to respond she could say thank you but that doesn't seem enough. So instead she settles on the three words she has yet to say to him but has felt them for such a long time " I love you" she whispers inches away from his ear. When she's said it he draws back slightly looking into those gorgeous eyes once again. He was smiling the biggest smile she has ever seen on him which made her give the exact same back. They stood there for a while just smiling at each other when Robin finally says "I love you too and I'm so happy to be home" |