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Rated: E · Assignment · Other · #2059906
João (Johnny) is on a personal quest. He travels to Portugal seeking roots and vampires.
For October 2nd assignment:

Complete a character profile of your protagonist.

Include detailed information such as:

name: João (Johnny)
age: not determined yet, but maybe 20s would be best as that age group goes on modern day quests.
physical attributes: LEAST IMPORTANT This is an interior journey. Limitations may play a part... but physical descriptions even detailed ones must be vague enough to apply to anyone. The reader is asked to look in the mirror... not look as João as an object of a certain size, shape and color. Example: "I need to gain/lose weight" not "He's fat/skinny".
occupation: LESS IMPORTANT - not determined yet but not a writer and not a journalist to avoid confusion with other characters.
education: not decided, bright but not necessarily schooled, or if schooled... not into a career at this moment.
culture: coastal... west or east... estranged.
religion: LESS IMPORTANT - could be a mystery, part of the 'secrets' João must unearth.
family: LESS IMPORTANT - he's looking forward not back. Will need to think about this as it could add some tension... a couple siblings? A grandmother?
relationship status: LESS IMPORTANT - intriguing. Haven't thought of this yet.
personality: MUST choose a personailty type. An adventurer (7) must choose E/I N/S T/F J/P...
Note: I need to find at least 5 each for the folllowing:
likes: IMPORTANT meat
dislikes: IMPORTANT anything slimy, heat
Note: need to expand on these:
strengths: IMPORTANT close-mouthed
weaknesses: IMPORTANT distracted, close-mouthed (yeah... when to be open)
motivations: IMPORTANT to understand
desires: IMPORTANT 'happiness'

The point of this exercise is for you to get to know your character inside and out before you write your novel. If you don't know your character, how can you expect it of your readers? Flesh out your pre-story character in detail. Keep in mind that your protagonist will grow in some way during your story. Add the profile to your character database (if applicable.) For more serious character profilers, here is an optional, very extensive template: "Character Interview / Profile Sheet"

Agreed: however, my character must be well-known psychologically and obscured physically. This is the 'Way of the Vampire', a way handed down through centuries of distrust and obfuscation.

Have your protagonist introduce themselves to us in first person using their own voice. Brainstorm ways to make their voice unique. Add the introduction to your character database (if applicable.)

Thoom demured, "Why do you want to find vampires?"

— My grandmother keeps saying I look like one. I tell her I don't twinkle at twilight but she just laughs.

Thoom smiled.

— I like her already. What's her name?

— Rosa...

— Hmmm... I was called that by friends when I was younger. Soft as a petal they used to say... now my wrinkles belong pressed between the pages of a book.

There was something about that her laugh that disarmed João. Thoom seemed young and old all at the same time. There was a certain comfort being around her.

— Do you know how to find a vampire?

— No. Do you? João whispered. He was sure that Thoom knew something. He just didn't know what.

— Well. Don't get them angry! Better to make them laugh. If their fangs are freshly filed just politely excuse yourself without further ado...

Now João laughed too.

— I'm sure they won't want my blood! I think it's cursed. My grandmother says it runs in the family. Can't get enough iron. I'm always anemic.

— So... tell me more about yourself. João didn't like talking about himslef but Thoom seemed so kind... so safe...

— I like animals. As pets and on my plate. I'm a definite meat-eater. Wonder what dog tastes like? Anyway, I had a dog for years. Tippy was special. Felt like she was my shadow. And I like peas but not corn.

— Do you like fish?

— No blood!

— Portuguese eat plenty of fish. It's how they survived.

— Been there?

— A long time ago. Where will you go?

— My grandmother mentioned Lisbon and Porto but I want to visit the beach. She said some of her family originally came from the hills in the North East but tourists don't go there.

— True but you should. Yes. You should go to Mirandela.

— That's the place (how did she know he'd think later, much later).

— Yes, Mirandela. It's near Bragança, near Spain. Nowhere near the beaches or the parties young people prefer. Yes, go there. And if you meet a vampire, tell them you spoke to an ancient rose. Velha Rosa they called me once.

Thooms eyes looked distant.

A distant bell rang. João smiled.

— Thank-you. I've got to go.
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