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She calls herself Trouble. But her 'owner' calls her Troublemaker. |
Troublemaker Trouble was pawing at the leaves one of the trees of the house where she lives with her 'owner.' She liked all of the colors on the leaves. But she loved the brown, green and red leaves the best. There was a lot of leaves with brown, green and red on them in that tree. It was hard for her to pick which one she was going to try knock down first. The closest one was the logical leave to go after. But Trouble never did anything that was easy. That's why she went after the brown, green and red leave higher up in that tree. Not only was that brown, green and red leave toward the top of that tree but it was toward the edge of a long, thin, branch. Trouble climbed up the side of the tree very carefully. She almost falls several times before she gets to the branch where her brown, green and red leave was on. Once she got to that branch she headed for her leave. It was very hard for Trouble to get to that brown, green and red leave. Trouble was a cat. But she was a big fat cat. With all the running around she did it's hard to believe Trouble was so big and fat. Finally Trouble got to that brown, green and red leave. She almost fell four times getting to it. But she finally did. When she did Trouble started pawing at it. After trying several times, and almost falling one more time, Trouble finally gave up on that leave. Trouble started looking around for another brown, green and red leave that she could make fall to the ground way below. "Maybe one closer to the ground. One closer to the tree too," Trouble thought. Her eyes practically popped out of her head when she saw the perfect brown, green and red leave. Not only was it in the perfect position for her to get too, but wouldn't be hard for her to make it fall. It was about ready to fall on its own. Just as Trouble got to her brown, green and red leave she heard a door open and close. She didn't have to see who came out that door. Trouble already knew who it was. It was her 'owner' – Jaima. "Troublemaker, where are you?" shouted Jaima. Jaima was looking up into the trees in her back yard because she knew that was were Troublemaker liked to go to when she got out of the house. Which she did all the time. That's why Jaima named Trouble Troublemaker. Trouble didn't like the name Trouble. But she hated Troublemaker even more. She also hated being inside that house all the time. That's why whenever she got the chance to escape she did. Trouble hide behind a bunch of leaves so that Jaima couldn't find her. If Jaima finds her she would make her go back into that house. Not only is trapped in that house all the time, but her 'owner' keeps that place a mess. Jaima was a mess. But her parents was even worse. Jaima was right under the tree that Trouble was in. And she was looking right at Trouble. But Jaima couldn't see Troublemaker. That's because not only was brown, green and red Trouble's favorite colors it was also the color of her fur too. Luckily for Trouble there were a lot of brown, green and red leaves all around that part of the tree she was in. It wasn't the brown, green and red leave that was about to fall. "Troublemaker, I know you are up there somewhere. You had better get down here before I get mad. I'm already got into trouble because of you Troublemaker." "What did you get into trouble for? And how could it be my fault," thought Trouble. "I got into trouble because when you left the house you spilled your food and water container," said Jaima. Smiling Jaima then said, "Thanks for thinking so loud Troublemaker. I can see you." Trouble forgot that her 'owner' can hear her thoughts. But she wasn't too surprised that Jaima found her because of her thoughts. It wasn't the first time her 'owner' used that trick to find her. "Why do you think I almost shouted when I told you I got into trouble because of you? I did get into trouble because of you. But I knew if I said it loud enough for you to hear you would think something. And I would find you – again." Jaima finally took a breath before she continued, "Now get down here." She waited a few second for Troublemaker to either come down on her own or think something so she could find her. But this time Trouble was smart – and didn't think anything. And she didn't come down there either. "Troublemaker, you had better get down here now. You have to come down sooner or later. The sooner you get down here the better." Once again Jaima waited for Troublemaker to come down or think something. But once again Trouble didn't think anything. And he definitely didn't leave that three either. "If you don't get down here, and get down here now, when you do come down I am going to kick you into the next village." That was a lot to be said. And Jaima had to take another breath. Trouble knew that her 'owner' didn't mean it when she said that she was going kick her into the next village. It was another attempt to get her to think at her. Jaima was getting mad. Trouble could see that. She also saw Jaima start to climb up that tree. Jaima was only eleven years old. Trouble didn't want to come down. But seeing Jaima trying to climb up the side of that tree she had no choice – but to come down from that tree. The End? |