![]() | No ratings.
A challenge for me to complete within two weeks. |
a very Wodehouse challenge kiyasama@Writing.Com ROUND 27: September 15th - September 30th, 11:59pm WDC Time create an 'index' of your portfolio, listing each item under the appropriate genre(s) and categories. Remember that one item may fall under more than one genre and category. Task 1 - An index is basically an outline of something. Take, for instance, a textbook. Scroll to the back and you'll see an index. It shows you where to find things. Correct? For your challenge, you are to create an item, listing everything you have in your portfolio, but arranging them by genre/category. PORTFOLIO Contest Entries A Fond Farewell to My Best Friend A SHOWER BRINGS FORTH LIFE Asleep In My Bedroom Christmas Cat Dilemma Christmas Present Troubles CRAMP STORY: in letter format Dear Wastebasket Fireworks On Fertile Ground FLORIDA SNOW BUNNY "I AM" poem leprechaun who went to church looking forward to the weekend New Year Resolution: I havn't failed yet On My Way To The Bathroom SHALL WE DANCE? SMOKEY The Story Without A Byline The Writer's Cramp Means To Me Truthfully Benoit: never told the truth? Working Rock Writers Cramp Poem ========== DOGPACK BOW WOW GUEST HOUSE guestbook ========== disABILITY WRITERS GROUP pages/content disABILITY WRITERS GROUP disABILITY WRITERS GROUP BANNER disABILITY WRITERS GROUP CONTEST CABIN DWG RELAY RACE OFFICIAL INFORMATION Gray Team private sanctuary Red Team private sanctuary Time Managers private sanctuary Disability Writers Group: Gift Wish disABILITY WRITERS GROUP HISTORY disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN disABILITY WRITERS GROUP NEWS LETTER disABILITY WRITERS GROUP Questionnaire disABILITY WRITERS GROUP Signatures DWG: Badge Dream, We Dream Big! DWG B-DAYS & ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATIONS DWG Bank DWG Colored Pencils DWG CONTEST CABIN LOGO DWG Gossip Lodge DWG GROUP ASSISTANCE NEWSLETTER/UPDATE DWG: KNOWLEDGE TREASURE CHEST dwg line page divider DWG Log Cabin Image DWG main page edit DWG member main firstsignature DWG: MEMBER 2 MEMBER REVIEWS DWG Member Of The Month DWG News Letter DWG POETRY BANK DWG poetry Bank DWG Poetry Creativity DWG Poetry Forum DWG: PRAYER POWER IN ACTION DWG RAGE RAG, PEACE, GOSSIP PAGE DWG Resource Information DWG REVIEW CHALLENGE: FEBRUARY DWG: REVIEW LODGE DWG: REVIEW LODGE BANK DWG REVIEW LODGE LOGO DWG Shop DWG Shop Logo DWG: WDC COMMUNITY REVIEW REQUESTS DWG: WHY I WRITE; WRITING Q'S; MY WRITI DWG: WHAT'S THE POINT? Q & A DWG: writing challenge DWG: writing ideas and help 3X4 AUCTION CONCOCTION Bank Vault comissioned Special group MBs Commission Special Group MBadge Bank Construction:DWG Save auction examples ideas banners logos Log Cabin Edit HISTORY: DWG Badge Dream, We Dream Big! History of OSFAR raffle How To Review MEGA, MEGA JACKPOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE BANK ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE DONATIONS ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE TICKET Poet, Know it, Show it! Poetry Forum Poetry Creativity Image SAVE DWG: SAVE MY PREMIUM ACCOUNT SCHOLARSHIP FUND BANK Welcome To The Family Group: DWG What's In a Word? WIN: Special Commissioned Merit Badge ======= DWG RELAY RACE OFFICIAL INFORMATION: contest completed Gray Team private sanctuary Red Team private sanctuary Time Managers private sanctuary ========== education Lesson 1 Abbreviation Station Viv's Lessons ========== Items Savings Bank ========== Keepsakes, Special Gifts, & Treasures Reviewer Of The Month ========== Long Writing BOOK Book Ideas Dogpack Bow Wow NOVEL IDEAS: read,write,review,more2 do rewrite: UPGRADED MEMBERSHIPS SAFE PASSAGE TO CALM SEAS TAKING BACK MY LIFE Write right & News You Can Use My Promise ========== Me, Myself, & I (about me/my life) Bat, Post, and More Dogpack Handle Don't know yet Each Day ENERGY: chilling or boiling Freedom In Free Writing Gifted an upgrade ![]() Horror Movie I Lived Helping A Friend I Wish Lightning Strike Moving To Preserve New World, New Challenges Oh, No! PHONE NUMBER REQUIRED: you must… Reviewing: Why I Enjoy This Activity Seeing My Way STILL AROUND Truth About a Tooth Up Close & Personal Up, Up, & Upgrade We Three Where Am I? Yesterday, today, tomorrow ========== My Animal Friends Bella & Me Christmas Cat Dilemma CHRISTMAS GIFT Christmas Present Troubles Found: Stray Dog Skeleton Service Dog, Bella Shady SMOKY'S NEW CAT BOX We Three We three: God, Bella, and Me ========== NaNoWriMo Decision Made http://www.nanowrimo.or g/eng/user/848245 ========== Natures Natural Events Lightning Strike Recovering: lightning strike WEATHER OR NOT ========== PDG DREAM VOYAGE DREAM VOYAGE Revisited I Found PDG Treasure Mock review Mock Review Week 2 Of Service; Gift To Me: Imagery Poem PDG FEB. MEMBER OF THE MONTH POLL VERGIL'S VICTORY We three: God, Bella, and Me ========== Poetry ANNIVERSARY POWER POEM: prg FLORIDA SNOW BUNNY Happy Fourth Heart and Soul My Home Where I Write NaNo Flow NaNoWriMo Around the Corner Of Service; Gift To Me: Imagery Poem Pain Again PDG: ON THE FLY POEM PERFECT GIFTS 3R’s Rated: E · Other · #1822332 Poem dedicated to WDC writers and writing process. 3R's Rated: E · Reviewing · #1820007 Poem about reviewing: Reviewing reviewers challenge THANKSGIVING STORY To Write A Poem We three: God, Bella, and Me WRITING & LIGHTING Yellow YELLOW CASES My Day ========== Punctuation Station Assignments Found: Stray Dog Skeleton Lesson 1 Exercise Lesson Two Exercise: P.S. Lesson 2 WIR Lesson Three Exercise Lesson 3 WIR Lesson 4 WIR, DREAM VOYAGE lesson 5 exercise Lesson 6 Exercise P. S. Mini Lesson ========== Sigs and sundries dogpacksig ========== Recycling Bin ========== RIBBONS and THINGS A Fond Farewell to My Best Friend A SHOWER BRINGS FORTH LIFE disABILITY WRITERS GROUP disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN DWG Poetry Creativity I Found PDG Treasure SMOKEY The Simple Things In Life VERGIL'S VICTORY ========== choose one of the top ten groups on Writing.com (by size) and create an index of all the relevant group pages. Task 2 - Same as one. Choose a prominent Writing.com group. Create a list of all the group pages/items/folders they have. based on the information I researched I will also compile information about: WDC POWER REVIEWERS GROUP "WDC Power Reviewers Group" A listing of all our group members: "WDC Power Reviewers Group” A list of our Captains: "Power Docking Station” Our main group page and to record our completed reviews: "WDC Power Crew Bitem Magic Manual” Tips for new members and newbies: "WDC Power Reviewers Com Link” A place for members to chat and also, to receive the latest group news: "Sr. Captain Power Reviewers Newsletter” Our Sr. Captain Newsletters: "Power DARE Review Challenge” For all the latest details on the raid, check here: "Power's Anniversary Deck" A place to check out all of our member's account anniversaries: ========== A Birthday Forum: "Power Reviewer's Happy Birthday Forum" ========== A list of our 'Item Alias': These are handy to use because the {item:} tag number is replaced with a 'name'. Type: {item:power} for our group "WDC Power Reviewers Group" {item:reviewed} for Our main group page and recording reviews "Power Docking Station" {item:powershop} for our review shop "The Power Review Shop" {item:psrevboard} for our Power Shop Review Board "The Power Shop Review Board" {item:reviewme} for the ReviewMe list 1 "Review Me List for WDC Power Reviewers" {item:reviewlist2} for ReviewMe list 2 "WDC Powers Review Me List 2--10kbs & UP" ========== "The Lightning List” Give a little something back to our members: "WDC Power "Out of this World " Raffle" Our very own raffle page: "Tips for Writing and Reviewing" A Workbook for Writing Tips: "The Amazing One-Stop C-Note Shop" Send a cNote to someone on the "The Lightning List" : "Sonali's Power cNotes" E: Group themed cNotes - Thanks Maryann and Legerdemain for creating these! "Animated 'Fun' cNotes" E: Give someone a special cNote "Group Inspirations" E: Inspirational cNotes to encourage, thank and welcome group members "Maryann's All Occasion cNote Shop" E: Very inexpensive cNotes for all your WDC needs "Any Time C-Notes" E: Beautiful 450 gp cNotes, blank for all occasions "Teddy Bear Treasures" E: Large assortment of affordable cNotes for all occasions "Inexpensive cNotes" E: Blank 450 gift point cNotes - all occasions including your groups, send 3 for only 450 gps "THANK YOU C-NOTES" E: Show your appreciation of your fellow WDC members with a thank you c-note. "Occasions C-Note Shop" E: C-Notes for occasions such as birthdays, WDC anniversaries, congratulations and sympathy ========== Select a review from our lists: "Review Me List for WDC Power Reviewers" E: Request a review for items 10kbs and under! "WDC Powers Review Me List 2--10kbs & UP" E: Post your items over10kbs and not more than 30kbs here! Short stories and Novel Chapters! "The Power Shop Review Board" E: Power Shop reviewers- post your completed reviews here! ========== A collection of past emails, updates, activities, & results: "WDC Power Accomplishments" E: Collection of WDC Power accomplishments including activities and results ========== Links to help members learn: "Helping Links" ASR: 'Help Links' for Newbies and all other members who are still learning ========== Showcasing group member's items: "WDC Power Places" E: Links to WDC Power member items ========== Power Sigs to display in your reviews and emails: "Master Book of Shared Group Images" E: This is a gathering of most WDC Power Reviewers Images all in one place. ========== Sigs Donated by members: "Chipping in Sig for Power Reviewers" by Thankful Sonali Snail Mail! (301) (Chipping) "Bulbul Signature for Power Reviewers" by Thankful Sonali Snail Mail! (301) (Bird) "WDC Power Re-Mew Sig" by Thankful Sonali Snail Mail! (301) (Cat) "WDC Member to Member Sig" by eyestar- Go Raiders! (521) (For Member to Member Reviews) "Captains Power Sig" by Lornda (487) (For Captains: Created by: A E Willcox ) "Peeping by cat Power Review signature" by Thankful Sonali Snail Mail! (301) "Cat Out of the Bag!" by Thankful Sonali Snail Mail! (301) "Power Reviewer Sig Simbi" by Golden Autumn (182) (Cat) "Halloween Cat" by Maryann~We got this! (580) (Halloween) "Lightbulb Power " by Maryann~We got this! (580) (Power Lightbulb) "Power Color Bursts" by Maryann~We got this! (580) "Night Light Power" by Maryann~We got this! (580) (Moon & Clouds) ========== Power Shop Items Main Shop Page: "The Power Review Shop" E: The review shop where you can add the extra "Fire"! New: No Review Packages & Power MBs Order form: "Power Shop Order Form" E: Need reviews? A gift? Customized orders available. NEW: No Review Packages and Power MBs Shop Review Board: "The Power Shop Review Board" E: Power Shop reviewers- post your completed reviews here! ========== 'FAQ Page' to help with reviewing from the shop: "Easy Powershop Board Tips" E: Quick guide and FQA about the Powershop Review Board ========== Thank-you Forum: "The Power Shop Thank-you Forum" E: Receive a 'Power Shop' review from a friend or anonymous? Leave a message of thanks here! ========== Tag Template for Reviews: "'Power' Shop Tag Template" E: 'Copy and Paste' the appropriate package line into your review! ========== Reviewing Tips for Shop Reviews: "Reviewing for 'The Power Review Shop' " E: A few facts about reviewing for our shop! ========== Folder of Sigs: "Sigs for Review Shop" E: Our sigs for the shop--created by Leger! ========== Power Leader Items Our group page of Leaders: "WDC Power Reviewers Group Leaders" E: These are the captains for our group ========== Leader's Forum: "WDC Power Leader's & Power Raid Forum" 13+: A place where our captain's can talk and hold meetings ~ and handle shifts for Power Raids ========== Captain’s Policy: "The 'Power Reviewers' Captain Policy" E: Guidelines for a 'Power Review Captain'. ========== Captain's Duties: "Power Captain's Chair from Eyestar View" E: A Step by Step Guide to the WDC Power Review Captain's Duties! ========== Captain’s Daily Credit Info: "Daily Credit Duty Captain's Manual" E: Instruction for Daily Crediting of Reviews! ========== Lend a helping hand: "Captains Tasks and Missions" 13+: Your Mission, Power Captain: To seek out a task, and get it done. ========== Sigs for announcing group news or for the Newsletter: "Blue Colored News Image" E: Shared image for Power Captains (Thought Bubble) "Red Butterfly News" E: Shared image for newsletters, etc. (Red, White & Blue) "Dino and Fire News" E: Shared image for Power Leaders to use (Small Dino) "Green Butterfly News" E: Shared image for Power Leaders to use (Sage Bow) "Cloud News" E: Shared image for Power Captains (Kid/Cloud) "Daisy News" E: Shared image for Power Leaders (Daizy) ========== ========== Another version: WDC POWER REVIEWERS GROUP "The Lightning List" E: "WDC Power "Out of this World " Raffle" "Tips for Writing and Reviewing" "The Lightning List" : "The Amazing One-Stop C-Note Shop" "Sonali's Power cNotes" "Animated 'Fun' cNotes" "Group Inspirations" "Maryann's All Occasion cNote Shop" "Any Time C-Notes" "Teddy Bear Treasures" "Inexpensive cNotes" "THANK YOU C-NOTES" "Occasions C-Note Shop" "Review Me List for WDC Power Reviewers" "WDC Powers Review Me List 2--10kbs & UP" "The Power Shop Review Board" "WDC Power Accomplishments" "Helping Links" "WDC Power Places" "Master Book of Shared Group Images" "Chipping in Sig for Power Reviewers" "Bulbul Signature for Power Reviewers" "WDC Power Re-Mew Sig" "WDC Member to Member Sig" "Captains Power Sig" "Peeping by cat Power Review signature" "Cat Out of the Bag!" "Power Reviewer Sig Simbi" "Halloween Cat" "Lightbulb Power " "Power Color Bursts" "Night Light Power" "The Power Review Shop" "Power Shop Order Form" "The Power Shop Review Board" "Easy Powershop Board Tips" "The Power Shop Thank-you Forum" "'Power' Shop Tag Template" "Reviewing for 'The Power Review Shop' " "Sigs for Review Shop" "WDC Power Reviewers Group Leaders" "WDC Power Leader's & Power Raid Forum" "The 'Power Reviewers' Captain Policy" "Power Captain's Chair from Eyestar View" "Daily Credit Duty Captain's Manual" "Captains Tasks and Missions" "Blue Colored News Image" "Red Butterfly News" "Dino and Fire News" "Green Butterfly News" "Cloud News" "Daisy News” ========== based on the list I would do: #9. "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" 55 Reviews Given disABILITY WRITERS GROUP pages/content disABILITY WRITERS GROUP disABILITY WRITERS GROUP BANNER disABILITY WRITERS GROUP CONTEST CABIN DWG RELAY RACE OFFICIAL INFORMATION Gray Team private sanctuary Red Team private sanctuary Time Managers private sanctuary Disability Writers Group: Gift Wish disABILITY WRITERS GROUP HISTORY disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN disABILITY WRITERS GROUP NEWS LETTER disABILITY WRITERS GROUP Questionnaire disABILITY WRITERS GROUP Signatures DWG: Badge Dream, We Dream Big! DWG B-DAYS & ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATIONS DWG Bank DWG Colored Pencils DWG CONTEST CABIN LOGO DWG Gossip Lodge DWG GROUP ASSISTANCE NEWSLETTER/UPDATE DWG: KNOWLEDGE TREASURE CHEST dwg line page divider DWG Log Cabin Image DWG main page edit DWG member main firstsignature DWG: MEMBER 2 MEMBER REVIEWS DWG Member Of The Month DWG News Letter DWG POETRY BANK DWG poetry Bank DWG Poetry Creativity DWG Poetry Forum DWG: PRAYER POWER IN ACTION DWG RAGE RAG, PEACE, GOSSIP PAGE DWG Resource Information DWG REVIEW CHALLENGE: FEBRUARY DWG: REVIEW LODGE DWG: REVIEW LODGE BANK DWG REVIEW LODGE LOGO DWG Shop DWG Shop Logo DWG: WDC COMMUNITY REVIEW REQUESTS DWG: WHY I WRITE; WRITING Q'S; MY WRITI DWG: WHAT'S THE POINT? Q & A DWG: writing challenge DWG: writing ideas and help 3X4 AUCTION CONCOCTION Bank Vault comissioned Special group MBs Commission Special Group MBadge Bank Construction:DWG Save auction examples ideas banners logos Log Cabin Edit HISTORY: DWG Badge Dream, We Dream Big! History of OSFAR raffle How To Review MEGA, MEGA JACKPOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE BANK ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE DONATIONS ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE TICKET Poet, Know it, Show it! Poetry Forum Poetry Creativity Image SAVE DWG: SAVE MY PREMIUM ACCOUNT SCHOLARSHIP FUND BANK Welcome To The Family Group: DWG What's In a Word? WIN: Special Commissioned Merit Badge ========== DWG RELAY RACE OFFICIAL INFORMATION:contest completed Gray Team private sanctuary Red Team private sanctuary Time Managers private sanctuary ========== compile a list of all helpful references on Writing.com for a specific topic (it could be a genre like Steampunk or an item type like novels or flash fiction). Items to include could be such things as 'what is Steampunk', 'how to write a character profile', etc. The idea is not to write the reference material yourself but compile the list. Task 3 - Pick a genre. Like the example said 'Steampunk'. Create a list of helpful resources for someone who might be interested in that genre. So if I stumble across your item, I can go 'aha! Here's a one-stop place to find all things steampunk!' So you're to search all over Writing.com to find those necessary 'how-to' items. Do NOT list stories/poems. Just helpful writing resources. ========== REVIEWING—HOW-TO HOW TO DO A PRODUCT REVIEW! by tHiNg (783) Rated: E | How-To/Advice | #2052607 Step By Step EASY Instructions Using Amazon.Com & Writing.Com Caesar's Guide to Review Templates by A.J.Caesar - Julius Caesar (9) Rated: E | Educational | #2053163 How to make your own review templates. How I Review by A.J.Caesar - Julius Caesar (9) Rated: E | Reviewing | #2048568 My 5 rules Links for Help on Writing Reviews by Wordsmitty - We Got This (83) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1667011 Links to other writings around WDC that will help make a review more meaningful & useful. Setting Your Review Filters by Jace ~ We Got This! (559) Rated: E | How-To/Advice | #1543797 Step by step instructions for setting your review notifications to public. The Anatomy of a Review by Katzendragonz (108) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1564762 Write the best kind of Review! Crediting Reviews by Matt Bird - We got this! (144) Rated: E | Reviewing | #2027311 How I credit affiliated reviews. Reviewing Help - Fiction by ~A.J.Lyle~ We got this! (612) Rated: E | How-To/Advice | #1732806 Do you struggle with reviewing? Don't know what to comment on? Take a look, this may help. On Reviewing by Citizen Horror (48) Rated: 13+ | Writing | #1649210 Tips on Good Reviews and examples of Bad. Newbies and Seasoned Vets will benefit alike! Reviewing Items You Don't Like by BBWOLF is 6 Years October 4 (219) Rated: 13+ | Reviewing | #1761734 One method on how to review an item that you find hard to review. Giving Your First Review by Pat~ God bless Phoebe & Jack (713) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1768111 Step by step instructions for submitting a review--for begginers Creating Your Own Review Template by Pat~ God bless Phoebe & Jack (713) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1768127 Step by step instructions for creating a template--for beginners Rating and Reviewing, My Method by T.J. De Wahl (41) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1849485 The method I attempt to adhere to for my reviews and ratings Reviewing Poetry: Pronunciation by Liam (200) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1957490 In poetry - sound is important. Sisco's General Advice For Reviewing. by ~ Sisco ~ WE GOT THIS! (514) Rated: ASR | Reviewing | #1885180 My personal advice for reviewing, and links to all the writing and reviewing help I use. The Art of Reviewing Poetry by Dave ~ We Got This! (330) Rated: E | Writing | #1940007 A guide to writing constructive in-depth reviews. KRHolbrook's Reviewing Guidelines by KRHolbrook (17) Rated: E | Community | #1929622 Helpful guidelines on reviewing someone else's work Making Reviews Count by Pat~ God bless Phoebe & Jack (713) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1789679 What does reviewing have to do with astronomy? Guidelines for Reviewing by Pat~ God bless Phoebe & Jack (713) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1725553 A Beginner's Guide to Writing Reviews Reviewing by Jeff (913) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1637295 Advice on how to write more detailed reviews. Reviewing Tips and Information by Maryann~We got this! (583) Rated: E | Writing | #1892851 Ideas to improve reviewing are found in this newsletter How To Review by dogpack: DWG Gps Bella BDay27 (120) Rated: E | Community | #1834549 You can review; here's how to give great reviews to be helpful to authors. You can do it! Newbie Reviewing Guide by ~A.J.Lyle~ We got this! (612) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1780751 A guide for new members on what a helpful review should include. For fiction and poetry. Advanced Review WritingML Guide by Leila (61) Rated: E | How-To/Advice | #1826671 I will discuss some points about WritingML that many seasoned members don't know. SAJ and Anniversay Reviews Info by Pat~ God bless Phoebe & Jack (713) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1767508 Information on how to get credit from both SAJ and Anniversary Reviews Creating a Review Template by Kia kaha, Phoebe ♥ (773) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1764020 Saves you lots of time! Reviewing Handbook by Writing.Com Support (210) Rated: ASR | Writing.Com | #411411 A resource for all things reviewing. The Review Tool, Demystified by Nicki ![]() Rated: E | Reviewing | #1753780 A lesson on how to create and use WDC's Review Tool Templates Guide to the Well-Balanced Review by Nicki ![]() Rated: E | Reviewing | #1753766 How the skilled reviewer evaluates a short story or poem to provide optimum feedback Review Breakdowns by Jeff (913) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1709052 Pros and cons of breaking up your review into sections. Guidelines To Great Reviewing by The StoryMaster (641) Rated: E | Writing.Com | #818872 Writing a detailed review takes time. Follow these guidelines for best results! WDC Review Credit System by Nicki ![]() Rated: E | Reviewing | #1625613 Learn about Review Credits and the list of 100 Most Credited Reviewers WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF REVIEWING by Phoebe - We got this! (Nita) (146) Rated: E | Reviewing | #1581585 How to review poetry and stories Boost Your Credibility as a Reviewer by Nicki ![]() Rated: E | Reviewing | #1539401 Ways you can write a review that increase your credibility. The Khats Quick review tips n tricks by Aliekhat~Cyrus is here! (44) Rated: E | Reference | #1521830 A quick "How To" and resources reminder for meaningful reviews! ========== Choose a topic you know quite a bit about (or are interested in researching) and create a 'how to' guide. Post it in your portfolio. It needn't be writing-related. Task 4 - What do you like to do? If it's say 'Painting' - create a guide or how to for something basic. In other words, give a novice to the topic an idea of what it's all about, but in an easy outline/format. HOW TO GUIDE: outline How to live with an indwelling supra pubic catheter keep ares clean daily warm water mild soap special cleaner when needed regularly change catheter & drainage bag about every 2 to 4 weeks as prescribed by physician recommendation urologist recommendation irrigate catheter daily every other day or prn/as needed use sterile water or use sterile water & food grade hydrogen peroxide about 3% or use vinegar & sterile water unclogging catheter irrigate milk catheter/pull back away from insertion site or push in solution and then draw back on syringe or draw back on syringe until blockage releases or if catheter remains blocked/clogged replace catheter replacing catheter catheter insertion tray special lubricant/numbing gel/lidocaine if needed new sterile drainage bag steps for replacing catheter use gloves for all activities regular for set up/sterile for procedure when catheter has gel applied for lubricating insertion & sterile bag is unpacked and set to receive new catheter then Deflate balloon on old catheter gently remove catheter clean area with medical cleaner provided apply lubricant & if needed lidocaine Hookup new drainage bag to new catheter gently insert catheter until urine is seen in tubing inflate balloon to desired amount 5 to 10 cc usually when procedure is completed make certain catheter is draining properly secure catheter to skin or special protective device/patch apply to skin after using skin barrier if needed ========== Research different ways of crediting sources. Tell us about at least three different ways. Do you have a preference for one, or an idea of which you would use in which circumstance? Task 5 - You can ignore this one. I'm going to take it off the list as there aren't a lot of groups. So you have only four tasks to complete. http://www.princeton.edu/pr/pub/integrity/pages/styles/ basic component to Works Cited” or “References": title of the work being referred to the name of the work’s author(s) the publisher the date of publication styles of citation vary by: discipline professor’s preference I prefer the basic model because it is easier to understand, has straight forward and simple requirements, and is a good way to start learning about citing or referencing works. Some other more complex methods are: Literary Studies (MLA) Psychology (APA) History (CMS) Chicago style Biology: Citation styles in math, science, and engineering sometimes vary from journal to journal. Electronic Sources: author or editor (if available), title of the text (if different from the name of the website) name of the website name of the site’s sponsor or associated institution or organization date you accessed the site electronic address (URL) Many different styles have their own specific or official style manual(s) I would need more than 2 weeks to thoroughly investigate and research the various styles, their particular formatting, and any other requirements. I suspect that this is just the tip of the ice berg. ========== NOTE: The list I first used to try to determine which group to make a list of their pages. Based on this I decided because {DWG, disABILITY Writers Group was in the top ten, I would make the list. However further thought and research helped me understand that this wasn’t the right information, so based on my other research I choose the WDC Power Reviewers Group. I’m learning to understand the meaning of the information. Top 50 Most Actively Reviewing Groups... Rank Group Since August 24, 2015 #1. "WDC Power Reviewers Group" 1,672 Reviews Given #2. "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP" 883 Reviews Given #3. "Paper Doll Gang Rockin' Reviewer's Group" 187 Reviews Given #4. "The Dark Society" 140 Reviews Given #5. "The Newbies Academy Group" 138 Reviews Given #6. "The Talent Pond" 114 Reviews Given #7. "The WDC Angel Army" 98 Reviews Given #8. "Sisco's Good Deed Group" 83 Reviews Given #9. "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" 55 Reviews Given #10. "Showering Acts of Joy Group " 52 Reviews Given |