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Something I found in my Google Drive from when I was around 12. Maybe I'll work on it. |
The Forgotten Family This Story Is Under Heavy Development (I know it sucks right now but I may or may not work on it. Again, I found this buried in my google drive, dated from when I was twelve. Please review and tell me where I should go with it. Funny how my imagination was so weird back then. Thanks :) ) ______________________________________________________________________________ This is a story about two kids named Sam Parker, a kid with blonde hair, and Julia Marksman, who had longer but still blonde hair, but still a tiny bit shorter and a little less stronger than Sam, and they live in London (Best Friends) and have a horrible step mom. So they sneak out of the house and leave it. Now they are out in the wilderness and are alone. So they need to build a shelter and survive. ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1: The plan. Sam and Julia are best friends who live in London. Their parents died in a fire when Sam was 5 and so was Julia. It happened at a party that they both went to with their parents. Sams parents died that day, Julia’s dad died too, but her mom was seriously injured. But she did not make it to the hospital. After the accident, Julia decided to live with Sam, and with that Sam agreed. Sam was up already, but Julia was sound asleep. It was a Friday, May 26, and it was 6:30 a.m. Sam and Julia are both 13 years old. Sam was the one who gets up early with no problem. He was brushing his teeth and getting ready for school. Then he heard footsteps, really mad footsteps. Then he heard yelling. He recognized the voice of his step mom. She was yelling at Julia for sleeping in. “JULIA! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!? DON’T SLEEP IN! SOONER OR LATER IT WILL BECOME A HABIT AND YOU WILL MISS SCHOOL!” Sam felt bad for Julia. She was delicate and couldn’t stand being yelled at. “Mum! I’m sorry! I have a test today and I don’t get enough sleep! An-” “YOU ZIP YOUR LIPS MISSY! YOU’RE GROUNDED!” Sam heard his mom leave the room and stomp away. He then heard Julia cry, murmuring saying, “I hate you step mum.”. He suddenly thought that they needed to think of something to do with their step mom. Because now her excuses for yelling are for no reason. At school, Sam and his friends were in math class. Sam couldn’t pay attention. He was thinking of the lecture his step mom gave Julia that morning. “Sam? Do you know the answer?” Asked Mrs.Kable “Huh? I didn’t hear the question.” Some students started giggling softly. “Maybe you should just pay attention.” “Okay I will.” After math class, Sam and Julia were relieved that they had no homework. They now had lunch. That’s the place they are having their plan. Julia sat next to Sam and they started to talk. “You know who bothers me?” Sam asked. “Our step mum?” Julia correctly-guessed. “Yes. I am so angry at how she is ruining our lives.” Sam exclaimed. “I wish our parents are still alive.” Julia said as a tear came down her face. “I think we need to get back at our step mum. We sneak out of the house tonight.” Chapter 2: The escape That night, at 8:23 P.M., Sam and Julia were packing their stuff up. Money, food, drinks, tools, and other stuff. “Shh. I hear her footsteps. Quick! Hide it!” Sam yelled-whispered. He and Julia grabbed their stuff and shoved them under the bed right when their step mom came into the room. “What are you two doing? Aren’t you supposed to be doing your homework?” “We don’t have any homework tonight mum!” Julia whispered. “Oh. Well do your chores!” “We did mum!” Sam said “Well good! Your dirty socks were getting smelly. Dinner is almost ready. Set the table later! “We will mum.” Sam and Julia lied at the same time. Their step mom walked out of the room.” “I almost don’t want to leave.” Sam said sarcastically. The two of them got their bags out and filled the rest of the stuff in them. Sam was unlocking their window and Julia was getting some stuff from the bathroom. Suddenly, Sam heard his step mom scream. Then he smelled smoke. “Julia!” Sam yelled. “What?” Julia yelled back “The house is on fire!” “AH!” Another yell from the step mom. It was official. The house was on fire. “JULIA WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!” “I’m coming!” Sam and Julia went and climbed out the window and ran away. They just made it right when the house burst into flames. But they didn’t have time to care. They were never going back to that place again. They went into the forest, dodging all the trees. They fell down a couple times, but they came back up. But suddenly Sam heard their step mom coming after them. “JULIA! RUN FASTER! SHE’S RIGHT BEHIND US!” Sam heard their stepmom trip and scream. But somehow he knew that wasn't the last time he was going to see her. They didn’t stop running until they came into an opening with a lake. It was kind of like a beach, only it was a lake. Sam and Julia fell down and went to sleep on the powdery sand, both thinking that it was way more comforting than the sheets their step mom ever touched. Chapter 3: What Now? Sam woke up the next morning, as usual, before Julia. But he was hungry. He just hoped that he remembered to get food. He looked in their bags and saw they had plenty of food. So that was good. Sam decided that he and Julia needed a shelter. Of course, they packed some tools with them. He decided not to wake up Julia because he knew she needed sleep. He went out of the lake area and back into the forest. “Okay, need to find some wood. So let’s get started.” Of course, he brought the axe with him. He got the axe and looked for a tree. He found a tree, a normal tree. Only no nests in them or anything. Just a tree with bark and leaves with branches. He lifted the axe, and cut down the tree. But when it fell down, it missed him by an inch. But he picked it up and carried it away anyway. Back at the area, Julia was awake right now. Still sleepy, but up. They sat down on the tree that Sam had cut down, and tried to go over what had happened last night. “Okay,” Julia said, “So here’s what I remember, we climbed out of the window right when the house burst into flames, none of us are harmed, and what about our step mum? “Since when do you care about her?” Sam responded. “By that I mean, will she come to get us? She saw us leave.” “We probably won’t ever know the answer to that question.” “Anyway, what do you want to name this place?” Julia asked? “How about something simple, like, “The Lake.” Sam suggested “I’ll give you points for honesty.” Julia giggled. “Well, I don’t know what to do now. I got some wood. I’m guessing enough to make a campfire. Is that good enough?” “I would think so, but where would we sleep during the night? You remember how much I like to sleep right? And since that we don’t live with our step mum anymore, our only problem is finding something to sleep on.” Julia mentioned. “Well, who knows. Mabye if I were to find something soft and comfortable, we would be able to-” “Sam.” “Find something to sleep on, if only we-” “Sam!” “Had somewhere to sleep under. If only we-” “SAM!” Julia yelled pointing. Sam looked in the direction she was pointing and saw a small cave. “Thats, a rare way for a cave to be formed! Its like a house, just gotta get some stuff straighten out.” “Well, lets go check it out!” Julia said in her lightly voice. “Okay then.” Chapter 4: The New Home They then walked into the cave that was dug into a mountain naturally. “W-wow! Its beautiful!” Julia said.” “I know! And its like, the whole place is kind of like a house! I mean, this could be a hallway right here,” He pointed to a gap in the wall and went in it. “Wow! Julia! Theres a spring in here!” Sam walked over to the spring and felt the warm water in his hand. “This could be a hot tub. Like, you know. Our step mum never would've gotten us one.” He then realized, this is a better place to sleep than home with their step mom. A better place to live than home with their step mom. A better place to, well, you know, do anything. While sam was in there, he found another room. It had a opening to see outside, he figured that could be his window, and the room could be his bedroom. “I’ve never seen a better cavern than this, even on the internet!” Sam exclaimed. “Julia?” Sam called out “Where are you?” “In here!” Julia called back. Sam knew right away it was coming from that room with the spring. “Of course Julia! How can I forget you love swimming?” Sam chuckled and walked into that room. Julia was in her bathing suit. “Why don’t you hop in? Its niiiccceeee!” “Why wouldn’t I?” Sam said as he ran to his “bedroom” to change into his as well. He then hopped in with her. “You’re right Julia! This is comfortable!” “Since when am I wrong?” Julia remarked. “Well, you’re right... Most of the time.” Sam replied. “What do you mean “most of the time?” When did I say something wrong, Sam? I never said anything wrong from what I remember from my life as a kid. So what do you mean about “most of the time!?” Julia yelled. “Jeez Julia, you should be an orator when you grow up. Heh heh.” Sam joked. And Julia blushed as he was saying this. “Anyway,” Sam continued. “What are we going to do about school?” “You mean, going back to school? What day is it today again?” Julia asked. “Saturday. I think tomorrow would be the best day to plan how to get to school. Anyway, we brought our iPhones right?” Sam got out of the water and looked at his iPhone. Then he made a route to school. 537 West Ark Ave. 0.7 miles away from their cave/house. “There, I made the route. Now lets get to bed, it 10:32.” Chapter 5: School Issues They slept that night really good, so then the next morning they got prepared for the next day, relaxing, swimming in the lake, playing tag, hide n’ seek, and what not. They slept in the room with the pools of water. In which they decided to call “The Spa Room” because it was warmer than any other room in the cave. Because of the warm water. The day after that was monday. Sam got up at 5:30 am. He decided to let Julia sleep in a little bit, considering the fact that it only took around 5 minutes to walk to the school from where they are at. Sam got up. Hid a toothbrush in his pocket, then he started to think what to do with the place. The open, when wolves or coyotes can come in and become a huge issue. They still had that wood from the first full day. He got that and got the hatchet he brought along and used it so that the wood would be in the shape of a doorway. He got the hammer out and some nails and nailed them to the opening to their “house.” Afterwards, it was 6:05 a.m. Sam went to wake Julia up. He tugged on her arm. She woke up with a blast. “AHHH! I'M SORRY MUM FOR SLEEPING IN! I JUST N-n- oh yeah. I forgot. Oops. Well, now at least I’m awake though I am a bit tired.” Julia said. “C’mon, we gotta get to school. Its 6:06.” Sam informed. “Okay, fine. But for the record I am going to dip into the springs for a bit. That should wake me up.” Julia said and she stood up and dipped herself into the water. “Oh, I forgot to change into my clothes last night. I was so tired that I couldn’t think clearly. Oh well.” Julia said. Sam then realized that he had made the same mistake as Julia did. So he said “Oh well” as well. After they washed up, they changed into their clothes for school. Julia put on a red shirt and blue pants, Sam put on a green shirt and blue pants.. By that time it was 7:34. Sam and Julia left their cave. Sam talked to Julia about the door frame he made in the opening to their cave and about his idea for making a door. She agreed to it and they decided to work on that soon. When they arrived at school, Sam decided to tell Julia to not give away their home to ANYONE. SO in that case, Julia agreed and kept her mouth shut about the whole thing. At 8:35, math class started. Sam sat by his friend John, and they chatted until math started When it started, new kids came in with the teacher. “Class, today we have two new kids coming in to school today. They are Dylan, and Ryan. Dylan looked like a nice person, but Ryan looked mean. He gave everyone in the classroom a mean look. Especially Julia. But why? The two new students took a seat. Dylan sat next to Sam, who greeted him and welcomed him to the school. Ryan sat behind Julia. During that class, while Sam was doing his work, and helping Dylan catch up with what they had been doing the past couple of weeks, he heard a yelp coming from the direction that Julia was in. Every time she yelled, most of the kids would look in her direction, but nothing would be going on there except for Julia rubbing the back of her head and Ryan chuckleing. But Sam knows what's going on. Ryan is ripping Julias hair out when she is not looking. He did not like that one bit. After school, Sam stopped Ryan in the middle of the hallway. “Hey! Ryan!” Sam yelled. “What do you want?” “Leave Julia alone. Stop pulling her hair and making her look bad!: “Why should I? I like making girls look bad. And there is nothing you can to to sto-” Sam interrupted by punching him in the face. Ryan fell down. Right when Julia came in. She was there ever since the argument. “Come on Julia, were getting out of here.” When they got back they had a talk about their day. “Why did you hit him?” Julia asked. “He was ripping your hair out during math class. So that you would look like a fool. And I wasn’t going to sit there and let you cry with people thinking you’re crazy! So I had to hit him!” Sam explained. “Sam, what if he follows us? He might tell everyone about our place and we will be ruined with our secret hideout!” Julia said. “Oh, this is a secret hideout, eh?” Shocked, they turned around. And there stood Ryan. “I AM TIRED OF YOU MISTER MARTIAL ARTIST! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW, IM ONLY A FEW RANKS FROM A BLACK BELT! PREPARE FOR REVENGE!” Ryan yelled. “I only kicked you once.” “Oh, yeah. Right. Forgot. Well, anyway, i'm nearly a black belt and you're gonna pay! “Oh, I guess thats still unlucky for you.” Sam laughed. “AND WHY IS THAT?” “Because... I’m a 5th degree black belt.” “Sam!” Julia yelled. “Fight away from here! We can't have cops here and they will know!” Ryan was still in shock. He didn’t have time to react before sam knocked him out almost instantly. Chapter 6: Starting to decorate Later on, the police arrested Ryan for assault. But Sam was surprised to find out that Ryan was a top 20 most wanted criminal. Later that evening, Sam was in the cave with Julia. “Sam?” Julia asked. “Yes?” Sam replied. “ You-y-you never told me that you were a black belt.” “I know, and I’m sorry about that.” Sam looked around. Thinking about what his life is going to be like while living like this. He knows that he will make lots of changes to this cave to make it more comfortable. He started on that doorway and- “Wait a minute.” Sam said. “The doorway. I never finished it yet. I got to finish it.” He got up to go to the entrance to their cave, but Julia pulled him back down. “You done enough for today Sam.” Julia said. “Julia, you know that once we get that door up, we won’t be cold for the winter. “I know but, don’t get worn out. We got school tomorrow.” “Trust me I know what I’m doing.” Sam went outside to get more wood, because they burned most of the pile that they already had before. So he cut down some trees, gathered every branch that he found, then returned. It was really dark out by now. And felt tired. Somehow, unusually tired. He found it difficult to walk. He didn’t realize he had fell on his knees until he hit the ground. He tried to get up but he couldn’t. Everything was dark. He knew exactly what happened. He had became very sick. It started as a mumbling sound. “Smammmm.” He heard his own heartbeat. Everything was a blurr. “Sam!” He couldn’t say his words straight. He found it hard to talk, move, and do other stuff. Julia had to choice but to drag him back to the cave. By the time they were there,, Sam could see better, and talk better. “W-w-www-what happened last n-n-nnight.... Uhg, I feel sick. What about school? “Relax, Sam. Its only 3:23 A.M. Just go back to sleep.” But before she could finish, he already fell back asleep. But there was still a situation. Julia knew that Sam could not get better at the moment. So she had to make up an excuse about why he wasn’t there. So then she went to sleep, trying to think of an excuse. The next morning, Julia checked on Sam. She then got ready for school. Chapter 7: The New Member Later, in school, the teacher asked Julia where Sam was. She told her that Sam was sick. “Well, why didn’t your step mom give it to you?” (Of course, she knew about the step mom.) “She is sick too, so I had to walk alone.” “Okay. Thats fine then.” The teacher said. During lunch, She decided to get something for Sam. For his bravery. She didn’t do anything for him yet. But what should she get him? Meanwhile, back where Sam was, he was still lying sick. He checked the time. 2:30 P.M. She would be home in 25 minutes. Julia was walking home. Saying hi to the people she knew. When she reached the path, however, there lay, a baby golden retriever puppy. It was alive, because it began to lick her. “Aww, you’re so cute!” Julia was saying. “Did you want to live with us?” The puppy jumped up and down. Indicating that she wanted to. Julia picked her up, and brought her back to the cave. “Sam, I got something for you.” She let go of the puppy, making it lick Sams face. “Uhh what’s licking my face? Oh. Its just a puppy. Ok the- wait, what? How did you get here little guy?” “Surprise!” Julia said. “Julia, when did we get a puppy? I mean, when did you get it?” “Well, I was walking from school, when I saw it laying down close to here. Looks like its only a few days old.” While she was saying this, the puppy ran deeper into the cave. Looking around. Eventually it found its way into the springs. And jumped in. “Won’t he get dog hair all over the water? And what is that heavy water sound? I’ve been hearing it ever since you left this morning.” Sam was saying. “I’ll go and look.” Julia said. A few seconds later, Sam heard her say stuff like, oh my god, or whoa. With a struggle, he got up to see what she was oh my godding about. When he entered the room, he could see what she was talking about. Their cave, had an in-cave waterfall spring. “This is the most beautiful sight I had ever seen in my entire life!” Sam yelled. “Me too!” Julia replied. It was a huge room, about 50 yards wide, and 60 yards tall. They couldn’t see the waterfall very good, because it was so dark. They brought some flashlights along, and placed some on the walls. When they looked at the water, it sparkled. And, it was also warm. “I guess the puppy could just use that spring. Can it swim?” They already ran to the room, and sure enough, the puppy could not swim. Sam dived in, and got the puppy out. When he brought it up, he couldn’t get out himself. Because he was weak from being sick, he was lucky that he could even get the puppy out. The puppy was crying and whining, and ran away from the spring. Barked pathetically at it, then ran to Julia’s legs. Then it started licking them. “I think hes hungry, Sam.” Julia said. We need food for her. Besides, what should we name her?” “How about, hmm, I know! Lily! I hear that that is the a popular female name for a dog!” Sam suggested. “Okay, I’ll get some dog stuff from the store, you keep an eye out for Lily!” Julia yelled, already running out the door. When she got back, this is what she got: -A dog bowl -Puppy Chow (Credit to the people who made, please don’t sue. I’m only 13) -Leash -Water -Other stuff As soon as Lily saw the Puppy Chow, she dove right for it, because of this, Julia had to pull it away, and told Sam to put some into the bowl that she got. The puppy was whimpering. Possibly because it hasn’t ate in days. Finally, when he was done filling the bowl with Puppy Chow, Julia let the puppy go. The dog sprinted so fast, it knocked over the bowl in which his food was in. But she just ate without even noticing the mess, because she ate that too. Chapter 8 Later on, when Lily got used to living with Sam and Julia, it was more calm. The next day, Sam and Julia had to go back to school. (Duh, it was Monday.) The puppy decided to start sniffing everything. Julia thought that this was cute, and pet Lily. Sam was lying down, funny, as he was usually up before her. But she knew that he needed his rest, and left him with some blankets. At school, everybody asked Julia if she was okay, most likely because they heard about the Ryan incident. “Was he mean?” “Yeah” “Really mean?” “Mmmhmm” These were basically the only things that she was asked. Very strange yet simple questions, but they would do. She really didn’t want to talk about it. “Uhhhg” Sam groaned. He looked over at Lily, who was still looking around for any more food in the bowl. He realized: They had forgotten to make a cage. It was a struggle to get up. It must of taken him a minute or so to get up on his feet, and he needed to hang on to the walls or any kind of support. His vision was still unclear, and he stumbled around the cave, like a drunken Irishman. He grabbed the hammer, but fell down. His vision went black. He was shaken “Wake up!” “bmbi- e- w- wha- hm- what?” He turned and vomited. “SAM” “WHA, JEEZ!” Sam was startled. |