Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2057982-Shedding-Strength-pt-3
by Kadiro
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2057982
Soon-to-be high school graduates wake up in a strange place...
“What’s the matter?”

Zaeri’s head spun. The friends to her left had begun to stir as well. Although she was glad to see them move, she could tell in their eyes that they felt the same way as Cole. Lucille, the chica who had asked the question, knelt next to Zaeri’s childhood friend Rondrio and sat him upright while never taking her eyes off Zaeri.

“Cat got your tongue?” Lucille lightly tapped Rondrio’s cheek, hoping his eyes would open. “You couldn’t shut up last night when you threatened to hunt us down like you did Candice and Jayson.”

Zaeri glanced at the rest of the waking bodies. Johnny, Valeria, Isobel, Kayley, and Darren were all there as well… alive but each showing signs of pain somewhere on their bodies. Lucille was right. Candice and Jayson weren’t among them. Neither was Demarcus. What had happened to them? Okay, okay. Calm down, Za, she thought while inhaling deeply through her nose. She slowly exhaled the same way. So all my friends have turned stupid. Fact. I can’t talk. Fact. So how do I deal? Zaeri looked back over her shoulder. The sparkling water lapping against the shore was leagues bigger than Lake Harmony, and judging from the clarity in its blue-green surface, she guessed they were at the ocean. …which makes no sense. The cabin’s hundreds of miles away from the nearest ocean. So where the hell are we?

With her right index finger, she began writing the question in the sand. Isobel quickly ran over and kicked her hand away. Several grains flew into Zaeri’s eyes, burning them intensely while Isobel wiped away the message with her bare feet and backpedaled in the same breath. “Too close,” Isobel spoke hoarsely. “Remember, we can’t let her write anything! But we probably don’t have worry about her talking since Darren slashed her throat.”

Oh hell no! Darren did what?! Her fear and confusion steadily being replaced with rage, Zaeri leered at Darren who held his stomach and strolled past Cole and Kaia, heading for the grassy area. Her eyes narrowing to slits, she shook in outrage as a light breeze brushed the salty sea air across the shore. Come back here, you bastard! Frowning, Darren didn’t spare the slightest glance in Zaeri’s direction.

“Where are you going?” Kaia asked.

Darren didn’t respond. He continued his stride as if he knew where he headed. Seconds later, Isobel followed after him. If they knew where this weird place was, maybe one of them could be sane enough for ten seconds to fill the apparently huge gap in Zaeri’s memories. However, judging from their attitudes, that would be asking for a miracle. Her last hope was Rondrio. He still hadn’t woken despite Lucille’s efforts, but he was the most rational and understanding person she’d ever met. It doesn’t matter what happened or what I can’t remember. I know Ron will explain it. He won’t wanna kill me, and he won’t be mad. I know it. He just won’t.

With a loud howl, the wind suddenly picked up. Zaeri shielded her eyes but the strong gust hurled her into the air. In one moment, the world spiraled out of control. Her heart pounded. The cries of her friends echoed all around. In the next, her left shoulder slammed into the ground. The howling ceased. The voices left. Writhing in pain, Zaeri wondered how much more suffering her body could take before it completely broke.


A whisper. Did she really hear it or was her mind playing a new trick? When she opened her eyes, all she spotted was a cluster of weaving tree limbs and a barely visible clear sky beyond them.

“I helped you out this time,” the voice continued, “but if you don’t kill every last one of them, I’ll make sure you stay lost in this world... forever.”

 Shedding Strength pt. 4  (13+)
Soon-to-be high school graduates wake up in a strange place...
#2058395 by Kadiro
© Copyright 2015 Kadiro (kadirokapira at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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