Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2052786-Strawberry-Swisher
Rated: E · Fiction · Arts · #2052786
I plan on making this a web comic. What do you think?
Chapter 1

The Sun shines upon The Kind Fields with it's rays of warmth and light. Out in space, The Sun is in the center of all the planets; these planets orbit around this giant star as if were an eternal ceremony. The Sun forms an arm and a hand to reach for the Earth to give it a hand shake. Unaware of the kind gesture, the Earth stays still without budging an inch. The Sun's hand slows it's reach for because it is feeling offended and hurt. The fires from The Sun begins to blaze a frightening flame then swings it's hand to slap The Earth. The Sun's hand disintegrates one-third of Mercury and half of Venus on it's way to slap the earth. The Earth turns around at the right moment to give The Sun's hand a high five. The hand that was formed by The Earth is made completely out of volcanic rock and that created The Earth's biggest volcano.

The location is now The Kind Fields, Earth, where the sight of the newly created volcano is being crowded by a band of spiritual humans. These spirituals are uniformly dressed with multiple loincloths around their waists, chandelier shaped head gears with a lit candle on the top of these head gears, and distinguishable looking paintings that cover their entire torsos. They are all bare foot because the grass simply refuses to let their feet get dirty.
“There you go, all clean.”
“Need some help there?”
“Hi, how was your day?”
“Let you help you, buddy.”
These are common phrases uttered by the grasses in the Kind Fields.

The crowd of spirituals are chanting the words, “Holy birth, Holy birth, Holy birth”, as a spiritual woman begins climbing the very same volcano that was just created by The Sun and The Earth's high five. This woman looks to be in pain every time she places her hands and feet on the volcanic rock, perhaps because the volcano was just made.
“Quickly, before the volcano sinks into the soil, you will be banished the minute you fail!” Yells a common man from the crowd of chanters.
“You can do it, pain is simply an illusion! Wash away the fear in your mind!” Yells a common female the from the crowd of chanters.
The woman takes the advice (and threat) said by her fellow spirituals and begins to hastily climb up, dodging the various lava that continue to pop out. She moves to the her left because there is lava flowing out of the volcano. The stream of lava passing through has a bubble that pops and some of that scorching hot lava lands on the right side of her face (it even lands on her eye). She begins to scream with her voice of anguish, but with a valiant heart, she continues her climb to the top of the volcano. The volcano begins to shrink and that makes the crowd of spirituals anxious.
“Do not fail!”
“Press on!”
The volcano shrinks enough for the woman to reach the top with ease. She climbs up and grabs a strawberry shaped artifact and runs downhill with the distance becoming shorter and shorter. She then jumps down and lands safely on the ground while the grass begins to clean her feet. She lays on the ground as the grass begins to clean her and mend her burns.
“There you go, all better”, say the grass of the Kind Fields.

Her fellow spirituals approach her and while on the floor, the leader of the group makes his way through the crowd to meet the woman on the floor. She hands the strawberry shaped artifact to the leader who is a strong old man with a rugged beard, long loincloths around his waist, minimal paintings on his torso, and a small chandelier shaped head gear without a lit candle. The leader grabs the strawberry shaped artifact and looks at it with old, angry eyes. The strong old leader looks around the strawberry shaped artifact and tampers with it a little to see how it works. Suddenly the strawberry shaped artifact makes a click sound and slowly opens to reveal what's inside. To no one's surprise, there is a baby inside the artifact. The spirituals begin to celebrate and chant:
“Star Child! Star Child! Star Child!”
The leader smiles down at the infant boy and slowly hands it down to the woman lying on the grass.
“Hear me, Skadi the Spiritual”, he says,
“For your bravery and willingness for the ritual, I, Gautha, give you the responsibility of looking over the Star Child.”
Skadi smiles at the Star Child and slowly holds it close to her as if it were someone precious to her.
“What name will you give the Star Child?” asked Gautha
“Hmm, well his dashing, and young.” replied Skadi
The Star Child sneezes on Skadi's right eye which is now just a scar since it's been burned off.
“And quite bold...Ah, I know. His name shall hence be known as Swan Mess, The Dashing Young and Bold.”
The leader, Gautha, picks up Swan from Skadi to signal everyone the Holy birth of the Star Child.
“Everyone! The Star Child, Swan Mess!”, shouts Gautha as he holds up the Star Child for every spiritual around to see it. They cheer for Swan Mess with all they have for this is the start of a beautiful future.
© Copyright 2015 Sandro Benetti (swanmess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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