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Alex, a teenager who experiences life and its surprises... |
Int. emily's room- day The clock strikes 7am as an alarm goes off. The song 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson plays. Emily stirs and opens her eyes. She throws off her blanket and jumps out of bed. Then she goes to wash up and puts her uniform on. INT. ALEX'S HOME, KITCHEN- DAY Victoria and Mrs. Ward prepare breakfast together. Emily comes skipping in with her bag. She sits at the counter. MRS. WARD Well look who's all dressed and ready! VICTORIA Morning, honey. You're quick. EMILY Its the first day of school. Can't wait to see all my friends! MRS. WARD And nothing better to start the day than a hearty breakfast. Mrs. Ward hands a plate of eggs, bacon and toast to Emily. Victoria brings over a glass of milk. Alex enters. VICTORIA Morning Alex, come and grab a plate. Alex sits next to Emily as Mrs. Ward gives him a plate of food. Victoria also gives him a glass of milk. ALEX Where's Dad? VICTORIA He's already at the bakery. You know since school starts again. Victoria and Mrs. Ward then join them at the counter with their plates and cups coffee. VICTORIA (CONT'D) So, Alex. Literature huh? ALEX Yeah, surprised? MRS. WARD Indeed. We always thought you'd be a veterinarian since you loved animals so much. VICTORIA And I'm sure Muffin would have wanted you to be one. ALEX Me too but my Math sucks...so yeah. EMILY I'm full! Victoria looks at Emily's plate. VICTORIA You've barely eaten! EMILY I'm too excited to eat! MRS. WARD But still you should eat more. You're going to be catching up with your friends and you need all the energy you can get. You don't want to be feeling tired and weak, do you? EMILY Oh OK. Emily takes a bite of her toast. Ext. yat sen primary classrooms- day Victoria and Emily go in search for the right classroom. Victoria stops outside one and runs her finger down the list. Finding nothing, they move to the next one. Victoria checks the list and then exclaims. VICTORIA Ah, here you are. They both enter the classroom and are greeted by the teacher. teacher Bula! Welcome to Class 5K. I'm Mrs. Koroi. VICTORIA Bula, I'm Victoria Tiko and this is my daughter, Emily. Mrs. Koroi bends down. Mrs. koroi Hello, Emily! EMILY (shyly) Hello. Mrs. Koroi draws to full height. MRS. KOROI You can go and take a seat, dear. VICTORIA Goodbye sweetheart. Have a good day, see you after school. EMILY Bye, Mom. Emily goes to a seat and settles in, greeting her friends. Int. bakery- day Charles is manning the counter. Mark enters. MARK Hello, Mr. Tiko. Charles looks up from his newspaper. CHARLES Mark! What are you doing here? MARK To buy your pies of course. I always get it from here. CHARLES Really? Which ones do you want? MARK The chicken and the mince ones. Charles moves to pack them and gives it to Mark. CHARLES There you go. Mark receives it and hands over some money. MARK Here. CHARLES Oh no, you don't have to. MARK Huh? CHARLES You're Alex's friend and any friend of his is mine too. MARK Mr. Tiko, you don't have to-- CHARLES Enough now, Mark. I won't accept it. MARK You're making me feel bad. CHARLES Don't be silly. MARK Well, thank you very much. CHARLES Don't mention it. Where you off to? MARK Work, at McDonalds. CHARLES That's good. Has your Dad gone back to work yet? MARK No, but he got a job as a guard at Damodar City. CHARLES Excellent, excellent. I was going to offer him a job here. MARK That's very kind of you. Anyway, I have to go. Thanks again. Charles nods and watches Mark leave. Ext. nasese walkway- day Alex is walking with Muffin. As he draws closer to a bench shelter, he sees someone. ALEX Mrs. Evergreen! What are you doing here? MRS. EVERGREEN Hello, Alex. Just getting some fresh air. ALEX I see. MRS. EVERGREEN Would you like to sit? Mrs. Evergreen pats the space beside her. Alex sits down. MRS. EVERGREEN (cont'd) Taking Muffin for a walk? ALEX Yeah. MRS. EVERGREEN Here, Muffin. Mrs. Evergreen rubs Muffin. MRS. EVERGREEN (CONT'D) I had a dog once. She gave birth to a litter of pups. A week later she was run down. ALEX Oh no. What happened to her puppies? MRS. EVERGREEN I surrendered them to SPCA. They were all adopted to homes when I checked on them a month later. ALEX That's a happy ending to a sad event. MRS. EVERGREEN Yes. Happy indeed. ALEX Would you want to get another dog? Since you live alone. Even Ms. Rose has two cats. MRS. EVERGREEN No, I don't have the energy to keep up with one. Besides, I can come visit Muffin. Mrs. Evergreen chuckles as she continues to rub Muffin who seems to be enjoying the attention. MRS. EVERGREEN (CONT'D) I visited Ms. Rose the other day. Have you ever been inside her house? One thing's for sure, she's one crazy cat lady! ALEX No, but I can tell by the way she's always with her cats. MRS. EVERGREEN She's a weird one, that Ms. Rose. ALEX You think so too? But Dad said we shouldn't be judging people. MRS. EVERGREEN He's probably right. Mrs. Evergreen smiles at Alex with a mysterious look in her eyes. Int. alex's home- day Alex and Muffin enter and Muffin runs off. Alex goes through the mail in his hands and stops when he sees one from USP. He takes it and sets the others down on the hallway table. Opening it, he takes the letter out, unfolds it and reads. Suddenly he squeals in delight and runs into the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN- DAY Mrs. Ward is putting icing on a cake with a piping bag, in full concentration. Alex runs in yelling, startling her who smudges the words she was carefully icing out. ALEX I got in! I got in! MRS. WARD What's the commotion about? ALEX I got into USP! MRS. WARD Of course you'd get in dear. No doubt about that. ALEX Sorry, did I disturb you? Alex looks at the smudged word on the cake. MRS. WARD Well, as you can see. Its alright, it can be fixed. Not the end of the world. Mrs. Ward gets back to work with the piping bag. Alex looks at the word she is fixing. ALEX Congratulations? Is this for me? MRS. WARD Well, in the beginning, no. Its for Emily's return to school. But with your good news, its now yours too. Besides, how could it have been for you? I'm not some fortune teller! They both laugh. INT. KITCHEN- NIGHT Everyone is gathered. Alex is doing the dishes, Emily wipes the table while Mrs. Ward brings the cake out of the fridge, carrying it to the table. Victoria pours out juice into cups while Charles gets some plates and forks. VICTORIA Alex, hurry! Cake is waiting for you! ALEX Nearly done. EMILY Wow, its looks so nice! MRS. WARD Wait till you taste it, might knock your socks off! They all laugh. Alex joins them. Charles is busy setting up the camera. CHARLES OK, the camera's ready! The others hurry into position. Emily and Mrs. Ward hold up the cake, Victoria is beside Emily with her arm around her and Alex carries Muffin beside Mrs. Ward. CHARLES (CONT'D) Vicky, could you squeeze in a bit. I'll stand there. Right, on five! Big smiles, guys! Charles clicks on the camera and runs to stand beside Victoria. VICTORIA Everyone say 'Back to school'. Everyone says the phrase as the camera flashes. Charles goes to check the photo with Victoria following him. CHARLES Good job, everyone. This is a beautiful photo. VICTORIA We should have this enlarged, printed and framed. Victoria looks around the kitchen. She goes to the wall near the garden door. VICTORIA This is a good spot. I'll have it done tomorrow. EMILY Let's eat already! Everyone laughs. EXT. USP, BUS BAY- DAY Alex sits on the bench going through his timetable on a sheet of paper. ALEX My first class is a lecture in 019-101, at 2. Then another one at 4 in 010-111. Alex then puts it away and gets up, walking into campus. Int. book centre- day It is crowded with students. Alex is going around looking for his books. He finds one and reads the cover. ALEX 'An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory'. Alex turns to the back and looks at the price. ALEX (CONT'D) $115??!! Gosh...gonna have to get you later. He flips through it and then puts it back on the shelf. EXT. near fale- day Alex walks back and forth the area, searching. Frustrated, he approaches someone. ALEX Excuse me, could you tell me where this room is? Alex shows his timetable to the person. person Oh, that's the dungeons. ALEX The what? PERSON Follow me. Alex follows the person and they go down a flight of stairs into a dark area. The person points to a room. PERSON Its here. ALEX Oh, now I see why its called the dungeon. PERSON Yeah, wait till you have a class in the fridge. ALEX (confused) The fridge? PERSON Its another lecture room not far from here. I bet you can guess why its called that. They both laugh. Alex thanks the person and he enters the room. Int. lecture room- day The room is half full. Alex sits in the middle, gets his notepad and pencil out, setting them on the table. He looks around as more students enter. His phone then gives a message sound and he takes it out to check. Its a text from Mark. MARK (VOICE OVER) Hey, Alex. All best for your first day! Might bump into you around campus, haha. Alex laughs at the message and is texting a reply when the lecturer walks in. He puts his phone away, looks up and stares in shock at the person standing in front. Its Claire. She too, is surprised to see him. Claire Good afternoon, all. Welcome to LL100 Comparative Literature. I'm Claire Waisale and I'll be your lecturer for this course. INT. Lecture room- day (later) As the class ends and everyone leaves, Alex stays in his seat, waiting. When he is left alone with Claire, he gets up and goes to her. ALEX Claire-- CLAIRE Alex, you can't call me that. Its Ms. Waisale. ALEX You're teaching here? Why didn't you tell me? CLAIRE Yes, as you've just seen...I've been busy lately. ALEX Is that why you haven't been online? I missed our chats. CLAIRE I have to go. Claire gathers up her things and starts to go out the door. Alex grabs her elbow and stands in front of her. ALEX Why are you acting like this? CLAIRE Like what? ALEX Different. You don't seem like yourself. CLAIRE Things have changed, Alex. We can't be like how we were. ALEX But we're friends. CLAIRE No, Alex. I'm your teacher and that's all I'll ever be to you. ALEX (desperate) Why don't we talk about this properly? Do you want to get coffee? CLAIRE I'm sorry, I have to go. Claire leaves with Alex staring after her. Int. another lecture room- day Alex sits with a faraway look on his face. The lecturer is taking the class register. He calls Alex but he doesn't seem to hear him. lecturer Alex Tiko? Is there a Mr. Tiko here? Alex? Are you here? Alex snaps out of his reverie and looks around. He puts his hand up. ALEX Here. LECTURER Right. Please pay attention in class, Alex. Alex smiles sheepishly and nods. INT. ALEX'S HOME- DAY Alex enters and is greeted by Muffin. He rubs her. ALEX Hey, Muffin. He then goes to the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN- DAY Mrs. Ward sits at the table with a newspaper and a pen. Alex joins her. ALEX What are you doing? MRS. WARD Crossword puzzle. How was your first day? ALEX It was...fine. Mrs. Ward sensing something, looks up. MRS. WARD What's wrong? ALEX Huh? MRS. WARD I can hear it in your voice. Something's up. Out with it. ALEX Its nothing. MRS. WARD Are you sure? ALEX Well, its just that... Mrs. Ward encourages Alex with a concerned look. ALEX (CONT'D) Its Claire. She's my... (beat) ...lecturer. MRS. WARD Oh... ALEX Yeah. MRS. WARD It must have been awkward. ALEX It was. MRS. WARD So, what happened? ALEX I waited after class to talk to her. She didn't seem like the Claire I knew. MRS. WARD Maybe because of the circumstances, she couldn't. ALEX Now its gone from crush on friend to crush on teacher. MRS. WARD Everyone's had crushes on their teachers before. Nothing odd about it. I remember in my school days I had one on my Math teacher. Goodness, was he a handsome lad! Mrs. Ward giggles at the memory. ALEX But its different for me. I doubt you talked to him about stuff you liked or did. Or meet and hang out. And chat until you had to go sleep. MRS. WARD I see where you're coming from. ALEX I'll be in my room if you need me. Alex gets up and leaves. Mrs. Ward stares after him sadly. Ext. yat sen primary, bus stop benches- day Victoria sits on the bench and waits. She watches the children playing, parents with their children and cars coming in and out of the school compound. She then hears someone calling her. EMILY Mom!! Victoria looks ahead and sees Emily running towards her. She stands and stretches out her arms as Emily hugs her. She looks down at her. VICTORIA Hi, honey. How was your day? Emily looks up. EMILY It was great! I like Mrs. Koroi, she's fun. VICTORIA That's great. EMILY Can we go get ice cream? Int. office- day Claire sits at her table, both hands folded under her chin. She stares at her computer screen. She is on Alex's Facebook profile. She then moves the mouse. The cursor goes to the 'friends' tab and an option list drops down. She goes to the 'unfriend' option and clicks. INT. ALEX'S HOME, KITCHEN- NIGHT Everyone is having dinner. The family picture is now up on the wall. Charles looks at it proudly. CHARLES Aren't we a beautiful family! Thanks to my photography skills. VICTORIA Pfft, what skills? You just pushed a button! CHARLES (smugly) That's just it. I had the skills to properly push the button! Everyone laughs. VICTORIA Alex, how was your first day? Mrs. Ward looks at Alex. ALEX OK. VICTORIA Anything interesting or exciting happened? ALEX No, just had introductions and stuff. Alex uses his fork to poke at his food. CHARLES Alex, are you OK? You seem preoccupied. ALEX Just trying to get used to uni life and all. May I be excused? Victoria looks at Alex's plate, still full. VICTORIA You haven't finished your food yet. ALEX I don't feel hungry. VICTORIA What did you have that made you full? Alex looks down at his plate. ALEX Nothing... VICTORIA So why-- MRS. WARD Victoria, we can't force him to eat if he has no appetite. He's not a child anymore. VICTORIA I suppose you're right. I'll leave it in the fridge for you to heat up when you do feel hungry. ALEX Thanks, Mom. Alex looks at Mrs. Ward and smiles gratefully then leaves. VICTORIA Did something happen to him? MRS. WARD I think its just the hormones kicking in. Victoria looks back at Alex, with a worried look. INT. ALEX'S ROOM- NIGHT Alex lies on his recliner out on the balcony, listening to his iPod. Muffin lies next to him. Alex dangles one hand down to rub Muffin. He stares at the stars and suddenly sees one shooting across the sky. ALEX A shooting star! He scrambles up, takes off his earphones and closes his eyes. ALEX (CONT'D) I wish that Claire and I will not be separated. I wish we can be together forever. Alex opens his eyes and smiles. INT. MARK'S HOME, kitchen- NIGHT Mark and his Dad are having dinner at the table. MARK'S DAD Do you need money to buy your books? MARK I don't want to buy it. Very expensive. I'll try to read it in the library or photocopy necessary pages. MARK'S DAD You sure? I can give you the money, if your wages are not enough. MARK Its fine, Dad. MARK'S DAD Anything new with you? Got a girlfriend yet? You can get one if you want, you're an adult now. MARK No, I don't have any. MARK'S DAD Why not? You're not that bad looking, you do well in school and you even work part-time. What's not to like? MARK I'm not their...type. MARK'S DAD What do you mean? MARK Nothing. INT. ALEX'S ROOM- NIGHT Alex is trying to sleep. He tosses and turns. A text message arrives on his phone. Reaching out for it, he sits up and checks it. Its from Claire. CLAIRE (voice-over) Alex, meet me tomorrow after class at the rugby field. Alex puts his phone down, lays down and stares at the ceiling. Ext. usp, rugby field- day Alex is walking out on the field, looking around. He looks up and sees dark clouds rolling in. He then spots Claire under the tree and goes in that direction. As he approaches, Claire turns around. CLAIRE Thanks for coming, Alex. ALEX What's this about? CLAIRE I have to tell you something. I don't know how to do this... ALEX Tell me. Claire looks up at the sky as if searching for the right words. Then she looks at Alex. CLAIRE It was great meeting you. I enjoyed getting to know you, hanging out and being your friend. But now, things have changed. I'm your teacher and you, my student. ALEX What are you trying to say? CLAIRE What I'm trying to say is that... (beat) ...I want you to forget everything. Erase all your memories of me. Pretend that you never knew me. ALEX Why should I? We're not doing anything wrong! CLAIRE It is wrong and inappropriate. I can't let anything happen any further. ALEX You're breaking up with me? CLAIRE We weren't even together to begin with. ALEX But it felt like we were. Why are you doing this to me? You're the first girl I ever liked! CLAIRE I'm sorry but you know why. There are boundaries to be kept and I intend to keep it that way. ALEX I'll take another course. No! I'll go to FNU! CLAIRE No, Alex. Don't do anything you'll regret. Why are you being difficult? Please don't make this any harder than it should be. ALEX Its because...its just that...I'm...I'm in love with you! Claire's face widens in shock. Alex moves closer to her. ALEX (CONT'D) And I know that deep inside you feel the same for me. Don't deny it. I can feel it. CLAIRE I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way. And I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I might have. ALEX Claire, don't do this. Can't you see how I'm throwing myself at you? I love you! CLAIRE Its not love, Alex. Its just an infatuation that you'll soon get over with. ALEX (shaking his head) No...no... CLAIRE Yes. Yes. And I'm much older than you. ALEX (upset) I don't care! I don't! Why did you have to take this job? CLAIRE It was an opportunity I couldn't miss. And I won't jeopardize it over something like this. It begins to drizzle. CLAIRE I have to go. ALEX No, wait. Alex holds her hand and puts it over his heart. ALEX (CONT'D) You're breaking my heart. Can't you feel it? Can't you feel how it beats for you? CLAIRE Enough, stop it. You're going too far. ALEX I gave you my heart Claire. CLAIRE (coldly) I didn't ask for it. Claire removes her hand from his grasp and leaves. The rain gets heavier and Claire runs off the field. Alex stands there, staring after her. Tears run down his face. THE END. |