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A bunch of fun and random facts involving the interactive adventure. |
WARNING: This contains spoilers. If you do not want to have certain plots spoiled, then leave and come back when you are caught up. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Are you gone? Because if you're not, Garret kills Desire to save her from Sitchol's wrath. See? I bet you wished you listened to me. Now onto the facts... Did you know? This is the author's first story he has ever written. Despite what the intro says, in the main canon only about 21 micen are shown dying. All of the others are implied. But the death toll for non-canon paths can add up to 51; not including the Extended Arcs, where the death toll skyrockets even further. Risa is the most reoccurring side character. She is also completely unplayable. Rim is the most reoccurring micen side character, followed by Sitchol. Both, as of yet, are completely unplayable. Originally, the story was going to take place in a hotel resort. This was dropped because the author couldn't think of any actual story to go with it. Also, when the story first started, there was only five playable characters. Chapter 4 was going to be Risa's story arc. Serena's story arc was actually meant to last for all of eternity without end. She was originally supposed to live on for hundreds of chapters and go on many adventures. This was also supposed to be the same for all of the other characters as well. It was scrapped and Chapter 4 was changed to an option that allows several more adventures to be had. The story has all kinds of types of vore, including but not limited to: Willing, Fatal, Same size, Half sized, Soft vore, Hard vore, Shrink, Macro/Micro, Quick digestion, Absent digestion and Non-fatal vore. The rattis was a concept inspired by a picture from That_Kei_Guy of his character Breixo doing his thing: http://d.facdn.net/art/thatkeiguy/1423526681/1423526681.thatkeiguy_brei_with_leg... Before the rattis, there have been several concepts that were ultimately dropped. Plump micen were one of them; micen that didn't speak english and were much taller and thicker to swallow. The rattis was a suitable replacement. Speaking of dropped concepts, Solace was originally going to be a vampire. This was dropped because it was balls numbingly stupid. As were other ideas such as squirrel mice, magic mice predators, and night stalker mice, along with brainless feral micen. None of them were included because it was balls numblingly stupid! A woman that matches the description of Rim has a child named Arlo, that is part white like his father Wite. He appears in Solace's extended arc when she's an Apex Predator micen and she attempted to swallow him whole. It is yet confirmed if he is truly their child, however. The story continues, just not the way a normal person would consider. The extended arcs past chapter four are ambiguous, allowing the reader to decide what is and isn't canon. In the extended arcs, Gertrude admits to being in love with Solace, as well as being a voraphile. While at the same time, Solace's thoughts confirmed Risa was also a voraphile. It is the only time vore was ever mentioned in the story, and it is ambiguous if it was canon or not. The story also almost never happened. If it was written in January of last year like it was planned it, Writing.com's new rules would have set in, making the interactive impossible to create without the author paying money. A vast majority of micen do not have last names. This is because most micen aren't important enough to receive mail. The only ones so far that do have something you can consider to have last names are Jason Of Niarb, and Mango Shikira. The fourth wall has been broken approximately four times. Three in the canonical chapters and once in the extended arcs. They are mostly just the name of chapters, I.E. "This chapter's title breaks the fourth wall!". Except for the extended arc's fourth wall. There are many references to YouTubers in the story. One is the videogame 'Association of Maps' which is referring to Jesse Cox's playthrough of Videogame Tycoon when he was parodying 'League of Legends'. Amber eyes are a sort of motif present. It mostly occurs to micen who are under the 'Vode An Hex' like Solace was in her extended arc. Vode An is also a Star Wars: Republic Commando referrence. It's the name of the theme song, and is Mandolorian for "Brothers all". The shaman's brother, Nkesca, cures Solace of the curse by literally singing a line from the song. The Sect's name was never mentioned, and still isn't. Garret is the only playable rattis. Though the rattis feed upon micen, their personalities are rather kind. They talk to and sometimes even comfort their prey before they eat them, rather than the micen who commonly leave or betray their kind. This mimics rats and mice in real life, as rats are much kinder, smarter and gentler than their counterparts but are instinctively programmed to kill and eat mice. Grimlock, Sitchol, and Mombasa are the most foul mouthed mice of them all. Followed by Risa. There was planned to be a backstory for Grimlock, but it was scrapped. We know enough about him already. Though their backstories are never straight up explained, the leonas each have their own. Geeaness grew up in the ghetto, and Shieki was bullied a lot at school while being a part-time pickpocket. Solace and Risa's backgrounds are even more hidden, with only one way to find them. Find someone who knows. Solace and Risa's father is named Kre. Pronounced 'Krey' Speaking of pronunciation, Risa is pronounced Rye-za, Thorrow is pronounce Ther-row, Keirra is pronounce Kye-rah, and Ritler is pronounce Rid-ler. HOWEVER, it's a story that you read and you can pronounce it any way you want. It's all spelled like this because the author DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL A NAME HE MAKES UP. Tune in next month to see if this gets updated or deleted. Another special thanks to Char89 and Philip Kelton for their support! UPDATE #2 Only two people on this Earth so far have written canon for the story. ItsMe and Flynn-Coyote. Flynn is also the only contributing author that has created new characters, while improving existing one and has stated that he will continue writing Thanis' story. Sitchol and Serena have similar backstories. Both have lost a protege and a child before growing a vendetta against giant predators. But the conclusion was vastly different as Serena was unable able to kill a single leona while Sitchol... Have you ever wondered why there weren't many rats in Solace's room? You can blame Sitchol for that. Going out of his way to kill every rattis he and his men found. Which is approx. 90% of the total population, seemingly. Great guy. Solace and Risa's last names are 'Sabar'. The rattis have a taboo against mating with micen, micen have a taboo against willingly giving one's self to a predator, while leonas have a taboo against eating jueveniles. So far, the rattis are the only ones to have all members of the species follow it. Have you noticed that there were more willing micen after Jason wrote the book? This is because the youth was now exposed to one's desire and needs in food. If the youth was neglected and felt needed, they would grow thinking this was the greatest way to experience such pleasure. This mimics real life, and might explain why Thorrow is the way she is. Here are some facts about the names of the micen colonies: Niarb spelled backwards is brain. Toor, the colony in the ceiling, read backwards is spelled root. Gransys, the colony in the wall, derived from the continent in Dragon's Dogma, Granrus. Quill was named after the YouTuber, Quill18. Desio was named after the street the author's significant other lived on. Kert was named after the author's farther, Curtis, while at the same time can be read backwards as 'trek'. Tara was named after the capital of the continent of Uladh from Mabinogi, whose villain is named Cichol, where Sitchol got his name from. There is an alternate ending where Serena and Thorrow die. This was considered to be in the canon ending, but Serena wasn't as well of a developed character to cry over and Thorrow wasn't going to die alone. It is confirmed, not canonically stated yet, that Sitchol has survived Risa's kick that knocked him into the wall. Where and when he will appear has yet to be announced. Sitchol was never supposed to be this much of a villain, but rather just some side character like Jack. Who's Jack? Exactly. This eventually changed when he was implied to be an Apex Micen. Is he one? Probably not. It's just the drugs... The fur on Serena's coat belongs to a rattis she'd slain. That's all for this time folks! Expect a new batch of facts, or a suicide note, next month! Oh, and added thanks to Avarice for doing his thang. UPDATE #3 - Behind the scenes spectacular! Sitchol, Mombasa, and Thanis were originally going to be side characters without much backstory. The characters grew onto both the authors whom wrote them, so they weren't killed as initially intended. Sitchol was going to die via kicked in the wall. Mombasa was going to die via crushed by Risa's hand before he got away with the pearl he stole. And Thanis wasn't supposed to make it out of the Morrix chapter. Speaking of mice who were going to die but has been spared the bitter embrace of death, Jessie was also going to get the block in Thorrow's Extended Arc. Risa was going to demand where Thorrow went, and to scare the answer out of Jessie, she would leave the poor mouse outside until she confessed. There is when Risa would turn around to address Mango, only for a pigeon to carry off Jessie. This is no longer the case. It seems that there is three stories into one. The story of Serena and her quest for revengeance. The story of Sitchol and his rise and fall. And the aftermath of the Avon War, which hasn't been fully delved into yet. There are several easter eggs in the story, but there is one only two people will get. That is until I tell you now. When Maron told Risa "Stay safe out there." It was a referrence to Flynn and ItsMe's conversation, and how ItsMe would always say goodbye to Flynn in that manner, verbatim. The author has no idea how any of the arcs will end until they end. He only has hints and clues how the ones that he doesn't write will even turn out. Micen = Mice men. Rattis = Rattus individuals. Leona = Lion men. The story will never cover this because it is not important, but the reason leonas are called that is because Romans discovered their race in Africa. And Leosapien doesn't sound cool. Even though they aren't lions, they have kept the name due to their pride. That last fact was invented rather recently as the story was just made for the vore fetish before it even became an actual story with a beginning, middle and end. The story is no longer marked under erotica, and has instead been replaced as an action & adventure story. Jackie is the only character that has broken the fourth wall, and is the only character capable of doing so. The author even blames Jackie for titling all those chapters to break the fourth wall. ItsMe is offering a cameo in the story to anyone who brings him the corpse of said Jackie. Shieki when Christmas shopping. Does that mean that jolly ol' Christ himself was int he universe at one point? Hell no. Keep up with me, this gets convoluted. There was an Emperor named Cerberus whom conquered all of Europa, he was not looked kindly upon by the lower classes as they were treated almost like slaves. The leonas were almost never high class and their mutt neighbors were indeed slaves. Then one day, on December 25th, his right hand man, Avon, had his assassinated. When the masses heard what happened, they rioted in utter joy and tore up and crossed out anywhere they could find his name. Since Cerberus originated from Greece and their alphabet has an X named kris or something, they called the day a 'Kris mess' and thus the holiday was born. Because Xmas is celebrated by people of the lower and middle cast systems, Geeaness never celebrates it for his blood is too rich for it. Geeaness is also part mutt. Mombasa seems to know more about Avon than other mice. Rether he is part of the religion is inconclusive, but the fact that he fears death as much as he has may mean he has only read The Recounting and hasn't figured out what reincarnation even means. The Avon War will be dived into in the upcoming book TAP which will be out perhaps by mid next year. Yep. Shameless advertisement. You might be thinking "Herr Uberfuhrer, you have been misspelling the races for quite some time. You are to capitalize Leonas when you refer to them." First ItsMe would be amazed you called him Mister something in German and then he'd point out that he did it purposely. When you refer to a dog or cat, do you capitalize those words? No. This is implying that he sees them as animals slightly more than as humans, which would be correct. Humans don't exist in S:MA's universe. That's all for now, I need to leave real quick and silence the voices in my head before they get me into trouble again. Tune in next time, as the next update may come earlier than expect; or later, because I'm joining the work force. Special thanks to all those who have contributed your arcs to the story, I hope to hear more from you! UPDATE #4 - I know it's early. Just wish me a happy late birthday and enjoy. Serena has mentioned The Sect's name recently. It was 'Rosary'. Flynn's Marie quickly became a fan favorite within a few short chapters. Many fans, including ItsMe, almost refuse to believe she is gone. Speaking of Flynn, he has written and stayed loyal to so much canon that ItsMe considers him the co-author and many characters now belong to him with full reign. Maron is 64 years old. Maron also obtained 184 kills, and 29 unconfirmed kills, in her time as a soldier. This also explains why she is so callous about taking life, as she was a Demon-class trooper and took most of them by hand. Have you ever thought about Gertrude's kill counter? She has worked for Solace for about three years, capturing rule breaking mice. This means if she caught one mouse a week, she would have over 156 kills. Consider that her job is similar to Thanis' and Mombasa's and her quota was more than just one a week, and try to do some math... It is confirmed by ItsMe Gertrude is the cause of death of more micen than Sitchol. Risa is speculated to have a soft spot for romance. This may explain why she showed mercy to Wite. Many arcs are left unfinished, few untouched. Two have lost the author's interest completely: Smith the willing, and Kelso the criminal. Both deaths might as well be canon. There is apporximately 82 named micen. Around 20 are dead. Sitchol's name and design was based on Mabinogi's Cichol, you were already told this. But did you know that Morrix' name derrived from Morrigan, and in Mabinogi there is a character named Morrghan? That's not the only co-incidence. Along with many other things, Cichol planned mass extermination and enslavement to protect his loved one (Which later turned out to be Morrighan) to save her from his rival, a beast of greater power. Only when he failed did her enact on this decision. Sound familiar? You may think Sitchol and Morrix' whole character development was around Cichol's and Morrighan's but the co-incidence is that Flynn is the one who written the lives behind these character, and he has never played or heard of Vinctidus and Mabinogi until a few hours ago. There is a theory that Marie is still alive: Marie was scared of leonas, why would she ever be near reach of one? And there was only enough scratches are the arch for a single mouse's struggle, so where was the other mouse grabbed from? Kera and Marie were working in the walls, why would they ever need to be out in the open? However, this theory has a flaw. If Marie isn't dead, where is she? Why hasn't she came when her name was called? Why hasn't she showed up after all this time? Thanis' chapter is the longest amount of time perceived in a chapter. To give an example, Most of Thorrow's and all of Solace' combined ended in the time span of about week. Thanis' Arc started since a little after Morrix' and is now a little past the Sect attack. That is approx 3-4 years. That's all this time. What was that? You don't think that was enough? Well hush! because the next one's date is obvious. Here's a hint, look for the birth of it all... It's Oct 15! The story's 3rd anniversary is October 15! Expect something I guess. UPDATE #5 - A late update, but happy freaking birthday to S:MA. Two years ago, it was just a simple online story expected to be around 80 pages long. Now as I write, it's two years later and we're on the 420th. There's fan art, dramatic stories, and even a sequel being planned. Just when the hell did we lose control of this situation? Most of Sitchol's appearance in the story isn't marked canon. He could very well have died by Risa's kick, or been a normal guard at Kert, if you prefer it that way. Micen seem to see love as just a fling. Gertrude, Thorrow, and many others have been in bed with someone they didn't really love, but rather just saw it as something to do. There are only two micen who understand the most: Sitchol and Mombasa. Both are amongst the oldest micen in the story, and both are often portrayed as jerks. The only proof of Jackie's canon existence is the 4th wall breaking chapter titles in the main story. The best way to distinguish the narrator's voice from Jackie's is the italicized font. The F word only appears twice in the story, so far, both are in one chapter where Mombasa has a falling out with Rick. S:MA is an anthology. This means that most of its story is told out of chronological order. Garret is one of the last chapters you'd get to, but takes place before most of the story. Thanis is among the longest running arcs, both pages and time span within them. It started a little after the death of Morrix and has now passed the Sect attack. Thanis has confirmed that years have passed. The true reason Sven died was because ItsMe noticed Philip Kelton hadn't included him in a group picture in a fan art. Due to this, the author requested to Flynn that Sven, and any micen who wasn't in the picture, to die in hopes of making the picture more accurate. He could have, you know, just told the guy he forgot a few micen instead of killing off people, but whatever. Speaking of Kelton, rumor has it that he will be directing the sequel. There are a few confirmed characters: Oliver Ratson, Church the Rattis, and Bricks. Some art! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17905520/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17905372/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17931174/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17844503/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17827360/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17460149/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17201382/ <- The group picture. Where's Sam? http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17969917/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18001518/ That's all for this time. I sincerely thank all of you for sticking with me. UPDATE #6 - Things you wouldn't know unless told. As well as a few other things. Oh my good word. I'm sorry... *Sniff* For not getting out any fun facts lately. It's... I... She... I would tell you, and I'm not going to say any names, Avarice, but it would spoil something so sad. I need some time alone! ... Did he leave? Crap. Alright, where is his script.. Uschi was originally going to reveal herself to be Sitchol's daughter. It was set up with the blue eyes and some black fur, as well as slavers saying Sitchol is the only one callous enough to take children from their mothers. It was scrapped after Flynn's portrayal of Sitchol showed him to be a caring father to his kids, while a monster to others. The lullaby Sitchol sings to his daughter is "A Sip Of Moon". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSZPDdOD1MA Sitchol was not originally planned to be dramatic, rather eccentric. Again, the idea was scrapped after Flynn's Morrix chapter. Besides, we love him as he is now. He would have been like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R68K1JBpPGI If you're wondering why Sitchol has so many facts, so am I. But he seems to be the author's favorite character now. Surpassing Grimlock and Serena. ... Is the narrirator coming back or am I going to be doing this for a while? Alright, uhm... next fact! Even though the events in the non-canon choices never happened, the character traits stay the same. That means that: yes, Risa's tummy is ticklish. Yes, Solace' apartment's next problem is over population. And yes, Geenie's micen think and worship him as if he is a demi-god. Wait, no one went over that? Forget what I said. Crap, I'm bad at this... The sequel has been confirmed. And more character designs can be seen in PhilipKelton's gallery. How do these things work again...? Aha! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18202085/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18203060/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18232171/ The sequel will be named: Exodus: Mouse Anthro II Yes, all this time the story was named "Mouse Anthro," and the first installment is "Survival". For things involving the sequel, all magic in arcs will have to be rectified or deemed non-canon. Magic is no longer ambiguous. It's non-canon. Huh. This includes Geenie's Arc, Solace Extended Arc and- OH SHI... Okay, I'm back. I'm better now. Jackie? Jackie? Huh. Alright, let me just... see where she left off... Oh. Bye Jackie! FlynnCoyote initually never intended on staying by the story's side. He wrote the Serena and Morrix chapters on commission from the author, and wanted to tell a story about Thanis. Now he's glued himself to the project to the point that the story is his just as much as ItsMe's. He claims he will stay and contribute until the story is done. And by that he may mean Mouse Anthro as a series, or just the one sequel. If you were to create you own character for Mouse Anthro, it would be your character. That means that it belongs to you. The setting doesn't but your character does. You can use that character for whatever you want, but interactions with other characters must be given permission by the authors. After knowing this, Flynn didn't ask for permission to use Solace in a plot device. A major one too. After which, the author gave him free reign after seeing Flynn isn't opposed to showing anyone's characters in bad light. Mombasa was going to reveal he was Sitchol's brother by singing A Sip of Moon and saying he learnt it from his mother. Seraph was named after Avon's Seraphs, the most horrific and brutal warriors on the battle fields early in the Avon War. Caw and Gino share less screen time than Jack and Keirra. This is because the author forgot they even existed. I think this is time for me to leave. It's 5:00am here and I don't know what I'm doing up. Just, you know me, blowing raspberries and stuff. Hahahaha. I love all of you so much. I need... I need medical attention. Also... These fun facts are marked under 'Religious' in tags. Only Avarice said anything about it. Thanks Avarice, you a champ. Night. UDPDATE #7 - A small addition! Wite's scarf that was given to him by Risa was originally yellow. This changed because when doing the refs on FurAffinity, the yellow color pencil refused to have good intensity. It was changed to black almost immediately. Due to the recent changes in canon with magic and all that, many of the arcs may very well be rewritten. Geenie's love interested arc is definitely non-canon. But for those who are still interested, the brown mouse at the end was Jackie. The other two mice were Jackie's mind split in half after a magic trick went wrong. The people she was referring to as "they" when she said "They call me a magician" and referring to other ones were going to foreshadow another adventure Jackie has with a... human magician. This, once again, is no longer the case. Despite what Mombasa thinks about how it's impossible and stupid that micen are able to sniff out scents like rattis and leonas, Wite is able to do so, and has successfully found Rim utilizing such skill. Micen tend to have super human abilities, comparatively speaking. They can easily survive long falls, they can obtain muscle growth with enough exercise, they run fast enough that ill experienced leona have trouble catching them, they have great hearing and good night vision, as well as many other abilities such as being very resilient to bodily damage and pain. The rattis are less powerful in that regard. While they have near as great hearing, better vision, and damn good sense of smell and tracking, their biggest advantage is their size. They don't really have super powers outside of that. The leonas are even less so, as they are mostly relative to humans, gene wise. They have good hearing and the ability to track scents, but that's about it. They don't have as good night vision as actual cats. They are good at balancing and hunting, but once again their size is their greatest weapon. Even though their average size is about 5ft 3in. ( 159 cm) The shortest leona in the story is Shieki at 5ft (152 cm) Risa is the next shortest at 5ft 2in (157 cm) Solace is 5ft 3in (160 cm) The tallest leonas are tied at 5ft 9in (175 cm) and they are Maron and Geeaness. Who are really, really tall for leonas. The average micen size is 3in (7cm) The tallest micen was Sitchol, who in his hunched state was approx. 4in (10 cm) The rattis tend to about around 8in (20cm) [standing up, with their back straight] Save for Garret who is 9in (22cm) Like I said, small addition to help with the whole 25th of the month update. Hope this was at least informative. See you next time! Update #8 - ...Hmm? Oh shit-tits, the time! H-hey guys... I uhm... Yeah, forgot about the whole 25th day and things... Lemme just... Find my script. Amber eyes tend to play a potential role in the story for hidden power. Sitchol has it. Other non-canon little craps have it. And Shieki has it. Yes, Shieki, though hers is constant. The amber eyes idea came from Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe game came out. The game was [DATA EXPUNGED DUE TO LEGAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS], like really, really [DATA EXPUNGED], like [DATA EXPUNGED] coming out of a donkey's [DATA CORRUPTED]. The biggest concept that stuck out was that the character's attempts to fight their anger and lust for power when their eyes turned amber. These concepts were explored with Solace and Jackie, one whom gives into the power, embracing it, and the other attempting to reject it. Has anyone else noticed Something? Wait, how did you-?! There are three types of canon. Canon, things that happened that the story acknowledges. Non-canon, things that the story refuses to acknowledge. And Totally-Not-Freaking Canon, something that the story refuses to acknowledge, becuase it doesn't exist but lingers around anyway, even intruding in canon chapters. Like me, little ol' Jackie. Okay, yeah, and she's gone. Can we go and retcon her into dying? No? It seems... We lost control over her. What have we done? Geenie's local's colony has officially been named Ovarre (Ohv-Air). This has been contributed by Char, the only person who bothered to name the damn place in his arc, several months after calling the locals: The Locals. Ovarre is an anagram of 'Vorare', from the word Vorarephilia. As expressed in the same page, Geenie loves to play with female micen more than males. Do you really need a hint why? Treat, making his debut in Patrick's Arc, is also 100% canon. A bigger role was promised for Exodus. Speaking of Treat, he was originally supposed to die by Geenie betraying him and saying his time was up. What is with us authors in enjoying letting side characters live... With Thanis' arc completed, we are one arc closer to the creation of Exodus. Now only Maron, Thorrow, and Mombasa need to finish their arcs before more shit hits the fan. The Lulu arc, Solace extended arc, and Geenie's arc will all be continued during the writing of Exodus, that way the story will not be abandoned like It's a Vore World out there, that can be found on this site. A human Gertrude makes an appearance in It's a Vore World out there. Found in the male prey options, second chapter. She is surprisingly playing a pivotal role, until it was scrapped like the Magic world of Dawnwake. Speaking of Magic world of Dawnwake, that can also be found on this site, Sheriff Anton has his name from a character in the story. The story that wasn't finished and most likely won't be, like that other story. ItsMe wishes he had never given these cameos, but what is he going to do? Are you wondering why Thorrow's canon ending to Chapter 2 is so short, it's because it was originally non-canon. Yep. Thorrow was also going to die in her arc. However, the author really liked Thorrow and Grimlock, and didn't want Grim-Grim's sacrifice to go to waste. The chapter is like, a couple short sentences long. I may change that right now... I should probably put more time into this Fun Facts thing. I promise I'll have interesting facts when I come back, if I come back. Tune in next time to see if I have bothered to add anything, or if the whole thing was deleted due to patriarchy. Update # Something or other So, Flynn here with the fun facts since McGee has gone all procrastination/out of ideas on us and Jackie is not quite completely Skynet yet. What fun facts do I bring with me? Well have you ever wondered how old the characters are? Since you can't answer a pre-written document, I'll assume that your answer is "Of course!" Well here we go. These ages are the characters' standing ages as per the end of all canon arcs in the Survival story. That means some of them will be younger at different points, but at the end of the collective timeline this is how old they are. Solace is 23. Risa, her younger sister is 22. And their friend Shieki is 21. Geeaness is a little older, coming in at 26 years old. And the micen? The oldest will clock in as being Cerrik, 6 years old and benefiting mostly from the protection of Maron. Thanis had a similar advantage and has made it to 5. Sitchol was also on the older end of five years and probably would have gotten to 6 if not for being ended by Thanis. Gertrude and Serena's stories start a little later, and both of them are roughly 4 years of age. Rim is 3, making her a cougar to Wite's 1. Mombasa is 3 as well, and Thorrow is the second youngest primary micen at 1 and a half. Notice I glossed over Maron? Well that was deliberate to set up this fantastic little segue. Maron is 64 years old. As you know if you've paid attention, she was a veteran of the military and fought in a war over two decades prior to the events of this story. But that would still put her in her mid thirties when the war began. Where was she before that? Sure she enlisted well before the war started, but if you've REALLY paid attention you know that being a soldier wasn't her first ambition. Plans for the sequel, Exodus, are well underway. New characters are confirmed, the plot is almost concrete by now and numerous ideas for extended arcs are being figured out. Several such characters can be found in this story: http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/.....er/130949/Drac Drac is a midway story that takes place after the events of Survival and will lead into Exodus. It isn't essential reading, but it will give you a head start on a few new characters. That's all I got for now. Tune in next time. Whenever that is. Just a tiny update, a book has recently been published. https://www.amazon.com/kindle/dp/B01GUEAVXA/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_eos_detail http://www.greenivybooks.com/index.php/tap.html If you'd like to buy it, it would help support everyone and I on expanding the adventure of Tactical Auxiliary Personnel, and Mouse Anthro. And yes, they take place in the same universe. |