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by bobo
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2049396
this is the third story
Our story begins, as many do, in a college dorm room. It's a sweet double with three rooms, more like an apartement than a dorm when you consider the fact that it had it's own bathroom and kitchen plus two rooms. There were only four like it on campus. But it was college housing, so we'll call it a dorm.

Derek and Luke were living together only by chance. Derek, while a member of the soccer team had made the coach promise him, in writing, that he could take time off for school work if he needed. He was neat, orderly, and somewhat obsessive. Luke was Derek's opposite. He was a wrestler, and that was most of his life. He got passable grades but almost never studied, far preffering to party or lounge around doing nothing. Where Derek was a neat freak, Luke was a slob. Where Derek was obsessive, Luke was cavalier.

Physically they were quite different as well. Both were tall, Derek barely topping six feet and Luke even taller at six and a half. This is pretty much where their physical similarities ended. Luke was well fit in the middle of his weight class. Was broad shouldered with a bulging chest, thick neck, and large arms and chest. He was probably one of the best built men on campus. His hair was blond and cut short, his face chiseled. Basically, he was your all american beautiful jock next door. He favored jeans or athletic shorts and had a gorgeous bronze tan from walking around without a shirt all the time.

Derek, as a soccer player, was still beautiful. Still broad shouldered, his tapered into 'V' down to a tiny waist. His legs were a sight to behold, all the girls drooling after them. His chest, while not huge, was well developed and his six-pack almost as prominent as Luke's. Derek had short cropped brown hair and high cheekbones. He wore dockers and J. Crew.

If looking merely at a picture, they weren't all that different in the large details. Both were very well built, though Luke definately significantly larger and their legs exercised for different purposes. But any who saw them in the flesh would say that they were physically entirely different. Derek moved with a certain awareness of where he was at all times, Luke just walked.

Enough of the details, you want the story. Derek, being Derek, did all his own shopping and was a vegetarian. Luke, being as Luke as Derek was Derek, refused to shop for anything besides beer when Derek was already shopping. Unfortunately for Luke, Derek was a rabid vegetarian and health food fan. So Derek shopped, and Luke complained.

Luke walked into the 'living room' where they kept the couch, puffy chair, television and one of the desks (in case someone was sleeping while the other one wanted to study), "Damn man, I had one of your bean burrito things for lunch and it's givin' me gas! Why can't you buy some real food?" Derek frowned and stopped reading his biology book, "Tell you what, if you clean up your dirty fuckin' laundry and other shit from the floor, maybe I'll consider buying some 'real food' for you to kill yourself with." Luke snapped back, "Well maybe I will!" He bent down to pick up a pair of dirty socks in front of the chair Derek was sitting in and felt a rumble in his intestines. Grinning, he turned, still bent over, so he faced directly away from his roomie. "Or maybe," he quipped, looking through his legs at Derek, "I'll just fart your stupid burrito on you!" He grabbed the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down, mooning Derek, "BRRRRRRRRRRIIP!" He let a huge fart bellow out his backside. Derek recoiled both from the general disgustingness of Luke's action and from the roiling cloud of stench that hit him, "AUUUGH! Luke! That's fucking DISGUSTING!"

Luke pulled up his pants and doubled over laughing, "DAMN man! You should have seen your face! Oh god! That was the funniest thing I've seen in years!" Derek's face had turned kind of green, "Ummm, I feel kinda funny. Sort of dizzy." Luke laughed, "So would I after inhaling that!" Suddenly, he stopped laughing and stared at Derek, "Dude..." Derek looked at him, "What? What's going on? ..." He stopped as suddenly the room lurched. Luke's eyes got big, "Derek, you're... shrinking!" "Shut up you idiot! I can't be shrinking, that's impossible!" He jumped up to compare heights. His shorts fell down around his ankles, and instead of being eye to eye with Luke's nose, he was looking at his chest, "Holy FUCK! What the hell! This isn't possible! Oh god, it must have been that fucking gas you let loose! We've got to tell someone!" He bolted for the door. Well, he WOULD have bolted for the door except that his shorts were around his ankles, so he attempted to take a big stride and ended up falling over. He rolled over, "Help me get up you idiot!"

Something stirred in Luke. He wasn't sure why, but suddenly he didn't want this to get out. He wanted Derek to stay here and see where this went. It was clear, however, that Derek had other ideas, still getting up to go to the door. Luke made a split second decision, he sat on Derek. Being a wrestler and now at least a foot and a half taller than his roommate, Luke easily pinned Derek. "Luke, what the fuck! Why are you sitting on me! Get OFF!" Luke wondered for a second why he was doing this, but was interrupted by Derek struggling again, "Look Derek, I'm not letting you go out there. Your going to stay right here, whether you like it or not. Maybe this'll wear off." Derek exploded, "STAY HERE! LIKE FUCKING HELL! What are you going to do about it? You can't sit on me all day?" Luke got annoyed, the little shit, who did he think he was? He was about to inform Derek that he had gotten sitting in one place for a day down to an art when he felt a familiar rumble and had a better idea. He lifted himself off his roommate's chest, but before Derek could sit up, he sat back down again, this time on Derek's face. "Or I'll do THIS!" He growled and let another fart go. The gas being more concentrated around Derek's face this time, the reaction was faster and stronger. Luke fell off his roommate as Derek's body contracted out from under him.

Derek jumped up and whirled to face his roommate, his face beet red, "What the HELL do you thing you're..." He stopped. He was looking at Luke's belly button. Luke laughed, "Woh, that stuff's pretty potent, huh LITTLE guy?" Derek's face turned even redder, but he held his tongue. Luke flopped down in the chair that Derek had occupied and flipped on the television. Not knowing what else to do, Derek went into the bedroom to pick up.

A few hours later, Luke was still sitting in the chair non-chalantly watching TV as if this were the most normal day in the world. He heard Derek in the kitchen, doing dishes, most likely - from the banging. "Hey, snag me a beer while you're in there small fry! And put it in a glass for me!" He smiled, knowing this would piss the holy hell out of his roommate. He heard more banging and then Derek stomped into the room, a glass of beer in his hand, "Here's your fucking beer, asshole. I hope you like licking it off yourself." He threw it over Luke, drenching him. Luke was pissed, he jerked himself up out of the seat, towering over his shrunken roommate, "I think you need a lesson in manners, you little shit." Without pausing he kicked Derek's legs out from under him, knocking him to his back. Before Derek could shake off the stun from hitting his head on the floor, Luke straddled him and squatted, "BRRRIP!" Luke stood up again, watching as his roommate was reduced from four feet to three feet tall, "Think about that. I'm going to take a shower."

Luke stormed off to the shower, still dripping beer. A waste of beer, a waste of a clean shirt and short, fucking Derek! He slipped into the shower and turned it on to hot. He liked showers. He took his time, soaping himself up and washing the sweat and beer away. Damn. He had forgotten why he liked showers. For some reason he had never understood, showers always made him incredibly horny. Then he would usually zip off to his girlfriends and have wild sex. Unfortunately, Kate was studying abroad this tem. It had been four weeks since he last had sex and it would be at least another ten! He was too loyal to seek relief elsewhere and to proud to jack off. He had one of the most beautiful bodies on campus! Why should he have to jack off? Frustrated and pissed again, he got out of the shower. He dried off, and the towel across his crotch only made it worse. Growling to himself he pulled on a new pair of boxers and shorts which did nothing but make a huge tent and went back to the living room. He hoped Derek wouldn't make some stupid crack about it.

As he stepped through the door he laughed to himself. Derek was in no position to make any comments! He was in the living room, picking up stuff, mostly Luke's, butt naked. There weren't any clothes that would stay up, even his shirts slipped over his shoulders. Luke watched quietly as Derek bustled back and forth across the room. Tiny little limp dick waving and tight little butt flexing. Luke watched those buns and his crotch twitched. Hey, his dick wouldn't care, Kate's ass, Derek's ass, what's the difference? It wouldn't be unfaithful to Kate, after all, Derek was a guy, and with his current condition it could hardly mean anything. Besides, he was still pissed as hell, and what better way to teach Derek a lesson?

He walked into the living room and dropped into the chair, not bothering to hide the tent in his pants, "Hey Derek, my girlfriend's studying abroad this term." Derek looked up, nonplussed, "I know, so what?" Luke smiled and looked down at his crotch, "Well I haven't had sex since she left and showers always leave me horny. I was wondering if you could help a roommate" Derek frowned and went back to cleaning around the chair, "So what? What the hell do you want me to do about it, get you a girl? First you shrunk me, now you won't even let me leave! And I thought you were all 'faithful to kate' and stuff. ... Wait a minute. You don't mean for me to get a girl do you? No fucking way man! I'm not queer! 'N' 'O' NO." Luke frowned and growled, "I thought we had addressed this manners thing Derek." He grabbed the smaller man's wrist and hoisted him one handed into the air and into his lap. He gripped his roommate under the armpits and spun him around so he was facing away from him and then wrapped an arm around his chest. He held him while he pulled his shorts and boxers down enough to free his eight and a half inch monster, "Look, I need something. You can give me something. So you're going to. Got it?" Derek looked down at Luke's huge tool and shuddered, but remained silent.

One arm still around Derek's chest, Luke used the other to force Derek's knees up against his chest. That accomplished, he shifted his grip to a hand on each side, holding the three foot man easily above his already drooling dick, and slowly began to lower him. Both roommates shuddered as the head of Luke's dick contacted Derek's smooth, tight ass. Though Derek had remained quiet before, he started to struggle now. There was, however, nothing he could do, Luke was far to strong and determined to see this through. Not wanting to damage his new toy - and Luke with a start realized that was how he saw Derek now, a toy for his amusement - Luke slid the tip of his dick around outside of Derek's tight entry, using his already gushing precum to lubricate his path. Ever so slowly, Luke began to push Derek downwards. Derek clenched his ass, but it was no use, between his own weight and Luke's pushing there was no stopping the monster's advance. Slowly, slowly, Luke slipped forwards, until with a pop and a shout from both men, the tip slid into Derek. Derek started to chant, "I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you" Luke growled, "Enough waiting then." And dropped Derek.

Derek's chanting changed to a shriek instantly as he felt himself entirely impaled on Luke's sword. He thought he would die the thing was so huge. A conservative man and a virgin, he had never had anything up his ass, ever. Now it felt like someone's entire ARM was up there. But Luke didn't let it go at that, "Oh GOD! You're so tight! Oh my god, it feels so good!" He grabbed Derek again and began pounding him up and down on his shaft. Derek had thought he would die before. Now he was being reimpaled every second! What was worse is that Luke's dick thickened even more! It hadn't quite been fully hard before! For his part, Luke also thought he would die, but from extacy. This felt so incredible! He held off as long as he could, but though he usually could hold out for a good half hour and sometimes longer, this time he could only manage half that. With a groan he shoved Derek down one last time, burying himself as deeply in his roommate as he could. And with a shudder that traveled from the tips of his toes to the top of his head, he came. In waves his orgasm rocked him, cum shooting deep into Derek's body. If he hadn't been holding the smaller man onto him, it would likely have forced him off. Finally his orgasm subsided and he began to soften a little. With a sigh of contentment, he lifted Derek off his cock and set him on the floor.

Without thinking about it, he followed a tradition he had started with Kate. He reached down and scooped up a bit of cum that remained on the tip of his dick and licked it off. He could taste the dark musk of Derek's ass with the familiar tang of his own cum. It wasn't entirely unpleasant. For his part, Derek was walking around splay legged, shooting angry looks at Luke every few seconds. Surprisingly, no cum leaked from his abused butt. His stomach, however, did appear a little stretched. Luke laughed, "Shot that way in, didn't I? Looks like you won't be needing dinner!" Derek shrieked, "You bastard! You raped me! You fucking raped me! My stomach's bloated 'cause you ass raped me and now you're making jokes about dinner?" He ran over and started hitting Luke in the stomach as hard as he could. Considering he was only three feet tall, they didn't hurt much. They did, however, serve to make Luke angry, "Look you little shit, I'll do whatever the hell I want, and you can't stop me. You should be thankful I let you stay. It isn't like you can pull your weight around here anymore. Hell I doubt even your obsessive personality can keep this place clean at your size." Derek shot back, "You can't do that! I've got rights! Now try to put me back!" Luke smirked, "You've got whatever rights I give you. And I'll put you back, back in your place." He stood up and grabbed the back of Derek's head. With no effort he pulled Derek between his legs and forced Derek's face between his butt cheeks. Derek knew what was coming but Luke waited, forcing him to anticipate it. If it had been bad before, now it was terrible. Derek's face slipped against Luke's cheeks, slick from sex sweat and reaking. His nose was forced into Luke's sphincter, causing him to smell jock-ass with every breath. Finally, Luke let loose another explosion of gas. Concetrated and close, this reaction happened faster than any before. Derek shot downward out of Luke's grip, losing another two feet to end at only one foot. Derek just scowled and stomped awkwardly into the bedroom.

Luke lay contentedly naked in the post sex glow and flipped on the television. The hours passed and he slipped into a light sleep as his cum dried. When he woke he was hungry, as often happens after sex. It was also eight o'clock and he hadn't eaten since eleven. He ambled into the kitchen to find something. As he began to look through the cupboards he remembered, Derek did the shopping. That meant there was probably no meat. Still he looked, hoping to find something to substitute. Not surprisingly, he found nothing. "DEREK!" He bellowed. A few seconds later Derek came in, not surprisingly still scowling. "Derek, there's no meat. I'm hungry and I want meat." That was the last straw, Derek broke, "You want meat? YOU want MEAT? Suck my fucking dick you fucking motherfucker asshole! THAT'S meat! First you shrink me down to smaller than fucking midget sized and then you use me as your fucking sex toy! I've still got your fucking disgusting cum swirling around in my stomach! And NOW you're complaining about no MEAT?!?!" Luke laughed, "You want ME to suck YOUR dick? Hah! That's not meat! That's not even a whole bite! Your whole BODY'S practically the size of a steak! Now what the hell am I supposed to do for dinner now that I made your dinner unnecessary?" Derek started yelling something back about him being ungrateful but Luke wasn't listening anymore. His mind drifted back to the afternoon, when he had tasted Derek's ass with his own cum. He looked down at his little roommate ranting by his foot. He WAS hungry. And Derek was about steak sized. And really, what use did he have for a foot tall roommate? Not to mention what would happen if Derek ever escaped the room. His mind was made up by a gurgle in his stomach, "Wait Derek, there is one piece of meat in the house! It's about steak sized and should do just fine."

Derek frowned, stopped in the middle of his tirade and caught off guard by Luke's comment, "No we don't Luke. Im the one who shops and I never buy meat." He stopped, considering Luke's words, "About steak sized? Wait, that's how you described... No! You wouldn't! You couldn't!" Luke just grinned and bent down. Derek tried to run but Luke was far too fast, wrapping a hand around Derek's waist and lifting him upwards. "How nice that I thought ahead without even realizing it! I'll just think of you as a white sauce filled meat roll!" Derek shrieked and writhed, completely unable to even affect Luke's grip, "No! Luke! You can't! I'm sorry!" Luke laughed, "Hmm, sorry now? Too late! I'm hungry. Thanks for the sex by the way, it was quite enjoyable." With that he lifted his tiny roommate up and tipped his head back, opening his mouth to accept his 'steak.'

Luke carefully lowered Derek down. It took some maneuvering and work but soon he caught one, then the other of Derek's flailing legs in his mouth. He paused to taste Derek's feet. Suddenly the world seemed to narrow. Though still dimly aware of Derek's continued shrieking and screaming, it seemed to be coming from far off. He smelled Derek, but it was a smell so familiar that it too faded into oblivion. He spent a brief moment looking at Derek's flailing form, marveling at a minutely detailed look at a body he had seen naked hundreds of times before. How had he never noticed before that Derek had dimples. But soon he returned to the part of his roommate that was in his mouth and his vision too became blurry. Luke's world shrank to the sensations of touch and taste. Ever so gently, he ran his tongue across Derek's feet.

They were dusty but warm and sweet. Not wanting to wait for more he pulled more of Derek's legs into his mouth. Luke ran his tongue up and down Derek's toned legs, feeling them ripple and flex. The taste of a man was entirely new but not at all unpleasant. It was like the best parts of his own cum mixed with something darker and more primal than the tast of Kate. It was sweaty and musty. He could taste the clean soapy taste of Derek's last shower. He felt Derek's feet slip into his throat and swallowed, pulling Derek's butt into his mouth and onto his tongue. Here was an opportunity he would not pass up. Did his roommate's ass taste as good as he seemed to remember or had it only been the heat of the moment? He gently licked his tongue across Derek's tiny squirming butt. Oh god! It wasn't as good as he remembered, it was better!

Luke let go of Derek with his hands and gripped the counter instead. Derek tried to push himself up out of Luke's mouth but Luke held him easily with his tongue. He ran the tip of his tongue delicately along the well formed contours of Derek's ass, feeling and tasting the slight depressions in the sides where his butt met his legs. The taste that Luke had decided to label 'Derek' was stronger here, that mix of workout sweat and soap with the faint fresh taste of grass rubbed so hard it permeated even the pores. He lingered for a moment savoring it before he let his tongue delve further, deeper into Derek's recesses.

Through the cloud that had descended over most of his senses, Luke was vaguely aware when Derek's screams of fear and anger turned to groans of pleasure. This was not his main concern at the moment, however. No, Luke was far more interested in the new boquet his tongue was tasting than what his ears were hearing. As the tip of his tongue forcefully parted Derek's sculpted cheeks, he was treated to a full dose of what he had only barely tasted before. The 'Derek' flavor was here even stronger than outside, and now it was mixed with the dark musk of Derek's inner regions. Gently, tenatively, he pressed the tip of his tongue into Derek's tight hole. He could feel every ridge of the sphincter spasming round the tip of his invading tongue. Oh, he thought he could linger here forever!

He did not, however, stay there forever. After a few minutes he got a little over zealous in his 'tasting' and pushed too hard. His tongue buckled and the tip slipped out of Derek's ass. It flipped forward and slid between Derek's thighs, the tip brushing up under Derek's balls. Luke froze. Somehow he felt he had crossed an invisible line he had drawn for himself. He hadn't really thought too much about licking Derek's ass, especially while he was eating him, but suddenly he had touched Derek's genitals. And what made it worst was that he had enjoyed the brief taste of the man's crotch that touch had given him. He had a brief jolt of fear, did that mean he was gay? What about Kate? But then, he had certainly enjoyed Derek's ass, was that inherently any LESS gay? No, he decided, he knew he didn't love Kate, but he certainly thoroughly enjoyed sex with her. He supposed he could be bi, but really what did it matter? He had enjoyed it when he used Derek to get off, but what was the chance of his ever doing something like that with a normal size man? Not much. Besides, he chuckled to himself, the evidence would be gone whenhe was done. So why not take advantage to explore a new experience?

His mind made up he quested further with his tongue, dimly aware that Derek was groaning louder now. Gently he poked at Derek's formerly large nuts, savoring the renewed taste of 'Derek.' It was stronger here in Derek's crotch than anywhere yet. Not surprising, I suppose, Luke mused. Finding that he liked this clean flavor he explored further. To his surprise as he tenatively pushed his tongue upwards, he touched Derek's cock, comlpetely hard! How could Derek be hard? He wasn't gay, and he certainly wasn't in an enjoyable position? Then he realized, of course! I've been playing with his ass and balls for the past five minutes, I guess some things are just innate! It did renew his confidence further, however, why not give Derek one last pleasure?

He dove in with renewed fervor. His tongue lashed around Derek's groin, tasting the sweet sweat of sex mingled with Derek's unique taste. He carefully and gently tickled the tip of Derek's dick with his tongue and then pressed hard against the ridge between his ass and balls. In a matter of minutes Derek's body tensed, heralding the oncoming wave. Luke hadn't really been thinking about the fact that Derek was largely IN his mouth and so was caught off guard when after spasming, Derek camewhat must have been a raging white hot torrent for his small body, all over Luke's tongue. His first reaction was revulsion, but the deed was done and when he took a moment to taste what was there he paused. It was similar to his own, but tasted more... well, Derek. It was like a slippery, cleaner, newer, fresher Derek. It was amazing! He wanted to go down on Kate again to see if this individuality of taste extended to women too.

He was brought out of his revery of taste by Derek renewing his struggling and shrieking. Luke decided he had given Derek a suitable parting gift, and his stomach was really beginning to complain about being empty. He swallowed, feeling his tongue ripple along Derek's crotch and his throat constricting around his knees. Gravity aided him and Derek slid in to his rippled abs, which Luke could feel flexing against the edge of his lips. He swallowed again, savoring the feeling of Derek's butt sliding along his tongue and into the smooth grip of his throat. He swallowed again and Derek was pulled downward. This time, however, his motion was stopped. Luke quickly realized the problem. Derek was preventing his downward slide by bracing his arms against Luke's lips. Luke, again caught off guard smiled. He had to admire the futility of the effort. After all, he could simply push Derek down with his hands if he needed to. As it turned out that wasn't necesary.

As Luke smiled, his lips moved. Derek's hands had been braced against the edges of Luke's mouth, which had been slightly pursed around his middle. Unfortunately for him, when Luke smiled, those edges moved outwards. Derek's hands slipped and when they reached to find purchase, it was now in the crack between Luke's lips.

Luke felt Derek's hands between his lips and quickly swallowed, not wanting Derek to find a new way to halt his progress. He felt his throat ripple against Derek's lower half and felt himself bulge a little to accomodate Derek's bubble butt. It was amazing to feel this much of someone all at once. He ran his tongue quickly across Derek's chest, poking at his nipples and savoring the taste he found there. He swallowed again, pulling most of Derek's chest into his mouth. He paused here to taste the sweat and flavor that gathered in Derek's arm pits. No less Derek, but sharper, tangy, with a hint of bitter. It was a nice change from the smoothness of the rest of Derek. He swallowed again. Again his throat constricted around the body there. But this time Derek did not slide any further into his mouth. Luke's mouth was stretched tightly around Derek's chest but his shoulders were still a little wider. Shit! He hadn't come this far to let his meal get away that easily. He tried to stretch his mouth a little further and swallowed again. No luck, Derek remained stuck.

Feeling Luke's throat slip along his sides but not feeling any motion, Derek soon guessed Luke's problem. He stopped shrieking and started laughing, "Ha ha, you stupid idiot! I hope you choke on me and die!" He went on but Luke stopped paying attention. He growled deep in his throat and SWALLOWED, groaning as he stretched his mouth to it's utmost limits. Sure enough, slowly but surely Derek slid downwards and Luke's lips popped over his shoulders to wrap around his roommate's neck. Here he stopped to consider the head that still protruded from his mouth. Derek was shrieking again, "Please Luke! I didn't mean it, any of it! I can make you happy! I'll suck your dick whenever you want. I'll clean the room. You can fuck me as much as you like! I'll buy you meat!" He stopped shrieking as he felt a shudders begin to pass rhythmically through his body. Luke began to chuckle around the body in his throat and smiled. No, it was too late.

He swallowed and with a shriek Derek's head vanished between his lips. Derek's chest now rested firmly in his throat and he took a last second to lick Derek's face, just to tease him a little. Derek squirmed. He licked Derek's hair, where he could taste shampoo and conditioner and showers. It was nice, but the hair tickled his tongue and it was time to be through with this. He swallowed again and felt Derek's shoulder's slide down into his throat. Here the work became harder as he felt Derek's shoulder's and chest press against his throat. Curious to see himself, he ran into the bedroom.

When Luke looked in the mirror he had to laugh, which caused an interesting buzzing in his throat and renewed squirming from Derek. He could see, pressed forward into the flesh of his throat, the outline of Derek's upper body. He swallowed, watching himself in the mirror, and saw Derek's form pressed into sharper relief as he was squeezed a little further down. It was fascinating to watch and Luke looked at himself mesmerized as he gulped again and again, slowly pushing Derek down towards his final destination.

With a final huge gulp, Derek slipped out of view and dropped into his stomach. No longer as confined, he began to squirm again. Luke was amazed, he could actually feel Derek squirming around in there! Not only that, but if he listened really carefully he thought he could hear Derek yelling at him. He clenched his toned stomach muscles and felt an answering flurry of activity from within. Luke sat down on his bed and lay back. He always enjoyed the feeling of a full stomach, but this was something else. Combined with the sense of satedness were the amazing feelings of Derek still moving inside of him. It felt like the most intimate massage possible from inside his own body. He lay in quiet bliss, enjoying the amazing feelings coming from his stomach until finally they faded. He felt a pressure in his stomach, and burped. Derek's last breath. Well, now he would provide wondrful protein to Luke's beautiful body.

Luke began to drift off to sleep, and suddenly thought of something. He didn't have any meat for tomorrow night either. Shit, and he didn't have money to buy food either. Ruefully he patted his stomach, "And you're kind of gone too there buddy. Too bad I don't have another obnoxious..." Luke grinned, an idea flashed into his mind. He went to the phone, "Hey there, Jack? yeah, Derek's gone for a while and I was thinking I'd make something extra special with lots of good tasty meat tomorrow night for dinner. I was wondering if you wanna come over and help? ... Yeah, I'm gonna have to get it, I think I'm getting it delivered right to my door ... Yeah, I think I'm gonna have one of Derek's nasty bean burrito's for lunch. ... Uh huh, they give me gas, don't worry I don't think the smell will be your biggest problem. Great! I haven't had a friend for dinner since I got here!" He hung up the phone. Much better, now he would have a nice, filling meat dinner tomorrow. He dropped back into bed and drifted to sleep.

Luke frowned, the tactile sensations of Derek struggling within him had stimulated other parts of his anatomy as well. His dick was pressed painfully tight in his briefs. This was a big problem he had, whenever he got horny, he seemed to be able to just go and go and go, always still horny until Kate stuck a finger up his ass and massaged his prostate, usually while giving him a blowjob. Then he would REALLY let it flow and would have relief for a good day or so. But Kate wasn't here, and he wasn't about ot stick HIS finger up there.

Suddenly Luke grinned and went to the phone. Impatiently he waited while the phone rang three times before being picked up. He smiled, "Hey Jack, get your ass over here, there's something really cool I want to show you. No, I don't care that it's cold. Get your fucking ass over here, you don't think I believ you're actually studying do you? Come on, this is cool. Ok. See you in a minute!" He put down the reciever. It was a big campus and Jack lived on the far end and would likely spend a while getting jacket and shoes together, so he had time. He slipped a bean burrito from Derek's stash into the microwave and patted his ass. After eating that Jack should be able to help him with his horniness problem...
© Copyright 2015 bobo (13brandons at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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