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by bobo
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2049395
this is the seconed story
The house fairly shook with the sound of the music shuddering through it. Luckily the house was on the back corner of campus so no one really cared. The party had been going on for hours now. The soccer team had won the regional championships and now they were celebrating. Everyone was smashed, all of them shirtless in the hot presummer air.

Brett, the screw off of the team, was showing off, much to the amusement of the rest of the team. The six-foot-six halfback (surprisingly quick for such a large man) had his brown haired, crew-cut head tipped back and was breathing heavily through his nose, tight rippled stomach heaving as he pressed a full beer can between his lips. He grinned triumphantly as he got all but the last lip in, gripping with his teeth. Chris had bet him ten buck he couldn't do it. "Brett, you stupid fuck! You gonna drink that or just deepthroat it? That's the last damn beer we got!" Andy, one of the captains yelled. He stood, all five-foot-six of him, hands on hips, staring up at Brett, blond haired head cocked to one side and glaring.

One of the other guys, Luke, chimed in, "The last one? What the hell Andy? You were in charge of the booze, you're telling me we're all out? What kind of captain are you?" Chris, the originator of the beer can bet, jumped over to Brett, "Ok big guy, give it back! That's the last on - oops!" In trying to hasten the can's exit from Brett's mouth, Chris had bumped it. The force knocked it loose from Brett's teeth and it slid the last little bit into Brett's mouth. Surprised, Brett swallowed. A beer can shaped bulge slid down Brett's neck and vanished into his broad chest. He grinned sheepishly and shrugged, "Ooops! Well I always was the fastest drinker. My throat just kinda opens."

Andy turned three shades of red. He was as drunk as everyone else and not really thinking rationally, "You stupid piece of SHIT! You just ATE the last beer! I've a mind to reach down your fucking throat and get it back!" Everyone rolled their eyes, this was typical of Andy. Chris put his hand on Andy's shoulder, "Ten bucks says you won't." He was stilled bummed about having lost ten buck to Brett on the beer can, he was hoping to make it back. Andy, however, not one to be made a fool of, whipped around, "You're on, fucker." He turned back to Brett, "Get over here shithead."

Somewhat confused, Brett stumbled over. Andy grabbed Brett's chin and stuck his fingers into Brett's mouth. Getting the clue, Brett opened his mouth. Andy's smaller size coupled with Brett's big mouth made the first bit easy. Andy shoved his hand into Brett's mouth and on into his throat. Only years of bonging beers kept Brett from choking or puking back up Andy's hand. But the practice payed off and he held steady. Andy's wrist vanished into Brett's mouth and things got a little more difficult. Andy's forearm was wider than a beer can. But he kept pushing and Brett's mouth creaked open a little further. Andy's elbow vanished.

Andy kept pushing but had reached a double impasse. His bicep was wide, and he was too short. The angle prevented him from straightening out his arm to get a better push. Seeing Andy's problem, Brett stepped into action. He wrapped his arms around Andy's torso and hugged him, as he bent downward towards his teammate. Sure enough, the combined force of Andy pushing and Brett pulling while straining to open his mouth further payed off. Andy's arm vanished entirely into Brett's mouth.

Both men stood still for a moment, perhaps a hint of the strangeness of this whole endeavor working it's way into their alcohol fogged brains. The guys around them were cheering them on. Chris was pouting, having lost the bet. Brett's mouth brushed against Andy's neck as Andy twisted his arm about in Brett, looking for the beer can. After a minute he stopped, "Dammit. I'm too short. I can't reach the bottom of your stupid stomach. Hey, someone else with a longer arm come do this!"

But the rest of the team backed off and shook their heads. It was fine to watch Andy shove his arm down Brett's throat, but that didn't mean they wanted THEY'RE arms covered in Brett drool. Andy frowned, "Dammit, I guess you lost it for us then, you big idiot." Brett frowned around his mouthful of Andy-arm, not really being able to say anything. Chris had been watching again and piped up, "It's too bad Brett can't open up a little more to let you get in further Andy. Beer aside, I'd pay 20 bucks to see that!" Andy rolled his eyes, "Right. Brett may have a big fucking cocksucker mouth, but he aint rubber man! Now I put my arm down his slimey throat, so pay up fucker!" He pulled back from Brett.

His arm slid out of Brett's mouth to just above the elbow and stopped. Brett's arms were still wrapped around Andy from pulling his arm in and Brett wasn't letting go. Chris had essentially bet him he couldn't do something, and Brett never turned down a bet. Ever.

His eyes locked on Andy's as Andy started pulling harder, "Let go of my you stupid fuck!" But Brett would have none of it. Keeping an arm around Andy's torso so he couldn't back up, Brett wrapped his other hand around the back of Andy's head. "What the fuck are you doing you stupid cocksucker!?!" Shrieked Andy as Brett forced his head down until his nose was even with his arm. Brett grunted, unable to say more with his mouth full. Instead he pushed forward again, sliding Andy's arm back down his throat more easily this time, until his nose ran into Andy's forehead.

Andy, his head still held firmly in place laughed, "And what now you stupid fuck? That's my head, not a fucking hand. Now stop drooling in my hair and let go of me!" Brett, however, wasn't about to stop. Chris had bet him he couldn't do this, so he was damned if he wouldn't. He HAD to get Andy further in so he could get that can out. He concentrated and tried to stretch his mouth even further.

Andy could see a little out the tops of his eyes and he could certainly feel Brett's thick lips creeping ever so slowly up his crown and down over his forehead. He was starting to get a little nervous, Brett had a big mouth, that was certain, but this was ridiculous! Surely he couldn't stretch it much further?

Brett, for his part, wasn't sure he could do this either. His jaw hurt, a lot. He was, however, no stranger to working through pain. He grunted and simultaneously pulled with his arm around Andy, pushed downward - using his height to give him leverage, and tried once more to stretch his mouth open further. There was complete resistance for a second, two seconds. Brett's muscles bulged. Three seconds. Suddenly he felt something in his jaw pop, and he slid forward and down. His mouth now wrapped around both Andy's arm and the entire top of his head, Andy's hair tickling his tongue. Grunting in relief, he pushed forward again, sliding Andy in to his nose.

As Andy watched the world vanished, replaced by Brett's lip, he panicked. "Let me GO! Now you stupid piece of cocksucking shit! Put me DOWN! You've won your stupid bet!" But not realizing that in Brett's drunk brain he not only had to win the 'bet' with Chris, he still had to retrieve the beer can, Andy couldn't get Brett to stop. He flailed his free, unswallowed arm, catching Brett's face and trying to push him off.

Unfortunately, Brett interpreted the flailing arm as an attempt to help him. Surely it would be easier for Andy to find the can if both his arms could search? Brett would help him! Andy's head now firmly in his mouth, Brett let go and grabbed Andy's flailing hand, guiding it to his mouth. He slid Andy's fingers in to his mouth alongside Andy's head and let Andy push most of his own arm in (much to Andy's surprise). Andy's left arm was now in up to the elbow, not easily sliding futher due to the awkward angle.

Brett pushed forward and down again, pulling Andy towards him. Slowly Andy's elbow straightened down Brett's throat and Andy's entire head slipped into Brett's gaping mouth. Brett was now wrapped tightly around Andy's arms and neck, just above his shoulders. Initial amazement wearing off, the team started cheering them on again, "Go one Brett! Yeah, get that beer Andy!"

Andy began to calm down a little. Though drunk, the team wouldn't let anything happen to him. He was the captain after all. And really, what could happen? This might be ridiculously impossible, but it wasn't like Brett wouldn't let him out once he got the beer right? And how could he not? Brett couldn't very well walk around with a man hanging out of his mouth could he? And he certainly wasn't small enough to fit all the way in!

Brett was having to lean too far over, and the angle was getting awkward. He gripped Andy around his slim waist with his big hands and squatted. A huge whooshing grunt escaped his nose as he pressed his captain into the air above his head, balancing his upside downd and still holding to his waist. Slowly he pushed Andy a little further. With gravity to help him, he forced his mouth the inch or so wider to encompass Andy's shoulders without as much difficulty.

Andy's hands finally hit the bottom of Brett's stomach. Frantically he scrabbled around, AH! His hand wrapped around the cold, hard cylinder of the beer can. Despite his odd position and cramped locale, he let out a howl of triumph, "I GOT IT! WE GOT IT BRETT! LET ME OUT!"

The team erupted in a huge roar of approval. Guys were jumping up and down and hugging each other like they'd just won a game. Brett beamed and pumped his fists... letting go of his grip on Andy.

Gravity being what it is, Andy slipped another bit down Brett's throat and his chest vanished into Brett's mouth. Brett remembered what he was doing before Andy had gone too far, but the worst was yet to come. Brett was well trained in opening his throat, this is true. However, he was not used to swallowing fuzzy things. When Andy slid down, the top of his head came into contact with the sphincter muscle that opened into Brett's stomach. His hair tickled the soft tissue and, unused to such feelings in his throat, Brett's autonomic reflexes kicked in. He swallowed.

Andy shrieked as he felt the muscles surrounding his torso contract and pull him deeper into Brett. His head was pushed through the sphincter muscle into the broader space of Brett's stomach. He felt Brett's lips around his waist now, his teammate's broad tongue flicking across his abs. He panicked and started to writhe.

Brett was caught as off guard as Andy. He had not been expecting to swallow and the resulting muscle action pulled Andy right out of his hands again. He felt Andy's stomach slide across his tongue and unthinkingly licked his tongue across it, tasting the sweat that gathered there. Luckily, Andy's bubble butt caught on Brett's lip and halted his descent for a second.

Unfortunately for Andy, starting to kick and squirm was just about the worst thing he could do. Firstly it prevented Brett from getting a grip on him and stopping his descent. Secondly it reprovoked the swallow mechanism in Brett's throat.

Andy's butt, thinly covered by his shorts, slipped down into Brett's mouth. The team, who had still been celebrating started to notice something was odd. Luke, a forward, shouted, "DUDE! Look how much of Andy Brett's got in him!" Damien - a defenseman and part-time striker - chimed in, eyes wide, "Woh... Look at the bulge in his stomach! I wonder how much more of Andy would fit?" A murmer began among the team and grew, "Come on Brett! Let's see how much you can do! Go Brett!" It didn't seem to occur to them that this could be dangerous. Luke shouted again, "It'll be easier to get Andy out headfirst anyway! He can push with his feet! Come one ya pansy, GO!"

Brett shrugged. Never one to deny peer pressure, he swallowed. Andy's butt didn't want to go into his throat. Andy had reached the bottom of Brett's stomach and his pushing combined with the dryness of the shorts and the thickness of his glutes made the task very difficult. Now determined and goaded on by the crowd - who seemed unaffected by Andy's yelling from inside him - Brett began to mouth Andy's butt and slide his tongue back and forth across the crotch of Andy's shorts. The result? Shortly Andy's butt and crotch were slick with Brett's saliva.

Brett gripped Andy's knees and pushed them down into him while swallowing as hard as he could. Andy was overcome and buckled as his butt was forced into Brett's throat. Only Andy's lower legs hung out of Brett's mouth now. He grinned at the team cheering, "Go! Go! Go! Go!" at him and swallowed. The going wasn't easy. Andy had filled his stomach now and he had to do with that what he had done with his mouth. Slowly, inch by inch he forced more of Andy down, pressing his teammate into a tight ball and stretching his stomach outward.

Finally, only Andy's feet remained outside of Brett. Brett made a great show of winking at his audience and then slowly pushed Andy's feet into his mouth, swallowing rapidly until at last, almost thirty minutes after starting, Andy was wrapped entirely in Brett's stomach, "Ta DA! DUDE what a head rush!" He looked down at his hugely bulging stomach, Andy's squirming outline clearly visible in it, "You OK down there Captain? Looks like some people owe us money!" He patted the bulge that was Andy.

Andy squirmed, "Great, now LET ME OUT you big idiot!" Brett wasn't listening though, Chris had come up to him, "WOW man, that was incredible. I guess you guys won the dough!" He passed over three twenty dollar bills, "One for each of you and the twenty dollars I now owe Andy there." Shaking his head, he wandered off to see if he could find any undrunnk alcohol.

Damien came over. He stared, mesmerized at Brett's stretched stomach as it slowly rippled as Andy tried to reposition himself to be released. "How, how does it feel?" he stammered. Brett paused, he hadn't really been paying attention to how the whole thing felt. Now he let himself notice the feeling of Andy slowly turning himself, stretching and rubbing the walls of his stomach. "It feels... wonderful!" He said in amazement.

Damien's eyes were a little glazed, "Can I... touch him?" he asked shyly. Brett grinned, "Sure man, here!" Brett took Damien's hand and placed it on his stomach. Andy was not moving at the moment. Brett poked him through his stomach wall, "Andy! Move so Damien can feel you!" Andy was quick to respond, "Quit poking me you stupid fuck! I'm not some exhibit! That's it! I'm coming out!" Damien's eyes grew wide, "Wooh, I can feel him moving in there! That's so incredible! Luke come feel this!"

While Damien was trying to attract Luke's attention, Andy got his feet under him and began to push himself back up Brett's throat. He slid his hands out above him, thinking to brace himself once he was partway out. His hands slid their way through the entrance to Brett's stomach and slowly he forced his head after. Damien was dragging Luke back over when Brett felt Andy crawling up his throat.

Damien was speaking quickly to Luke, almost tumbling over his own words, "Luke, you gotta feel this, it's so damn cool! Come on!" Brett didn't want to dissapoint them, and in his drunkenness was not thinking about Andy's opinion at all. "Andy, get back down for a minute, Luke want's to feel you." Andy didn't stop pushing his way back up Brett. His fingers hand just reached the back of Brett's mouth, "Like hell. If he fucking wants to feel it, you can fucking get fucking someone else to be you fucking guinnea pig!"

But Brett would have none of it. He wanted to show Luke, it seemed to mean so much to Damien, "I said, get DOWN for a minute Andy!" He swallowed. Little by little, as Brett gulped, Andy was forced back down into his stomach. Damien grabbed Luke's hand and placed it on Brett's - now strongly squirming - stomach, "See?" Luke, while interested, was non-plussed, "Yeah, it's pretty cool. Look, I'm gonna go help the guys look for more beer." Damien frowned, dissapointed that Luke wasn't as fascinated as he, but he quickly perked up again when he placed his hand back on Brett's swollen gut.

"How'd you do it Brett?" Damien asked. Brett shrugged, "I dunno, I've always had a big mouth and alcohol's good for relaxing muscles. My doctor at home said I had a funny jaw, here let me..." He poked the sides of Damien's jaw, "Hey, yours feels like mine! I've never met anyone like me before!" Damien shrugged, "Well my Mom said I had an oral fixation as a child..." He turned purple, realizing the alcohol had loosened his tongue more than he had intended. Brett chuckled, "Don't worry about it, man, some might say I have an oral fixation as well." He grinned down at his stomach, containing his teammate. He burped, long and loud. Damien chuckled, "Ate too much big guy?"

Andy was not amused. The burp had removed most of the air that had been trapped with him down here, "It's getting stuffy in here! You've shown me off, now LET ME THE FUCK OUT!" Damien, still watching Brett's stomach in fascination, cocked his head to the side, "Dude, after that burp I can see him in there even better! Look, there's his arm, his leg, and his butt!" Damien playfully poked Andy's butt through Brett's side and watched the resulting wriggling. Brett looked down at himself, "Dude that is cool! Andy, you'll be fine for a little longer, this is cool!"

Brett and Damien went to a couch and sat down, still watching Brett's stomach. Andy spoke up again, "This isn't FUNNY Brett! Let me out! I'm running out of - oof!" Brett, wanting to see Andy's outline more clearly, had momentarily tightnened his well ecercised abs, compressing the space around Andy. The air he expelled had nowhere to go though, but up, and Brett burped again, further reducing Andy's air supply.

Brett considered the freshman next to him. Damien was slowly running his hand along Andy's contours as they bulged out Brett's stomach. It was a good thing they were seated in a darker corner, some of the guys would take one guy rubbing another guy's stomach the wrong way. And he certainly wasn't gay! Though the soft touch of Damien's hand on his tender stomach and the slow movement from within him was giving him a half-hard. He chuckled, so he got a little hard from rubbing, it certainly didn't make him gay. Any guy would get off a little on this stimulation! Andy was saying something again, but Brett was so lost in his own internal dialogue he didn't even hear it, or notice it wasn't as loud or vehement as before.

A shout came from across the room, breaking the two soccer player's reveries. Luke and Chris came parading in, "Hey guys! We found more BEER! There was an extra six cases in the basement we missed!" There wa a mad rush over to the alchohol. Damien looked up at Brett, "You want me to get ya one dude?" Brett grinned, "Nah, I'll come get one in a minute. It's about time to let this guy out." Damien looked dissapointed for a moment, "Ok." He perked up and jumped off the couch to go get beer before it was gone again.

Brett lay back for a moment, gently stroking Andy's form in his stomach, "Well, I guess it's time to let you out. You know, this has been really cool, it felt so amazing! And you know that Damien's a really great guy, I should talk to him more often." He paused, waiting for Andy's response, "Mmmph lemme out..." came the odly muffled reply. "Yeah, yeah, anyway. Yeah, that Damien kid, nice guy, and good body too. Well I suppose it's time to..."

There was silence. Brett's head rocked back onto the pillow and he was asleep, the alchohol finally taking it's final effect. His stomach squirmed, but there was too little air. Andy's strength was sapped and considering the ongoing party wasn't waking him, Andy hadn't a prayer of reawakening his captor. Brett's body, dropping directly into sleep, shut down. To keep him from vomiting in his sleep, the opening to his stomach was tightnened and refused to open. In his weakened state Andy had no hope of getting through it. The struggles outlined in Brett's stretched stomach slowed. The party was back to roaring, and no one noticed the form draped on the couch in a dark corner.

The morning came. Slowly the soccer players woke from where they had draped themselves around the house. Almost every chair was filled to overflowing with half naked young men. In their drunnken stupor the night before, other bodies had not prevented them from wanting a couch or chair to sleep on. Some men were sleeping on the floor, and one was probably curled up next to the bathtub or toilet, and yet somehow only Brett and Damien were draped across their couch. And by chance Damien's head rested on Brett's thigh and his arm draped across the rest of Brett's legs.

Brett and Damien woke as well, exchanging no comments about their sleeping arrangements. They stumbled to their feet, hangovers aching, as Chris came in, "Guys? Has anyone seen Andy?" Sleepy, pounding heads turned as one, "SHHHH!" Luke spoke groggily, "Uh, I saw him some time last night. He must have left to go sleep with his girlfriend or something. You know how he is. Now shut up before my head explodes." The rest of the heads nodded and then went back to sleep.

Two pairs of eyes met, Damien and Brett looked at eachother. No else remembered... everyone else was so drunk they didn't remember it and... Brett realized he had never let Andy out. He looked down. He and Damien stared. His stomach, still ripped from all his excercise, barely bulged, much as anyone's would after a huge normal meal. Damien spoke softly, "Woh..." Brett shrugged, there wasn't much to do about it now.

Damien wrinkled his nose as a huge honk escaped Brett's ass, "Dude! You're disgusting!" Suddenly he grinned, "Wha'd you eat last night man, a cow?" Brett chuckled, "Nah, much better meat than that man!" Spontaneously, he hugged Damien, "Meet me at my hous this evening and we'll find out how this thing works." Damien was left wondering which part of "this" Brett had meant as the tall man stumbled off to the bathroom.
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