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Take a trip with Alice down the twisted rabbit hole.... |
Alice sat at the bottom of the shower. Her knees drawn up and her cheek resting against their paleness. The shower pounding needle sharp against her bare skin. The water helped drown out her tears. She had lost herself again. Or had she ever truly found herself? Alice stared at the shower side in the shadows. Her dark hair twisted around her face like a black spider web. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the darkness. Except the ever constant bruises. Those dark nasty blotches of purple and blue scattered across her skin like a map of misery. Not from abuse, rather uneasy balance. Another side effect of another medication. Alice gripped her knees tighter and buried her face into them. Her body wrecked with the hollow sound of her sobs. She was alone tonight. Her family, except the baby, were out at a family get together for the 4th of July. One she could not partake in any longer. Her husbands words still echoed in her ears. As he scolded her on the ride home. "I don't understand Alice, if you would just accept your bodies limitations we wouldn't have this constant battle." He glanced at her as she gnawed on her bottom lip. Anything to keep the pain from trailing down her cheeks. "I'm sorry... I tried." Alice replied meekly. Her husband sighed and patted her knee. "I'm not angry Alice.. just disappointed. Lets just get you home, besides little bird needs to go to bed soon anyway." He resides and turns up the volume of the music, thus for ending the conversation. Alice was used to disappointing her loved ones. It seemed that was all she did lately. Poor Alice, poor poor crazy Alice. Living constantly in her own mind. Her only escape. Her last bit of herself. Alice shook her head, disgusted with herself. She reached up and turned the violent spray of the shower. She watched the water swirl down the drain. She leaned back against the shower wall and closed her eyes. The hand on her calf sliding upward didn't startle her. Some how she knew it would come. "My sweet sweet Alice. Tell why do you cry?" The voice was gentle, but the quiet mocking was ever present. "Why do you act as though you care Hatter?" Alice asked, her eyes still closed. She felt him slide into the shower with her and slip onto the still wet floor across from her. His busy hands still moving skillfully on her skin. She shivered in response and felt him smirk. "You know I care Alice." His voice was thick, sugar sweet. She knew how skilled that tongue was. Alice knew his taste, she had grown addicted to it. A junkie looking for her next fix. But that was before. Before he abandoned her here, in this reality where she didn't fit in. She was destined to forever fit out. "Hatter stop teasing the child and come out of there." Absolum's voice was harsh from years of smoking.. and still as disapproving as ever. Alice dared open her eyes then. She drank in the sight of him. Fierce blue eyes smiled at her. His lips curled upward as his clever hands worked their magic on her arms, still moving upward. She knew his dark hair was hidden beneath his hat. She sighed at the madness that was his beauty. "Hatter!" Absolum's voice was sharp. Those piercing blue eyes narrowed and glared up on the shower curtain bar. The blue caterpillar sat perched their. His smoke filling the small shower. "No smoking inside Absolum." Alice said, thinking of her baby sleeping in the other room. Absolum snickered and blew purple smoke into her face. She waved at it coughing. His hookah tucked between two pairs of hands. She stared up at him, startled suddenly by the Hatter's hands slowly inching up her rib cage. Her breath caught and she turned her attention back to him. His smile lingered closer now. She was taken with this eyes, swirling colors of blue and green. The palms of his hands lightly brushing the buds of her nipples. Alice took a sharp intake of breath. "If you are going to distract the child, just fuck her and we can be done with this." Absolum's voice echoed in the tiny shower. Bringing Alice back to reality. "No one asked you to come along worm." Hatter snarled, his hands no longer on Alice's skin. Rather one held a sharp shinning blade in the direction of the caterpillar. Alice sighed, and got to her feet. Awkwardly, but she managed. Hatter rose with her, swiftly coming to his feet. The blade still naked in his hand. His other hand griped her elbow helping her to stand. Alice stared at him. Strong jawline, full pouting mouth. Sharp cheek bones. She knew the body beneath the clothing. Knew the curves of his shoulders, the muscles that bunched beneath when her nails would dig into his back. Blushing slightly Alice pulled back the shower curtain, sending Absolum skittering. "Why I never...Who Are You!!" Absolum puffed angrily in her direction. Alice narrowed her eyes at him while reaching for the black towel. She saw the Hatter pout from the corner of her eye as she wrapped herself in the towel. "None of you are real anyway." Alice said though she couldn't keep the uncertainty from her voice. She turned to the mirror and picked up the brush. Smoothing her hair back away from her pale hollowed face. The Hatter stared at her from behind, his eyes hungry. Alice looked away searching for the caterpillar. He seemed to have faded away with the smoke from his hookah. She didn't mind, she never liked him overly much anyway. Alice left the bathroom, walking into her bedroom so she could slip into something other than the towel. Hatter however had different matters on his mind. He came up behind her, his breath hot against her neck. "Am I not real Alice my love." He questioned kissing his way down her neck. Her body shuddered in response to his mouth. Pleasing him immensely. "I'm not sure anymore." Alice responded quietly, leaning into the firmness of his body. Somehow the towel dropped away without her noticing. One hand cupped her breast, pulling at the nipple ring. The other dragged the blade slowly down the side of her ribs. "I like these rings." Hatter mumbled turning her to face him. His eyes devouring the look of her. He pushed her smartly onto the bed. "Yes I like them very much indeed. I am very real Alice, can't you feel me?" Hatter asked, forcing her hand to package. He was hard and ready against the cloth of his pants. Alice moaned and Hatter laughed. He forced her legs apart with the tip of his blade. They parted, mostly in wanting, however Alice knew very well that he would use the blade if she struggled. It was part of the game. The game they used to play...before. Alice tried to think as Hatter's mouth took a lazy trip over her collar bone and down towards her navel. Pausing only to nip and tug at the nipple rings that glinted in the moonlight. "Stop Hatter, Stop." Alice said breathlessly. Hatter chuckled as his mouth made its way past her belly button. Alice couldn't think for a moment when his wicked tongue found her. Long slow suckles had her griping the bedspread and groaning. She almost pouted when he pulled away from her. His blade dancing along the tender skin of her inner thighs. "Stop." She said, this time with more force. Hatter frowned, one hand frozen on the lacing across his manhood. "What?" He asked, confused and yet still laughing at her. Alice sat up, a little too quickly as the room began to swim. "I said stop. I can't do this again Hatter. I can't have you coming here and muddling up my brain.. Not just to leave me alone again. Wanting." She said. lifting her chin to stare at him in defiance. Hatter turned those mad eyes to her. "You don't want this?" He asked his knife edging closer to her opening. Alice smacked his hand away. "No." She lied. Alice heard the laughter before she saw him. Cheshire formed himself on the dresser. "She's lying Hatter..." Chess hissed. Alice glared at him, attempting to cover up. Hatter had removed the blade. His attention turning to the stripped ever appearing disappearing cat. "Filthy feline. Go away." Hatter barked. Chess floated towards Alice. "He won't tell you.. he's afraid to tell you." Chess told Alice, his impossibly big eyes coming closer. Hatter lashed out with the blade, hitting nothing but smoke. "Afraid? Of what?" Alice asked, Hatter snarled and pushed her back onto the bed. "No, I'm not afraid. Leave cat. I have to finish what I've started. Time is limited." Hatter groaned grinding against Alice. She couldn't help the moan that escaped. Chess landed on the pillow above her head. "He fears you are forgetting us... forgetting him." Cheshire confessed, cocking his head to the side to study her. Hatter struck out again with the blade. Driving it into the pillow. Chess just disappeared, as always. The room was heavy with tension. Hatters breathing was erratic. Alice reached up to him, touch his cheek. His eyes turned to her and his hands whipping out to take her wrists and pin them above her head. "You're mine." He demanded, Alice closed her eyes as he finally closed the distance between them. He entered her swiftly, stealing her breath at the size of him. "You can't forget me. You can't." Hatter's voice was sharp in her ear as his body found its rhythm, pumping into her. Alice moaned as his teeth found the spot between her shoulder and neck. "Say it Alice... Say it." Hatter demanded between kisses. Alice's eyes flew open as he brought her closer to the brink. "Say. It. Alice. Please." Hatter hissed into her ear. "I won't forget you." Alice all but scream it as the orgasm screamed through her body. He released her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "That's my girl." With that she was alone again in her room. Her breathing reckless, her body still trembling. She turned her head and noticed the glint of sliver. The knife still lay shoved into her husbands pillow. Alice chuckled to herself. She should probably remove that before he came home. Her body hummed with magic. Then again what would you expect after taking a trip down the rabbit hole. The crying from the baby brought her back to reality. She removed the knife, switched pillows and thought about whether the Hatter did that intentionally. Alice slipped on a nightgown the same shade as the night sky and hid the knife. The dogs barking in the distance reminded her that her family was home. Time to pretend again. She smiled touching the fresh bruise on her shoulder. No, it wasn't likely she would forget anytime soon. |