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This is a sample of some web content I write. |
What does it mean to be fit? There are so many opinions about what fitness is. You will get a different answer depending on who you ask and what sport they are affiliated with. My definition of fitness is the ability to adapt and perform under whatever stress-or is applied to an individual. I am a proponent of what I believe to be functional fitness or as I like to call it-Adaptive Fitness. I come from an extensive and varied exercise background which includes a career as a professional athlete in the NFL and as an elite trainer of professional athletes like me. I have worked with several different fitness concepts and experimented with fitness theories and modalities across the globe. My experience as a professional athlete and trainer has provided me with an inside look at the fitness and sports industry and has allowed me to be involved in the cutting edge of sports and fitness science. I have been involved with and have utilized the latest advances in this field in order to increase my own performance as an athlete and turn other athletes into finely-tuned machines. What have I found to be the most crucial aspect of an athletes performance? It is the ability of that athlete to adapt to their environment; to increase speed in a split second, to cut to the left or right at a moments notice, to hurdle an unexpected obstacle, to adjust the reception of a pass that has been tipped by an opposing player. These are all adaptive processes; reflexes that have been honed to perfection thru training. All the crucial elements of fitness must be combined and applied in an athletes training regimen in order to develop these reflexes and skills. This is what my program strives to do not just for the athlete but also for the office worker, the banker, the construction worker, the secretary or housewife. Regardless of whether you play ball for Major League Baseball or are a paralegal paper pusher my fitness program can turn you into an elite athletic fat burning machine. Adaptive Fitness is an innovative, versatile approach to fitness backed by scientific studies and infused with my acute interest in Bioenergetics and exercise metabolism which makes every workout effective in improving physiological and physical adaptation. The purpose of my program is to make your body extremely proficient in burning fat as the primary source of energy. What does that mean? It means an extremely lean and athletic looking physique. It means heads turning your way every time you go to the beach. It means looking and feeling awesome. As you can see; I am not the average trainer. I believe in covering all aspects of fitness: the body, mind and soul. In my opinion fitness is not singular but rather a trinity with one purpose: to be adaptive. So join me and take a journey to reach your full fitness potential with Adaptive Fitness. |