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in a world over run by dragon is there any room for hope for the future? |
They say the best way to survive the future is to remember the past. Well my future is uncertain and my past a blurred memory. All that matter is the present. What I have become and what I will do to survive. My name is Alice Grave and this is my story of how I’m surviving the end of the world. I wake up with a jolt the scent of smoke still vivid in my mind. I jerk but my arms and legs are restrained to what feels like a bed though I can’t see it everything around me is white. I take a moment to breath and realizes the air doesn’t smell of smoke and fire. I’m about to yell out when a voice speaks out from somewhere in the whiteness. “Your awake much sooner than I thought you would be accounting for your injuries.” I jerk my head towards the voice but it’s not far they must have a restraint around my neck. “Who are you? Where am i? Come out where I can see you!” I yell. “My name is Enrica I’m the reason you are still alive as for where you are let’s just say you are save Alice.” “Alice who is Alice.” “That is your name child don’t you remember?” Enrica sounds concerned. A thought of worry runs through me. My name is Alice? Why don’t I remember all I can remember is fire, smoke, and pain. “I can’t remember what did you do to me!” Why can’t I remember? Why can’t I see?” My voice cracks as I realize how little I remember about my name about who I am about anything before the smoke and fire. “We did nothing but try to help you it’s a miracle you survived. You have been through a lot both physically and mentally. With time I can help you remember, but not now you are still not fully healed. I’m afraid Alice you might be permanently blind.” Enrica says calmly I then here the sound of footsteps walking away from me. I fight against my restrains but I grow tiered as if they are injecting me with something. They probably are whoever they are. As my mind shuts down I have a small thought. Who am I? I drift in and out of alertness if you can call it that I only know the difference from the black of sleep and the white of my damaged sight. I don’t know how but I feel like Enrica is always there when I’m awake. My sleep is filled with images that seem familiar but I can’t place. People I should know but don’t. I do not know how long this lasts days, weeks, months? I start to feel even more desperate for answers. Finally I wake from my unnatural sleep. My body is no longer restrained. I can sit up in the bed. The world is still a white blur I only know my eyes are open because when I close them everything goes black. “How are you feeling?” Enricas voice asks to my left. I turn. “I feel fine I still can’t see.” “Most likely from fire damage.” “Fire that’s all I remember.” “Is that all?” “I had visions while I slept but I can’t place anything.” “Then let me help you. You need to know who you where before I tell you who you are.” “What does that mean?” I ask worried. Am I not who I was? “Your name is Alice Grave. You where a 19 year old mechanic and veterinarian protégée. Your parents where proud of you and you were a gifted child. I do not know what I can do to give you back these memories but I will try. Enricas voice is filled with pain. “Who am I know where are my parents?” I ask Enrica sigh. “Here put this on your head it might help your sight. I feel something set on my lap. I feel it, it seems to be a helmet. I place it over my head and blink. The whiteness darkens in shapes and colors. I can see I’m sitting in hospital room with a little table next to my bed and a tv set that is turned off. “I though you said I was permanently blind?” I breathe in wonder glad that I can see again. “It’s more like you are reversely blind your eyes do not lack light to see instead you see too much that is why everything is white.” Enricas voice come from behind me. I start to turn to look at her but she sets her hand on my shoulder. “Not yet Alice. When you see me it might jar more of your memories so be ready. Just know I care for you no matter what you may think. I’ve been watching you for months long before the fire.” Enricas voice is solemn as she releases my shoulder. I turn to look at her and gasp. A dragon stands behind me about 8 foot tall with delicate features and blue scales. “Do you remember anything else. The dragon speaks in Enricas voice. I do I start remembering in flashes. The dragons, the war, the extermination of everyone, the death of my parents, the destruction of my town. “Why why you’re a dragon you eat humans you killed my parents!” I Yell standing up off the bed. “So it did jar something. Alice not all dragons are evil. Yes some killed your parents but I have never killed or eaten a human in my live. Neither has any of the dragons who work for me you are safe with me. I did so much to keep you alive.” “Alive alive from what a monster attack!” Enrica frowns. “You are so ready to call dragon monster but what about the human ones you left you for dead in your burning house. We watch you Alice I watched you. You survived caring for other humans and even animal as you your self struggled to survive. You feed and armed humans building them weapons so they could protect themselves. You fed stray animals even if you had to go hungry. You showed compassion when others where selfish. What did it get you? Beaten and left for dead by greedy thugs who only wanted to steal what you had. A friend of mine has been watching you for the past months. She saw them light your home she brought you to me then she murdered the human monster who almost killed you. You do not know how close to death you where but I brought you back I’ve been late of sleep worried that you might still die.” “Why? why worry you head about me?” I am hurt by the raw emotion inn Enricas voice. “Because I care about humans about you. You are what I have been looking for caring people you still hope for a better live in the chaos.” “What are you going to do to me know?” I ask my anger deflated. I sit back on the bed shaking. “Right know you still need to heal there are a few more test we need to do to make sure you are stabilized.” “What does that mean?” “You where almost dead we needed to do a lot of experiments on you to keep you alive I’m sad to say one of those messed your eyes up. You had heavy smoke inhalation and third degree burns. Not to mention all the broken bones and bruises the thugs gave you.” “Am I still human?” there is a brief silence. “Am I still human!” I yell. “Not entirely you had a lot of blood loss seeing as we have no other humans right know we had to give you dragon blood and hope for the best.” “Dragon blood.” I whisper I’m suddenly so much colder. “I gave it my self. Not trusting anyone else. It did more than we thought it would. Your body reacted remarkably. You became stronger healthier and your wounds healed quicker. I’d say your body is still replicating dragon blood cells witch is bringing more oxygen to your body witch in turns speeds your mussel growth and healing.” “So I’m a freak.” I mutter. The bed squeaks as Enrica sits down next to me her tail rapped around my side. “You’re not a freak your you. I saved you because you’re special You care, you’re smart, and you’re unique. I have a project I’ve been trying to get off the ground but I need help.” “Help you’re a dragon can’t you just do what you want?” I ask not scared by her closeness. “It’s a little harder than that. I want to do a study of you humans you interest me the things you have built, your diversity, and you interaction. You might find this hard to believe but most dragons are jerks.” I snort at this. “It’s true not many of us have the trait of humanity sympathy. It’s a human trait. I wish to understand it better. I need human aid to help me decide who I bring in. I have a safe place to bring people but I need to be careful in who I take there or the whole thing will be a waste. I also need a human to tell me how everyone is doing and get the equipment to bring who we choose to the valley.” “It sounds like a lot of work.” In truth it interests me I might be able to help others. “It will be but there will be rewards beside not worry about being eaten.” Enrica tries to make a joke, but doesn’t laugh when she sees my face. “are you interested.” “Yes I am but it’s not like I have a choose.” I remark with a smile. I think I might grow to like Enrica she seems honest and caring. That day was four long month ago. Since then I’ve grown to respect Enrica as a friend and mentor. Under her guidance I have learned more about medicine and machinery. I even have my own lab and animals. True I have had to use a secret identity to keep myself save from less than thrilled dragons that there new tec is coming from a human. I even have undergone more experimental that have made me a super human. They could be the way to make dragons and humans more able to live together. Over the months I have help Enrica bring multiple families to the valley. It might not be the live I thought I live before or after the invasion but it is a good live. As I said before my memories have not improved much I do not know who I was but I know who I am. My future may still be in question but I know I can handle it especially with the help Enrica has told me she is getting. 1831 words |