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Colleen Lord is excited about the Grammys until she receives a disturbing letter. |
Judith ran out of the kitchen after Colleen. Her stomach couldn't handle any cake after the spectacle that Keri put them all through. It wasn't that she was upset that Lowell took his own life. He was such a lovely boy, but right now Colleen needed someone on her side. "Colleen Sweet Pea" said Judith, but Colleen put her hand up telling Judith to keep her distance. "Why Mom? Why didn't you tell me that Lowell killed himself? You know how much he means to me." cried Colleen. "Sweetheart what your Aunt Keri did was deplorable, but you need to remember she lost her last family member. Her husband died the same time as Daddy. He tried to save your Daddy's life, so she felt that we could be family to her too." reminded Judith. "I didn't mean to do that concert Mommy please understand. I don't even know why we did that concert. Bos knows all too well that stipulation in my contract says I don't perform on Sunday. It's because I want to be with my Lord." Colleen continued to cry, and fell into her mother's arms. Judith hugged and kissed her little girl as that's what she looked like right now her lost little girl. As Elisabeth walked into Bos's office Monica spied her, and asked "Mrs. Guthrie what are you doing her going into Mr. Guthrie's office?" Elisabeth explained. "Monica I know that Bos is on his way to Hollywood, but I've come to drop off somethings to him for I won't be here when he returns." Monica nodded her head, and unlocked the door for Elisabeth. Elisabeth walked in, and saw all the Gold records on the walls of his office. She also spied something that used to be on his desk, but was now replaced. The picture of their family. A little 5x7 picture of She and Bos with their children was now gone, and the picture that took over was a picture of Bos and Colleen with their arms around each other. Elisabeth was grief stricken as it looked as though Colleen was giving Bos a peck on his cheek. She rummaged through the drawers of his desk, and found the frame of their picture, and the picture was torn to pieces. , but that wasn't all she also found divorce papers already drawn up, and to be served to Elisabeth. Elisabeth was sobbing now, and she tore apart the drawers, and strew his paperwork all over the place. Shredding anything to do with Colleen Lord with scissors. Elisabeth now on overload wrote a hastily note. "I don't want to live anymore......Especially with you. Goodbye forever, and your children are yours to deal with." She then spied the one thing she knew Bos kept in his office. A spare handgun. Monica overhearing what was going on in Bos's office ran, and unlocked the door just at the time Elisabeth put the barrel in her mouth, and squeezed the trigger creating blood splatter. Monica shrieked. |