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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #2046462
A group of boys eat cake. One boy gets drunk. Another is humiliated. The rest laugh.
"Look! Chris brought a cake!" Noah exclaimed, his face alight with happiness.

The cake was distributed among the boys. All seemed to be well, until Harold staggered over to Kevin and hugged him.

"Kevin! I love you!" he slurred.

Everyone seemed to be frozen, staring at the shorter boy hugging the taller.

Sid was the first to break the tension.

"Harold," he started slowly, "are you drunk?"


The boys found, by checking the label on the cake's container, that the cake was actually brandy cake.

Chris, flustered, apologized profusely.

"Your alcohol tolerance is unbelievably low," Terence said in an exxageratedly exasperated tone.

"What should we do?" Sid asked.

Everyone was silent, except for Harold, who was babbling nonsense.

Then, Dan took charge.

"Alright, Kevin, you take Harold to lay down inside," he said. "Give him some water and let him sleep."

"Yes, sir."

With that, Kevin grabbed Harold and half dragged, half carried him into the house and to Harold's bedroom. He practically threw him onto the bed. He then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When he got back to the room, he was greeted with a shirt being thrown at his face.

"Wha—?" he spluttered as he peeled off the shirt.

Harold was undressing.

"What are you doing? Dumbass!"


"What's taking Kevin so long?" Oscar wondered.

They decided to check. They walked down the hall to Harold's closed bedroom door. They knocked before opening the door.

They didn't expect what they saw.

Kevin was pinning Harold face down on the bed. And Harold was naked.

Kevin looked between the group gaping from the doorway and the boy struggling beneath him.

He realized the situation.

"It's not what it looks like."


Harold didn't remember anything about the incident. And Kevin was constantly teased about it afterwards.
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