Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2045986-Split---chpt-3
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #2045986
The third chapter
Chapter three

A few days passed, and everything seemed to cool over. I returned to my regular schedule. Sitting in class I drew some random things. I didn't consider myself to be the best artist. But eh gold star for effort, right? I probably should be listening to the teacher, but my mind couldn't focus on the things he was saying.

"Matsu." A male voice whispered behind me while poking me with a pencil. "What're you doing after school"

I stopped drawling to face Donte sitting behind me. It seemed like a gift from the gods. But at the same time a curse. Like this one time I was giving a presentation, and of course I ended up with major butterflies and threw up all over the front of the classroom and to my luck Donte didn't decide to play sick that day.I thought I was going to have an embarrassment overload. But there was also this one time when our schools heaters broke and were not allowed winter jackets in class, so Donte being the nice guy he is; gave me his sweater so I wouldn't be cold. I coughed slightly, clearing my throat.

"I could be doing nothing." I teased, wiggling my finger around. "What did you have in mind."

"Uh, I found a neat place." His voice sounded drained, as if he wasn't sleeping or something to the point he barely had the energy to use his vocal cords. He laid his head down on his desk, but kept one eye on me while he waited for my reply.

"What kind of a neat place." I turned back around and continued my drawling. I was sort of surprised that he was inviting me out. I mean, sure we've been friends for forever, but it's been a long time since Donte actually wants to put time aside just for me. I felt like an elementary student in a way, I kinda wanted to kick him in the shins and declare my love. But at the same time, I don't see how anyone could possibly think abusing the person you have an interest in, is a good idea in any shape or form.

"You'll see," he poked me with his pencil a few more times. The laziness in his voice pretty much took any neatness and curiously from this place he had found. I groaned a little bit and finished shading in my picture.

"I suppose, I could do that." I turned back around with him while shrugging my shoulders. I poked him with my pencil a few times as payback for all of his jabs.

My walk home was a lonesome one as per usual. I rushed a bit more than usual, who wouldn't though? But in the back of my mind, I was a little nervous. Donte had been acting weird lately. He's been distant for the last few years. So inevitably I haven't the slightest idea what's going on. It's almost like there is two of him and somehow I missed a twin for the last eighteen years. At any given moment lately when I'm alone with Donte he changes, his personality is different. He's hateful, bitter and downright sadistic. The loveable man that everyone, I look up too disappears. The things he does to people in these "fits" are unthinkable.I got home in record time. But his time I actually took the time to eat. Something simple, though. Mac and cheese. I figured I didn't want to be bloated and over full, because you never know. It's not like if there is no food I can't come home and feast. While I ate my mother walked in, she rubbed my head as she walked to the sink.

"How was school?" She smiled at me warmly heartily. "Anything fun and exciting happen today?"

"No, not really." I took bites of food in between words. A few things I said with food in my mouth. "Although, Donte asked me to go out with him later? If that's of any interest to you." Swallowing my food I waited for my mother's response. She's getting pretty old, so her first thoughts are probably going to be grandchildren. But in reality, I think I was friend zoned years ago.

"Oh! That's great, good to see you're staying social." She giggled, throwing me a air high five. "Do you need any condoms?"

"Mom! God! No!" I chocked, coughing on my air food. I beat on my chest a few times gasping for air. I wasn't sure if I should run and hide or laugh because she would say something like that. I grabbed my juice and made my way slowly towards the stairs.

"I'm going to go get ready, I'll clean and stuff when I get back." I slithered behind the wall and up the stairs hoping she wouldn't say something which I had to reply. Grabbing some towels I jumped into the shower. I felt sticky, I must just be nervous because I didn't really do anything physical today, the water flowing down my body was rejuvenating, it felt like all the stress was flowing down the drain with the dirt on my body. But then you realize a few of those problems are harder to scrub off and they dry back onto you to haunt you some more.I couldn't decide if I wanted to actually put effort into my looks. It's not like he, he likes me back just one half of him and I don't even know if I like that half of him. I mean one half's a jerk and the others nice, but the half I like don't seem to have any interest in me at all. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a simple and very plain red t shirt.I didn't want to doll up, but I also didn't want to put out even more of a lazy vibe than I did already today. I ran out the door, as per usual the weather was nice. It seemed like the weather has been always nice in Higarashi. I would be walking for a little over an hour to get to the part Donte asked me to meet him at. I was not looking forward to it at all. I decided a few times to do a half jog type of thing. But no. Simple as that. NO!

"Donte?" I called out, finally arriving at our meeting place. To my surprise there was not sign of him anywhere in the park.

"That's odd." Pulling out my phone to check the time, I noticed I had a text message. I didn't feel my phone vibrate too. I wonder who it is.

"You'll see a small opening between the bushes behind the slide, follow that until you find me." Donates message was short and to the point. I walked over to the slides and there exactly as the text had described was a small opening between two large bushes. How Donte managed to figure out there was anything back there I don't even want to begin to think about. I don't even know why I want to crawl I'm that little hole. There was no walking in it, Hands and knees I would have to go. I crawled down a beaten section of grass, it looked like Donte was coming back here a lot. Or he's not the only one that comes back here, it seemed like a while before the buses started to clear up and the end of the tunnel started to appearMy eyes were amazed at the sight I have seen when I finally reached the end. In all my years of living here I had no idea there was a waterfall. The place Donte had led me to be a small river. It looked as if he had cut out some area of forest to be able to fully enjoy the water. The grass was long, but after enough sitting on it that won't be an issue.

"Donte?" I called out again, I walked to the edge of the river. The water looked crystal clear. Shivers where sent down my body as hands reached around my face and covered my eyes.

"Guess who!" A deep voice spoke.

"Batman?" I broke out laughing. "When did I move to Gotham?"

"Man! How did you guess who I was so easy." He slouched, laying down in a section of grass. He patted a spot beside him hinting for me to sit down. The smile I got, I swear I could have had my heart pulled out and thrown in the water.

"Well, not too many people have a deep, raspy voice like that, unless their a super hero." I sat beside him, my heart skipped a beat. Alone; with Donte. We stared at the water for a while. I didn't want to ask what he wanted, I was enjoying the time we were spending together. Our silence together is better than a million voices surrounding me alone. A small breeze blew the smell cologne wafted under my nose. His smile made me weak. Once alone, no one was around to see my body give in I began to shake slightly.

"Matsu." Donte looked over at me, While creeping his hand over to mine. "I'm going to be straight with you about something."

The moment I've been waiting for my whole life, Donte was going to confess his love for me, or at least tell me he liked me the smallest bit. I blushed a million shades of red as my face grew hot with anticipation.

"Ah are you ok? You turned white." Donte reached his hand up and felt my forehead. "Did you eat anything that tasted funny?"

"No! No!" I flailed my arms abit, pulling them away from his. "I'm perfectly fine! Go on, what where you going to say?"

"I uh," his mood changed to that of a depressed on as he continued his conversation. " I'm sick."

"You're what!?" I felt like my throat drop to my stomach. Here I was worried about my own gain and I hadn't once thought that this meeting could involve negativity. " You're not going to die, right?" A few tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. It seemed like it took no time for the waterworks to begin.

"Oh! I'm not going to die." His voice was soothing but still held sadness. He pulled me onto his chest, for the first time he embraced me instead of me simply jumping on him with hugs.

"I'm sick in the head, and the things I might do. You're someone I need to tell. Before anything happens, I can't control and you hate me for it. I couldn't comprehend the things Donte was telling me. Could this be why he seemed to be in two different worlds lately? Is this why his mood has been changing so rapidly?

"I could never hate you." I sobbed, pushing my face further into his chest. His warmth was something I longed for. " Nothing you could do could ever make me, hate you."

We sat there for a few hours in one another's arm. The joy I felt just from other humans embrace. But the confusion behind Donte's words. He didn't speak much of it for the rest of our time together we simply enjoyed one another's company.

Once home, I laid on my bed, I was rather awake for how late it was but I couldn't help but worry about Donte. After all, how could you not worry about someone who you love who says they have had issues. You really never know. Maybe he has a tumor and doesn't want me to worry too much. Ugh, just thinking about it makes my head hurt. I couldn't stand to lose another person who was at such an importance to me.

"I guess, I'll just have to stop at his place tomorrow." I sighed, talking to myself. I did that a lot.

My eyes started to get heavy as the time went by and my clock ticked on. I didn't have internet or really anything to occupy my time while at my house aside from eating and my phone regretfully sucks. So I don't have a fancy unlimited texting pack; trust me, I'd be on that like donkey Kong if it was in my name. Finally asleep, I don't think I dreamt much.

"Matsu! There is someone here to see you!" I was awoke to the sound of my mother yelling from the door. " It's a boy."

My eyes flew open, I jumped out of my bed faster than I think I've ever moved before. I wasn't expecting anyone so I wanted to get into cloths and get downstairs.

"Just a second."

There was a knock on my door. It was unusual for my mother to let strangers into the house. So who could be here that she would let right up? I threw on my shirt while making my way to the door. Before my hand could turn. The knob all the way my body froze. The uneasy feeling took a hold of my body, for some reason my body didn't want to open the door. The sinister, angry feeling I felt on the other side. It literally made me jump out of my skin.

"It's you!" My heart jumped out my Chest when I could see the person outside of my door. Awaiting for me behind my door. The person who puts off such an evil aura was the blind man from my birthday party. But why would mother let him up here? Unless. She knew them a little better than just my sand box dates.

"Can I come in?" The voice that came from his mouth didn't go with the feeling I was getting. His voice was sincere sounding, it seemed from his words I could trust him. But my body still told me no. He stood outside of my door accompanied by my blank stare for a few minutes.

"For a minute, I have somewheres to be in a bit." I gestured for him to come in while I sat on my bed.

"My name is Kagura." His eyes pierced through me as he began to speak behind closed doors. "The fact you do not recognize me by face is insult enough, but you must recognize my name." He sat on my window ledge, looking out As if he was waiting for me to say something.

"Uh, I feel bad, but it was so long ago!" I looked down to my feet, I could barely speak without my voice cracking. "We used to play together, right?"

He smiled, his gaze turned to me instead of outside. His eyes were piercing right through me as he stood up and began to walk towards me. My body was frozen, his presence alone intimidated my body to the point it wouldn't function with my brain. Fear was taking over and for some reason I was playing dead.

"You really did grow up well." He grabbed onto my chin, pulling my face upwards closer to his. He bit his lip while staring at me. I wasn't sure if I should feel disgusted or seduced. It was obvious what his intentions were.

"Would you please keep your hands to yourself." Instinctively, I smacked his hand away from my face. All of a sudden the fear that had me frozen in place was replaced by anger that had me moving quicker than a bunny.

"I don't know who you think you are! But you can't come in here and get close to me like that!" I hollered at him, while storming out of my room. I didn't take the time to kick him out. I stormed right out, going as fast as I could to the park. I took the long way. I knew no one would be there when I arrived so what was the sense in taking the quickest route, I simply wanted to be away from Kagura.

It was quieter here, I felt like I could think. Something about the sound of rushing water seemed to soothe me. I sat here for god knows how long, the solitude was something I was getting used to, to be honest. Sometimes I wondered though if it would really make a difference if someone was sitting here with me.

© Copyright 2015 TeddiTerri (tedditerri at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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